Oppressing lgbt

Gays can marry where? Not in all 50 states.

No, they can marry in all 50 states. You can pretend otherwise all you wish, but it doesn't change a thing.

And again, this has only been perpetrated through subversion. It's un-American. It goes against who we are. You can try and demean those concerned as being merely bitter or do whatever labels you want; but that doesn't change the subversion of the nation and the consequences of such immorality. You're deluding yourself if you think they're aren't consequences. The fall of the Roman Empire came about through such means.

Subversion my ass. Was it un-American and subversive when the courts in Brown, Loving, and, Lawrence slapped down the unconstitutional will of people? Or does that only apply when it doesn't jibe with your beliefs? It's funny how the people still whining about Hillary losing are bitter and butthurt snowflakes, but the people still pissing and moaning about losing in Obergefell are not. It is time for both to get the fuck over it.

For the record, the major factors in the demise of the Western Roman Empire dealt with over-expansion, the invasions of the Huns pushing Germanic barbarians close to the Roman heartland, the splitting of the empire in two, a heavy reliance on wishy-washy mercenaries in the legions, and, the mass civil/bloody unrest that occurred when Christianity was made the state religion. Using immorality as a factor is what people use when they've never studied the actual reasons for Rome's fall.

Either way, I am rather tired of the gay marriage debate. You and I are not going to see eye-to-eye concerning this issue and will have to simply agree to disagree.

Happy New Year, GG. Cheers!

This has nothing to do with my "beliefs", dude. Have I given you any such indication of that, or are you just projecting? The people are supposed to decide what is their form of society within Constitutional constructs..

'within Constitutional constructs'

And who decides what is within the Constitutional constructs?

The courts.

The courts overturned state marriage laws as being unconstitutional over 50 years ago- and have done so now 4 times- even though that was against the 'will of the people' of the state.

That is the courts responsibility.
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But granting such an action legal privileges without the due process of legislative administration is unAmerican.

What a crock of bullshit. Gay people used every avenue available to them in our system to achieve gay marriage. In some instances they used the courts and in others they used the legislative body or referendums to achieve that goal. Who gives a shit if you think that was un-American or not?

Rogue judges can manipulate the system all they want. And twirps like you can pretend that they are doing right by the people. But their will be consequences. Subversion of laws and values will only lead to chaos. You may not see the ticking time bomb; oh well. I suppose that just means you're unenlightened. I can't beat that into you. You choose to open your eyes or not.


Rogue Judges...Consequences...Subversion...Chaos...Ticking Time Bomb. I hope you made it to the fainting couch in time after this post, drama queen.

Oh, Boo hoo! Gay people can marry and I think it is un-American that they used the exact same system available to everyone else. Sooner or later you'll get over the butthurt, but it appears today will not be that day. lol
Why are you capitalized justices? Do you think they are deities for something? And we've seen hacks infiltrate The Supreme Court. Does that somehow change the substance of The Constitution?

Frankly, for a guy who claims to have the "legal" standing, you seem like you're the one that's whining.

:lol: You saying the will of the people is meaningless says it all. You don't understand or don't want to accept that this nation was built upon the will of the people.

I am typing on my phone and it was a simple error. You are free to make it into something more if you wish. I could easily point out that Amendment should be capitalized and is spelled incorrectly in your previous post, but I am not an internet grammar douche. lol

What do I have to whine about? Gays can marry in every single state despite all the teeth gnashing and pussy aching from some people. They'll get over it.

I said the will of the people is meaningless if the will is unconstitutional, a concept you seem to be having a difficult time comprehending.

Bro, you're making a false equivalency. I said nothing about your grammar.

Gays can marry where? Not in all 50 states. And again, this has only been perpetrated through subversion. It's un-American. It goes against who we are. You can try and demean those concerned as being merely bitter or do whatever labels you want; but that doesn't change the subversion of the nation and the consequences of such immorality. You're deluding yourself if you think they're aren't consequences. The fall of the Roman Empire came about through such means.

