Oppressing lgbt


I don't want anything from anyone......but that the Bill of Rights be followed. I don't concede to the acts, statutes, codes and ordinances of a corporate "gubermint" that wishes to use my ALL CAPS corporate fiction in order to make me acquiesce and fall in line to their admiralty/ UCC (Universal Commercial Code)....I am a "free man of the land" with certain unalienable rights bestowed upon me by my creator....I do not need a benevolent "guberment" to allow me "privileges" that they can decide to take away at their whim......agreed????
There are no rights associated with sexual deviancy and perversion (a.k.a. homosexuality) in the 3000+ years of Judeo-Christian teachings and tradition.

Only condemnation and repulsion and aversion and disgust.

Your stupid Liberal-Progressives not only tried to flush 3000+ years of tradition down the toilet, but you set the stage for even worse, and shoved that down our throats.

Like AquaLung being allowed into the little girls bathroom.

You dumb phukks.

Did you really, honest-to-Christ think that you were going to be allowed to continue down that road, unopposed, for much longer?

Delusional fools.

We live in a Secularized Christian Nation... no matter what you say to the contrary... it's where the heart and soul of New Europe (America) resides.

In a post- January 20th world, you will see a continued grudging tolerance for such deviants and perverts, within the realms of hiring and other basic citizen and human rights.

But you will see a hasty retreat from Marriage, back to a state of Civil Unions, as a substitute; locked-down in such a way so that LibProgs will be unable to reverse it again, later.

And you will see a return to sanity as Federal -level law is advanced and enacted, enabling Home Rule for things like prohibiting freaks from barging into children's bathrooms.

America is determined to keep your filth away from its children and grandchildren.

It's a huge part of the reason why you were just bitch-slapped at the polls on November 8th.

But, the beauty of the American system is that is is capable of self-correction, when taken down a road that vast numbers of Americans do not wish to be taken.

You LibTards just had to push and push and push until you finally went too far, didn't you?

Your actions had consequences.

Welcome to yours.

Enjoy life in the Peanut Gallery, as you watch America swing oh-so-far away from where you tried to take it, with you-and-yours impotent and powerless to stop it.

The marvelous part about this is, you have nobody to blame for that, but yourselves.


Tradition is often just a whole lot of people being wrong about something for a very long time.

And more often what you call "tradition" is simply cultural knowledge that has been gleaned and honed over centuries.
Cultural Knowledge that has identified homosexuality as sexual deviancy and perversion and not in the best interests of the community at-large.

Should oral sex between any two adults be a crime under American law?

What is the harm in having government programs that serve no useful purpose and that promote a lifestyle that is harmful to the survival of the species.

Didn't realize humanity was on the brink...
Dems need to perpetuate the victim mentality.

LOL- says the snowflakes who are offended by the thought of anyone criticizing Trump- even though of course no one is accusing Trump of any such thing.

Trump is only 'anti-gay' enough to appease his homophobic supporters- other than that Trump doesn't care.


I literally was posting this at the same time as you were posting your ignorant post.\
And by 'ignorant' you mean 'spot on'

LOL- says the snowflakes who are offended by the thought of anyone criticizing Trump- even though of course no one is accusing Trump of any such thing.

Trump is only 'anti-gay' enough to appease his homophobic supporters- other than that Trump doesn't care.

How clear do I have to be that I'm fine with anyone being honestly critical of Trump? The man is far from perfect. Nothing your sorry ass could say would be very likely to "offend" me. You're a lightweight, clearly.
Nothing in the Constitution about gay marriage.

Marriage is a right whether it's in the Constitution or not. The bans on disallowing gays to marry was found to violate the 14th Amendment. It's time to move on and stop whining about shit that doesn't effect anyone else.

14th ammendment does not advocate or give the right for gay marriage. An elitist judge can be an impediment. But the will of the people is the backbone of this nation. There is not a nation without it.

An opinion not shared by a majority of the Justices. It was the will of the people in certain states to make sodomy between consenting adults illegal, but that didn't make it any less unconstitutional b/c it was their will. It was also the will of the people, via their elected officials, to pass foolish restrictions on guns in Washington D.C. The will of people was meaningless then as well to the courts.

Why are you capitalized justices? Do you think they are deities for something? And we've seen hacks infiltrate The Supreme Court. Does that somehow change the substance of The Constitution?

Frankly, for a guy who claims to have the "legal" standing, you seem like you're the one that's whining.

