Orange: Color Perception [Metaphysics -- Dream-Sleep]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Orange is the colour between yellow and red on the spectrum of visible light. Human eyes perceive orange when observing light with a dominant wavelength between roughly 585 and 620 nanometres.[1] In painting and traditional colour theory, it is a secondary colour of pigments, created by mixing yellow and red. It is named after the fruit of the same name.

The orange colour of carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, oranges, and many other fruits and vegetables comes from carotenes, a type of photosynthetic pigment. These pigments convert the light energy that the plants absorb from the sun into chemical energy for the plants' growth. Similarly the hues of autumn leaves are from the same pigment after chlorophyll is removed (source of information from top: Wikipedia).

Orange is not a base color but rather a mix. It is therefore a representation of hybridization and can be perceived by the brain as an experience of 'mixing.' The brain is sensitive to singular wavelengths of light and hence color, so when it perceives a hybrid-color such as orange, it associates the perception to the experience of hybridization of mixing or even a 'balancing.'

When we see orange, our brain stores the perception as a memory, and this memory might be retrieved during R.E.M. dream-sleep and reorganized and re-presented for some lucid image or even storyline of the experience of hybridization (or mixing).

If our mind re-presents the experience of hybridization/mixing during dream-sleep, we might consciously perceive our brain's conscious organization of experience-based imagination. This helps our mind form a 'metaphysical context' to a dream-sleep image/sequence of an orange experience of 'mixing' (or hybridization).

Forming a context for experience-based dream-sleep idealization can help us evaluate how our minds create 'metaphysical foundations' for memories.



There are all kinds of colors and when colors mix, our brains/minds create labor-sensations, since our brain cells are laboring to organize ideas/perceptions of experience. Singular primary colors such as red and blue are perceived more by our brains as distinct events, while hybridized colors such as orange are perceived more by our brains as hybridization events. When we dream about hybridization ideas, we get the subconscious sensation that the mixed color of orange (a mix of red and yellow in the natural spectrum of light) invokes our imagination regarding 'immersion' into labor and the processing of perceptions of energy/light.

So does the memory of orange-colored perceptions during dream-sleep invoke our minds to think more about the lucid experience of labor, context, and even metaphysical fears (e.g., alienation, isolation)?



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