Opponents of Houston equal rights ordinance fail to qualify for ballot

governments cannot make same sex relationships equal to normal relationships. We cannot defy natures law. No matter what laws you pass, same sex couples will never be able to create life together. And that will always make them unequal.
Your answer is obviously fraught with extreme prejudice. You forget that Gay and Lesbian couples are completely able to procreate should they choose to do so and many have in the "Straight" way, especially while still in their youth. Gay males have been known to marry Lesbians and have children while still maintaining their separate identities and autonomy. Gay men can still produce sperm. Lesbian women can still produce eggs. If they however don't want to do it the "Het" way, which is entirely their choice, then they can have Surrogate Mothers, Artificial Insemination or of course Adoption if they care to have children.

You also need to be cognizant of the fact that there are a great many people within the Heterosexual community who do not procreate. Those who are ill currently, those who were born ill, members of Catholic clergy, nuns, sisters, Order of Catholic Brothers, the elderly, very religious people who never married, and many others who simply CHOOSE to live a child-less life. So, it does not occur exclusively in the Homosexual community for your information.
When the douchebags sent out to get signatures for this approached someone, I wonder what they said -- I mean how did they spin it?

How do you even get one person to sign something like this?

They must lie to them, play on their fear of homosexuals (homophobia) and make some straw man case against the ordinance.

I wish they would release the names of the people who did sign so they could be publicly shames.
I understand that the names on such a municipal petition can be surrendered to whomever asks, since this cannot be an issue involving secrecy anymore than the names of people who contribute money to a political campaign can be hidden. It is Public Information. In fact, if the GLBT community in Houston has not already requested those names or portions of them, they might consider doing so posthaste as it is to their benefit to see just who was signing those petitions in order to check for themselves for the validity of those names.

It is my further understanding that those names can be made public also since names have to be validated first and checked out to see that they were in effect, eligible to sign the petition in the first place therefore it is a Public document not a private one. And not being a lawyer of course, I nevertheless suspect that if the City did not want to turn over the names to whomever requested them that person or entity could also ask for them under the Open Records Act or Public Information Act but they may have to pay a small fee for each page taking into account the copying factor. Some people, it has been said, were not qualified to vote or collect signatures, and names included those not registered to vote so you see all kinds of chicanery may well have been taking place which no doubt contributed to the petitions being Invalidated.

With a great majority of people all over the U.S. now accepting Same-Sex Marriage, and the figure being close to 59% or thereabouts, in all fairness, it would be very hard, imho, to argue that everyone who signs a petition to continue to discriminate against these citizens has a black heart. Rather, that some may have been placed in that position by relentless sheer political or religious pressure put upon them to do so.
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When the douchebags sent out to get signatures for this approached someone, I wonder what they said -- I mean how did they spin it?

How do you even get one person to sign something like this?

They must lie to them, play on their fear of homosexuals (homophobia) and make some straw man case against the ordinance.

I wish they would release the names of the people who did sign so they could be publicly shames.

The real shame is that 1 in 10 homosexuals is or will be a child molester. Do you know 10 homosexuals? Which one do you think it is or will be?
You are in effect indicting many Gay and Lesbian people with such an accusation. Do you have any valid PROOF of that?
governments cannot make same sex relationships equal to normal relationships. We cannot defy natures law. No matter what laws you pass, same sex couples will never be able to create life together. And that will always make them unequal.

So a woman who is no longer able to have kids is some what less of a woman than one who is?

Interesting stance you have there.

Quick question...

Were you born fucking insane or was it a choice?

quick question

why are there 2 sexes?
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governments cannot make same sex relationships equal to normal relationships. We cannot defy natures law. No matter what laws you pass, same sex couples will never be able to create life together. And that will always make them unequal.

So a woman who is no longer able to have kids is some what less of a woman than one who is?

Interesting stance you have there.

Quick question...

Were you born fucking insane or was it a choice?

Spin it quick. No same sex couple will ever be able to produce natural children that belong to both parents. :lol:

I know that drives you insane, because it's true!
Why certainly they can! Many Gays marry their Lesbian friends just to have kids but continue to live their lives separately, males with their boyfriends, women with their girlfriends or they may even go their separate ways thereafter. As it concerns male/male or female/female, it is their Right to not have children if they don't want to just as with any Heterosexual couple.

Now try to put a Spin on that.
Seems your rejoicing is a bit premature. I heard on the local news that the signatures were certified before they suddenly became uncertified, after some political pressure. We'll have to see how it plays out.
When the douchebags sent out to get signatures for this approached someone, I wonder what they said -- I mean how did they spin it?

How do you even get one person to sign something like this?

They must lie to them, play on their fear of homosexuals (homophobia) and make some straw man case against the ordinance.

