Oppressing lgbt

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I hear all the time from the left that trump is someone who systematically oppresses the lgbt community. Thing is I've never seen anything from trump negatively talking about the lgbt community at all. So where is this coming from?

Seriously the guy supports transg's going in whatever bathroom they want, where's the lefts foothold on this?

I would've called this a straw man earlier but I see there's actually people on the left in this thread saying he against LGBT...so I guess it's not much of a straw man haha

I know. I can't understand it either. But lefties keep making this claim and it doesn't make sense.
I hear all the time from the left that trump is someone who systematically oppresses the lgbt community. Thing is I've never seen anything from trump negatively talking about the lgbt community at all. So where is this coming from?

Seriously the guy supports transg's going in whatever bathroom they want, where's the lefts foothold on this?

I would've called this a straw man earlier but I see there's actually people on the left in this thread saying he against LGBT...so I guess it's not much of a straw man haha

I know. I can't understand it either. But lefties keep making this claim and it doesn't make sense.

DOOD. That's you making that claim. How can you forget what you just wrote, that quick?

The memory is the second thing to go...............
I hear all the time from the left that trump is someone who systematically oppresses the lgbt community. Thing is I've never seen anything from trump negatively talking about the lgbt community at all. So where is this coming from?

It's the default position of the left. Ask yourself what Republican or conservative didn't get accused of being racists, sexist, homophobe and so on by the left? Nobody. Again, their default position whether it's true or not.

The Party of Victimization has to keep their sheep convinced that the Republicans hate them; the Republicans despise them; the Republicans are coming after them. Fear tactics have been very successful for the left throughout recent history.
I hear all the time from the left that trump is someone who systematically oppresses the lgbt community. Thing is I've never seen anything from trump negatively talking about the lgbt community at all. So where is this coming from?

Apparently from the first line in your own OP.
Usually that's called a strawman.

Except when people from the left are actually responding that he does systematically oppress LGBT, which has happened in this post. Then it no longer becomes a straw man

Can you quote me one?

While you're working on that --- it's still a strawan. He wrote it into post One, when no one had said anything. That's when it became a strawman. You can't establish a premise by going "I keep hearing that...." with no reference. That's bullshit.

In fact the post that just showed up immediately before this one just did the same thing again, first sentence. This one even expands it to a blanket generalization.
I hear all the time from the left that trump is someone who systematically oppresses the lgbt community. Thing is I've never seen anything from trump negatively talking about the lgbt community at all. So where is this coming from?

He's allied himself with the Republican Party.

That quote up there. Don't know how you feel about NYcarbineer.

Number one, that's after post number one, and number two ---- it doesn't say anything about "systematically oppressing the LGBT community". Doesn't mention it at all.
I hear all the time from the left that trump is someone who systematically oppresses the lgbt community. Thing is I've never seen anything from trump negatively talking about the lgbt community at all. So where is this coming from?

Apparently from the first line in your own OP.
Usually that's called a strawman.

Except when people from the left are actually responding that he does systematically oppress LGBT, which has happened in this post. Then it no longer becomes a straw man

Can you quote me one?

While you're working on that --- it's still a strawan. He wrote it into post One, when no one had said anything. That's when it became a strawman. You can't establish a premise by going "I keep hearing that...." with no reference. That's bullshit.

In fact the post that just showed up immediately before this one just did the same thing again, first sentence. This one even expands it to a blanket generalization.

I even said I would've called this a straw man in an earlier post, but there are leftist actually confirming the belief. Of which I cited in my most recent post for you
I hear all the time from the left that trump is someone who systematically oppresses the lgbt community. Thing is I've never seen anything from trump negatively talking about the lgbt community at all. So where is this coming from?

Apparently from the first line in your own OP.
Usually that's called a strawman.

Except when people from the left are actually responding that he does systematically oppress LGBT, which has happened in this post. Then it no longer becomes a straw man

Can you quote me one?

While you're working on that --- it's still a strawan. He wrote it into post One, when no one had said anything. That's when it became a strawman. You can't establish a premise by going "I keep hearing that...." with no reference. That's bullshit.

In fact the post that just showed up immediately before this one just did the same thing again, first sentence. This one even expands it to a blanket generalization.

I even said I would've called this a straw man in an earlier post, but there are leftist actually confirming the belief. Of which I cited in my most recent post for you

And your initial analysis was correct. You called it before I did because you got here first, and you were correct. The OP said (twice now) that he "keeps hearing" about this, yet provided zero examples. Whelp --- you can't do that. That's arguing with oneself.

And again --- post 25 just did the same thing, with a blanket on it.

And the post you cited isn't one anyway.
I hear all the time from the left that trump is someone who systematically oppresses the lgbt community. Thing is I've never seen anything from trump negatively talking about the lgbt community at all. So where is this coming from?

Seriously the guy supports transg's going in whatever bathroom they want, where's the lefts foothold on this?

