Opinion (mine): Is The Revolution Here? Eh, Comrades?

So you're a Commie, amirite? Bolshevik?
Absolutely, yes. I'm the world's first commie pinko Bolshevik socialist Nazi Deep State Hitler Stalinist CFP/Investment Advisor.

You got me.
You surely are not the 1st, but exactly what kind of philosophy is you pushin' boy? 'Sup?
I'm just a left-leaning independent. Nothing special.

I just have no use for nutters on either end of the spectrum.
So you're a Commie, amirite? Bolshevik?
Absolutely, yes. I'm the world's first commie pinko Bolshevik socialist Nazi Deep State Hitler Stalinist CFP/Investment Advisor.

You got me.
I can beat that, or maybe get close. I’ve been called a left wing traitor, a right wing traitor, socialist, Marxist, right wing nut job, dumb fuck con, leftist conspiracy theorist, commie loving cock sucker.
I will only join a revolution if they declare liquor stores to no longer be essential in my area.

Okay, that's going a little far. I did some serious panic buying and we still have a SPECTACULAR amount of microbrew, booze and wine.

But I'd be a little pissed, probably.
So you're a Commie, amirite? Bolshevik?
Absolutely, yes. I'm the world's first commie pinko Bolshevik socialist Nazi Deep State Hitler Stalinist CFP/Investment Advisor.

You got me.
I can beat that, or maybe get close. I’ve been called a left wing traitor, a right wing traitor, socialist, Marxist, right wing nut job, dumb fuck con, leftist conspiracy theorist, commie loving cock sucker.
In general, getting bitched at by both silly, whacked out ends tells me a person is doing pretty well.

What we Americans seem to be experiencing, seeing is a direct attack on our nation across a broad spectrum of our civilizational, national infrastructure, much the same as one would expect to witness in a time of both attack from without and revolution from within—with the end goal of forcing a transition from one form of government to another; from constitutional, democratic republic to hybrid communism of a form that's never before been implemented.

Think carefully about what we are currently and have been seeing these last three months. Our people have been attacked and murdered (the virus). Our economy has been attacked (millions and millions have lost their jobs, trillions have been spent, countless small and large businesses are wrecked). Our food supply has been attacked (food processing plants, even fast food restaurants are rationing). Our way of life has been changed without so much as the passage of a new law or amendment to our hallowed Constitution. We can no longer (in many, many places) do business in public without covering our faces, standing in lines, or conforming to very specific, anti-freedom/anti-American behaviors—if we want to buy anything i.e. feed ourselves. Our military has been attacked (infections on many military installations you don't hear about, as well on a host of naval vessels).

Summed up, it's very obvious our nation has been attacked from without by an external foreign actor (China). And we've been attacked from within by radical leftist mayors and governors who have and are enforcing quarantine measures that are in direct conflict to our individual, undeniable rights and freedoms as defined in our Constitution. No governor or mayor has the power, legally or constitutionally, to suspend either the Bill Of Rights or Constitutional Amendments, or to even make new laws restricting the same. And yet, for several months now, our local and state leaders have been doing just that.

I am coming to believe, more and more each day, that what we're seeing is a coordinated act of war; a synchronized attack on America from the Chinese outside our borders and from the radical left within them, with the end goal of transitioning the US of A from capitalism and "democracy" to hybridized "green" based communism.

Perhaps worst of all is the mass willingness of our fellow Americans to surrender their normal way of life, in good faith at first, but now seemingly on a more permanent basis. What else can be said? We live in an Age of Fear. An Age when the slightest act of violence circles the globe at the speed of the internet. Now, in our era, even local news spreads around the world and can terrify every human being at once in an instant. The forces of darkness so to speak are well aware of the power of modern tech to bring billions of human beings to their knees in fear. We've just watched it happen.

I'd say that the time to resist, the time to fight is yesterday. But hardly anyone will (fight back). We're a domesticated people who are just too in love with our smart phones, televisions, computers, movies, TV series, fashions, and on and on. We're just a herd of grazers. Chances are good we'll wake up one day very soon and suddenly realize we live under a new form of government, a very oppressive one. A government where the people are a collective rather than a nation of strong, independent minded individuals. If, when that happens . . . best of luck to all.


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