:lol: You saying the will of the people is meaningless says it all. You don't understand or don't want to accept that this nation was built upon the will of the people.

I am typing on my phone and it was a simple error. You are free to make it into something more if you wish. I could easily point out that Amendment should be capitalized and is spelled incorrectly in your previous post, but I am not an internet grammar douche. lol

What do I have to whine about? Gays can marry in every single state despite all the teeth gnashing and pussy aching from some people. They'll get over it.

I said the will of the people is meaningless if the will is unconstitutional, a concept you seem to be having a difficult time comprehending.

Bro, you're making a false equivalency. I said nothing about your grammar.

Gays can marry where? Not in all 50 states. And again, this has only been perpetrated through subversion. It's un-American. It goes against who we are. You can try and demean those concerned as being merely bitter or do whatever labels you want; but that doesn't change the subversion of the nation and the consequences of such immorality. You're deluding yourself if you think they're aren't consequences. The fall of the Roman Empire came about through such means.

And the will of the people was not unConstitutional. Gay marriage is not a protected right by that founding document. It simply isn't.
Why? Because a few judges subverted the will of the people? I think we'll see there's plenty that can be done.

The will of the people means exactly jack and shit if that will violates the Constitution. Besides, there are far more pressings issue at hand then worrying about two homos getting hitched.

Nothing in the Constitution about gay marriage.

Marriage is a right whether it's in the Constitution or not. The bans on disallowing gays to marry was found to violate the 14th Amendment. It's time to move on and stop whining about shit that doesn't effect anyone else.

14th ammendment does not advocate or give the right for gay marriage. An elitist judge can be an impediment. But the will of the people is the backbone of this nation. There is not a nation without it.

The 14th amendment absolutely does. It gives you equal protection under the law, so if a law recognizes some marriages, that law has to recognize all marriages that are sufficiently similar.
Gays can marry where? Not in all 50 states.

No, they can marry in all 50 states. You can pretend otherwise all you wish, but it doesn't change a thing.

And again, this has only been perpetrated through subversion. It's un-American. It goes against who we are. You can try and demean those concerned as being merely bitter or do whatever labels you want; but that doesn't change the subversion of the nation and the consequences of such immorality. You're deluding yourself if you think they're aren't consequences. The fall of the Roman Empire came about through such means.

Subversion my ass. Was it un-American and subversive when the courts in Brown, Loving, and, Lawrence slapped down the unconstitutional will of people? Or does that only apply when it doesn't jibe with your beliefs? It's funny how the people still whining about Hillary losing are bitter and butthurt snowflakes, but the people still pissing and moaning about losing in Obergefell are not. It is time for both to get the fuck over it.

For the record, the major factors in the demise of the Western Roman Empire dealt with over-expansion, the invasions of the Huns pushing Germanic barbarians close to the Roman heartland, the splitting of the empire in two, a heavy reliance on wishy-washy mercenaries in the legions, and, the mass civil/bloody unrest that occurred when Christianity was made the state religion. Using immorality as a factor is what people use when they've never studied the actual reasons for Rome's fall.

Either way, I am rather tired of the gay marriage debate. You and I are not going to see eye-to-eye concerning this issue and will have to simply agree to disagree.

Happy New Year, GG. Cheers!
Marriage is a right whether it's in the Constitution or not. The bans on disallowing gays to marry was found to violate the 14th Amendment. It's time to move on and stop whining about shit that doesn't effect anyone else.

14th ammendment does not advocate or give the right for gay marriage. An elitist judge can be an impediment. But the will of the people is the backbone of this nation. There is not a nation without it.

An opinion not shared by a majority of the Justices. It was the will of the people in certain states to make sodomy between consenting adults illegal, but that didn't make it any less unconstitutional b/c it was their will. It was also the will of the people, via their elected officials, to pass foolish restrictions on guns in Washington D.C. The will of people was meaningless then as well to the courts.

Why are you capitalized justices? Do you think they are deities for something? And we've seen hacks infiltrate The Supreme Court. Does that somehow change the substance of The Constitution?

Frankly, for a guy who claims to have the "legal" standing, you seem like you're the one that's whining.

:lol: You saying the will of the people is meaningless says it all. You don't understand or don't want to accept that this nation was built upon the will of the people.