I would've called this a straw man earlier but I see there's actually people on the left in this thread saying he against LGBT...so I guess it's not much of a straw man haha
who on the left in this thread said that???
I hear all the time from the left that trump is someone who systematically oppresses the lgbt community. Thing is I've never seen anything from trump negatively talking about the lgbt community at all. So where is this coming from?

Apparently from the first line in your own OP.
Usually that's called a strawman.

Except when people from the left are actually responding that he does systematically oppress LGBT, which has happened in this post. Then it no longer becomes a straw man

Can you quote me one?

While you're working on that --- it's still a strawan. He wrote it into post One, when no one had said anything. That's when it became a strawman. You can't establish a premise by going "I keep hearing that...." with no reference. That's bullshit.

In fact the post that just showed up immediately before this one just did the same thing again, first sentence. This one even expands it to a blanket generalization.

I even said I would've called this a straw man in an earlier post, but there are leftist actually confirming the belief. Of which I cited in my most recent post for you

And your initial analysis was correct. You called it before I did because you got here first, and you were correct. The OP said (twice now) that he "keeps hearing" about this, yet provided zero examples. Whelp --- you can't do that. That's arguing with oneself.

And again --- post 25 just did the same thing, with a blanket on it.

And the post you cited isn't one anyway.

I'd say it is, because it's just as much of a lack of objectivity of what I thought this OP was. I did not vote for trump, I have no desire for him to be our president...but the left has been brilliant in their demonstration of a lack of consistency, and the using whatever narrative floats their boat at any given time.

E.G. There are plenty of calls from the left of the legitimacy of this election. Weeks before the election the biggest story for the left is that trump wouldn't accept the election results if he didn't win, citing a rigged system (left now is totally against electoral college), and citing a rigged media (left all of a sudden is really concerned about fake news). Can you see why wen I read things like this, I am no longer surprised by the straw man the left is pushing?
Apparently from the first line in your own OP.
Usually that's called a strawman.

Except when people from the left are actually responding that he does systematically oppress LGBT, which has happened in this post. Then it no longer becomes a straw man

Can you quote me one?

While you're working on that --- it's still a strawan. He wrote it into post One, when no one had said anything. That's when it became a strawman. You can't establish a premise by going "I keep hearing that...." with no reference. That's bullshit.

In fact the post that just showed up immediately before this one just did the same thing again, first sentence. This one even expands it to a blanket generalization.

I even said I would've called this a straw man in an earlier post, but there are leftist actually confirming the belief. Of which I cited in my most recent post for you

And your initial analysis was correct. You called it before I did because you got here first, and you were correct. The OP said (twice now) that he "keeps hearing" about this, yet provided zero examples. Whelp --- you can't do that. That's arguing with oneself.

And again --- post 25 just did the same thing, with a blanket on it.

And the post you cited isn't one anyway.

I'd say it is, because it's just as much of a lack of objectivity of what I thought this OP was. I did not vote for trump, I have no desire for him to be our president...but the left has been brilliant in their demonstration of a lack of consistency, and the using whatever narrative floats their boat at any given time.

E.G. There are plenty of calls from the left of the legitimacy of this election. Weeks before the election the biggest story for the left is that trump wouldn't accept the election results if he didn't win, citing a rigged system (left now is totally against electoral college), and citing a rigged media (left all of a sudden is really concerned about fake news). Can you see why wen I read things like this, I am no longer surprised by the straw man the left is pushing?

1. "The left" isn't pushing a strawman here. The OP is.
1a "The left" is not The Borg. It does not act as a unit. You just committed the same Generalization Fallacy that 25 did.​
2.. The Electrical College is entirely irrelevant to any of this; it gets raked over the coals every four years because that's when it's in play. And again, see 1a. Same fallacy.

Bottom line continues to be, the OP constructed his premise using a strawman. And then came back and repeated it. Posting "lefties keep making this claim" doesn't make it a real event.

who on the left in this thread said that???

Zackly ----- nobody.
I hear all the time from the left that trump is someone who systematically oppresses the lgbt community. Thing is I've never seen anything from trump negatively talking about the lgbt community at all. So where is this coming from?

Actually...I think Trump departs from mainstream right in this matter.
I don't think Trump has any issue with gays personally; however, some of his cabinet picks give me pause. We'll see how it goes...
I hear all the time from the left that trump is someone who systematically oppresses the lgbt community. Thing is I've never seen anything from trump negatively talking about the lgbt community at all. So where is this coming from?

Actually...I think Trump departs from mainstream right in this matter.

I like to think I'm on the forefront of anti-Rumpism, and this is the first I've even heard of it.

Mexicans, Muslims, women, the disabled, the media, anyone who owns land that he wants, anyone who dares to run against him, protestors, military vets, anyone who dares to decline to worship him, sure. Not aware of the LGBT thing though.

Give him time though. He's a hateful wretch, I'm sure he'll get 'round to it.
Except when people from the left are actually responding that he does systematically oppress LGBT, which has happened in this post. Then it no longer becomes a straw man

Can you quote me one?