And the will of the people was not unConstitutional. Gay marriage is not a protected right by that founding document. It simply isn't.

Sorry Snowflake- but you are just wrong. About everything.

We can all marry in all 50 states- gays and straights- opposite gender couples and same gender couples.

If by 'subversion' you mean through our Constitutional system of checks and balances- you would be of course correct- you right wing nut jobs consider our Constitutional protections to be subversion.

The Supreme Court has ruled multiple times overturning State marriage laws that were unconstitutional- starting with Loving v. Virginia.

In Loving v. Virginia the 'will of the people' was that mixed race couples should not be allowed to marry. The Supreme Court correctly overturned such a state law as being unconsitutional.

Obergefell is merely the most recent court decision protecting the marriage rights of Americans. The 'will of the people' doesn't trump the Constitution.

I think you need to stop using the term snowflake. You don't know when to use it, and you just sound like an idiot.

Snowflakes like you sure are sensitive about being called a snowflake.[/QUOTE/]

You just suck at trolling.
Why are you capitalized justices? Do you think they are deities for something? And we've seen hacks infiltrate The Supreme Court. Does that somehow change the substance of The Constitution?

Frankly, for a guy who claims to have the "legal" standing, you seem like you're the one that's whining.

:lol: You saying the will of the people is meaningless says it all. You don't understand or don't want to accept that this nation was built upon the will of the people.

I am typing on my phone and it was a simple error. You are free to make it into something more if you wish. I could easily point out that Amendment should be capitalized and is spelled incorrectly in your previous post, but I am not an internet grammar douche. lol

What do I have to whine about? Gays can marry in every single state despite all the teeth gnashing and pussy aching from some people. They'll get over it.

I said the will of the people is meaningless if the will is unconstitutional, a concept you seem to be having a difficult time comprehending.

Bro, you're making a false equivalency. I said nothing about your grammar.

Gays can marry where? Not in all 50 states. And again, this has only been perpetrated through subversion. It's un-American. It goes against who we are. You can try and demean those concerned as being merely bitter or do whatever labels you want; but that doesn't change the subversion of the nation and the consequences of such immorality. You're deluding yourself if you think they're aren't consequences. The fall of the Roman Empire came about through such means.

And the will of the people was not unConstitutional. Gay marriage is not a protected right by that founding document. It simply isn't.

Sorry Snowflake- but you are just wrong. About everything.

We can all marry in all 50 states- gays and straights- opposite gender couples and same gender couples.

If by 'subversion' you mean through our Constitutional system of checks and balances- you would be of course correct- you right wing nut jobs consider our Constitutional protections to be subversion.

The Supreme Court has ruled multiple times overturning State marriage laws that were unconstitutional- starting with Loving v. Virginia.

In Loving v. Virginia the 'will of the people' was that mixed race couples should not be allowed to marry. The Supreme Court correctly overturned such a state law as being unconsitutional.

Obergefell is merely the most recent court decision protecting the marriage rights of Americans. The 'will of the people' doesn't trump the Constitution.

The people have overwhelmingly voted down gay marriage. It's been judicial infiltration and perversion of The Constitution that has led to gay marriage. At some point, you'll see repercussions. When the people don't own their government, it's tyranny. Tyranny can only last for so long.

The courts overturn unconsitutional laws- whether its marriage or whether its gun laws.

What Snowflakes like you call 'tyranny' the rest of the world calls our Constitutional system.

The Supreme Court has ruled multiple times overturning State marriage laws that were unconstitutional- starting with Loving v. Virginia.

In Loving v. Virginia the 'will of the people' was that mixed race couples should not be allowed to marry. The Supreme Court correctly overturned such a state law as being unconsitutional.

Obergefell is merely the most recent court decision protecting the marriage rights of Americans. The 'will of the people' doesn't trump the Constitution.

