Oregon Gov Commutes Sentences of Death Row Inmates

So again, you can't think of any governments that have killed their own people.....say...Cambodia? just tossing a random name out there.

Sure they did. With the firm support of the people doing the killing.

The reason why there was a mass slaughter in Cambodia was because we toppled the legitimate government of Norodom Sihanouk and replaced it with a puppet state that acquiesed to the bombing of the eastern provinces by the USAF. When the war was over, the people toppled that government and killed everyone who supported it.

It sucked, but the point was, the majority went along with it. It took a foreign invasion by the Vietnamese to drive them out, and the Vietnamese had to fight a guerilla war against Pol Pot for the next decade.
Sure they did. With the firm support of the people doing the killing.

The reason why there was a mass slaughter in Cambodia was because we toppled the legitimate government of Norodom Sihanouk and replaced it with a puppet state that acquiesed to the bombing of the eastern provinces by the USAF. When the war was over, the people toppled that government and killed everyone who supported it.

It sucked, but the point was, the majority went along with it. It took a foreign invasion by the Vietnamese to drive them out, and the Vietnamese had to fight a guerilla war against Pol Pot for the next decade.
The reasons don't matter Joe, the point is governments do that all the time. The Bolesheviks killed the royals and their supporters. It happens all the time. If you know that much detail and are still against guns, you're just plain evil.
The reasons don't matter Joe, the point is governments do that all the time. The Bolesheviks killed the royals and their supporters. It happens all the time. If you know that much detail and are still against guns, you're just plain evil.
The reasons matter quite a lot.

There was a reason they shot the Romanovs.... they had inflicted untold misery on the Russian People for Generations.

There's a reason why the peasants killed the city dwellers in Cambodia.

if shit goes really wrong in a society, guns just plain old don't help, and the rest of us shouldn't have to tolerate gun nuts shooting up our schools and theaters because they "might" protect us from an evil government... they are more likely to be the people helping in the slaughter.
The reasons matter quite a lot.

There was a reason they shot the Romanovs.... they had inflicted untold misery on the Russian People for Generations.

There's a reason why the peasants killed the city dwellers in Cambodia.

if shit goes really wrong in a society, guns just plain old don't help, and the rest of us shouldn't have to tolerate gun nuts shooting up our schools and theaters because they "might" protect us from an evil government... they are more likely to be the people helping in the slaughter.
WEll gun nuts are not shooting up schools. Any by gun nut, I bet you are speaking of some redneck.....they aren't the ones doing it, it's the emo nutjobs that think climate change is going to kill everyone that do the shooting......

But no it doesn't those people didn't have guns, they had no way to fight back. And to say what they did to the royal family was good, makes you one sick bastard........
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WEll gun nuts are not shooting up schools. Any by gun nut, I bet you are speaking of some redneck.....they aren't the ones doing it, it's the emo nutjobs that think climate change is going to kill everyone that do the shooting......

Um, okay, let's look at that.
Adam Lanza and his Crazy mom were NRA members and Preppers.
The guy who shot up Las Vegas was a gun nut. Liked him lots of guns.

But no it doesn't those people didn't have guns, they had no way to fight back. And to say what they did to the royal family was good, makes you one sick bastard........

I didn't say it was "good". I would say it was understandable if you were a Russia Peasant who lost family during one of Tsar Nicholas' pointless wars, or one of his famines, or had a loved one taken away by his secret police.

The Bolsheviks knew that if the Whites had captured even one of these people, they'd have dragged on the Civil War for a couple more years.
Um, okay, let's look at that.
Adam Lanza and his Crazy mom were NRA members and Preppers.
The guy who shot up Las Vegas was a gun nut. Liked him lots of guns.

I didn't say it was "good". I would say it was understandable if you were a Russia Peasant who lost family during one of Tsar Nicholas' pointless wars, or one of his famines, or had a loved one taken away by his secret police.

The Bolsheviks knew that if the Whites had captured even one of these people, they'd have dragged on the Civil War for a couple more years.
What about the Ulvade shooter? With no guns I'm supposed to just let the police jerk off as people die? (Not all police are like that, but ones run by fucking morons are)
Most of the police wanted to help and the dipshit higher ups said no.

As for Lanza he played video games, lets ban those.....the guy was a kook burger, just kill him publicly and horrifically. I'm not giving up my rights over a derranged idiot. Same with the Vegas shooter. These people are nuts, just kill these people and not 30 years later. Stop coddling these idiots and put them back in mental institutions and get their shock therapy or whatever they do.
What about the Ulvade shooter? With no guns I'm supposed to just let the police jerk off as people die? (Not all police are like that, but ones run by fucking morons are)
Most of the police wanted to help and the dipshit higher ups said no.

The problem with the Uvalde shooter was that they thought they were dealing with a hostage situation and not an active shooter. Not that we should expect every small town to have a fucking SWAT team.

As for Lanza he played video games, lets ban those.....the guy was a kook burger, just kill him publicly and horrifically. I'm not giving up my rights over a derranged idiot. Same with the Vegas shooter. These people are nuts, just kill these people and not 30 years later. Stop coddling these idiots and put them back in mental institutions and get their shock therapy or whatever they do.
Uh, Lanza and Paddock killed themselves, so killing them isn't much of deterrent.

Frankly, I worry that people like you ARE the deranged idiots, to be honest.
Frankly, I worry that people like you ARE the deranged idiots, to be honest.

