Opposition to Religious People - Any Basis Other Than Intolerance and Bigotry?

There are a great many atheists who want to deny your freedom..

Oh REALLY? And just how is that? Name one freedom a non-believer is trying to take from you. Honestly, you people have no shame. Now tell me what freedoms xtians would just LOVE to take away from their fellow 'murkans. This should be interesting...
I fear everyone that attempts to deny my freedom with their religous beliefs.
Something about being a patriotic American and lover of FREEDOM above religion.

There are a great many atheists who want to deny your freedom... intolerance is intolerance and it comes in many forms and is just as easily cloaked in religion as it is cloaked in "enlightened atheism".

Then I fear them also but where and when are they claiming that this nation was founded on religion?
Organized religion has no place in government.

Well, I don't know about the claim that we were founded on religion. However, I know the founders believed that out freedoms were granted by God. However, they also were quite wary of repeating the mistakes the English made whereby the Church and the State were almost one in the same, hence the establishment clause.

Yet, I doubt they envisioned a government free of ANY mention of religion.
There are a great many atheists who want to deny your freedom..

Oh REALLY? And just how is that? Name one freedom a non-believer is trying to take from you. Honestly, you people have no shame. Now tell me what freedoms xtians would just LOVE to take away from their fellow 'murkans. This should be interesting...

Yes, no doubt Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Chavez, Castro, and a great many other tyrants were all devout Christians.

A tyrant is a tyrant.. and your belief that they are always Christian is just dumb.
There are a great many atheists who want to deny your freedom... intolerance is intolerance and it comes in many forms and is just as easily cloaked in religion as it is cloaked in "enlightened atheism".

Then I fear them also but where and when are they claiming that this nation was founded on religion?
Organized religion has no place in government.

Well, I don't know about the claim that we were founded on religion. However, I know the founders believed that out freedoms were granted by God. However, they also were quite wary of repeating the mistakes the English made whereby the Church and the State were almost one in the same, hence the establishment clause.

Yet, I doubt they envisioned a government free of ANY mention of religion.

How many of the Founders that objected and won the day over government sponsored funds going to religous schools that had been proposed by a few at The Continental Congress were labeled as "anti God", "God haters" and "anti Christian"?
How many of the Founders that proposed those taxes go to religous institutions yet lost the day proclaimed themselves as Christian victims as a result of that opposition from other citizens?
That was the way things used to be before the religous right and their absurd Christian victim nonsense.
Seems like every time religious people affirm their belief in God and things Godly over things sinful that are accepted and embraced by man we get slammed as bigots and intolerant people, well what the heel do you want us to do, join you in your sinful lifestyles just to prove we're tolerant and not bigots? It seems the true bigots are these sexual and anti-religious liberals who bash those who choose God over sin. Just as faggots have the first amendment to "come out" and spread their bogus claims of homosexuality we religious people have the same rights in regards to our religion, stop trying to shut us up so you can have a solo voice.

The phrase I highlighted makes no sense to me... does it to anyone else?

What exactly are "bogus claims of homosexuality"?? Either homosexuality exists and some people are homosexuals, or it doesn't exist and all people who CLAIM to be homosexual are making a BOGUS CLAIM?

Just astounding choice of language in the highlighted phrase as well. Quite revealing, I'd say.

Does anyone think we will see an apology for that choice of language from that poster?

Bass is an ass. Put him on ignore.. you'll thank yourself.
Then I fear them also but where and when are they claiming that this nation was founded on religion?
Organized religion has no place in government.

Well, I don't know about the claim that we were founded on religion. However, I know the founders believed that out freedoms were granted by God. However, they also were quite wary of repeating the mistakes the English made whereby the Church and the State were almost one in the same, hence the establishment clause.

Yet, I doubt they envisioned a government free of ANY mention of religion.

How many of the Founders that objected and won the day over government sponsored funds going to religous schools that had been proposed by a few at The Continental Congress were labeled as "anti God", "God haters" and "anti Christian"?
How many of the Founders that proposed those taxes go to religous institutions yet lost the day proclaimed themselves as Christian victims as a result of that opposition from other citizens?
That was the way things used to be before the religous right and their absurd Christian victim nonsense.

