Oppressing lgbt

...Gays have never been denied the right to same sex marriage?...
There are no rights associated with sexual deviancy and perversion (a.k.a. homosexuality) in the 3000+ years of Judeo-Christian teachings and tradition.

Only condemnation and repulsion and aversion and disgust.

Your stupid Liberal-Progressives not only tried to flush 3000+ years of tradition down the toilet, but you set the stage for even worse, and shoved that down our throats.

Like AquaLung being allowed into the little girls bathroom.

You dumb phukks.

Did you really, honest-to-Christ think that you were going to be allowed to continue down that road, unopposed, for much longer?

Delusional fools.

We live in a Secularized Christian Nation... no matter what you say to the contrary... it's where the heart and soul of New Europe (America) resides.

In a post- January 20th world, you will see a grudging tolerance for such deviants and perverts, within the realms of hiring and other basic citizen and human rights.

But you will see a hasty retreat from Marriage, back to a state of Civil Unions, as a substitute; locked-down in such a way so that LibProgs will be unable to reverse it again, later.

And you will see a return to sanity as Federal -level law is advanced and enacted, enabling Home Rule for things like prohibiting freaks from barging into children's bathrooms.

America is determined to keep your filth away from its children and grandchildren.

It's a huge part of the reason why you were just bitch-slapped at the polls on November 8th.

But, the beauty of the American system is that is is capable of self-correction, when taken down a road that vast numbers of Americans do not wish to be taken.

You LibTards just had to push and push and push until you finally went too far, didn't you?

Your actions had consequences.

Welcome to yours.

Enjoy life in the Peanut Gallery, as you watch America swing oh-so-far away from where you tried to take it, with you-and-yours impotent and powerless to stop it.

The marvelous part about this is, you have nobody to blame for that, but yourselves.


Dafuck are you babbling about here?

You started out agreeing that the whole "Rump oppressing LGBT" is a strawman without basis, then turned on a dime and drone on and on as if it's a real thing.

Pick a side already. This isn't a political campaign.

Don't fall for the trap of debating whether homosexual behavior is normal. It's a red herring.

1) it's irrelevant to whether trump has policies to oppress lgbt.

He's right this time.
Why would / should the top of government even acknowledge the .0002%?
Stuff the Loonys back in the closet where they belong and move on to REAL issues that matter to the masses.
How has this been turned so complex?

What percentage does a group need to achieve for the goverment to be concerned about the issues they face? 5%? 10%?
Why would / should the top of government even acknowledge the .0002%?
Stuff the Loonys back in the closet where they belong and move on to REAL issues that matter to the masses.
How has this been turned so complex?

What percentage does a group need to achieve for the goverment to be concerned about the issues they face? 5%? 10%?

I'll play...Lets answer questions with questions?
I believe it's legal to have sex with your Labrador in 18 states in the U.S.
Surely there are a number of Zoosexuals among us right? Legitimate people with their head on straight consider these people total fucking whack-jobs with a mental disorder. If "a group" of Zoosexuals started showing up on the steps of courthouses demanding rights and recognition Loonys, Democrats and Liberals would be right there to help in their quest.
Do you hear how fucking crazy that sounds?
Did you really think you whacko's could run a muck and continue the Loony free for all for ever?
You're done..it's over! Legitimate people are finally pissed off and fed up...Welcome to the beginning of the reincarnation of the old great America...hahaha
Last edited:
Why would / should the top of government even acknowledge the .0002%?
Stuff the Loonys back in the closet where they belong and move on to REAL issues that matter to the masses.
How has this been turned so complex?

What percentage does a group need to achieve for the goverment to be concerned about the issues they face? 5%? 10%?

