Opinion Piece: "Why Progressives Misead"

Especially the part about how I lean left on many issues, they sure as hell don't want to hear that.

can you give us the best example of where leaning left is not stupid?
Based on that question, I would imagine that you would think that anything that exists outside of your ideological vacuum is "stupid".

Further, I must admit I'm not quite sure how to communicate with a person who would ask such a childish (or is it child-like?) question.

So I guess you have me there. Congrats on that.

Yup, Joe is hardcore and Lone is my little stalker, posting to me even though he knows he's on ignore.

People like that see everything in a very simplistic, shallow, binary way. Since I disagree with them on one thing, they think that I disagree with them on everything.

Their perceptions are so distorted by their ideology that they somehow "don't see" my posts on foreign policy, war, gay rights, abortion, individual income taxation, health care, unions, etc.

Fascinating, huh?

No, not really. I haven't seen many posts by you on those subjects. I'm sure that Tranny Steve posts some interesting stuff on other subjects other than men that dress as girls, but he's so over the top on that one thing that you just can't take him seriously on anything else.
Yup, Joe is hardcore and Lone is my little stalker, posting to me even though he knows he's on ignore.

People like that see everything in a very simplistic, shallow, binary way. Since I disagree with them on one thing, they think that I disagree with them on everything.

Their perceptions are so distorted by their ideology that they somehow "don't see" my posts on foreign policy, war, gay rights, abortion, individual income taxation, health care, unions, etc.

Fascinating, huh?

No, not really. I haven't seen many posts by you on those subjects. I'm sure that Tranny Steve posts some interesting stuff on other subjects other than men that dress as girls, but he's so over the top on that one thing that you just can't take him seriously on anything else.
I'm not quite sure why you think that I care if hardcore partisan ideologues "take me seriously".

Personally, for posters I don't take seriously, I just don't communicate with them.

For example, you'll notice how I rarely if ever post to you unless it's in response.

Hint, hint.

Maybe you could just give me "the silent treatment".

You might want to educate yourself on conditions in Somalia, before citing it. It is not a libertarian or anarchist society.

My guess is you would like it there. It is a nation ruled by warlords...hence rule by elite, which you so like.

I have. It's everything you Libertarian Crackpots want. No government, everyone has a fucking gun, everyone has a crazy religion.
What concerns normal people is that you want all government control, forced disarmament, forced atheism and government mandating every step of your life.
You might want to educate yourself on conditions in Somalia, before citing it. It is not a libertarian or anarchist society.

My guess is you would like it there. It is a nation ruled by warlords...hence rule by elite, which you so like.

I have. It's everything you Libertarian Crackpots want. No government, everyone has a fucking gun, everyone has a crazy religion.

libertarians are not anarchists. You have learned that 100 times. What is wrong with you?

Libertarians are not a lot of things,

mostly importantly, they're not a serious political movement.
You might want to educate yourself on conditions in Somalia, before citing it. It is not a libertarian or anarchist society.

My guess is you would like it there. It is a nation ruled by warlords...hence rule by elite, which you so like.

I have. It's everything you Libertarian Crackpots want. No government, everyone has a fucking gun, everyone has a crazy religion.

libertarians are not anarchists. You have learned that 100 times. What is wrong with you?

Libertarians are not a lot of things,

mostly importantly, they're not a serious political movement.
They are a serious movement, but statists greatly dislike them and do all they can to demonize them...evidenced by your post.
I'm not quite sure why you think that I care if hardcore partisan ideologues "take me seriously".

Personally, for posters I don't take seriously, I just don't communicate with them.

For example, you'll notice how I rarely if ever post to you unless it's in response.

Hint, hint.

Maybe you could just give me "the silent treatment".

Naw, it's a lot more fun mocking you, because you take yourself so damned seriously.

Because in your deranged mind, you really think there is a PC Police out there, instead of just decent people who object when a bunch of Drunken Frat boys sing about not letting N-words into their Frat.
Socialism is nothing more than a secular religion which is why Marx was so against religion.
Can't stand the competition. For Socialism to really work, one has to put faith in it since
the reality of it is so bad.

Like all religions, it is based on faith and not fact.
When a priest speaks on the Holy Trinity, he is not telling lies but
speaking on faith.

When a progressive tells you more gov't will work, in their mind
they are not telling lies but expanding on their faith,
I'm not quite sure why you think that I care if hardcore partisan ideologues "take me seriously".

Personally, for posters I don't take seriously, I just don't communicate with them.