I am typing on my phone and it was a simple error. You are free to make it into something more if you wish. I could easily point out that Amendment should be capitalized and is spelled incorrectly in your previous post, but I am not an internet grammar douche. lol

What do I have to whine about? Gays can marry in every single state despite all the teeth gnashing and pussy aching from some people. They'll get over it.

I said the will of the people is meaningless if the will is unconstitutional, a concept you seem to be having a difficult time comprehending.

Bro, you're making a false equivalency. I said nothing about your grammar.

Gays can marry where? Not in all 50 states.
I've found this on the web
Supreme Court Gay Marriage: Full Text Of Decision Ending Ban On Same-Sex Marriages
There's a link to the Supreme Court's sentence on gay marriage :)
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For the record; if you hunt down the Howard Stern audio's with Trump you can find him expressing that he didn't think gay marriage was a good idea, however, Trump's a patriot so when the SCOTUS made it legal that was the end of it for him. Trump has quite a few friends and acquaintances who are LGBT, as one might expect for a businessman, and in the long and short of it, business folks know better than to let their personal opinions interfere with their business - and more so someone like Trump who relies on the perception of his name as the defining "product" he's selling. You start dragging in personal opinions on shit that has no effect on your life and you end up in the chaotic shit pile with the bakers, photographers, and food joints we watched get rolled through the social wringer for months. As an international business person you learn to accept differences and you learn tolerance.

Trump is no threat to LGBT himself, though I will say that if the SCOTUS were to modify their rulings on some things, he'll go along with it with likely zero complaint. So frankly, if Pence gets some shit passed, I don't see Trump bitching at him. Of course, I don't think Pence is going to mess with it.

The perceptions of too many Christian's has shifted against prohibition to really support any major effort to "get rid of LGBT" It's just not going to happen and most of them have decided to live and let live for the most part. When you expand that ideal to the Republican party the change is even more pronounced. I don't think the R party will ever again support applying a biblical interpretation to the entire country. And truly their best course right now is to maintain us moderate independents who have really only really turned our back on the right /because/ of their past biblical rigidity. The right can either be the party of the church, or they can be a party for the rest of us; if they stay to this course they will continue to get my vote, but if they return to a platform of religious oppression then I would turn against them, yet again. I should hope they've learned.
Marriage is a right whether it's in the Constitution or not. The bans on disallowing gays to marry was found to violate the 14th Amendment. It's time to move on and stop whining about shit that doesn't effect anyone else.

14th ammendment does not advocate or give the right for gay marriage. An elitist judge can be an impediment. But the will of the people is the backbone of this nation. There is not a nation without it.

An opinion not shared by a majority of the Justices. It was the will of the people in certain states to make sodomy between consenting adults illegal, but that didn't make it any less unconstitutional b/c it was their will. It was also the will of the people, via their elected officials, to pass foolish restrictions on guns in Washington D.C. The will of people was meaningless then as well to the courts.

Why are you capitalized justices? Do you think they are deities for something? And we've seen hacks infiltrate The Supreme Court. Does that somehow change the substance of The Constitution?

Frankly, for a guy who claims to have the "legal" standing, you seem like you're the one that's whining.

:lol: You saying the will of the people is meaningless says it all. You don't understand or don't want to accept that this nation was built upon the will of the people.

I am typing on my phone and it was a simple error. You are free to make it into something more if you wish. I could easily point out that Amendment should be capitalized and is spelled incorrectly in your previous post, but I am not an internet grammar douche. lol

What do I have to whine about? Gays can marry in every single state despite all the teeth gnashing and pussy aching from some people. They'll get over it.

I said the will of the people is meaningless if the will is unconstitutional, a concept you seem to be having a difficult time comprehending.

Bro, you're making a false equivalency. I said nothing about your grammar.

Gays can marry where? Not in all 50 states. And again, this has only been perpetrated through subversion. It's un-American. It goes against who we are. You can try and demean those concerned as being merely bitter or do whatever labels you want; but that doesn't change the subversion of the nation and the consequences of such immorality. You're deluding yourself if you think they're aren't consequences. The fall of the Roman Empire came about through such means.

And the will of the people was not unConstitutional. Gay marriage is not a protected right by that founding document. It simply isn't.

Sorry Snowflake- but you are just wrong. About everything.

We can all marry in all 50 states- gays and straights- opposite gender couples and same gender couples.

If by 'subversion' you mean through our Constitutional system of checks and balances- you would be of course correct- you right wing nut jobs consider our Constitutional protections to be subversion.

