Opinon on the shutdown


Gold Member
Nov 1, 2008
Federal Way WA
I realize there's probably a dozen threads on this already but I thought this piece deserved a thread of it's own. It's well written and expressive. Please read it through to the end. It says what I couldn't find the words to say.

DEAN: Sorry! Your national parks do not belong to you - Washington Times

The Public Broadcasting System has a promotional television commercial that starts off with a picture of Lincoln's statue in the memorial on the Mall in Washington and continues with pictures of national and local parks and other public facilities. It is accompanied by the soundtrack from the film “Dances with Wolves.” It is both majestic and inspiring. The theme of the commercial, set out in bold letters in front of Lincoln, is “THIS BELONGS TO YOU.” It ends with a picture of the United States Capitol.

We just found out the commercial is a lie.
Because the author is asking us to share this, I'm posting the whole thing, rather than just a link and a portion:

Unreal: Yellowstone Tourists Locked in Hotel by Armed Federal Agents

It has been fairly obvious over the last few weeks that Barack Obama will do absolutely anything to make citizens suffer in order to ignore any “compromise” with congress. He’s openly said, “I shouldn’t have to offer anything.”

To prove his point, he’s shut down the WWII memorial, he’s had Vietnam vets kicked out of their memorial, he’s had privately-funded parks shut down, and even shuttered the Grand Canyon.

But now he’s reached a new low. He’s had senior citenze detained by armed federal agents for daring to be tourists at the Yellowstone National Park.

Follow Capitalism Institute

In fact, the local newspaper “The Eagle-Tribune”, has reported that the feds used “gestapo-like” tactics to detain the elderly tourists. This is, quite frankly, surreal. I no longer recognize my country.

Here’s what the headline looked like:


Let this sink in. Tyranny has come to America — we’re under attack from the inside.

Here’s what the paper reported:

Pat Vaillancourt went on a trip last week that was intended to showcase some of America’s greatest treasures. Instead, the Salisbury resident said she and others on her tour bus witnessed an ugly spectacle that made her embarrassed, angry and heartbroken for her country.

Vaillancourt was one of thousands of people who found themselves in a national park as the federal government shutdown went into effect on Oct. 1. For many hours her tour group, which included senior citizen visitors from Japan, Australia, Canada and the United States, were locked in a Yellowstone National Park hotel under armed guard.

The tourists were treated harshly by armed park employees, she said, so much so that some of the foreign tourists with limited English skills thought they were under arrest. When finally allowed to leave, the bus was not allowed to halt at all along the 2.5-hour trip out of the park, not even to stop at private bathrooms that were open along the route.

“We’ve become a country of fear, guns and control,” said Vaillancourt, who grew up in Lawrence. “It was like they brought out the armed forces. Nobody was saying, ‘we’re sorry,’ it was all like — ” as she clenched her fist and banged it against her forearm.

I generally ask readers to share content that the mainstream media won’t cover, and this is probably the most important thing I’ve read that the media isn’t covering.

If you only share one thing, let it be this. There has to be some kind of backlash from the public, or the police state is only going to get worse.

Remember, most people don’t even know these things are happening. The media is keeping them ignorant and useful. We have to spread the truth — the media won’t do it. Please share this on Facebook and Twitter.
What do you say about the 26 Republican run states that are trying to cause as much hurt to their citizens as possible over the new healthcare reforms so they can gain a political advantage? By rejecting federal funding and hampering implementation as much as possible?

Including Texas, the state with the most uninsured children in the nation. By the way 23 of those 26 states already take more federal money than they put in. I guess politics are more important.

And 1 busload of seniors gets 10 billion threads about it. Guess what, none of those seniors were injured in any way. There families weren't arrested. Gestapo tactics my ass.

They were just in a park with insufficient workers to remain open because of the shutdown, where the limited staff set up measures to protect it's most valuable attractions. The horror!

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The media did another "Who do you blame for the shutdown" Poll

a. Republican
b. House Republicans
c. Tea Party Republicans
d. Booooooooooooooooooooosh
Utah, my state, has taken over the fed parks (with agreement from the fed) and opened them.

Not all GOP states are trying to hurt anyone.
Utah, my state, has taken over the fed parks (with agreement from the fed) and opened them.

Not all GOP states are trying to hurt anyone.

Since the Parks department falls under the executive branch, you can't blame the gop for this in any way shape or form. It all falls under Obama. Quite a coincidence that in 17 government shut downs, this is the first time our National Mall was shut down, and they miraculously opened it up for protestors wanting to make illegals illegal but Veterans who visited the Vietnam memorial were jailed.

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