OPINION: Jan 6 was a DEMCORAT False Flag Operation

Now back to topic..

I am still waiting for anyone to provide anything that shows the FBI working with the Perkins-Coie organization representing the DNC was a valid arrangement and why they should not be investigated in colluding with democrats and the FBI to create a false flag event.

There are simply to many things that are 'coincidences' making it near impossible to be an accident and not an orchestrated and ongoing criminal event.
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I wonder why this hasn’t been moved to the conspiracy theory forum yet.
Because it's backed up by facts, even if you fail to acknowledge it.

Please tell me why the FBI has an office in Perkins-Coie and works in concert with the lead counsel for the DNC?
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That is precisely what he was directed to do, while employed by Clinton and he charged the time to her campaign. You want to try again? Without his written statement it was he said- he said. That is why he was acquitted. It's a very relevant piece of evidence the judge disallowed.

“There was no billing entry for a meeting with the FBI?”

Arsenault responded, “No, it was exclusively for the taxis.”

If there was a smoking gun or even smoke, Durham the Hatchet Man would have leaked it.
Nobody’s opinion invalidates the other. You can believe in all the stupid conspiracy theories you like.
But because you don't like it you want it silenced and moved to obscurity. How about we do that with all the BLM and ANTIFA threads or every other democrat Russia, Russia, Russia conspiracy lie?

If we're going to treat everyone the same lets do it...
I put my investigators hat on today while I was reading the information from the Sussman trial. You can argue that the judicial bias, which blocked crucial evidence from being admitted, was the reason he was acquitted but what I found in testimony connects the dots on Jan 6. At a minimum, it exposes some incestuous playmates and raises ethical questions.

One of the revelations in the trial was the fact that Sussman worked for Perkins-Coie law firm. This law firm is the Democratic National Committees lead law firm. Within this law firm the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) was given a secure office and was working with the law firm. I want to know what their roll was. Sussman was feeding the FBI lies at the request of Hillary Clinton according to her Campaign Manager's testimony.

Why is this important? The FBI and Hilary's campaign were working jointly. The DNC was therefore working jointly as well. The office is still in operation today and was throughout the Trump Presidency. IF you think for one minuet that Pelosi and Schumer were not in the loop, you would be wrong, as the party leaders they were always kept informed of what was taking place.

So, let's look at Jan 6. The FBI and their surrogates incited the riot on Capitol Hill. We know this from testimony and from admissions by the FBI. There is even video of them doing so. The CHP waved these people in, who gave that order? Video is still being withheld of the incident. Why?

Pelosi refused re-enforcements at least three times. Why? Pelosi had information that there was going to be a large crowd. She knew it could be whipped up into a frenzy if the right buttons were pushed. Why would she allow the police to let people in? That order had to come from her given what was going on (verification of the electoral college vote).

Given her knowledge, that she had from classified briefings, the conversations she most certainly had with Perkins-Coie and the DNC, this makes the FBI working in conjunction with the DNC very important. Was this all staged? It looks like it to me. To many "coincidences" to be luck. When you get this many 'coincidences" happening all at once, the chances of it not being orchestrated become very small. Was it a coincidence that 30+ FBI people inciting the crowd was an accident? Or the fact that they were never charged with the crime of inciting even when there is ample video evidence to charge them (Ray Epps)??

The Sussman trial opened pandoras box, showing the connection between the FBI and the DNC. I have a whole lot of questions and the answers I am finding are severely lacking.

I put my investigators hat on today while I was reading the information from the Sussman trial. You can argue that the judicial bias, which blocked crucial evidence from being admitted, was the reason he was acquitted but what I found in testimony connects the dots on Jan 6. At a minimum, it exposes some incestuous playmates and raises ethical questions.

One of the revelations in the trial was the fact that Sussman worked for Perkins-Coie law firm. This law firm is the Democratic National Committees lead law firm. Within this law firm the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) was given a secure office and was working with the law firm. I want to know what their roll was. Sussman was feeding the FBI lies at the request of Hillary Clinton according to her Campaign Manager's testimony.

Why is this important? The FBI and Hilary's campaign were working jointly. The DNC was therefore working jointly as well. The office is still in operation today and was throughout the Trump Presidency. IF you think for one minuet that Pelosi and Schumer were not in the loop, you would be wrong, as the party leaders they were always kept informed of what was taking place.

So, let's look at Jan 6. The FBI and their surrogates incited the riot on Capitol Hill. We know this from testimony and from admissions by the FBI. There is even video of them doing so. The CHP waved these people in, who gave that order? Video is still being withheld of the incident. Why?

Pelosi refused re-enforcements at least three times. Why? Pelosi had information that there was going to be a large crowd. She knew it could be whipped up into a frenzy if the right buttons were pushed. Why would she allow the police to let people in? That order had to come from her given what was going on (verification of the electoral college vote).

Given her knowledge, that she had from classified briefings, the conversations she most certainly had with Perkins-Coie and the DNC, this makes the FBI working in conjunction with the DNC very important. Was this all staged? It looks like it to me. To many "coincidences" to be luck. When you get this many 'coincidences" happening all at once, the chances of it not being orchestrated become very small. Was it a coincidence that 30+ FBI people inciting the crowd was an accident? Or the fact that they were never charged with the crime of inciting even when there is ample video evidence to charge them (Ray Epps)??

The Sussman trial opened pandoras box, showing the connection between the FBI and the DNC. I have a whole lot of questions and the answers I am finding are severely lacking.

False flag? You're nuts.
“There was no billing entry for a meeting with the FBI?”

Arsenault responded, “No, it was exclusively for the taxis.”

If there was a smoking gun or even smoke, Durham the Hatchet Man would have leaked it.

His billing record from September 19, 2016 -- the day he met Baker at FBI headquarters -- was also introduced as evidence. Prosecutors alleged in their indictment that Sussmann "billed his meeting with the FBI... to the Clinton Campaign." The jury learned Wednesday that Sussmann did bill Clinton that day, but only for "work and communications regarding confidential project."

"There is no reference to the FBI in that entry, is there?" defense attorney Michael Bosworth asked Durham paralegal Kori Arsenault, who was on the witness stand. "There is not," she said
But because you don't like it you want it silenced and moved to obscurity. How about we do that with all the BLM and ANTIFA threads or every other democrat Russia, Russia, Russia conspiracy lie?

If we're going to treat everyone the same lets do it...
I don’t want you silenced. I just think conspiracy theories belong in the conspiracy theory section.
This thread has more verifiable evidence than any Russia collusion hoax ever had. Recent court and testimony that was given under oath. The theme is to silence it and not discuss the problem with Pelosi's actions and those of the DNC and FBI..

His billing record from September 19, 2016 -- the day he met Baker at FBI headquarters -- was also introduced as evidence. Prosecutors alleged in their indictment that Sussmann "billed his meeting with the FBI... to the Clinton Campaign." The jury learned Wednesday that Sussmann did bill Clinton that day, but only for "work and communications regarding confidential project."

"There is no reference to the FBI in that entry, is there?" defense attorney Michael Bosworth asked Durham paralegal Kori Arsenault, who was on the witness stand. "There is not," she said
That confidential project was Hillary's according to his own testimony...

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