Oppressing lgbt

Why would / should the top of government even acknowledge the .0002%?
Stuff the Loonys back in the closet where they belong and move on to REAL issues that matter to the masses.
How has this been turned so complex?

We have a President who is also the titular head of the LBGT Movement, one aimed at
forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

Always nice to see a post about "some people's delusions" from a chic who traipses around in comic book superhero spandex. :)
Why would / should the top of government even acknowledge the .0002%?
Stuff the Loonys back in the closet where they belong and move on to REAL issues that matter to the masses.
How has this been turned so complex?

We have a President who is also the titular head of the LBGT Movement, one aimed at
forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

Always nice to see a post about "some people's delusions" from a chic who traipses around in comic book superhero spandex. :)

I happen to look good in 'superhero spandex.'

Stop drooling.
Why would / should the top of government even acknowledge the .0002%?
Stuff the Loonys back in the closet where they belong and move on to REAL issues that matter to the masses.
How has this been turned so complex?

We have a President who is also the titular head of the LBGT Movement, one aimed at
forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

Always nice to see a post about "some people's delusions" from a chic who traipses around in comic book superhero spandex. :)

I happen to look good in 'superhero spandex.'

Stop drooling.

Haha...you'd have to appreciate vagina to see it that way.
...Gays have never been denied the right to same sex marriage?...
There are no rights associated with sexual deviancy and perversion (a.k.a. homosexuality) in the 3000+ years of Judeo-Christian teachings and tradition.

Only condemnation and repulsion and aversion and disgust.

Your stupid Liberal-Progressives not only tried to flush 3000+ years of tradition down the toilet, but you set the stage for even worse, and shoved that down our throats.

Like AquaLung being allowed into the little girls bathroom.

You dumb phukks.

Did you really, honest-to-Christ think that you were going to be allowed to continue down that road, unopposed, for much longer?

Delusional fools.

We live in a Secularized Christian Nation... no matter what you say to the contrary... it's where the heart and soul of New Europe (America) resides.

In a post- January 20th world, you will see a continued grudging tolerance for such deviants and perverts, within the realms of hiring and other basic citizen and human rights.

But you will see a hasty retreat from Marriage, back to a state of Civil Unions, as a substitute; locked-down in such a way so that LibProgs will be unable to reverse it again, later.

And you will see a return to sanity as Federal -level law is advanced and enacted, enabling Home Rule for things like prohibiting freaks from barging into children's bathrooms.

America is determined to keep your filth away from its children and grandchildren.

It's a huge part of the reason why you were just bitch-slapped at the polls on November 8th.

But, the beauty of the American system is that is is capable of self-correction, when taken down a road that vast numbers of Americans do not wish to be taken.

You LibTards just had to push and push and push until you finally went too far, didn't you?

Your actions had consequences.

Welcome to yours.

Enjoy life in the Peanut Gallery, as you watch America swing oh-so-far away from where you tried to take it, with you-and-yours impotent and powerless to stop it.

The marvelous part about this is, you have nobody to blame for that, but yourselves.


Tradition is often just a whole lot of people being wrong about something for a very long time.
Not to worry... you've lost your control over that... we'll take it from here, thank you very much... stand aside, son...
...Gays have never been denied the right to same sex marriage?...
There are no rights associated with sexual deviancy and perversion (a.k.a. homosexuality) in the 3000+ years of Judeo-Christian teachings and tradition.

Only condemnation and repulsion and aversion and disgust.

Your stupid Liberal-Progressives not only tried to flush 3000+ years of tradition down the toilet, but you set the stage for even worse, and shoved that down our throats.

Like AquaLung being allowed into the little girls bathroom.

You dumb phukks.

Did you really, honest-to-Christ think that you were going to be allowed to continue down that road, unopposed, for much longer?

Delusional fools.

We live in a Secularized Christian Nation... no matter what you say to the contrary... it's where the heart and soul of New Europe (America) resides.

In a post- January 20th world, you will see a continued grudging tolerance for such deviants and perverts, within the realms of hiring and other basic citizen and human rights.