The Supreme Court has ruled multiple times overturning State marriage laws that were unconstitutional- starting with Loving v. Virginia.

In Loving v. Virginia the 'will of the people' was that mixed race couples should not be allowed to marry. The Supreme Court correctly overturned such a state law as being unconsitutional.

Obergefell is merely the most recent court decision protecting the marriage rights of Americans. The 'will of the people' doesn't trump the Constitution.
Gays can marry where? Not in all 50 states.

No, they can marry in all 50 states. You can pretend otherwise all you wish, but it doesn't change a thing.

And again, this has only been perpetrated through subversion. It's un-American. It goes against who we are. You can try and demean those concerned as being merely bitter or do whatever labels you want; but that doesn't change the subversion of the nation and the consequences of such immorality. You're deluding yourself if you think they're aren't consequences. The fall of the Roman Empire came about through such means.

Subversion my ass. Was it un-American and subversive when the courts in Brown, Loving, and, Lawrence slapped down the unconstitutional will of people? Or does that only apply when it doesn't jibe with your beliefs? It's funny how the people still whining about Hillary losing are bitter and butthurt snowflakes, but the people still pissing and moaning about losing in Obergefell are not. It is time for both to get the fuck over it.

For the record, the major factors in the demise of the Western Roman Empire dealt with over-expansion, the invasions of the Huns pushing Germanic barbarians close to the Roman heartland, the splitting of the empire in two, a heavy reliance on wishy-washy mercenaries in the legions, and, the mass civil/bloody unrest that occurred when Christianity was made the state religion. Using immorality as a factor is what people use when they've never studied the actual reasons for Rome's fall.

Either way, I am rather tired of the gay marriage debate. You and I are not going to see eye-to-eye concerning this issue and will have to simply agree to disagree.

Happy New Year, GG. Cheers!

This has nothing to do with my "beliefs", dude. Have I given you any such indication of that, or are you just projecting? The people are supposed to decide what is their form of society within Constitutional constructs. I have no problem with anyone being gay. That is not my issue. But granting such an action legal privileges without the due process of legislative administration is unAmerican. Rogue judges can manipulate the system all they want. And twirps like you can pretend that they are doing right by the people. But their will be consequences. Subversion of laws and values will only lead to chaos. You may not see the ticking time bomb; oh well. I suppose that just means you're unenlightened. I can't beat that into you. You choose to open your eyes or not.
14th ammendment does not advocate or give the right for gay marriage. An elitist judge can be an impediment. But the will of the people is the backbone of this nation. There is not a nation without it.

An opinion not shared by a majority of the Justices. It was the will of the people in certain states to make sodomy between consenting adults illegal, but that didn't make it any less unconstitutional b/c it was their will. It was also the will of the people, via their elected officials, to pass foolish restrictions on guns in Washington D.C. The will of people was meaningless then as well to the courts.

Why are you capitalized justices? Do you think they are deities for something? And we've seen hacks infiltrate The Supreme Court. Does that somehow change the substance of The Constitution?

Frankly, for a guy who claims to have the "legal" standing, you seem like you're the one that's whining.

:lol: You saying the will of the people is meaningless says it all. You don't understand or don't want to accept that this nation was built upon the will of the people.

I am typing on my phone and it was a simple error. You are free to make it into something more if you wish. I could easily point out that Amendment should be capitalized and is spelled incorrectly in your previous post, but I am not an internet grammar douche. lol

What do I have to whine about? Gays can marry in every single state despite all the teeth gnashing and pussy aching from some people. They'll get over it.

I said the will of the people is meaningless if the will is unconstitutional, a concept you seem to be having a difficult time comprehending.

Bro, you're making a false equivalency. I said nothing about your grammar.

Gays can marry where? Not in all 50 states. And again, this has only been perpetrated through subversion. It's un-American. It goes against who we are. You can try and demean those concerned as being merely bitter or do whatever labels you want; but that doesn't change the subversion of the nation and the consequences of such immorality. You're deluding yourself if you think they're aren't consequences. The fall of the Roman Empire came about through such means.

And the will of the people was not unConstitutional. Gay marriage is not a protected right by that founding document. It simply isn't.

Sorry Snowflake- but you are just wrong. About everything.

We can all marry in all 50 states- gays and straights- opposite gender couples and same gender couples.

If by 'subversion' you mean through our Constitutional system of checks and balances- you would be of course correct- you right wing nut jobs consider our Constitutional protections to be subversion.

