Oprah is waiting for god to tell her to run?

my god she's as crazy as Bachmann,........no self respecting lib here could vote for a person like that,...OPrah may as well pack it in just ruined herself before she even got going.
Oprah Winfrey Reveals the One Thing That Could Make Her Run for President

SO, GOD told GWB to run!! Can God only tell men to run, or just white people?
All I know is democrats frown on anyone saying the word god much less talking to god or god talking to them
There are no wealthy Christians. To hold wealth while so many suffer is antithesis to Jesus Christ. 1/6th of the children in the US go to sleep hungry every night, for anyone with wealth to claim they are Christian and would let that happen is the same as them claiming "that is what Christ would do". No he wouldn't and you know he wouldn't. Winfrey isn't a Christian, evangelicals that voted overwhelmingly for Lying Trump are not Christians, Huckabee, Bachmann, Palin, none of these people are Christians. They call themselves that because it 'feels good' and they get to use that monicker as a political tool. They are the hollow men, and women.
There are no wealthy Christians. To hold wealth while so many suffer is antithesis to Jesus Christ. 1/6th of the children in the US go to sleep hungry every night, for anyone with wealth to claim they are Christian and would let that happen is the same as them claiming "that is what Christ would do". No he wouldn't and you know he wouldn't. Winfrey isn't a Christian, evangelicals that voted overwhelmingly for Lying Trump are not Christians, Huckabee, Bachmann, Palin, none of these people are Christians. They call themselves that because it 'feels good' and they get to use that monicker as a political tool. They are the hollow men, and women.
Stupid Jesus...why didn't he end poverty
There are no wealthy Christians. To hold wealth while so many suffer is antithesis to Jesus Christ. 1/6th of the children in the US go to sleep hungry every night, for anyone with wealth to claim they are Christian and would let that happen is the same as them claiming "that is what Christ would do". No he wouldn't and you know he wouldn't. Winfrey isn't a Christian, evangelicals that voted overwhelmingly for Lying Trump are not Christians, Huckabee, Bachmann, Palin, none of these people are Christians. They call themselves that because it 'feels good' and they get to use that monicker as a political tool. They are the hollow men, and women.
Stupid Jesus...why didn't he end poverty

"Stupid Jesus", yes that is the response of these losers. They claim to be followers but they mock him in an epic fashion.
my god she's as crazy as Bachmann,........no self respecting lib here could vote for a person like that,...OPrah may as well pack it in just ruined herself before she even got going.
Oprah Winfrey Reveals the One Thing That Could Make Her Run for President

SO, GOD told GWB to run!! Can God only tell men to run, or just white people?

The left ridiculed and rejected the Republicans that said God told them to run, the left need be consistent and ridicule and reject Oprah for the same reason, should they not?
There are no wealthy Christians. To hold wealth while so many suffer is antithesis to Jesus Christ. 1/6th of the children in the US go to sleep hungry every night, for anyone with wealth to claim they are Christian and would let that happen is the same as them claiming "that is what Christ would do". No he wouldn't and you know he wouldn't. Winfrey isn't a Christian, evangelicals that voted overwhelmingly for Lying Trump are not Christians, Huckabee, Bachmann, Palin, none of these people are Christians. They call themselves that because it 'feels good' and they get to use that monicker as a political tool. They are the hollow men, and women.

So Obama is not a Christian, or is this rich guy different? Also Oprah is not a Christian either?
Oprah is the new Hillary. These liberals and democrats are so in a bubble they don’t realize how little we caree that the elites, the celebrities, the billionaires support them against us.
I am sure she is telling the truth. The same billionaires that rushed to support Hillary are rushing for an Oprah presidency.
Here, in this one quote, you can see what really impresses her...and who she would serve.

“I had people—wealthy, billionaires—calling me up and saying, ‘I can get you a billion dollars. I can run your campaign,”‘ she reveals. “That many people saying something made me think, ‘Am I at least supposed to look at the question?’ ”
Oprah Winfrey Reveals the One Thing That Could Make Her Run for President
my god she's as crazy as Bachmann,........no self respecting lib here could vote for a person like that,...OPrah may as well pack it in just ruined herself before she even got going.
Oprah Winfrey Reveals the One Thing That Could Make Her Run for President

SO, GOD told GWB to run!! Can God only tell men to run, or just white people?