I have a problem with a person who gleefully uses the term "fagot" yet no doubt would freak out if he were called "******". (and rightly so)
I stand, kneel, sit, or lay for 'religion' even if redefined by weaker minds for weaker minds.

I agree with Edward's post. Yet, too, what I have come to better understand is the fact that even the most religious ones by all appearances are not necessarily spiritual and that is perhaps what prevents the majority from really understanding religion's potential power.

It is a sad thing when individuals will use religion as 'the reason' to not expand their depths when without doing so makes religion empty.... ineffective... irrelevant.

EVERY religion has it's share o' nut-jobs!!!
There are a great many atheists who want to deny your freedom..

Oh REALLY? And just how is that? Name one freedom a non-believer is trying to take from you. Honestly, you people have no shame. Now tell me what freedoms xtians would just LOVE to take away from their fellow 'murkans. This should be interesting...

Yes, no doubt Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Chavez, Castro, and a great many other tyrants were all devout Christians.

A tyrant is a tyrant.. and your belief that they are always Christian is just dumb.
Indeed. Jim Jones was supposedly Christain...
Seems like every time religious people affirm their belief in God and things Godly over things sinful that are accepted and embraced by man we get slammed as bigots and intolerant people, well what the heel do you want us to do, join you in your sinful lifestyles just to prove we're tolerant and not bigots? It seems the true bigots are these sexual and anti-religious liberals who bash those who choose God over sin. Just as faggots have the first amendment to "come out" and spread their bogus claims of homosexuality we religious people have the same rights in regards to our religion, stop trying to shut us up so you can have a solo voice.

The phrase I highlighted makes no sense to me... does it to anyone else?

What exactly are "bogus claims of homosexuality"?? Either homosexuality exists and some people are homosexuals, or it doesn't exist and all people who CLAIM to be homosexual are making a BOGUS CLAIM?

Just astounding choice of language in the highlighted phrase as well. Quite revealing, I'd say.

Does anyone think we will see an apology for that choice of language from that poster?
He's just one of the many blatant hypocrites on this site. Don't hold you breath for an apology or even a rational follow up to your question to him.

Me a hypocrite? nah, I'm not like Democrats, you know, those ones who openly campaign for gay marriage and homosexuality but secretly disdain it, those are hypocrites, the real ones.
I fear everyone that attempts to deny my freedom with their religous beliefs.
Something about being a patriotic American and lover of FREEDOM above religion.

There are a great many atheists who want to deny your freedom... intolerance is intolerance and it comes in many forms and is just as easily cloaked in religion as it is cloaked in "enlightened atheism".

Then I fear them also but where and when are they claiming that this nation was founded on religion?
Organized religion has no place in government.

:lol: though I mean no disrespect intentionally... our beloved government is nothing if it isn't the greatest representation of our religion, though I personally struggle with understanding current events and linking them to specific relevancy the structure is undeniably what it is
I stand, kneel, sit, or lay for 'religion' even if redefined by weaker minds for weaker minds.

I agree with Edward's post. Yet, too, what I have come to better understand is the fact that even the most religious ones by all appearances are not necessarily spiritual and that is perhaps what prevents the majority from really understanding religion's potential power.

It is a sad thing when individuals will use religion as 'the reason' to not expand their depths when without doing so makes religion empty.... ineffective... irrelevant.

EVERY religion has it's share o' nut-jobs!!!

Yes, perhaps so as it is said to be a 'fine, fine line' between genius and insanity... Perhaps too the key to deliverance for the masses is to remove the comforts in which religion's potential and such does offer, gee, that seems the perfect solution for our already over-burdened 'healthcare' system! :evil:
There are a great many atheists who want to deny your freedom..

Oh REALLY? And just how is that? Name one freedom a non-believer is trying to take from you. Honestly, you people have no shame. Now tell me what freedoms xtians would just LOVE to take away from their fellow 'murkans. This should be interesting...

Yes, no doubt Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Chavez, Castro, and a great many other tyrants were all devout Christians.

A tyrant is a tyrant.. and your belief that they are always Christian is just dumb.

