Oprah blames Obama's troubles on RACISM. Says blacks still TERRORIZED in america


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
HAHAHAHA. Fat ugly stupid slut. The only racism left in america is affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in history.

Oprah: old racists 'have to die' to achieve racial progress | MSNBC

1/15/13 03:44 PM

Oprah Winfrey gave her frank take on the state of racism in America and how the U.S. has evolved as a country in an interview promoting the British release of her recent film, Lee Daniels’ the Butler.

“It would be foolish to not recognize that we have evolved, in that we’re not still facing the same kind of terrorism against black people en masse,” she said in her interview with BBC Arts Correspondent Will Gompertz.

“Are there still places where people are terrorized because of the color of their skin, because of the color of their black skin? Yes,” she added. “But there are laws that have allowed us to progress beyond what we saw in The Scottsboro Boys and beyond the – even prejudice that we see in the Butler.”

But Winfrey insisted that the problem would not be solved until older Americans with more racist tendencies die off.

“As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, the problem is not solved,” she said, adding,“There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it – in that prejudice and racism – and they just have to die.”

She also took on the manner in which President Obama has been treated in office.

“Just the level of disrespect – when the senator yelled out ‘you’re a liar,’ remember that?” she said, presumably refering to the instance in which Rep. Joe Wilson shouted the words “You lie!” at the president while he was addressing a joint session of Congress.

“I think there’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs, and that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African-American,” she said.
“As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, the problem is not solved,”

That's what the bitch said. Why won't the press ask her about affirmative action? Isn't that judging ppl by skin color? Isn't that profiling?
Blacks still terrorized in America...
Like in the knockout game for instance?...
HAHAHAHA. Fat ugly stupid slut. The only racism left in america is affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in history.

Oprah: old racists 'have to die' to achieve racial progress | MSNBC

1/15/13 03:44 PM

Oprah Winfrey gave her frank take on the state of racism in America and how the U.S. has evolved as a country in an interview promoting the British release of her recent film, Lee Daniels’ the Butler.

“It would be foolish to not recognize that we have evolved, in that we’re not still facing the same kind of terrorism against black people en masse,” she said in her interview with BBC Arts Correspondent Will Gompertz.

“Are there still places where people are terrorized because of the color of their skin, because of the color of their black skin? Yes,” she added. “But there are laws that have allowed us to progress beyond what we saw in The Scottsboro Boys and beyond the – even prejudice that we see in the Butler.”

But Winfrey insisted that the problem would not be solved until older Americans with more racist tendencies die off.

“As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, the problem is not solved,” she said, adding,“There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it – in that prejudice and racism – and they just have to die.”

She also took on the manner in which President Obama has been treated in office.

“Just the level of disrespect – when the senator yelled out ‘you’re a liar,’ remember that?” she said, presumably refering to the instance in which Rep. Joe Wilson shouted the words “You lie!” at the president while he was addressing a joint session of Congress.

“I think there’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs, and that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African-American,” she said.

People are upset with Obama and they have every right to be upset with him. To call it racism is counterproductive and covering for the fact that he's not the perfect president they wanted him to be.

I can call the president inept, divisive and a lying scoundrel. It has nothing to do with his race. He would still be inept, divisive and a lying scoundrel if he was an albino.
This is coming from someone who became a multi millionare in a racist america. What a dumb arse.
That whole racist tag used by the left for the last several years is fizzling out altogether. People are done with this shit.......even the lefty comedy shows are making fun of Obama these days. The worm has turned......in 2013, Obama is a veritable hula hoop.
This is coming from someone who became a multi millionare in a racist america. What a dumb arse.

Also a predominantly white country that has twice voted for a black man as president. And a country that allows massive affirmative action programs to help blacks.
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They're terrorized BY words while their brothers kill their children in the street.

Time to wake up blacks and fix the real problems.
They're terrorized BY words while their brothers kill their children in the street.

Time to wake up blacks and fix the real problems.

But they can't. Blacks are mentally inferior. All they can do is crime, welfare, and entertainment. They will always be a huge problem for america.
And this, Ladies and Gents, is how Oprah Winfery joins the "Race Baiters Club", along with Jesse Jackasson, Al Sharpie, the NAACP and the Congressional Black Caucus.

And Oprah...your dignity? It just fell out of your skull. It's laying over there next to that sewer grate *points*.
HAHAHAHA. Fat ugly stupid slut. The only racism left in america is affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in history.

Oprah: old racists 'have to die' to achieve racial progress | MSNBC

1/15/13 03:44 PM

Oprah Winfrey gave her frank take on the state of racism in America and how the U.S. has evolved as a country in an interview promoting the British release of her recent film, Lee Daniels’ the Butler.

“It would be foolish to not recognize that we have evolved, in that we’re not still facing the same kind of terrorism against black people en masse,” she said in her interview with BBC Arts Correspondent Will Gompertz.

“Are there still places where people are terrorized because of the color of their skin, because of the color of their black skin? Yes,” she added. “But there are laws that have allowed us to progress beyond what we saw in The Scottsboro Boys and beyond the – even prejudice that we see in the Butler.”

But Winfrey insisted that the problem would not be solved until older Americans with more racist tendencies die off.

“As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, the problem is not solved,” she said, adding,“There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it – in that prejudice and racism – and they just have to die.”

She also took on the manner in which President Obama has been treated in office.

“Just the level of disrespect – when the senator yelled out ‘you’re a liar,’ remember that?” she said, presumably refering to the instance in which Rep. Joe Wilson shouted the words “You lie!” at the president while he was addressing a joint session of Congress.
“I think there’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs, and that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African-American,” she said.

Someone needs to explain to Oprah the difference between racism and telling the truth. Obama is a liar and now it's pretty undeniable.

Someone needs to explain to Oprah the difference between racism and telling the truth. Obama is a liar and now it's pretty undeniable.

She knows that. She's screaming racism because that's all she has. There is no way to defend obozo's brazen health care lies.
“As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, the problem is not solved,”

That's what the bitch said. Why won't the press ask her about affirmative action? Isn't that judging ppl by skin color? Isn't that profiling?
Yep that racism is keeping her down :eusa_whistle:
Oprah Winfrey
Net Worth $2.9 B As of September 2013

Oprah Winfrey - Forbes
I liked it best when she got the shit beat out of her in "The Color Purple". I didn't at the time but now she's a globalist bitch and definitely a whore so whenever I watch that great movie it's great fun to watch her and whoppi get the shit kicked out of them.

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