The Republicans didn't ridicule Bush for making that claim. Would you like me to post how The View reacted when Pence said Jesus talked to him?
There are no wealthy Christians. To hold wealth while so many suffer is antithesis to Jesus Christ. 1/6th of the children in the US go to sleep hungry every night, for anyone with wealth to claim they are Christian and would let that happen is the same as them claiming "that is what Christ would do". No he wouldn't and you know he wouldn't. Winfrey isn't a Christian, evangelicals that voted overwhelmingly for Lying Trump are not Christians, Huckabee, Bachmann, Palin, none of these people are Christians. They call themselves that because it 'feels good' and they get to use that monicker as a political tool. They are the hollow men, and women.

So Obama is not a Christian, or is this rich guy different? Also Oprah is not a Christian either?

Not only are Oprah and Obama not Christians...they completely despise Christianity.
I think the better question is: why did God make a mistake by creating a lying, spoiled-brat, egotistical, ingrate, white-hating racist coke whore like Oprah in the first place. Typical of that hateful, malicious race of ingrates, Oprah became a billionaire due to white people, and now does nothing but bite the hand that feeds her. She really is an evil mollusk oozing through the American zeitgeist on her own trail of slug-slime. The woman is filth, phonier than a $6 bill.
Rachael Dolezol is waiting for God to tell her what gender or race she will be next month
I was born a poor black child

Did Rachel Dolezal spend her teenage years fucking for coke like Oprah? I honestly don't know, that's an honest, non-sarcastic question. Because the world's phoniest piece of self-righteous shit, Oprah, did exactly that. Both of these female scum of their gender have spent every moment of their fake, bullshit lives hatefully obsessed over the subject of race! Fuck both of these evil whores with the thorniest species of cactus mankind has ever seen.
There are no wealthy Christians. To hold wealth while so many suffer is antithesis to Jesus Christ. 1/6th of the children in the US go to sleep hungry every night, for anyone with wealth to claim they are Christian and would let that happen is the same as them claiming "that is what Christ would do". No he wouldn't and you know he wouldn't. Winfrey isn't a Christian, evangelicals that voted overwhelmingly for Lying Trump are not Christians, Huckabee, Bachmann, Palin, none of these people are Christians. They call themselves that because it 'feels good' and they get to use that monicker as a political tool. They are the hollow men, and women.

So Obama is not a Christian, or is this rich guy different? Also Oprah is not a Christian either?

Not only are Oprah and Obama not Christians...they completely despise Christianity.

You too.
There are no wealthy Christians. To hold wealth while so many suffer is antithesis to Jesus Christ. 1/6th of the children in the US go to sleep hungry every night, for anyone with wealth to claim they are Christian and would let that happen is the same as them claiming "that is what Christ would do". No he wouldn't and you know he wouldn't. Winfrey isn't a Christian, evangelicals that voted overwhelmingly for Lying Trump are not Christians, Huckabee, Bachmann, Palin, none of these people are Christians. They call themselves that because it 'feels good' and they get to use that monicker as a political tool. They are the hollow men, and women.

So Obama is not a Christian, or is this rich guy different? Also Oprah is not a Christian either?

Neither are you. Buck up snowflake.
There are no wealthy Christians. To hold wealth while so many suffer is antithesis to Jesus Christ. 1/6th of the children in the US go to sleep hungry every night, for anyone with wealth to claim they are Christian and would let that happen is the same as them claiming "that is what Christ would do". No he wouldn't and you know he wouldn't. Winfrey isn't a Christian, evangelicals that voted overwhelmingly for Lying Trump are not Christians, Huckabee, Bachmann, Palin, none of these people are Christians. They call themselves that because it 'feels good' and they get to use that monicker as a political tool. They are the hollow men, and women.

So Obama is not a Christian, or is this rich guy different? Also Oprah is not a Christian either?

Neither are you. Buck up snowflake.

Obama did and so does Oprah, you feel the same about them, nutter?
my god she's as crazy as Bachmann,........no self respecting lib here could vote for a person like that,...OPrah may as well pack it in just ruined herself before she even got going.
Oprah Winfrey Reveals the One Thing That Could Make Her Run for President

You're expecting the Stalinists to be consistent? If Oprah runs, every last Bolshevik in the nation will vote for her, the FBI will no doubt try and rig the election like they did last time,Voicing opposition will be racism. Any Google employee who fails to praise her loudly enough will be fired. Any person on Twitter who questions her as perfect will be banned.

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