I wish they would release the names of the people who did sign so they could be publicly shames.
Hazlnut and others, this may be of interest to you as it is something that is on the Internet as it relates to your statement about releasing names of those who signed up. Apparently, those names ARE Public Information.

Houston, know thy bigots: outing the haters | The TransAdvocate

In addition, the following links contain much information about HERO, the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance.

The red links at the bottom of the next website have great information!


This site includes much of the same information plus the opposition's lawsuit.

HEROpetition.com - Home
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Seems your rejoicing is a bit premature. I heard on the local news that the signatures were certified before they suddenly became uncertified, after some political pressure. We'll have to see how it plays out.
Actually, the petition was invalidated due to not being able to submit enough valid signatures. However, as expected with the losing side, there is now an effort underway to go to court to force the invalidated petition to be accepted, if you can imagine that. So, looks like as with the invalidation of Same-Sex marriage bans across the country by the courts and lawsuits going all over the place against that, this too will head to the courts. So, as you say, we'll see how it plays out but it is strongly believed that since all petitions were reviewed carefully, a court would more than likely rule in favor of the City.
So a woman who is no longer able to have kids is some what less of a woman than one who is?

Interesting stance you have there.

Quick question...

Were you born fucking insane or was it a choice?

Spin it quick. No same sex couple will ever be able to produce natural children that belong to both parents. :lol:

I know that drives you insane, because it's true!
Why certainly they can! Many Gays marry their Lesbian friends just to have kids but continue to live their lives separately, males with their boyfriends, women with their girlfriends or they may even go their separate ways thereafter. As it concerns male/male or female/female, it is their Right to not have children if they don't want to just as with any Heterosexual couple.

Now try to put a Spin on that.

I don't have to spin it, you basically said I was right, congratulations, now you get it. No same sex couple will ever be able to produce natural children that belong to both parents.

A man and a woman might have a child, if they wish, but a man and a man will not, neither will a woman and a woman, but please, keep trying to convince yourself that you can.
governments cannot make same sex relationships equal to normal relationships. We cannot defy natures law. No matter what laws you pass, same sex couples will never be able to create life together. And that will always make them unequal.

So a woman who is no longer able to have kids is some what less of a woman than one who is?

Interesting stance you have there.

Quick question...

Were you born fucking insane or was it a choice?

Spin it quick. No same sex couple will ever be able to produce natural children that belong to both parents. :lol:

I know that drives you insane, because it's true!

Why would that drive me insane? It's a biological fact.
Not being able to have children doesn't make one (or both) less of a person and "unequal".

I would prefer to think of my grand monther as an equal ; not less of a woman.
When the douchebags sent out to get signatures for this approached someone, I wonder what they said -- I mean how did they spin it?

How do you even get one person to sign something like this?

They must lie to them, play on their fear of homosexuals (homophobia) and make some straw man case against the ordinance.

I wish they would release the names of the people who did sign so they could be publicly shames.

The real shame is that 1 in 10 homosexuals is or will be a child molester. Do you know 10 homosexuals? Which one do you think it is or will be?

They are letting homosexuals become Catholic Priests now?
Spin it quick. No same sex couple will ever be able to produce natural children that belong to both parents. :lol:

I know that drives you insane, because it's true!
Why certainly they can! Many Gays marry their Lesbian friends just to have kids but continue to live their lives separately, males with their boyfriends, women with their girlfriends or they may even go their separate ways thereafter. As it concerns male/male or female/female, it is their Right to not have children if they don't want to just as with any Heterosexual couple.

Now try to put a Spin on that.

I don't have to spin it, you basically said I was right, congratulations, now you get it. No same sex couple will ever be able to produce natural children that belong to both parents.

A man and a woman might have a child, if they wish, but a man and a man will not, neither will a woman and a woman, but please, keep trying to convince yourself that you can.

We also don't "belong" to anyone else.

Unfortunately for you and Avatar, slavery went out of fashion a while back. Conservatism is following the same path.

Opponents of Houston equal rights ordinance fail to qualify for ballot ? LGBTQ Nation

In a day and age like we are living in, it is quite incredible that such hate and animosity would continue to exist for other people. Houston was the only major city in Texas that did not have an Equal Rights Ordinance in place and it finally won approval, only to be challenged by prejudice and undoubtedly those who would wish to continue to discriminate against GLBT citizens. And they led a petition drive to try to overturn the ordinance and put it on the November ballot but that effort has Failed.

But had it succeeded and voters had voted on discriminating again against GLBT Houston residents and that referendum had won, there can be no doubt that when challenged, the courts would have ruled once again as they have so many other times before across the nation that a majority of citizens in a state cannot vote against a minority of citizens where their Civil and Human Rights are concerned. That is the right court decision.

Listen, go and be gay in a Blue State, why do you need to force it down the throats of every village and town around the nation?