There have been corrupt judges throughout history. The glory of our Constitution does not prohibit such things.
But granting such an action legal privileges without the due process of legislative administration is unAmerican.

What a crock of bullshit. Gay people used every avenue available to them in our system to achieve gay marriage. In some instances they used the courts and in others they used the legislative body or referendums to achieve that goal. Who gives a shit if you think that was un-American or not?

Rogue judges can manipulate the system all they want. And twirps like you can pretend that they are doing right by the people. But their will be consequences. Subversion of laws and values will only lead to chaos. You may not see the ticking time bomb; oh well. I suppose that just means you're unenlightened. I can't beat that into you. You choose to open your eyes or not.


Rogue Judges...Consequences...Subversion...Chaos...Ticking Time Bomb. I hope you made it to the fainting couch in time after this post, drama queen.

Oh, Boo hoo! Gay people can marry and I think it is un-American that they used the exact same system available to everyone else. Sooner or later you'll get over the butthurt, but it appears today will not be that day. lol

You keep trying to make this about me. This is about society. Circumventing the will of the people on such matters is a recipe for destruction. When the people don't have control of their own govt., tyranny is the result. And this has been a growing reality. Gay marriage is but one manifestation of this reality.
Gays can marry where? Not in all 50 states.

No, they can marry in all 50 states. You can pretend otherwise all you wish, but it doesn't change a thing.

And again, this has only been perpetrated through subversion. It's un-American. It goes against who we are. You can try and demean those concerned as being merely bitter or do whatever labels you want; but that doesn't change the subversion of the nation and the consequences of such immorality. You're deluding yourself if you think they're aren't consequences. The fall of the Roman Empire came about through such means.

Subversion my ass. Was it un-American and subversive when the courts in Brown, Loving, and, Lawrence slapped down the unconstitutional will of people? Or does that only apply when it doesn't jibe with your beliefs? It's funny how the people still whining about Hillary losing are bitter and butthurt snowflakes, but the people still pissing and moaning about losing in Obergefell are not. It is time for both to get the fuck over it.

For the record, the major factors in the demise of the Western Roman Empire dealt with over-expansion, the invasions of the Huns pushing Germanic barbarians close to the Roman heartland, the splitting of the empire in two, a heavy reliance on wishy-washy mercenaries in the legions, and, the mass civil/bloody unrest that occurred when Christianity was made the state religion. Using immorality as a factor is what people use when they've never studied the actual reasons for Rome's fall.

Either way, I am rather tired of the gay marriage debate. You and I are not going to see eye-to-eye concerning this issue and will have to simply agree to disagree.

Happy New Year, GG. Cheers!

This has nothing to do with my "beliefs", dude. Have I given you any such indication of that, or are you just projecting? The people are supposed to decide what is their form of society within Constitutional constructs..

'within Constitutional constructs'

And who decides what is within the Constitutional constructs?

The courts.

The courts overturned state marriage laws as being unconstitutional over 50 years ago- and have done so now 4 times- even though that was against the 'will of the people' of the state.

That is the courts responsibility.

The courts do decide. Thanks for the fourth grade civics lesson, bro. This does not exclude corrupt realities.
But granting such an action legal privileges without the due process of legislative administration is unAmerican.

What a crock of bullshit. Gay people used every avenue available to them in our system to achieve gay marriage. In some instances they used the courts and in others they used the legislative body or referendums to achieve that goal. Who gives a shit if you think that was un-American or not?

Rogue judges can manipulate the system all they want. And twirps like you can pretend that they are doing right by the people. But their will be consequences. Subversion of laws and values will only lead to chaos. You may not see the ticking time bomb; oh well. I suppose that just means you're unenlightened. I can't beat that into you. You choose to open your eyes or not.


Rogue Judges...Consequences...Subversion...Chaos...Ticking Time Bomb. I hope you made it to the fainting couch in time after this post, drama queen.