But you will see a hasty retreat from Marriage, back to a state of Civil Unions, as a substitute; locked-down in such a way so that LibProgs will be unable to reverse it again, later.

And you will see a return to sanity as Federal -level law is advanced and enacted, enabling Home Rule for things like prohibiting freaks from barging into children's bathrooms.

America is determined to keep your filth away from its children and grandchildren.

It's a huge part of the reason why you were just bitch-slapped at the polls on November 8th.

But, the beauty of the American system is that is is capable of self-correction, when taken down a road that vast numbers of Americans do not wish to be taken.

You LibTards just had to push and push and push until you finally went too far, didn't you?

Your actions had consequences.

Welcome to yours.

Enjoy life in the Peanut Gallery, as you watch America swing oh-so-far away from where you tried to take it, with you-and-yours impotent and powerless to stop it.

The marvelous part about this is, you have nobody to blame for that, but yourselves.


Tradition is often just a whole lot of people being wrong about something for a very long time.

And more often what you call "tradition" is simply cultural knowledge that has been gleaned and honed over centuries.
Cultural Knowledge that has identified homosexuality as sexual deviancy and perversion and not in the best interests of the community at-large.
I hear all the time from the left that trump is someone who systematically oppresses the lgbt community. Thing is I've never seen anything from trump negatively talking about the lgbt community at all. So where is this coming from?

He's allied himself with the Republican Party.
You klan meeting good tonight?

I'll be meeting as a member in my white sheets tonight!

Not surprising coming from you. We have all seen your racist post here on the USMB.
Yo, "Gloria Allred" should say it all about the "Socialist Democrat Party," she comes out every Presidential Election with a "Woman Puppet" who was either Raped or Abused by the Republican who is running! The "DEVIL" rules that Party now days!

...Gays have never been denied the right to same sex marriage?...
There are no rights associated with sexual deviancy and perversion (a.k.a. homosexuality) in the 3000+ years of Judeo-Christian teachings and tradition.

Only condemnation and repulsion and aversion and disgust.

Your stupid Liberal-Progressives not only tried to flush 3000+ years of tradition down the toilet, but you set the stage for even worse, and shoved that down our throats.

Like AquaLung being allowed into the little girls bathroom.

You dumb phukks.

Did you really, honest-to-Christ think that you were going to be allowed to continue down that road, unopposed, for much longer?

Delusional fools.

We live in a Secularized Christian Nation... no matter what you say to the contrary... it's where the heart and soul of New Europe (America) resides.

In a post- January 20th world, you will see a continued grudging tolerance for such deviants and perverts, within the realms of hiring and other basic citizen and human rights.

But you will see a hasty retreat from Marriage, back to a state of Civil Unions, as a substitute; locked-down in such a way so that LibProgs will be unable to reverse it again, later.

And you will see a return to sanity as Federal -level law is advanced and enacted, enabling Home Rule for things like prohibiting freaks from barging into children's bathrooms.

America is determined to keep your filth away from its children and grandchildren.

It's a huge part of the reason why you were just bitch-slapped at the polls on November 8th.

But, the beauty of the American system is that is is capable of self-correction, when taken down a road that vast numbers of Americans do not wish to be taken.

You LibTards just had to push and push and push until you finally went too far, didn't you?

Your actions had consequences.

Welcome to yours.

Enjoy life in the Peanut Gallery, as you watch America swing oh-so-far away from where you tried to take it, with you-and-yours impotent and powerless to stop it.

The marvelous part about this is, you have nobody to blame for that, but yourselves.


Tradition is often just a whole lot of people being wrong about something for a very long time.

And more often what you call "tradition" is simply cultural knowledge that has been gleaned and honed over centuries.
Cultural Knowledge that has identified homosexuality as sexual deviancy and perversion and not in the best interests of the community at-large.

What is the harm of two men or two women being married?
...Gays have never been denied the right to same sex marriage?...
There are no rights associated with sexual deviancy and perversion (a.k.a. homosexuality) in the 3000+ years of Judeo-Christian teachings and tradition.