Also, it's LGBT, not GLBT

If you only stand up for the Constitution when it is applied to people you agree with, then you aren't standing up for the Constitution at all.

The constitution doesn't give anyone the right to force someone to serve them.
Why force it down the throats of people you dare ask? Because Equality is something every citizen is rightfully entitled to in the United States of America under the Fourteenth Amendment. And when people do not want to see or acknowledge that fact then it must be brought to their full attention, something they could have surely avoided by doing the right thing in accepting other people as their equals.

As to LGBT or GLBT, those terms are quite synonymous, fyi!

No. This is what you're all about:


This is nothing more than the government imposing YOUR morality on others in violation of their inalienable human rights, particularly with regard to the prerogatives of free-association and private property.

Only fools and barbarians don't understand why this is true or care.

If you believe that, as you obviously do, answer one simple question.

How can two people whom you don't even know who are of the same sex and who marry in a different city or state possibly affect you personally or your own marriage assuming you are married?


You don't grasp the ramifications of the government officially recognizing homo marriage relative to the natural and constitutional rights of those who don't share your morality, such as it is? You don't grasp the ramifications as they touch on the schools of the public sector, especially, and business concerns in the private? In other words, you're pretending not to understand the thrust of the ordinance we're discussing in your very own OP?

Now, we all know Godwin's Law bodecea is about as bright as a broken bulb, and while you're not much brighter, we both know your question is a study in rhetorical disingenuousness.

Were you under the impression that you could shine that shoe with me?
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So ramming dick up your ass is now a right?
You put that very crudely, Matthew, but the answer is unequivocally Yes for those so inclined. But that is nothing new as it has been a legal right for consenting adults in every state of these United States for a long time now. And who made that a 'right'? The Conservative U.S. Supreme Court did in their ruling on Lawrence vs. Texas.
governments cannot make same sex relationships equal to normal relationships. We cannot defy natures law. No matter what laws you pass, same sex couples will never be able to create life together. And that will always make them unequal.

Where is the requirement that civilly married couples have to be able to create life together? Cite the marriage law for us.
Why certainly they can! Many Gays marry their Lesbian friends just to have kids but continue to live their lives separately, males with their boyfriends, women with their girlfriends or they may even go their separate ways thereafter. As it concerns male/male or female/female, it is their Right to not have children if they don't want to just as with any Heterosexual couple.

Now try to put a Spin on that.

I don't have to spin it, you basically said I was right, congratulations, now you get it. No same sex couple will ever be able to produce natural children that belong to both parents.

A man and a woman might have a child, if they wish, but a man and a man will not, neither will a woman and a woman, but please, keep trying to convince yourself that you can.

We also don't "belong" to anyone else.

Unfortunately for you and Avatar, slavery went out of fashion a while back. Conservatism is following the same path.


Sorry, I've never owned a slave. I don't do the kinky stuff, like you do. :eusa_whistle:
No. This is what you're all about:


This is nothing more than the government imposing YOUR morality on others in violation of their inalienable human rights, particularly with regard to the prerogatives of free-association and private property.

Only fools and barbarians don't understand why this is true or care.

If you believe that, as you obviously do, answer one simple question.

How can two people whom you don't even know who are of the same sex and who marry in a different city or state possibly affect you personally or your own marriage assuming you are married?


You don't grasp the ramifications of the government officially recognizing homo marriage relative to the natural and constitutional rights of those who don't share your morality, such as it is? You don't grasp the ramifications as they touch on the schools of the public sector, especially, and business concerns in the private. In other words, you're pretending not to understand the thrust of the ordinance we're discussing in your very own OP?

Now, we all know Godwin's Law bodecea is about as bright as a broken bulb, and while you're not much brighter, we both know your question is a study in rhetorical disingenuousness.

Were you under the impression that you could shine that shoe with me?

You don't share my morality and yet you have the legal right to marry....nor would I wish to deny you that right. It's all about YOU trying to have the government forbid us our civil rights....not about us trying to have the government forbid you your civil rights.
Spin it quick. No same sex couple will ever be able to produce natural children that belong to both parents. :lol:

I know that drives you insane, because it's true!
Why certainly they can! Many Gays marry their Lesbian friends just to have kids but continue to live their lives separately, males with their boyfriends, women with their girlfriends or they may even go their separate ways thereafter. As it concerns male/male or female/female, it is their Right to not have children if they don't want to just as with any Heterosexual couple.

Now try to put a Spin on that.

I don't have to spin it, you basically said I was right, congratulations, now you get it. No same sex couple will ever be able to produce natural children that belong to both parents.

A man and a woman might have a child, if they wish, but a man and a man will not, neither will a woman and a woman, but please, keep trying to convince yourself that you can.

What does the ability to procreate naturally have to do with this topic?

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