Oh, Boo hoo! Gay people can marry and I think it is un-American that they used the exact same system available to everyone else. Sooner or later you'll get over the butthurt, but it appears today will not be that day. lol

You keep trying to make this about me. This is about society. Circumventing the will of the people on such matters is a recipe for destruction. When the people don't have control of their own govt., tyranny is the result. And this has been a growing reality. Gay marriage is but one manifestation of this reality.

I see. All of your dramatic predictions about tyranny, destruction, and, chaos over gay marriage is for the benefit of our society. lol
But granting such an action legal privileges without the due process of legislative administration is unAmerican.

What a crock of bullshit. Gay people used every avenue available to them in our system to achieve gay marriage. In some instances they used the courts and in others they used the legislative body or referendums to achieve that goal. Who gives a shit if you think that was un-American or not?

Rogue judges can manipulate the system all they want. And twirps like you can pretend that they are doing right by the people. But their will be consequences. Subversion of laws and values will only lead to chaos. You may not see the ticking time bomb; oh well. I suppose that just means you're unenlightened. I can't beat that into you. You choose to open your eyes or not.


Rogue Judges...Consequences...Subversion...Chaos...Ticking Time Bomb. I hope you made it to the fainting couch in time after this post, drama queen.

Oh, Boo hoo! Gay people can marry and I think it is un-American that they used the exact same system available to everyone else. Sooner or later you'll get over the butthurt, but it appears today will not be that day. lol

You keep trying to make this about me. This is about society. Circumventing the will of the people on such matters is a recipe for destruction. When the people don't have control of their own govt., tyranny is the result. And this has been a growing reality. Gay marriage is but one manifestation of this reality.

I see. All of your dramatic predictions about tyranny, destruction, and, chaos over gay marriage is for the benefit of our society. lol

And you think that trampling the will of the people is somehow beneficial? Gay marriage was never a privilege granted by the citizenry. Therefore, states could not infringe upon it. Oh, but the courts!?!?!?! No, it's made up bull shit. It's the definition of tyranny; and yes, such tyranny has historically been met with consequences. I can't apologize for speaking what is axiomatic.
But granting such an action legal privileges without the due process of legislative administration is unAmerican.

What a crock of bullshit. Gay people used every avenue available to them in our system to achieve gay marriage. In some instances they used the courts and in others they used the legislative body or referendums to achieve that goal. Who gives a shit if you think that was un-American or not?

Rogue judges can manipulate the system all they want. And twirps like you can pretend that they are doing right by the people. But their will be consequences. Subversion of laws and values will only lead to chaos. You may not see the ticking time bomb; oh well. I suppose that just means you're unenlightened. I can't beat that into you. You choose to open your eyes or not.


Rogue Judges...Consequences...Subversion...Chaos...Ticking Time Bomb. I hope you made it to the fainting couch in time after this post, drama queen.

Oh, Boo hoo! Gay people can marry and I think it is un-American that they used the exact same system available to everyone else. Sooner or later you'll get over the butthurt, but it appears today will not be that day. lol

You keep trying to make this about me. This is about society. Circumventing the will of the people on such matters is a recipe for destruction. When the people don't have control of their own govt., tyranny is the result. And this has been a growing reality. Gay marriage is but one manifestation of this reality.

I see. All of your dramatic predictions about tyranny, destruction, and, chaos over gay marriage is for the benefit of our society. lol

And you think that trampling the will of the people is somehow beneficial? Gay marriage was never a privilege granted by the citizenry. Therefore, states could not infringe upon it. Oh, but the courts!?!?!?! No, it's made up bull shit. It's the definition of tyranny; and yes, such tyranny has historically been met with consequences. I can't apologize for speaking what is axiomatic.

The will of the people deserves to trampled when it violates the Constitution. You seem to be laboring under the delusion that the will of the people is this unimpeachable and infallible construct. Hint: It isn't. That same will has been used throughout our history to marginalize and oppress other Americans. Guess what? Those people used every avenue of our system to correct those wrongs, including using the court system. It's comical how it's some 'ticking time bomb' and 'tyranny' when gay people used the very same avenues when it comes to gay marriage.

