oprah / biden in 2020 ?

We tried politically inexperienced celebrities for President before. Why on God's green earth would we want to try it again?
biden / oprah ? oprah / michell (obama) ? what about dole /oprah ? thanks
That is something about which I'll think when people have announced they will indeed run for POTUS.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
-- Serenity Prayer​
We tried politically inexperienced celebrities for President before. Why on God's green earth would we want to try it again?
career politicians are awesome!
Career politicians know how to get things done. Since when has experience been something to eschew when considering job applicants?
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Thanks Republican tax plan of 2017!
We tried politically inexperienced celebrities for President before. Why on God's green earth would we want to try it again?
career politicians are awesome!
Career politicians know how to get things done. Since when has experience been something to eschew when considering job applicants?
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Goldilocks just packed on $1.5 Trillion to the debt and RW's could care less .. he's also packing on hurricane relief, begging for walls, increasing the debt ceiling, and ramping up the military.

Before he gets finished he'll make Obama look like .99 cent store.
We tried politically inexperienced celebrities for President before. Why on God's green earth would we want to try it again?
career politicians are awesome!
Career politicians know how to get things done. Since when has experience been something to eschew when considering job applicants?
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Thanks Republican tax plan of 2017!
Are you joking or are you retarded. Only some part of the plan has been implemented others won't take effect until 2019.

As it is currently, the republicans will field trump in 2020 (if he survives in office that long) but as I see it, there is no real democratic front runner at this moment. Lot's of names being bantered but no real outgoing of popular support for one specific candidate. I'd vote for Tulsi Gabbard (D) but that's the only one. Despite the catastrophe that is trump, I still will not vote for hillary.
We tried politically inexperienced celebrities for President before. Why on God's green earth would we want to try it again?
career politicians are awesome!
Career politicians know how to get things done. Since when has experience been something to eschew when considering job applicants?
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Goldilocks just packed on $1.5 Trillion to the debt and RW's could care less .. he's also packing on hurricane relief, begging for walls, increasing the debt ceiling, and ramping up the military.

Before he gets finished he'll make Obama look like .99 cent store.
1.5 trillion over 10 years and that won't happen at all if Federal revenue increases as it has in the past when tax cuts are initiated if course that is dependent on spending. I won't hold my breath on the Fed controlling spending.
We tried politically inexperienced celebrities for President before. Why on God's green earth would we want to try it again?
career politicians are awesome!
Career politicians know how to get things done. Since when has experience been something to eschew when considering job applicants?
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Goldilocks just packed on $1.5 Trillion to the debt and RW's could care less .. he's also packing on hurricane relief, begging for walls, increasing the debt ceiling, and ramping up the military.

Before he gets finished he'll make Obama look like .99 cent store.
1.5 trillion over 10 years and that won't happen at all if Federal revenue increases as it has in the past when tax cuts are initiated if course that is dependent on spending. I won't hold my breath on the Fed controlling spending.

cut revenue increases revenue -

wrecking your car makes its value increase ..

not today or any other day.

As it is currently, the republicans will field trump (if he survives in office that long) but as I see it, there is no real democratic front runner. Lot's of names being bantered but no real outgoing of popular support for one specific candidate. I'd vote for Tulsi Gabbard ((D) but that's the only one. Despite the catastrophe that is trump,I still will not vote for hillary.
You still got third times a loser I mean charm Clinton. The batshit insane Socialist Bernie or the DNC could nominate its first fake indian.
Yes he did. The fat turd wanted Oprah as his running mate.

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