The Supreme Court has ruled multiple times overturning State marriage laws that were unconstitutional- starting with Loving v. Virginia.

In Loving v. Virginia the 'will of the people' was that mixed race couples should not be allowed to marry. The Supreme Court correctly overturned such a state law as being unconsitutional.

Obergefell is merely the most recent court decision protecting the marriage rights of Americans. The 'will of the people' doesn't trump the Constitution.

I think you need to stop using the term snowflake. You don't know when to use it, and you just sound like an idiot.

The people have overwhelmingly voted down gay marriage. It's been judicial infiltration and perversion of The Constitution that has led to gay marriage. At some point, you'll see repercussions. When the people don't own their government, it's tyranny. Tyranny can only last for so long.
14th ammendment does not advocate or give the right for gay marriage. An elitist judge can be an impediment. But the will of the people is the backbone of this nation. There is not a nation without it.

An opinion not shared by a majority of the Justices. It was the will of the people in certain states to make sodomy between consenting adults illegal, but that didn't make it any less unconstitutional b/c it was their will. It was also the will of the people, via their elected officials, to pass foolish restrictions on guns in Washington D.C. The will of people was meaningless then as well to the courts.

Why are you capitalized justices? Do you think they are deities for something? And we've seen hacks infiltrate The Supreme Court. Does that somehow change the substance of The Constitution?

Frankly, for a guy who claims to have the "legal" standing, you seem like you're the one that's whining.

:lol: You saying the will of the people is meaningless says it all. You don't understand or don't want to accept that this nation was built upon the will of the people.

I am typing on my phone and it was a simple error. You are free to make it into something more if you wish. I could easily point out that Amendment should be capitalized and is spelled incorrectly in your previous post, but I am not an internet grammar douche. lol

What do I have to whine about? Gays can marry in every single state despite all the teeth gnashing and pussy aching from some people. They'll get over it.

I said the will of the people is meaningless if the will is unconstitutional, a concept you seem to be having a difficult time comprehending.

Bro, you're making a false equivalency. I said nothing about your grammar.

Gays can marry where? Not in all 50 states.
I've found this on the web
Supreme Court Gay Marriage: Full Text Of Decision Ending Ban On Same-Sex Marriages
There's a link to the Supreme Court's sentence on gay marriage :)

I'm well aware of the Supreme Court's perverting of the Constitution.
Why? Because a few judges subverted the will of the people? I think we'll see there's plenty that can be done.

The will of the people means exactly jack and shit if that will violates the Constitution. Besides, there are far more pressings issue at hand then worrying about two homos getting hitched.

Nothing in the Constitution about gay marriage.

Marriage is a right whether it's in the Constitution or not. The bans on disallowing gays to marry was found to violate the 14th Amendment. It's time to move on and stop whining about shit that doesn't effect anyone else.

14th ammendment does not advocate or give the right for gay marriage. An elitist judge can be an impediment. But the will of the people is the backbone of this nation. There is not a nation without it.

The 14th amendment absolutely does. It gives you equal protection under the law, so if a law recognizes some marriages, that law has to recognize all marriages that are sufficiently similar.

Any man can marry any woman and visa versa. In any event, the 14th Amendment clearly wasn't designed to drastically re-engineer society's values. It's a perversion of the law.
An opinion not shared by a majority of the Justices. It was the will of the people in certain states to make sodomy between consenting adults illegal, but that didn't make it any less unconstitutional b/c it was their will. It was also the will of the people, via their elected officials, to pass foolish restrictions on guns in Washington D.C. The will of people was meaningless then as well to the courts.

Why are you capitalized justices? Do you think they are deities for something? And we've seen hacks infiltrate The Supreme Court. Does that somehow change the substance of The Constitution?

Frankly, for a guy who claims to have the "legal" standing, you seem like you're the one that's whining.

:lol: You saying the will of the people is meaningless says it all. You don't understand or don't want to accept that this nation was built upon the will of the people.

I am typing on my phone and it was a simple error. You are free to make it into something more if you wish. I could easily point out that Amendment should be capitalized and is spelled incorrectly in your previous post, but I am not an internet grammar douche. lol

What do I have to whine about? Gays can marry in every single state despite all the teeth gnashing and pussy aching from some people. They'll get over it.

I said the will of the people is meaningless if the will is unconstitutional, a concept you seem to be having a difficult time comprehending.

Bro, you're making a false equivalency. I said nothing about your grammar.