I'll play...Lets answer questions with questions?
I believe it's legal to have sex with your Labrador in 18 states in the U.S.
Surely there are a number of Zoosexuals among us right? Legitimate people with their head on straight consider these people total fucking whack-jobs with a mental disorder. If "a group" of Zoosexuals started showing up on the steps of courthouses demanding rights and recognition Loonys, Democrats and Liberals would be right there to help in their quest.
Do you hear how fucking crazy that sounds?
Did you really think you whacko's could run a muck and continue the Loony free for all for ever?
You're done..it's over! Legitimate people are finally pissed off and fed up...Welcome the beginning of the reincarnation of the old great America...hahaha

I love watching dip shits erect a straw man and haughtily rail against it. Too funny.
Why would / should the top of government even acknowledge the .0002%?
Stuff the Loonys back in the closet where they belong and move on to REAL issues that matter to the masses.
How has this been turned so complex?

What percentage does a group need to achieve for the goverment to be concerned about the issues they face? 5%? 10%?

I'll play...Lets answer questions with questions?
I believe it's legal to have sex with your Labrador in 18 states in the U.S.
Surely there are a number of Zoosexuals among us right? Legitimate people with their head on straight consider these people total fucking whack-jobs with a mental disorder. If "a group" of Zoosexuals started showing up on the steps of courthouses demanding rights and recognition Loonys, Democrats and Liberals would be right there to help in their quest.
Do you hear how fucking crazy that sounds?
Did you really think you whacko's could run a muck and continue the Loony free for all for ever?
You're done..it's over! Legitimate people are finally pissed off and fed up...Welcome the beginning of the reincarnation of the old great America...hahaha

I love watching dip shits erect a straw man and haughtily rail against it. Too funny.

That was a straw dog mdk.
That was a straw dog mdk.
Why would / should the top of government even acknowledge the .0002%?
Stuff the Loonys back in the closet where they belong and move on to REAL issues that matter to the masses.
How has this been turned so complex?

What percentage does a group need to achieve for the goverment to be concerned about the issues they face? 5%? 10%?

I'll play...Lets answer questions with questions?
I believe it's legal to have sex with your Labrador in 18 states in the U.S.
Surely there are a number of Zoosexuals among us right? Legitimate people with their head on straight consider these people total fucking whack-jobs with a mental disorder. If "a group" of Zoosexuals started showing up on the steps of courthouses demanding rights and recognition Loonys, Democrats and Liberals would be right there to help in their quest.
Do you hear how fucking crazy that sounds?
Did you really think you whacko's could run a muck and continue the Loony free for all for ever?
You're done..it's over! Legitimate people are finally pissed off and fed up...Welcome the beginning of the reincarnation of the old great America...hahaha

I love watching dip shits erect a straw man and haughtily rail against it. Too funny.

Why would / should the top of government even acknowledge the .0002%?
Stuff the Loonys back in the closet where they belong and move on to REAL issues that matter to the masses.
How has this been turned so complex?

What percentage does a group need to achieve for the goverment to be concerned about the issues they face? 5%? 10%?

I'll play...Lets answer questions with questions?
I believe it's legal to have sex with your Labrador in 18 states in the U.S.
Surely there are a number of Zoosexuals among us right? Legitimate people with their head on straight consider these people total fucking whack-jobs with a mental disorder. If "a group" of Zoosexuals started showing up on the steps of courthouses demanding rights and recognition Loonys, Democrats and Liberals would be right there to help in their quest.
Do you hear how fucking crazy that sounds?
Did you really think you whacko's could run a muck and continue the Loony free for all for ever?
You're done..it's over! Legitimate people are finally pissed off and fed up...Welcome the beginning of the reincarnation of the old great America...hahaha

I love watching dip shits erect a straw man and haughtily rail against it. Too funny.

That was a straw dog mdk.

I think you're saying you fellas really like Labradors? Am I right?
I think you're saying you fellas really like Labradors? Am I right?

You probably should get a license before you try too much more thinking.
I was being more descriptive than you and having some fun with a thread. Note cat avie. mdk is far more than just his sexual preferences, try finding similarities more than emphasizing differences.
Why would / should the top of government even acknowledge the .0002%?
Stuff the Loonys back in the closet where they belong and move on to REAL issues that matter to the masses.
How has this been turned so complex?

What percentage does a group need to achieve for the goverment to be concerned about the issues they face? 5%? 10%?