This endless parade of pussy aching over gay marriage is hysterical.
But granting such an action legal privileges without the due process of legislative administration is unAmerican.

What a crock of bullshit. Gay people used every avenue available to them in our system to achieve gay marriage. In some instances they used the courts and in others they used the legislative body or referendums to achieve that goal. Who gives a shit if you think that was un-American or not?

Rogue judges can manipulate the system all they want. And twirps like you can pretend that they are doing right by the people. But their will be consequences. Subversion of laws and values will only lead to chaos. You may not see the ticking time bomb; oh well. I suppose that just means you're unenlightened. I can't beat that into you. You choose to open your eyes or not.


Rogue Judges...Consequences...Subversion...Chaos...Ticking Time Bomb. I hope you made it to the fainting couch in time after this post, drama queen.

Oh, Boo hoo! Gay people can marry and I think it is un-American that they used the exact same system available to everyone else. Sooner or later you'll get over the butthurt, but it appears today will not be that day. lol

You keep trying to make this about me. This is about society. Circumventing the will of the people on such matters is a recipe for destruction. When the people don't have control of their own govt., tyranny is the result. And this has been a growing reality. Gay marriage is but one manifestation of this reality.

I see. All of your dramatic predictions about tyranny, destruction, and, chaos over gay marriage is for the benefit of our society. lol

And you think that trampling the will of the people is somehow beneficial? Gay marriage was never a privilege granted by the citizenry. Therefore, states could not infringe upon it. Oh, but the courts!?!?!?! No, it's made up bull shit. It's the definition of tyranny; and yes, such tyranny has historically been met with consequences. I can't apologize for speaking what is axiomatic.

The will of the people deserves to trampled when it violates the Constitution. You seem to be laboring under the delusion that the will of the people is this unimpeachable and infallible construct. Hint: It isn't. That same will has been used throughout our history to marginalize and oppress other Americans. Guess what? Those people used every avenue of our system to correct those wrongs, including using the court system. It's comical how it's some 'ticking time bomb' and 'tyranny' when gay people used the very same avenues when it comes to gay marriage.

This endless parade of pussy aching over gay marriage is hysterical.

Well, there was no violation of the Constitution; just judges legislating from the bench against the will of the people. It's what liberals do best because their ideas are ultimately undesired.
I am typing on my phone and it was a simple error. You are free to make it into something more if you wish. I could easily point out that Amendment should be capitalized and is spelled incorrectly in your previous post, but I am not an internet grammar douche. lol

What do I have to whine about? Gays can marry in every single state despite all the teeth gnashing and pussy aching from some people. They'll get over it.

I said the will of the people is meaningless if the will is unconstitutional, a concept you seem to be having a difficult time comprehending.

Bro, you're making a false equivalency. I said nothing about your grammar.

Gays can marry where? Not in all 50 states. And again, this has only been perpetrated through subversion. It's un-American. It goes against who we are. You can try and demean those concerned as being merely bitter or do whatever labels you want; but that doesn't change the subversion of the nation and the consequences of such immorality. You're deluding yourself if you think they're aren't consequences. The fall of the Roman Empire came about through such means.

And the will of the people was not unConstitutional. Gay marriage is not a protected right by that founding document. It simply isn't.

Sorry Snowflake- but you are just wrong. About everything.

We can all marry in all 50 states- gays and straights- opposite gender couples and same gender couples.

If by 'subversion' you mean through our Constitutional system of checks and balances- you would be of course correct- you right wing nut jobs consider our Constitutional protections to be subversion.

The Supreme Court has ruled multiple times overturning State marriage laws that were unconstitutional- starting with Loving v. Virginia.

In Loving v. Virginia the 'will of the people' was that mixed race couples should not be allowed to marry. The Supreme Court correctly overturned such a state law as being unconsitutional.

