OPINION: Jan 6 was a DEMCORAT False Flag Operation

Pelosi was in charge of the complex... She was offered security to protect it. She denied accepting it. She lowered the security staff and then let protesters into the building while the FBI was inciting... She and the FBI were cooperating... Did I miss anything on creating a criminal conspiracy?
She and the Sergeants-at-arms refused National Guard assistance after being warned by the FBI of a potential threat.
Pelosi was in charge of the complex... She was offered security to protect it. She denied accepting it. She lowered the security staff and then let protesters into the building while the FBI was inciting... She and the FBI were cooperating... Did I miss anything on creating a criminal conspiracy?
She and the Sergeants-at-arms refused National Guard assistance after being warned by the FBI of a possible threat
Police killed at least one
Are you including the suicides?

Donnie Boy and his minions almost succeeded

Please check out my thread - What Trump really said on 6 Jan - that provides the transcript of what Trump really said on 6 Han, not the repetitive lies and bullshot emotional, triggered snowflakes claim.

It shows Trump called for a peaceful non-vjolent walk to the Capitol, to listen to and Respect Capitol police,for no breaking of laws or violence.

...bit I guess the old saying is true for leftist sherp - repeat the lie long enough and dunbass, easily manipated snowflakes will believe it.
I am a retired LEO.. Have you ever investigated an Organized Crime ring? I have.. and this stinks to high heaven of it.
Have you investigated how all the participants got there? What they were told to get them to go to DC..... What groups or congress critters encouraged them to come.... Didn't Trump tell them to come, it was going to be wild! Did you investigate that? How about who sent them down to the Capital and why? Did he march along with them? Did you investigate why the president's call, to call it off was three long hours after the rioting began....was Trump in on it with the alleged FBI or deep state or Pelosi or whomever you are throwing your wad at?
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What crucial evidence was blocked that proves Sussman lied?
The text message that was barred from the trial by the leftist judge was an unsolicited admission of Guilt. It was highly relevant to the case that the current DOJ slow walked in releasing, to keep it from being used in the trial.
Police killed at least one
Are you including the suicides?

Donnie Boy and his minions almost succeeded

As usual leftists offer nothing to back up their insurrection delusion.

The woman who was killed was unarmed and not part of any let's overthrow the government group.

There were HUNDREDS of unarmed people milling around inside the building who were no threat to anyone there and just a few who were acting like idiots vandalizing assaulting and trespassing the offices in the building but NONE of them were trying to overthrow the government either.

You also overlook the end of the speech Trump stating let us go over there and protest peacefully.

Stop being an uncritical government stooge.
Have you investigated how all the participants got there? What they were told to get them to go to DC..... What groups or congress critters encouraged them to come.... Didn't Trump tell them to come, it was going to be wild! Did you investigate that? How about who sent them down to the Capital and why? Did he march along with them? Did you investigate why the presidents call to call it off was three long hours after the rioting began....was Trump in on it with the alleged FBI or deep state or Pelosi or whomever you are throwing your wad at?
Again your missing the ability to stop it from happening in the first place. Why did she not take the proper protective level? what was Pelosi's reasoning? IF your colluding to make it happen, you do exactly what Pelosi did with the help of the FBI through Perkins-Coie. This is one hell of an unethical mess.
Your link to any evidence of that being true is missing.
Its a matter of public record. This has been shown over and over again. Why do you constantly try to discredit what is publicly known to be true?
Democrats and snowflakes have to manufacture evidence and make-up false claims of what Trump said, much like during Pelosi's criminal failed Impeachments, while Democrats actually called for violence and insurrection.

So I guess Demicrats are undenialy responsible for the attempted assassination against the GOP, Steve Scalise getting shot, the domestic terrorost bombing of a pro-life group, and 'mostly peaceful protests' by domestic terrorists antifa and BLM, usong snowflake 'logic'...and actual evidence / their own words

...not a huge leap to understand 6 Jan was partly their doing as well.
She and the Sergeants-at-arms refused National Guard assistance after being warned by the FBI of a possible threat
Correct. This has been shown and admitted to under oath before the Jan 6 Committee.
Again your missing the ability to stop it from happening in the first place. Why did she not take the proper protective level? what was Pelosi's reasoning? IF your colluding to make it happen, you do exactly what Pelosi did with the help of the FBI through Perkins-Coie. This is one hell of an unethical mess.
The same reason Democrats have been blocking passage of the gun ban legislation they have been calling for over the last 20 years...the same reason Schumer blocked passage of bipartisan legislation that would have made schools safer

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