While you're working on that --- it's still a strawan. He wrote it into post One, when no one had said anything. That's when it became a strawman. You can't establish a premise by going "I keep hearing that...." with no reference. That's bullshit.

In fact the post that just showed up immediately before this one just did the same thing again, first sentence. This one even expands it to a blanket generalization.

I even said I would've called this a straw man in an earlier post, but there are leftist actually confirming the belief. Of which I cited in my most recent post for you

And your initial analysis was correct. You called it before I did because you got here first, and you were correct. The OP said (twice now) that he "keeps hearing" about this, yet provided zero examples. Whelp --- you can't do that. That's arguing with oneself.

And again --- post 25 just did the same thing, with a blanket on it.

And the post you cited isn't one anyway.

I'd say it is, because it's just as much of a lack of objectivity of what I thought this OP was. I did not vote for trump, I have no desire for him to be our president...but the left has been brilliant in their demonstration of a lack of consistency, and the using whatever narrative floats their boat at any given time.

E.G. There are plenty of calls from the left of the legitimacy of this election. Weeks before the election the biggest story for the left is that trump wouldn't accept the election results if he didn't win, citing a rigged system (left now is totally against electoral college), and citing a rigged media (left all of a sudden is really concerned about fake news). Can you see why wen I read things like this, I am no longer surprised by the straw man the left is pushing?

1. "The left" isn't pushing a strawman here. The OP is.
1a "The left" is not The Borg. It does not act as a unit. You just committed the same Generalization Fallacy that 25 did.​
2.. The Electrical College is entirely irrelevant to any of this; it gets raked over the coals every four years because that's when it's in play. And again, see 1a. Same fallacy.

Bottom line continues to be, the OP constructed his premise using a strawman. And then came back and repeated it. Posting "lefties keep making this claim" doesn't make it a real event.

who on the left in this thread said that???

Zackly ----- nobody.

Ok fair enough. I do not try to generalize and apply to a group of people with any of my claims. I only found one person backing it up in this thread, and I should not take that as representation of the left.

From the direction of OPs and posts following in USMB. Yes there is a LOT of borg tendencies coming from the left for MANY Years. And a lot more borg post tendencies coming from trump fans as of recent. It's a trend I find alarming.

But from what I've heard from the left, and from what you are saying now, my next question is.. would you say that trump cares/respects more about the LGBT community than he does about women?
Can you quote me one?

While you're working on that --- it's still a strawan. He wrote it into post One, when no one had said anything. That's when it became a strawman. You can't establish a premise by going "I keep hearing that...." with no reference. That's bullshit.

In fact the post that just showed up immediately before this one just did the same thing again, first sentence. This one even expands it to a blanket generalization.

I even said I would've called this a straw man in an earlier post, but there are leftist actually confirming the belief. Of which I cited in my most recent post for you

And your initial analysis was correct. You called it before I did because you got here first, and you were correct. The OP said (twice now) that he "keeps hearing" about this, yet provided zero examples. Whelp --- you can't do that. That's arguing with oneself.

And again --- post 25 just did the same thing, with a blanket on it.

And the post you cited isn't one anyway.

I'd say it is, because it's just as much of a lack of objectivity of what I thought this OP was. I did not vote for trump, I have no desire for him to be our president...but the left has been brilliant in their demonstration of a lack of consistency, and the using whatever narrative floats their boat at any given time.

E.G. There are plenty of calls from the left of the legitimacy of this election. Weeks before the election the biggest story for the left is that trump wouldn't accept the election results if he didn't win, citing a rigged system (left now is totally against electoral college), and citing a rigged media (left all of a sudden is really concerned about fake news). Can you see why wen I read things like this, I am no longer surprised by the straw man the left is pushing?

1. "The left" isn't pushing a strawman here. The OP is.
1a "The left" is not The Borg. It does not act as a unit. You just committed the same Generalization Fallacy that 25 did.​
2.. The Electrical College is entirely irrelevant to any of this; it gets raked over the coals every four years because that's when it's in play. And again, see 1a. Same fallacy.

Bottom line continues to be, the OP constructed his premise using a strawman. And then came back and repeated it. Posting "lefties keep making this claim" doesn't make it a real event.

who on the left in this thread said that???

Zackly ----- nobody.

Ok fair enough. I do not try to generalize and apply to a group of people with any of my claims. I only found one person backing it up in this thread, and I should not take that as representation of the left.

From the direction of OPs and posts following in USMB. Yes there is a LOT of borg tendencies coming from the left for MANY Years. And a lot more borg post tendencies coming from trump fans as of recent. It's a trend I find alarming.

But from what I've heard from the left, and from what you are saying now, my next question is.. would you say that trump cares/respects more about the LGBT community than he does about women?

Since I have no info positive or negative on his LGBT stance, and since I do have an idea of how he thinks of women, I'd guess yes almost certainly. He prolly cares more about caterpillars than about women.

But that's a guess. If he detests LGBTs he hasn't said so to my knowledge. And while it's possible he's holding in something that he hasn't said, it would be astoundingly out of character to do that.

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