I'll play...Lets answer questions with questions?
I believe it's legal to have sex with your Labrador in 18 states in the U.S.
Surely there are a number of Zoosexuals among us right? Legitimate people with their head on straight consider these people total fucking whack-jobs with a mental disorder. If "a group" of Zoosexuals started showing up on the steps of courthouses demanding rights and recognition Loonys, Democrats and Liberals would be right there to help in their quest.
Do you hear how fucking crazy that sounds?
Did you really think you whacko's could run a muck and continue the Loony free for all for ever?
You're done..it's over! Legitimate people are finally pissed off and fed up...Welcome the beginning of the reincarnation of the old great America...hahaha

I love watching dip shits erect a straw man and haughtily rail against it. Too funny.

Why would / should the top of government even acknowledge the .0002%?
Stuff the Loonys back in the closet where they belong and move on to REAL issues that matter to the masses.
How has this been turned so complex?

What percentage does a group need to achieve for the goverment to be concerned about the issues they face? 5%? 10%?

I'll play...Lets answer questions with questions?
I believe it's legal to have sex with your Labrador in 18 states in the U.S.
Surely there are a number of Zoosexuals among us right? Legitimate people with their head on straight consider these people total fucking whack-jobs with a mental disorder. If "a group" of Zoosexuals started showing up on the steps of courthouses demanding rights and recognition Loonys, Democrats and Liberals would be right there to help in their quest.
Do you hear how fucking crazy that sounds?
Did you really think you whacko's could run a muck and continue the Loony free for all for ever?
You're done..it's over! Legitimate people are finally pissed off and fed up...Welcome the beginning of the reincarnation of the old great America...hahaha

I love watching dip shits erect a straw man and haughtily rail against it. Too funny.

That was a straw dog mdk.

I think you're saying you fellas really like Labradors? Am I right?

Absolutely. They are positively wonderful dogs. I grew up with blacks labs running around in the farm. I wish I had more free time or I would get one in a heart beat.
I think you're saying you fellas really like Labradors? Am I right?

You probably should get a license before you try too much more thinking.
I was being more descriptive than you and having some fun with a thread. Note cat avie. mdk is far more than just his sexual preferences, try finding similarities more than emphasizing differences.

You see, that's the problem with Libtards and it proves iQ deficiency when they say: "don't think big picture, see everything through a narrow scope."
You koooks have to stop being afraid to think...it's okay to try to use intellect. Remember, even wild animals know the importance of reproduction...even wild animals think big picture.
I think you're saying you fellas really like Labradors? Am I right?

You probably should get a license before you try too much more thinking.
I was being more descriptive than you and having some fun with a thread. Note cat avie. mdk is far more than just his sexual preferences, try finding similarities more than emphasizing differences.

You see, that's the problem with Libtards and it proves iQ deficiency when they say: "don't think big picture, see everything through a narrow scope."
You koooks have to stop being afraid to think...it's okay to try to use intellect. Remember, even wild animals know the importance of reproduction...even wild animals think big picture.


I am more conservative than you can ever hope for. I just don't cut morons slack regardless of political persuasion.

Wild animals are driven by instinct and food. Try to develop past that. I am not a supporter of the gay life style, but I also do not find it American to deny them the right to transfer property, health insurance benefits to households and other basic things.
Last edited:
...Gays have never been denied the right to same sex marriage?...
There are no rights associated with sexual deviancy and perversion (a.k.a. homosexuality) in the 3000+ years of Judeo-Christian teachings and tradition.

Only condemnation and repulsion and aversion and disgust.

Your stupid Liberal-Progressives not only tried to flush 3000+ years of tradition down the toilet, but you set the stage for even worse, and shoved that down our throats.

Like AquaLung being allowed into the little girls bathroom.

You dumb phukks.

Did you really, honest-to-Christ think that you were going to be allowed to continue down that road, unopposed, for much longer?

Delusional fools.

We live in a Secularized Christian Nation... no matter what you say to the contrary... it's where the heart and soul of New Europe (America) resides.