Only condemnation and repulsion and aversion and disgust.

Your stupid Liberal-Progressives not only tried to flush 3000+ years of tradition down the toilet, but you set the stage for even worse, and shoved that down our throats.

Like AquaLung being allowed into the little girls bathroom.

You dumb phukks.

Did you really, honest-to-Christ think that you were going to be allowed to continue down that road, unopposed, for much longer?

Delusional fools.

We live in a Secularized Christian Nation... no matter what you say to the contrary... it's where the heart and soul of New Europe (America) resides.

In a post- January 20th world, you will see a continued grudging tolerance for such deviants and perverts, within the realms of hiring and other basic citizen and human rights.

But you will see a hasty retreat from Marriage, back to a state of Civil Unions, as a substitute; locked-down in such a way so that LibProgs will be unable to reverse it again, later.

And you will see a return to sanity as Federal -level law is advanced and enacted, enabling Home Rule for things like prohibiting freaks from barging into children's bathrooms.

America is determined to keep your filth away from its children and grandchildren.

It's a huge part of the reason why you were just bitch-slapped at the polls on November 8th.

But, the beauty of the American system is that is is capable of self-correction, when taken down a road that vast numbers of Americans do not wish to be taken.

You LibTards just had to push and push and push until you finally went too far, didn't you?

Your actions had consequences.

Welcome to yours.

Enjoy life in the Peanut Gallery, as you watch America swing oh-so-far away from where you tried to take it, with you-and-yours impotent and powerless to stop it.

The marvelous part about this is, you have nobody to blame for that, but yourselves.


Tradition is often just a whole lot of people being wrong about something for a very long time.

And more often what you call "tradition" is simply cultural knowledge that has been gleaned and honed over centuries.
Cultural Knowledge that has identified homosexuality as sexual deviancy and perversion and not in the best interests of the community at-large.

Should oral sex between any two adults be a crime under American law?
Dems need to perpetuate the victim mentality.

LOL- says the snowflakes who are offended by the thought of anyone criticizing Trump- even though of course no one is accusing Trump of any such thing.

Trump is only 'anti-gay' enough to appease his homophobic supporters- other than that Trump doesn't care.
Dems need to perpetuate the victim mentality.

LOL- says the snowflakes who are offended by the thought of anyone criticizing Trump- even though of course no one is accusing Trump of any such thing.

Trump is only 'anti-gay' enough to appease his homophobic supporters- other than that Trump doesn't care.


I literally was posting this at the same time as you were posting your ignorant post.

Reince Preibus has lost his fucking mind
...Gays have never been denied the right to same sex marriage?...
There are no rights associated with sexual deviancy and perversion (a.k.a. homosexuality) in the 3000+ years of Judeo-Christian teachings and tradition.

Only condemnation and repulsion and aversion and disgust.

Your stupid Liberal-Progressives not only tried to flush 3000+ years of tradition down the toilet, but you set the stage for even worse, and shoved that down our throats.

Like AquaLung being allowed into the little girls bathroom.

You dumb phukks.

Did you really, honest-to-Christ think that you were going to be allowed to continue down that road, unopposed, for much longer?

Delusional fools.

We live in a Secularized Christian Nation... no matter what you say to the contrary... it's where the heart and soul of New Europe (America) resides.

In a post- January 20th world, you will see a continued grudging tolerance for such deviants and perverts, within the realms of hiring and other basic citizen and human rights.

But you will see a hasty retreat from Marriage, back to a state of Civil Unions, as a substitute; locked-down in such a way so that LibProgs will be unable to reverse it again, later.

And you will see a return to sanity as Federal -level law is advanced and enacted, enabling Home Rule for things like prohibiting freaks from barging into children's bathrooms.

America is determined to keep your filth away from its children and grandchildren.

It's a huge part of the reason why you were just bitch-slapped at the polls on November 8th.

But, the beauty of the American system is that is is capable of self-correction, when taken down a road that vast numbers of Americans do not wish to be taken.

You LibTards just had to push and push and push until you finally went too far, didn't you?

