Oppressing lgbt

Oppressing LGBT?


When? Where? Link?

If he presses the Reset Button on Gay Marriage, that will not be oppression.

That will be pulling America back from the path of licentiousness and decadence and degeneracy and setting it back on the path of decency and sanity.

If he starts banning Gays from public or private sector service or if he starts rounding-up Gays and putting them into reeducation camps - THAT would be persecuting them.

Frankly, given the viciousness with which the Gay Mafia have been oppressing the vast majority Straight America for so long, if it came to that, I doubt that many would care.

What goes around comes around, and it's the LGBT freaks' turn in the barrel.

Time to tweak SCOTUS in the right direction, and then it should become easier.

This, too, is something that The Left can blame itself for... you arrogant phukks.

How the mighty have fallen.
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  • #82
Trump chose Mike Pence, one of the most notorious homophobes in the country, as his VP.

So you concede that Donald trump has not proposed a single law or policy that systematically oppresses the lgbt?
Isn't it possible that the lgbt community suppresses the rights of evangelical (and normal) Americans? We have the most tolerant Country in the world but apparently hairy freakazoid men in dresses aren't content to use the rest room appropriate to their freaking DNA and they want to put an entire state out of work in order to force women to share a public bathroom with a man and force girls to share a locker or a bathroom with a confused boy.
I hear all the time from the left that trump is someone who systematically oppresses the lgbt community. Thing is I've never seen anything from trump negatively talking about the lgbt community at all. So where is this coming from?

He's allied himself with the Republican Party.
These types of implied lies is why you and your ilk are on the losing end and will remand there as long as you continue.

Do you wish to deny that the GOP is at the forefront of the opposition to gay rights?

Go ahead.
Since there is nothing called "gay rights" written anywhere, it would be real hard to oppose something which is nothing. You folks keep making things up and expecting people to accept your BS. Your time has ended.
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  • #86
Don't fall for the trap of debating whether homosexual behavior is normal. It's a red herring.

1) it's irrelevant to whether trump has policies to oppress lgbt.

2) normal is a completely subjective term.

3) many normal things are bad. Like violence, lying, mental illness, etc.

If you are going to argue it the correct argument is whether its good, not whether it's normal
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  • #87
Trump chose Mike Pence, one of the most notorious homophobes in the country, as his VP.

So you concede that Donald trump has not proposed a single law or policy that systematically oppresses the lgbt?

So you concede you built this whole thread around a strawman?

Oppressing LGBT?


When? Where? Link?

Zackly. That's what I said when I got here.

Can't concede what's not true.

I've given you examples. Your fellow leftists have provided the same rhetoric in speaking of in this very thread. You can't argue it's a straw man and why trump is oppressing them at the same time
Don't fall for the trap of debating whether homosexual behavior is normal. It's a red herring.

1) it's irrelevant to whether trump has policies to oppress lgbt.

2) normal is a completely subjective term.

3) many normal things are bad. Like violence, lying, mental illness, etc.

If you are going to argue it the correct argument is whether its good, not whether it's normal
Many of your colleague-posters wish to paint with a broader brush.

some wandering off the narrow beam of the OP is bound to happen.

So long as the broader strokes relate to the OP, as cause-and-effect if nothing else, it's all good.

You cannot channel such conversations to your precise desires or intentions.

This is the price of free and open dialogue.
Isn't it possible that the lgbt community suppresses the rights of evangelical (and normal) Americans? We have the most tolerant Country in the world but apparently hairy freakazoid men in dresses aren't content to use the rest room appropriate to their freaking DNA and they want to put an entire state out of work in order to force women to share a public bathroom with a man and force girls to share a locker or a bathroom with a confused boy.
Exactly. It's time to put an end to this LGBT Gay Mafia shit.

And if that means re-interpreting a piece of the Constitution using a more receptive post-January 20th Supreme Court, then, so be it.

Indiana Governor Mike Pence sitting as President of the United States Senate should help greatly in this righteous and highly desirable outcome.

Trump chose Pence for other reasons.

LGBT issues simply aren't important enough to the Right and the vast Center to make that much of a factor in the selection of a running mate.

But it IS a happy coincidence and unintended collateral benefit, and should make for great fun, after January 20th.
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I hear all the time from the left that trump is someone who systematically oppresses the lgbt community. Thing is I've never seen anything from trump negatively talking about the lgbt community at all. So where is this coming from?

He's allied himself with the Republican Party.
These types of implied lies is why you and your ilk are on the losing end and will remand there as long as you continue.

Do you wish to deny that the GOP is at the forefront of the opposition to gay rights?

Go ahead.
Since there is nothing called "gay rights" written anywhere, it would be real hard to oppose something which is nothing. You folks keep making things up and expecting people to accept your BS. Your time has ended.

