Opinion: Prosecutors: Criminal Code Revision promotes public safety


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Editor's note: The following guest commentary was submitted by several Southeast Missouri prosecuting attorneys.

For the past eight years, Missouri's prosecutors have been leaders in the effort to revise the Criminal Code. In recent years, we partnered with the Missouri Bar to tackle the revision of the Criminal Code because we know it is the right thing to do.

The Criminal Code Revision that is currently being debated in the General Assembly modernizes antiquated statutes, harmonizes numerous duplicate provisions, and gives us an important new tool in the form of a fifth felony class. We endorse this revision, and we would not do so if it didn't promote public safety. Take the following examples:

It has the strongest approach to assault crimes ever seen in Missouri's history. Those who commit violent felonies will have their punishments increase on their second offense, not their third offense as in current law.

... We endorsed this bill as a package because we know that it strikes the right balance between violent and nonviolent offenses. We continue to stand by this endorsement.

The House and Senate versions differ in some respects on drug crimes, but there is no decriminalization of drug offenses. As prosecutors, we believe both versions maintain and promote public safety and accountability with respect to drug crimes.

seMissourian.com: Opinion Column: Prosecutors: Criminal Code Revision promotes public safety (02/28/14)

This is going to be an interesting change.

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