Your actions had consequences.

Welcome to yours.

Enjoy life in the Peanut Gallery, as you watch America swing oh-so-far away from where you tried to take it, with you-and-yours impotent and powerless to stop it.

The marvelous part about this is, you have nobody to blame for that, but yourselves.


Tradition is often just a whole lot of people being wrong about something for a very long time.

And more often what you call "tradition" is simply cultural knowledge that has been gleaned and honed over centuries.
Cultural Knowledge that has identified homosexuality as sexual deviancy and perversion and not in the best interests of the community at-large.

What is the harm of two men or two women being married?
If you have to ask the question, you will not accept the answer.

Fortunately, beginning shortly after January 20th, it will no longer be up to you, so your opinion will not matter for much longer.
...Gays have never been denied the right to same sex marriage?...
There are no rights associated with sexual deviancy and perversion (a.k.a. homosexuality) in the 3000+ years of Judeo-Christian teachings and tradition.

Only condemnation and repulsion and aversion and disgust.

Your stupid Liberal-Progressives not only tried to flush 3000+ years of tradition down the toilet, but you set the stage for even worse, and shoved that down our throats.

Like AquaLung being allowed into the little girls bathroom.

You dumb phukks.

Did you really, honest-to-Christ think that you were going to be allowed to continue down that road, unopposed, for much longer?

Delusional fools.

We live in a Secularized Christian Nation... no matter what you say to the contrary... it's where the heart and soul of New Europe (America) resides.

In a post- January 20th world, you will see a continued grudging tolerance for such deviants and perverts, within the realms of hiring and other basic citizen and human rights.

But you will see a hasty retreat from Marriage, back to a state of Civil Unions, as a substitute; locked-down in such a way so that LibProgs will be unable to reverse it again, later.

And you will see a return to sanity as Federal -level law is advanced and enacted, enabling Home Rule for things like prohibiting freaks from barging into children's bathrooms.

America is determined to keep your filth away from its children and grandchildren.

It's a huge part of the reason why you were just bitch-slapped at the polls on November 8th.

But, the beauty of the American system is that is is capable of self-correction, when taken down a road that vast numbers of Americans do not wish to be taken.

You LibTards just had to push and push and push until you finally went too far, didn't you?

Your actions had consequences.

Welcome to yours.

Enjoy life in the Peanut Gallery, as you watch America swing oh-so-far away from where you tried to take it, with you-and-yours impotent and powerless to stop it.

The marvelous part about this is, you have nobody to blame for that, but yourselves.


Tradition is often just a whole lot of people being wrong about something for a very long time.

And more often what you call "tradition" is simply cultural knowledge that has been gleaned and honed over centuries.
Cultural Knowledge that has identified homosexuality as sexual deviancy and perversion and not in the best interests of the community at-large.

Should oral sex between any two adults be a crime under American law?

What is the harm in having government programs that serve no useful purpose and that promote a lifestyle that is harmful to the survival of the species.
Gays hate heterosexuality and the mainstream like it. You can see which way this is going.

LOL- and you know this because of your deep personal connections with gays?

Stop listening to what the voices in your head tell you.
Doesn't matter...

They're headed back for the closet again...

Time to get that filth out of our schools, away from our kids and grandkids, out of the light, and back under their mushrooms, where they belong...
There are no rights associated with sexual deviancy and perversion (a.k.a. homosexuality) in the 3000+ years of Judeo-Christian teachings and tradition.

Only condemnation and repulsion and aversion and disgust.

Your stupid Liberal-Progressives not only tried to flush 3000+ years of tradition down the toilet, but you set the stage for even worse, and shoved that down our throats.

Like AquaLung being allowed into the little girls bathroom.

You dumb phukks.

Did you really, honest-to-Christ think that you were going to be allowed to continue down that road, unopposed, for much longer?

Delusional fools.

We live in a Secularized Christian Nation... no matter what you say to the contrary... it's where the heart and soul of New Europe (America) resides.

In a post- January 20th world, you will see a continued grudging tolerance for such deviants and perverts, within the realms of hiring and other basic citizen and human rights.