Obergefell is merely the most recent court decision protecting the marriage rights of Americans. The 'will of the people' doesn't trump the Constitution.

The people have overwhelmingly voted down gay marriage. It's been judicial infiltration and perversion of The Constitution that has led to gay marriage. At some point, you'll see repercussions. When the people don't own their government, it's tyranny. Tyranny can only last for so long.

The courts overturn unconsitutional laws- whether its marriage or whether its gun laws.

What Snowflakes like you call 'tyranny' the rest of the world calls our Constitutional system.

The Supreme Court has ruled multiple times overturning State marriage laws that were unconstitutional- starting with Loving v. Virginia.

In Loving v. Virginia the 'will of the people' was that mixed race couples should not be allowed to marry. The Supreme Court correctly overturned such a state law as being unconsitutional.

Obergefell is merely the most recent court decision protecting the marriage rights of Americans. The 'will of the people' doesn't trump the Constitution.

There have been corrupt judges throughout history. The glory of our Constitution does not prohibit such things.

Of course- and there have been corrupt governments who have passed unconstitutional laws also.

You have yet to show any example of corrupt judges- just corrupt laws.
Bro, you're making a false equivalency. I said nothing about your grammar.

Gays can marry where? Not in all 50 states. And again, this has only been perpetrated through subversion. It's un-American. It goes against who we are. You can try and demean those concerned as being merely bitter or do whatever labels you want; but that doesn't change the subversion of the nation and the consequences of such immorality. You're deluding yourself if you think they're aren't consequences. The fall of the Roman Empire came about through such means.

And the will of the people was not unConstitutional. Gay marriage is not a protected right by that founding document. It simply isn't.

Sorry Snowflake- but you are just wrong. About everything.

We can all marry in all 50 states- gays and straights- opposite gender couples and same gender couples.

If by 'subversion' you mean through our Constitutional system of checks and balances- you would be of course correct- you right wing nut jobs consider our Constitutional protections to be subversion.

The Supreme Court has ruled multiple times overturning State marriage laws that were unconstitutional- starting with Loving v. Virginia.

In Loving v. Virginia the 'will of the people' was that mixed race couples should not be allowed to marry. The Supreme Court correctly overturned such a state law as being unconsitutional.

Obergefell is merely the most recent court decision protecting the marriage rights of Americans. The 'will of the people' doesn't trump the Constitution.

The people have overwhelmingly voted down gay marriage. It's been judicial infiltration and perversion of The Constitution that has led to gay marriage. At some point, you'll see repercussions. When the people don't own their government, it's tyranny. Tyranny can only last for so long.

The courts overturn unconsitutional laws- whether its marriage or whether its gun laws.

What Snowflakes like you call 'tyranny' the rest of the world calls our Constitutional system.

The Supreme Court has ruled multiple times overturning State marriage laws that were unconstitutional- starting with Loving v. Virginia.

In Loving v. Virginia the 'will of the people' was that mixed race couples should not be allowed to marry. The Supreme Court correctly overturned such a state law as being unconsitutional.

Obergefell is merely the most recent court decision protecting the marriage rights of Americans. The 'will of the people' doesn't trump the Constitution.

There have been corrupt judges throughout history. The glory of our Constitution does not prohibit such things.

Of course- and there have been corrupt governments who have passed unconstitutional laws also.

You have yet to show any example of corrupt judges- just corrupt laws.

:lmao: Any examples.
[Q. When the people don't have control of their own govt., tyranny is the result..

We are a Constitutional Republic.

Sorry you don't like that- but that is what we are. The 'people' have agreed that we are- and as such 'we the people' are bound by the Consitution.

And the courts interpret the Constitution.

That is not 'tyranny'- that is our system of government in action.

Here is a good example that is very current of the courts in action examining the constitutionality of a law:
Local gun shop regulation to have its day in court

By a majority vote of its 27 judges, the Court of Appeals in San Francisco ordered a rehearing in a case challenging an ordinance passed by Alameda County supervisors in 1998. The ordinance prohibits new gun stores in unincorporated areas within 500 feet of a residential neighborhood, a school, a day care center, a liquor store or another gun shop.