For example, you'll notice how I rarely if ever post to you unless it's in response.

Hint, hint.

Maybe you could just give me "the silent treatment".

Naw, it's a lot more fun mocking you, because you take yourself so damned seriously.

Because in your deranged mind, you really think there is a PC Police out there, instead of just decent people who object when a bunch of Drunken Frat boys sing about not letting N-words into their Frat.
Oh. Okay.

Then it's off to ignore land you go. You're too nasty for me.

Bye bye now!

Conservatism never really looks as bad as it really is because conservatives can't win enough elections at the national level to actually implement their ideas.

You'd have to really witness the Right in action to fully appreciate the horror of an America ruled by conservatives.
Oh. Okay.

Then it's off to ignore land you go. You're too nasty for me.

Bye bye now!

"Waaaah, Joe was mean to me by not accepting my paranoia as valid!!!"

You have made it to the big time Joe. You are on Mac's ignore list. Pretty soon Mac won't have anyone not on ignore except for the right wing crazies. Who of course, will eventually put Mac on their ignore list. For being to moderate. Interesting.
You have made it to the big time Joe. You are on Mac's ignore list. Pretty soon Mac won't have anyone not on ignore except for the right wing crazies. Who of course, will eventually put Mac on their ignore list. For being to moderate. Interesting.

The sad thing is, the guy is just so full of himself and thinks he's saying something so profound when he's just regurgitating a lot of white angst. 'Oh, boo-hoo, I can't say offensive things anymore."
Thing is, as a person who agrees with them on many left-of-center issues (or at least disagree with conservatives on them), I don't think dishonesty is necessary. If we are correct on those issues, we should be able to win the battle of ideas in completely honest conversation, yes? And if we lose, then the country just isn't with us, at least right now.

Well, first, no. Both sides mislead, and when you have media like Fox and MSNBC that just reaffirms biases, you aren't going to have an honest discussion.

The honest discussion should be - "This is what our options are on a social safety net. This is what it's going to cost. Here are suggestions as to who is going to pay for it and how."

We don't have those discussions because we want government to do all these things and we want someone else to pay for it. That's not a progressive or conservative problem, that's an American problem.

The reason why it didn't matter as much from FDR to LBJ was because we had a strong enough middle class to support this kind of safety net. We don't today, mostly because the 1%ers have spent the last few decades shredding it. so more people are in the Safety Net, and less people are contributing to it.

If anyone is misleading the country, it's conservatives who keep claiming we need to cut programs for the needy to give rich people tax cuts so they will magically grow the economy with flying dressage unicorns...

Could you please provide the quote of someone, anyone making such a claim? And no, just because YOU think it is obvious isn't the same as reality.
The sad thing is, the guy is just so full of himself and thinks he's saying something so profound when he's just regurgitating a lot of white angst. 'Oh, boo-hoo, I can't say offensive things anymore."

The strangest thing about Mac is how he won't stand and fight for his position. He makes a statement of opinion as if it is fact, then when questioned he just puts those that disagree with him on ignore. WTF is up with that?
Wow, got a whole lot of "miseading" going on.
Yup a liberals 1st posts is to attack the messenger, not the message how predictable, they always think they are superior and know what's better for us then us.

Fucking morons
Full disclosure, I knew how much my little thread was going to tweak the hardcore left wingers.

Especially the part about how I lean left on many issues, they sure as hell don't want to hear that.

Guilty as charged!



I don't get very excited about right wing blogs posting misleading opinion pieces about how the left misleads the public.
Mac is right he does lean left on many issues. I am thinking that is why he gets such rough treatment from the left wing, he isn't pure enough.

I also don't think that the majority on the left are misleading, there is just so much they do not know. It is much easier just to take the left wing, or right wing, view without much thought. So it is worse then just misleading it is blind alliance. How else can it be explained the left wing support for almost no immigration reform and them saying they are for the working man? Flood the market with cheap uneducated and unskilled workers then complain that somehow the rich are cutting out the American poor from those same jobs. Misleading? Maybe. Blind alliance to an ideology, certainly.

Same with Hillary. One would think she is everything a young progressive would hate. Rich, yet claimed to be poor after signing a 4 million dollar book deal. Old, yes 69 will be old. No real accomplishments except riding Bill's coattails. No matter what she does they will blindly support her. All the while deriding Republicans because they have a big open field of candidates. Such diversity and openness is unknown to the modern progressive. Get in line or get out.

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