OPINION: Jan 6 was a DEMCORAT False Flag Operation

Yet another left wing zealot who refuses to look at the evidence. You made a broad brush assumption and yet refuse to give any facts to back up your assertion.
Speaking of right-wing conspiracy theorist retards, what’s up bro? How’s the tinfoil hat fitting?
Now that you've thrown everything out there except the racist card (I assume that's coming soon) do you have anything of value to add to this conversation or are you simply doing drive byes?
Sure buddy. I have reality on my side. Let me know when your conspiracy theory bullshit joins us in the real world.
Which one proves he was directed by the Clinton campaign to go to the FBI?
That is precisely what he was directed to do, while employed by Clinton and he charged the time to her campaign. You want to try again? Without his written statement it was he said- he said. That is why he was acquitted. It's a very relevant piece of evidence the judge disallowed.
But Clintons own campaign manager testified that Hillary herself gave the order... ITs in the testimony.. good try though.. HE was there by Clinton's order... the text message proves that he lied.
Gave the order ........ to leak it to a reporter, and the campaign specifically told them no when asked about taking it to the FBI. Pretty clear that Durham (Neo-GOP Hatchet man) had no smoking gun or smoke, other than what he provided, along with the mirrors.
Please check out my thread - What Trump really said on 6 Jan - that provides the transcript of what Trump really said on 6 Han, not the repetitive lies and bullshot emotional, triggered snowflakes claim.

It shows Trump called for a peaceful non-vjolent walk to the Capitol, to listen to and Respect Capitol police,for no breaking of laws or violence.

...bit I guess the old saying is true for leftist sherp - repeat the lie long enough and dunbass, easily manipated snowflakes will believe it.
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