An appeals court panel voted 2-1 in May to reinstate a suit by gun shop applicants, which a federal judge had dismissed. The panel majority said the Constitution protects the right to buy and sell firearms as well as the right to own them, and that the county, to justify the restrictions, must at least provide evidence that gun stores are “a magnet for crime.”
Sorry Snowflake- but you are just wrong. About everything.

We can all marry in all 50 states- gays and straights- opposite gender couples and same gender couples.

If by 'subversion' you mean through our Constitutional system of checks and balances- you would be of course correct- you right wing nut jobs consider our Constitutional protections to be subversion.

The Supreme Court has ruled multiple times overturning State marriage laws that were unconstitutional- starting with Loving v. Virginia.

In Loving v. Virginia the 'will of the people' was that mixed race couples should not be allowed to marry. The Supreme Court correctly overturned such a state law as being unconsitutional.

Obergefell is merely the most recent court decision protecting the marriage rights of Americans. The 'will of the people' doesn't trump the Constitution.

The people have overwhelmingly voted down gay marriage. It's been judicial infiltration and perversion of The Constitution that has led to gay marriage. At some point, you'll see repercussions. When the people don't own their government, it's tyranny. Tyranny can only last for so long.

The courts overturn unconsitutional laws- whether its marriage or whether its gun laws.

What Snowflakes like you call 'tyranny' the rest of the world calls our Constitutional system.

The Supreme Court has ruled multiple times overturning State marriage laws that were unconstitutional- starting with Loving v. Virginia.

In Loving v. Virginia the 'will of the people' was that mixed race couples should not be allowed to marry. The Supreme Court correctly overturned such a state law as being unconsitutional.

Obergefell is merely the most recent court decision protecting the marriage rights of Americans. The 'will of the people' doesn't trump the Constitution.

There have been corrupt judges throughout history. The glory of our Constitution does not prohibit such things.

Of course- and there have been corrupt governments who have passed unconstitutional laws also.

You have yet to show any example of corrupt judges- just corrupt laws.

:lmao: Any examples.

I would love to see you provide some examples of corrupt judges that are germaine to this topic.
What a crock of bullshit. Gay people used every avenue available to them in our system to achieve gay marriage. In some instances they used the courts and in others they used the legislative body or referendums to achieve that goal. Who gives a shit if you think that was un-American or not?


Rogue Judges...Consequences...Subversion...Chaos...Ticking Time Bomb. I hope you made it to the fainting couch in time after this post, drama queen.

Oh, Boo hoo! Gay people can marry and I think it is un-American that they used the exact same system available to everyone else. Sooner or later you'll get over the butthurt, but it appears today will not be that day. lol

You keep trying to make this about me. This is about society. Circumventing the will of the people on such matters is a recipe for destruction. When the people don't have control of their own govt., tyranny is the result. And this has been a growing reality. Gay marriage is but one manifestation of this reality.

I see. All of your dramatic predictions about tyranny, destruction, and, chaos over gay marriage is for the benefit of our society. lol

And you think that trampling the will of the people is somehow beneficial? Gay marriage was never a privilege granted by the citizenry. Therefore, states could not infringe upon it. Oh, but the courts!?!?!?! No, it's made up bull shit. It's the definition of tyranny; and yes, such tyranny has historically been met with consequences. I can't apologize for speaking what is axiomatic.

The will of the people deserves to trampled when it violates the Constitution. You seem to be laboring under the delusion that the will of the people is this unimpeachable and infallible construct. Hint: It isn't. That same will has been used throughout our history to marginalize and oppress other Americans. Guess what? Those people used every avenue of our system to correct those wrongs, including using the court system. It's comical how it's some 'ticking time bomb' and 'tyranny' when gay people used the very same avenues when it comes to gay marriage.