In a post- January 20th world, you will see a continued grudging tolerance for such deviants and perverts, within the realms of hiring and other basic citizen and human rights.

But you will see a hasty retreat from Marriage, back to a state of Civil Unions, as a substitute; locked-down in such a way so that LibProgs will be unable to reverse it again, later.

And you will see a return to sanity as Federal -level law is advanced and enacted, enabling Home Rule for things like prohibiting freaks from barging into children's bathrooms.

America is determined to keep your filth away from its children and grandchildren.

It's a huge part of the reason why you were just bitch-slapped at the polls on November 8th.

But, the beauty of the American system is that is is capable of self-correction, when taken down a road that vast numbers of Americans do not wish to be taken.

You LibTards just had to push and push and push until you finally went too far, didn't you?

Your actions had consequences.

Welcome to yours.

Enjoy life in the Peanut Gallery, as you watch America swing oh-so-far away from where you tried to take it, with you-and-yours impotent and powerless to stop it.

The marvelous part about this is, you have nobody to blame for that, but yourselves.


Tradition is often just a whole lot of people being wrong about something for a very long time.
...Gays have never been denied the right to same sex marriage?...
There are no rights associated with sexual deviancy and perversion (a.k.a. homosexuality) in the 3000+ years of Judeo-Christian teachings and tradition.

Only condemnation and repulsion and aversion and disgust.

Your stupid Liberal-Progressives not only tried to flush 3000+ years of tradition down the toilet, but you set the stage for even worse, and shoved that down our throats.

Like AquaLung being allowed into the little girls bathroom.

You dumb phukks.

Did you really, honest-to-Christ think that you were going to be allowed to continue down that road, unopposed, for much longer?

Delusional fools.

We live in a Secularized Christian Nation... no matter what you say to the contrary... it's where the heart and soul of New Europe (America) resides.

In a post- January 20th world, you will see a continued grudging tolerance for such deviants and perverts, within the realms of hiring and other basic citizen and human rights.

But you will see a hasty retreat from Marriage, back to a state of Civil Unions, as a substitute; locked-down in such a way so that LibProgs will be unable to reverse it again, later.

And you will see a return to sanity as Federal -level law is advanced and enacted, enabling Home Rule for things like prohibiting freaks from barging into children's bathrooms.

America is determined to keep your filth away from its children and grandchildren.

It's a huge part of the reason why you were just bitch-slapped at the polls on November 8th.

But, the beauty of the American system is that is is capable of self-correction, when taken down a road that vast numbers of Americans do not wish to be taken.

You LibTards just had to push and push and push until you finally went too far, didn't you?

Your actions had consequences.

Welcome to yours.

Enjoy life in the Peanut Gallery, as you watch America swing oh-so-far away from where you tried to take it, with you-and-yours impotent and powerless to stop it.

The marvelous part about this is, you have nobody to blame for that, but yourselves.


Tradition is often just a whole lot of people being wrong about something for a very long time.

And more often what you call "tradition" is simply cultural knowledge that has been gleaned and honed over centuries.
Ok fair enough. I do not try to generalize and apply to a group of people with any of my claims. I only found one person backing it up in this thread, and I should not take that as representation of the left.

From the direction of OPs and posts following in USMB. Yes there is a LOT of borg tendencies coming from the left for MANY Years. And a lot more borg post tendencies coming from trump fans as of recent. It's a trend I find alarming.

But from what I've heard from the left, and from what you are saying now, my next question is.. would you say that trump cares/respects more about the LGBT community than he does about women?

Since I have no info positive or negative on his LGBT stance, and since I do have an idea of how he thinks of women, I'd guess yes almost certainly. He prolly cares more about caterpillars than about women.

But that's a guess. If he detests LGBTs he hasn't said so to my knowledge. And while it's possible he's holding in something that he hasn't said, it would be astoundingly out of character to do that.

Ok cards on the table. I was just playing devils advocate there. But caterpillars over women, bit of an hyperbole, but I understand the function. That still makes me surprised coming from the left, when the republican POTUSE has been a democrat almost his whole life, supports single payer healthcare, and supports transg's rights....to oppose him in such a way the left has demonstrated...it's certainly off. What is the left so against from this guy that they are not guilty of doing themselves?