Yes. 'Homosexual Privileges' is closer to being accurate, as they aren't denied any rights, and never have been.
Trump chose Mike Pence, one of the most notorious homophobes in the country, as his VP.

So you concede that Donald trump has not proposed a single law or policy that systematically oppresses the lgbt?

So you concede you built this whole thread around a strawman?

Oppressing LGBT?


When? Where? Link?

Zackly. That's what I said when I got here.

Can't concede what's not true.

I've given you examples. Your fellow leftists have provided the same rhetoric in speaking of in this very thread. You can't argue it's a straw man and why trump is oppressing them at the same time

So you think the gay rights war is over and the gays have won.
I hear all the time from the left that trump is someone who systematically oppresses the lgbt community. Thing is I've never seen anything from trump negatively talking about the lgbt community at all. So where is this coming from?

He's allied himself with the Republican Party.
These types of implied lies is why you and your ilk are on the losing end and will remand there as long as you continue.

Do you wish to deny that the GOP is at the forefront of the opposition to gay rights?

Go ahead.
Since there is nothing called "gay rights" written anywhere, it would be real hard to oppose something which is nothing. You folks keep making things up and expecting people to accept your BS. Your time has ended.

Yes. 'Homosexual Privileges' is closer to being accurate, as they aren't denied any rights, and never have been.

Gays have never been denied the right to same sex marriage? They've never been denied housing? Jobs?
He's allied himself with the Republican Party.
These types of implied lies is why you and your ilk are on the losing end and will remand there as long as you continue.

Do you wish to deny that the GOP is at the forefront of the opposition to gay rights?

Go ahead.
Since there is nothing called "gay rights" written anywhere, it would be real hard to oppose something which is nothing. You folks keep making things up and expecting people to accept your BS. Your time has ended.

Yes. 'Homosexual Privileges' is closer to being accurate, as they aren't denied any rights, and never have been.

Gays have never been denied the right to same sex marriage? They've never been denied housing? Jobs?

'Same sex Role Playing At Marriage' isn't a right, and most of them aren't interested in the least in marriage, it's just agitprop for morons, and discrimination against the mentally ill, and not wanting some Pedo-Friendlies moving into a neighborhood where children live, is just common sense.
Why would / should the top of government even acknowledge the .0002%?
Stuff the Loonys back in the closet where they belong and move on to REAL issues that matter to the masses.
How has this been turned so complex?
...Gays have never been denied the right to same sex marriage?...
There are no rights associated with sexual deviancy and perversion (a.k.a. homosexuality) in the 3000+ years of Judeo-Christian teachings and tradition.

Only condemnation and repulsion and aversion and disgust.

Your stupid Liberal-Progressives not only tried to flush 3000+ years of tradition down the toilet, but you set the stage for even worse, and shoved that down our throats.

Like AquaLung being allowed into the little girls bathroom.

You dumb phukks.

Did you really, honest-to-Christ think that you were going to be allowed to continue down that road, unopposed, for much longer?

Delusional fools.

We live in a Secularized Christian Nation... no matter what you say to the contrary... it's where the heart and soul of New Europe (America) resides.

In a post- January 20th world, you will see a continued grudging tolerance for such deviants and perverts, within the realms of hiring and other basic citizen and human rights.

But you will see a hasty retreat from Marriage, back to a state of Civil Unions, as a substitute; locked-down in such a way so that LibProgs will be unable to reverse it again, later.

And you will see a return to sanity as Federal -level law is advanced and enacted, enabling Home Rule for things like prohibiting freaks from barging into children's bathrooms.

America is determined to keep your filth away from its children and grandchildren.

It's a huge part of the reason why you were just bitch-slapped at the polls on November 8th.

But, the beauty of the American system is that is is capable of self-correction, when taken down a road that vast numbers of Americans do not wish to be taken.

You LibTards just had to push and push and push until you finally went too far, didn't you?

Your actions had consequences.

Welcome to yours.

Enjoy life in the Peanut Gallery, as you watch America swing oh-so-far away from where you tried to take it, with you-and-yours impotent and powerless to stop it.

The marvelous part about this is, you have nobody to blame for that, but yourselves.

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Trump chose Mike Pence, one of the most notorious homophobes in the country, as his VP.

So you concede that Donald trump has not proposed a single law or policy that systematically oppresses the lgbt?

So you concede you built this whole thread around a strawman?

Oppressing LGBT?


When? Where? Link?

Zackly. That's what I said when I got here.

Can't concede what's not true.

I've given you examples. Your fellow leftists have provided the same rhetoric in speaking of in this very thread. You can't argue it's a straw man and why trump is oppressing them at the same time

You've given ZERO examples. You posted laughable strawmen like "I keep hearing this" and "this person in Bryn Mawr" ---- with no docuentation whatsoever.

As I said, take those strawmen and four dollars to Starbucks, and leave the strawmen in the car, and they'll provide you with some caffeine.

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