This endless parade of pussy aching over gay marriage is hysterical.

Well, there was no violation of the Constitution;.

Who to believe?
You an anonymous nut job on the internet with no apparent education in the Constitution or the law?

Or the Supreme Court of the United States- and all of the judges whose decisions led up to Obergefell.?

I will go with the Judges and Justices- and our Constitutional system.
They're making up new lies about the dude every day. It's gonna go on his entire Presidency. 'He just hates those cute lil puppy dogs, fluffy kittens, sweet ole Grandmas', and so on. It's pathetic.

Don't let it bother you. Because it is gonna go on every day of his Presidency. It'll burn you out bigtime if you feel you have to defend every lie they concoct. Just chill and laugh at em instead.

Just put your head in the sand and ignore facts. Like you did this entire past election cycle.
But granting such an action legal privileges without the due process of legislative administration is unAmerican.

What a crock of bullshit. Gay people used every avenue available to them in our system to achieve gay marriage. In some instances they used the courts and in others they used the legislative body or referendums to achieve that goal. Who gives a shit if you think that was un-American or not?

Rogue judges can manipulate the system all they want. And twirps like you can pretend that they are doing right by the people. But their will be consequences. Subversion of laws and values will only lead to chaos. You may not see the ticking time bomb; oh well. I suppose that just means you're unenlightened. I can't beat that into you. You choose to open your eyes or not.


Rogue Judges...Consequences...Subversion...Chaos...Ticking Time Bomb. I hope you made it to the fainting couch in time after this post, drama queen.

Oh, Boo hoo! Gay people can marry and I think it is un-American that they used the exact same system available to everyone else. Sooner or later you'll get over the butthurt, but it appears today will not be that day. lol

You keep trying to make this about me. This is about society. Circumventing the will of the people on such matters is a recipe for destruction. When the people don't have control of their own govt., tyranny is the result. And this has been a growing reality. Gay marriage is but one manifestation of this reality.

I see. All of your dramatic predictions about tyranny, destruction, and, chaos over gay marriage is for the benefit of our society. lol

And you think that trampling the will of the people is somehow beneficial? Gay marriage was never a privilege granted by the citizenry.

Mixed race marriage was never a privilege granted by the citizenry- as a matter of fact it was a privelage specifically forbidden - but the Supreme Court found that law to be unconstitutional.

And the Supreme Court was right.
You keep trying to make this about me. This is about society. Circumventing the will of the people on such matters is a recipe for destruction. When the people don't have control of their own govt., tyranny is the result. And this has been a growing reality. Gay marriage is but one manifestation of this reality.

I see. All of your dramatic predictions about tyranny, destruction, and, chaos over gay marriage is for the benefit of our society. lol

And you think that trampling the will of the people is somehow beneficial? Gay marriage was never a privilege granted by the citizenry. Therefore, states could not infringe upon it. Oh, but the courts!?!?!?! No, it's made up bull shit. It's the definition of tyranny; and yes, such tyranny has historically been met with consequences. I can't apologize for speaking what is axiomatic.

The will of the people deserves to trampled when it violates the Constitution. You seem to be laboring under the delusion that the will of the people is this unimpeachable and infallible construct. Hint: It isn't. That same will has been used throughout our history to marginalize and oppress other Americans. Guess what? Those people used every avenue of our system to correct those wrongs, including using the court system. It's comical how it's some 'ticking time bomb' and 'tyranny' when gay people used the very same avenues when it comes to gay marriage.

This endless parade of pussy aching over gay marriage is hysterical.

Well, there was no violation of the Constitution;.

Who to believe?
You an anonymous nut job on the internet with no apparent education in the Constitution or the law?

Or the Supreme Court of the United States- and all of the judges whose decisions led up to Obergefell.?

I will go with the Judges and Justices- and our Constitutional system.

Oh, you want to play the elitist card. The Constitution is not a difficult document to understand. It was made so that citizens can understand their rights, ass hat.

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