Again, I'm not aware of Rump "oppressing LGBT rights". The OP's own strawman is the first I've heard of it.

Actually I'm not aware that Rump has any policies at all. I don't think he has any use for them. He's simply a con artist who pushes people's buttons for his own amusement. That's it.

And 'for me, that's a level of blatant dishonesty I find repugnant.

Did you find it repugnant when the left pushed the ACA and all the promises with it as truth, only to find 4 years later it has done exactly what the right said it would do. It has not only doubled the cost premiums for most families, those families have also lost a great deal of coverage. In one example I can personally cite, one of my nurses broke his hand in a softball game, and despite paying more for health insurance than he previously did, he also had to pay 10,000 out of pocket on a deductible that would have been virtually non existent pre ACA. Was the ACA not just as dishonest as what you're saying trump is dishonest about?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Off topic. And your take on the ACA, how it was developed, and its impact is way off. You need to get some facts.

Cost of Coverage Under Affordable Care Act to Increase in 2015

Thank you Ny times for confirming the loss of coverage in form of ridiculously high deductibles. Not to mention bill and Hillary Clinton both said ACA is a disaster.

Obamacare: Top 10 Reasons It's Wrong for America

Here's an article from before ACA, outlining the lies that were pushed to get it through. Lies that were later confirmed. Lies like it's not a tax, like your Doctor keep your doctor, Obamacare will be fully funded, lower the cost for the average family by 2500. That's a lot of lies for one bill. That was not dishonest to you?
...Gays have never been denied the right to same sex marriage?...
There are no rights associated with sexual deviancy and perversion (a.k.a. homosexuality) in the 3000+ years of Judeo-Christian teachings and tradition.

Only condemnation and repulsion and aversion and disgust.

Your stupid Liberal-Progressives not only tried to flush 3000+ years of tradition down the toilet, but you set the stage for even worse, and shoved that down our throats.

Like AquaLung being allowed into the little girls bathroom.

You dumb phukks.

Did you really, honest-to-Christ think that you were going to be allowed to continue down that road, unopposed, for much longer?

Delusional fools.

We live in a Secularized Christian Nation... no matter what you say to the contrary... it's where the heart and soul of New Europe (America) resides.

In a post- January 20th world, you will see a continued grudging tolerance for such deviants and perverts, within the realms of hiring and other basic citizen and human rights.

But you will see a hasty retreat from Marriage, back to a state of Civil Unions, as a substitute; locked-down in such a way so that LibProgs will be unable to reverse it again, later.

And you will see a return to sanity as Federal -level law is advanced and enacted, enabling Home Rule for things like prohibiting freaks from barging into children's bathrooms.

America is determined to keep your filth away from its children and grandchildren.

It's a huge part of the reason why you were just bitch-slapped at the polls on November 8th.

But, the beauty of the American system is that is is capable of self-correction, when taken down a road that vast numbers of Americans do not wish to be taken.

You LibTards just had to push and push and push until you finally went too far, didn't you?

Your actions had consequences.

Welcome to yours.

Enjoy life in the Peanut Gallery, as you watch America swing oh-so-far away from where you tried to take it, with you-and-yours impotent and powerless to stop it.

The marvelous part about this is, you have nobody to blame for that, but yourselves.


Tradition is often just a whole lot of people being wrong about something for a very long time.

Are you referring to the "traditions" and foundation that made this country American? That made everyone want to live here? That made America the greatest country in the world?
Each time tradition and foundation is compromised this place becomes a bigger more diluted shit-hole. You would have to be part of the solution to see this...those whom are part of the problem think the bigger the shit-hole the better the place.
Why would / should the top of government even acknowledge the .0002%?
Stuff the Loonys back in the closet where they belong and move on to REAL issues that matter to the masses.
How has this been turned so complex?

We have a President who is also the titular head of the LBGT Movement, one aimed at
forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

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