But you will see a hasty retreat from Marriage, back to a state of Civil Unions, as a substitute; locked-down in such a way so that LibProgs will be unable to reverse it again, later.

And you will see a return to sanity as Federal -level law is advanced and enacted, enabling Home Rule for things like prohibiting freaks from barging into children's bathrooms.

America is determined to keep your filth away from its children and grandchildren.

It's a huge part of the reason why you were just bitch-slapped at the polls on November 8th.

But, the beauty of the American system is that is is capable of self-correction, when taken down a road that vast numbers of Americans do not wish to be taken.

You LibTards just had to push and push and push until you finally went too far, didn't you?

Your actions had consequences.

Welcome to yours.

Enjoy life in the Peanut Gallery, as you watch America swing oh-so-far away from where you tried to take it, with you-and-yours impotent and powerless to stop it.

The marvelous part about this is, you have nobody to blame for that, but yourselves.


Tradition is often just a whole lot of people being wrong about something for a very long time.

And more often what you call "tradition" is simply cultural knowledge that has been gleaned and honed over centuries.
Cultural Knowledge that has identified homosexuality as sexual deviancy and perversion and not in the best interests of the community at-large.

Should oral sex between any two adults be a crime under American law?

What is the harm in having government programs that serve no useful purpose and that promote a lifestyle that is harmful to the survival of the species.

I hear all the time from the left that trump is someone who systematically oppresses the lgbt community. Thing is I've never seen anything from trump negatively talking about the lgbt community at all. So where is this coming from?
In order to talk about this as if it was settled information, they need to start talking about it as if it has actually happened. They count on the laziness of the American citizen to never actually look things up. This will then give them some red meat for their base come 2020.
There are no rights associated with sexual deviancy and perversion (a.k.a. homosexuality) in the 3000+ years of Judeo-Christian teachings and tradition.

Only condemnation and repulsion and aversion and disgust.

Your stupid Liberal-Progressives not only tried to flush 3000+ years of tradition down the toilet, but you set the stage for even worse, and shoved that down our throats.

Like AquaLung being allowed into the little girls bathroom.

You dumb phukks.

Did you really, honest-to-Christ think that you were going to be allowed to continue down that road, unopposed, for much longer?

Delusional fools.

We live in a Secularized Christian Nation... no matter what you say to the contrary... it's where the heart and soul of New Europe (America) resides.

In a post- January 20th world, you will see a continued grudging tolerance for such deviants and perverts, within the realms of hiring and other basic citizen and human rights.

But you will see a hasty retreat from Marriage, back to a state of Civil Unions, as a substitute; locked-down in such a way so that LibProgs will be unable to reverse it again, later.

And you will see a return to sanity as Federal -level law is advanced and enacted, enabling Home Rule for things like prohibiting freaks from barging into children's bathrooms.

America is determined to keep your filth away from its children and grandchildren.

It's a huge part of the reason why you were just bitch-slapped at the polls on November 8th.

But, the beauty of the American system is that is is capable of self-correction, when taken down a road that vast numbers of Americans do not wish to be taken.

You LibTards just had to push and push and push until you finally went too far, didn't you?

Your actions had consequences.

Welcome to yours.

Enjoy life in the Peanut Gallery, as you watch America swing oh-so-far away from where you tried to take it, with you-and-yours impotent and powerless to stop it.

The marvelous part about this is, you have nobody to blame for that, but yourselves.


Tradition is often just a whole lot of people being wrong about something for a very long time.

And more often what you call "tradition" is simply cultural knowledge that has been gleaned and honed over centuries.
Cultural Knowledge that has identified homosexuality as sexual deviancy and perversion and not in the best interests of the community at-large.

What is the harm of two men or two women being married?
If you have to ask the question, you will not accept the answer.

Fortunately, beginning shortly after January 20th, it will no longer be up to you, so your opinion will not matter for much longer.

It isn't up to you either. Gays can and will continue to marry and the only thing you can do about it is piss and moan like a twat about it on the internet. Get over it.

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