Gays can marry where? Not in all 50 states. And again, this has only been perpetrated through subversion. It's un-American. It goes against who we are. You can try and demean those concerned as being merely bitter or do whatever labels you want; but that doesn't change the subversion of the nation and the consequences of such immorality. You're deluding yourself if you think they're aren't consequences. The fall of the Roman Empire came about through such means.

And the will of the people was not unConstitutional. Gay marriage is not a protected right by that founding document. It simply isn't.

Sorry Snowflake- but you are just wrong. About everything.

We can all marry in all 50 states- gays and straights- opposite gender couples and same gender couples.

If by 'subversion' you mean through our Constitutional system of checks and balances- you would be of course correct- you right wing nut jobs consider our Constitutional protections to be subversion.

The Supreme Court has ruled multiple times overturning State marriage laws that were unconstitutional- starting with Loving v. Virginia.

In Loving v. Virginia the 'will of the people' was that mixed race couples should not be allowed to marry. The Supreme Court correctly overturned such a state law as being unconsitutional.

Obergefell is merely the most recent court decision protecting the marriage rights of Americans. The 'will of the people' doesn't trump the Constitution.

I think you need to stop using the term snowflake. You don't know when to use it, and you just sound like an idiot.

Snowflakes like you sure are sensitive about being called a snowflake.
An opinion not shared by a majority of the Justices. It was the will of the people in certain states to make sodomy between consenting adults illegal, but that didn't make it any less unconstitutional b/c it was their will. It was also the will of the people, via their elected officials, to pass foolish restrictions on guns in Washington D.C. The will of people was meaningless then as well to the courts.

Why are you capitalized justices? Do you think they are deities for something? And we've seen hacks infiltrate The Supreme Court. Does that somehow change the substance of The Constitution?

Frankly, for a guy who claims to have the "legal" standing, you seem like you're the one that's whining.

:lol: You saying the will of the people is meaningless says it all. You don't understand or don't want to accept that this nation was built upon the will of the people.

I am typing on my phone and it was a simple error. You are free to make it into something more if you wish. I could easily point out that Amendment should be capitalized and is spelled incorrectly in your previous post, but I am not an internet grammar douche. lol

What do I have to whine about? Gays can marry in every single state despite all the teeth gnashing and pussy aching from some people. They'll get over it.

I said the will of the people is meaningless if the will is unconstitutional, a concept you seem to be having a difficult time comprehending.

Bro, you're making a false equivalency. I said nothing about your grammar.

Gays can marry where? Not in all 50 states. And again, this has only been perpetrated through subversion. It's un-American. It goes against who we are. You can try and demean those concerned as being merely bitter or do whatever labels you want; but that doesn't change the subversion of the nation and the consequences of such immorality. You're deluding yourself if you think they're aren't consequences. The fall of the Roman Empire came about through such means.

And the will of the people was not unConstitutional. Gay marriage is not a protected right by that founding document. It simply isn't.

Sorry Snowflake- but you are just wrong. About everything.

We can all marry in all 50 states- gays and straights- opposite gender couples and same gender couples.

If by 'subversion' you mean through our Constitutional system of checks and balances- you would be of course correct- you right wing nut jobs consider our Constitutional protections to be subversion.

The Supreme Court has ruled multiple times overturning State marriage laws that were unconstitutional- starting with Loving v. Virginia.

In Loving v. Virginia the 'will of the people' was that mixed race couples should not be allowed to marry. The Supreme Court correctly overturned such a state law as being unconsitutional.

Obergefell is merely the most recent court decision protecting the marriage rights of Americans. The 'will of the people' doesn't trump the Constitution.

The people have overwhelmingly voted down gay marriage. It's been judicial infiltration and perversion of The Constitution that has led to gay marriage. At some point, you'll see repercussions. When the people don't own their government, it's tyranny. Tyranny can only last for so long.

The courts overturn unconsitutional laws- whether its marriage or whether its gun laws.

What Snowflakes like you call 'tyranny' the rest of the world calls our Constitutional system.

The Supreme Court has ruled multiple times overturning State marriage laws that were unconstitutional- starting with Loving v. Virginia.

In Loving v. Virginia the 'will of the people' was that mixed race couples should not be allowed to marry. The Supreme Court correctly overturned such a state law as being unconsitutional.

Obergefell is merely the most recent court decision protecting the marriage rights of Americans. The 'will of the people' doesn't trump the Constitution.
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