Okay, did you mean to post this against someone else's post? Nice deflection, but you did not answer my questions, you just threw around the names of certain fascists (minus Chavez). Now answer the question that I posted without your silly rantings. Oh and by the way, most of the people you listed were, indeed xtian in their lifetimes - mostly Catholic. And I believe all but Stalin were BAPTIZED into the Catholic church. A dictator is a dictator, and they usually have nothing to do with religion unless it is to use it as a tool to control and/or appeal to people.
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The phrase I highlighted makes no sense to me... does it to anyone else?

What exactly are "bogus claims of homosexuality"?? Either homosexuality exists and some people are homosexuals, or it doesn't exist and all people who CLAIM to be homosexual are making a BOGUS CLAIM?

Just astounding choice of language in the highlighted phrase as well. Quite revealing, I'd say.

Does anyone think we will see an apology for that choice of language from that poster?
He's just one of the many blatant hypocrites on this site. Don't hold you breath for an apology or even a rational follow up to your question to him.

Me a hypocrite? nah, I'm not like Democrats, you know, those ones who openly campaign for gay marriage and homosexuality but secretly disdain it, those are hypocrites, the real ones.

Seems like every time religious people affirm their belief in God and things Godly over things sinful that are accepted and embraced by man we get slammed as bigots and intolerant people, well what the heel do you want us to do, join you in your sinful lifestyles just to prove we're tolerant and not bigots? It seems the true bigots are these sexual and anti-religious liberals who bash those who choose God over sin. Just as faggots have the first amendment to "come out" and spread their bogus claims of homosexuality we religious people have the same rights in regards to our religion, stop trying to shut us up so you can have a solo voice.

I'm not trying to tell religious people who they can or cannot marry.

I'm not going to religious people's doors annoying them by telling them unless they believe as I do, they are going to hell.

I am not trying to pass or keep laws that prevent religious people from worshipping as they see fit as long as it does not hurt others or takes money out of MY pocket.

Can you say the same?
Seems like every time religious people affirm their belief in God and things Godly over things sinful that are accepted and embraced by man we get slammed as bigots and intolerant people, well what the heel do you want us to do, join you in your sinful lifestyles just to prove we're tolerant and not bigots? It seems the true bigots are these sexual and anti-religious liberals who bash those who choose God over sin. Just as faggots have the first amendment to "come out" and spread their bogus claims of homosexuality we religious people have the same rights in regards to our religion, stop trying to shut us up so you can have a solo voice.

So, let me get this straight - You want to criticize others without yourself being criticized. I'm sorry but life does not work that way. If you try to but into peoples lives with a self-righteous attitude and preach down to people. Many of those people are likely going to criticize you as a pompous busy-body who should mind his own business.
Oh REALLY? And just how is that? Name one freedom a non-believer is trying to take from you. Honestly, you people have no shame. Now tell me what freedoms xtians would just LOVE to take away from their fellow 'murkans. This should be interesting...

Yes, no doubt Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Chavez, Castro, and a great many other tyrants were all devout Christians.

A tyrant is a tyrant.. and your belief that they are always Christian is just dumb.

Okay, did you mean to post this against someone else's post? Nice deflection, but you did not answer my questions, you just threw around the names of certain fascists (minus Chavez). Now answer the question that I posted without your silly rantings. Oh and by the way, most of the people you listed were, indeed xtian in their lifetimes - mostly Catholic. And I believe all but Stalin were BAPTIZED into the Catholic church. A dictator is a dictator, and they usually have nothing to do with religion unless it is to use it as a tool to control and/or appeal to people.

That sounds familiar.
what religious leader in the US of A burned a holy book of another religion?

You mean he PRACTICED his FIRST AMENDMENT right to peaceful assemble and let everyone know his OPINION? Ohh my God we better make some new laws.

By the way he is NOT a very big or well known " religious leader" In fact all he is the leader of is one small congregation in one town. But you spin it anyway you want and remind us how One guy of a small church is the same as thousands of Muslim religious leaders condoning terror attacks.

Like burning an American flag?
"I would have been a Christian, had it not been for Christians"* -Ghandi
this statement says a lot. people see professed Christians and condemn all.
I think the above quote says a lot when people say Hitler and Stalin were Christians.
remember some who say they are Christians really are not.

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