Any sane person, reading any significant portion of your body of work on this forum, will very clearly see that you always take the side of subhuman criminal shit against the side of human beings. Always. I do not think that I have ever seen an exception, a post in which you took the side of human beings against the side of criminals. Certainly, if you ever have, then it is an extremely rare occurrence.

You always take the side of evil against the side of good.

You always take the side of madness against the side of reason.

You always take the side of Godlessness against the side of God.

You always take the side of perversion against the side of decency.

You are the very model of a deranged idiot. What standing, what credibility, do you delusionally imagine that you could possibly ever have, to judge that anyone else might be what you clearly are?
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Any sane person, reading any significant portion of your body of work on this forum, will very clearly see that you always take the side of subhuman criminal shit against the side of human beings. Always. I do not think that I have ever seen an exception, a post in which you took the side of human beings against the side of criminals. Certainly, if you ever have, then it is an extremely rare occurrence.

You belong to a cult started by a pedophile... I don't think I'll take you as an authority on morality. We have Crime because we belong to a society that makes it too easy for the mentally ill to have guns. That allows people to live in such grinding poverty that crime is the only option for them. And even though we lock up 2 million people, with another 7 million on parole or probation and 100 million with a police record, you think what we need is to lock more people up.

You always take the side of Godlessness against the side of God.

Because there isn't a God. And because History tells me that trying to appease an imaginary fairy in the sky almost always leads to bad things.

You always take the side of perversion against the side of decency.

The question is, why do you care what kind of sex other people are having? I mean, there's a WHOLE lot of weird sexual practices out there that frankly hold no interest for me, but I have this funny thing, as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, I don't judge.
The problem with the Uvalde shooter was that they thought they were dealing with a hostage situation and not an active shooter. Not that we should expect every small town to have a fucking SWAT team.

Uh, Lanza and Paddock killed themselves, so killing them isn't much of deterrent.

Frankly, I worry that people like you ARE the deranged idiots, to be honest.
It is a deterrent and it's justice. Now the families never have to go to parole board hearings about these douchebags getting out. That's a huge win. You're never going to stop all killing bro, Thank God, God does exist.......humans are inherently bad and evil.
if shit goes really wrong in a society, guns just plain old don't help, and the rest of us shouldn't have to tolerate gun nuts shooting up our schools and theaters because they "might" protect us from an evil government... they are more likely to be the people helping in the slaughter.

"Gun nuts" aren't shooting up our schools. You have, once again, been misinformed.

Frankly, I worry that people like you ARE the deranged idiots, to be honest.

We feel the same about you and your kind. The thing is, many of us have morals, you don't. Why would you . You don't have to answer to anybody except yourself and the police/government. If the police are not around, people like you are likely to do to crazy stuff to benefit yourself and yourself alone. We need guns to protect ourselves against people like YOU and the government. Thankfully, you aren't too bright and don't think ahead so if it comes to that, you won't likely have a gun yourself.
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It is a deterrent and it's justice. Now the families never have to go to parole board hearings about these douchebags getting out. That's a huge win. You're never going to stop all killing bro, Thank God, God does exist.......humans are inherently bad and evil.

Then you actually have life without parole without parole hearings.

That's a simple solution.

But if it was a deterrent, then non-DP states would have higher murder rates than DP states... when in fact the opposite is true.

Gun nuts" aren't shooting up our schools. You have, once again, been misinformed.
Really? Lanza was an NRA member along with his crazy Prepper Mom. The Las Vegas shooter was a hard core gun nut. You are engaging in the No True Scotsman fallacy.


We feel the same about you and your kind. The thing is, many of us have morals, you don't. Why would you . You don't have to answer to anybody except yourself and the police/government. If the police are not around, people like you are likely to do to crazy stuff to benefit yourself and yourself alone. We need guns to protect ourselves against people like YOU and the government. Thankfully, you aren't too bright and don't think ahead so if it comes to that, you won't likely have a gun yourself.

Ah, so much to unpack here.

First and foremost, if the government wants to kill you, they WILL FUCKING KILL YOU. They have bombs. They have Tanks.. you have your little peashooter that doesn't make up for your...er... shortcomings.

Secondly- and follow closely - a fear of consequences is not a morality. If you are not doing something because of a fear of the police or of an unprovable afterlife, that's not morality, that's fear. I being more pragmatic, make a real world calculation that certain activities aren't worth the consequences. But I don't need to make up dire consequences to follow silly rules, like being afraid of burning in hell for all eternity for eating meat during Lent. (which the Old School Nuns had us convinced we would! And you wonder why I hate the Catholic Church).

Morality is doing the right thing even if no one is looking.

Third, the main reason I don't have a gun is I don't need one not that I am no longer in the military (where I handled weapons most of you only fantasize about). They are pretty much useless for self defense and they increase the probability of someone in the household being injured unncessarily.
First and foremost, if the government wants to kill you, they WILL FUCKING KILL YOU. They have bombs. They have Tanks.. you have your little peashooter that doesn't make up for your...er... shortcomings.

Individually, yes, as a large group(militia), no. That is kind of the point of a militia, but I don't expect you to understand. Go lay down in a large bullet ant colony and start smashing until you kill them all. You will kill a lot of ants as you are obviously a lot more powerful than them individually, but you will be lucky to survive. Get it yet?

I being more pragmatic, make a real world calculation that certain activities aren't worth the consequences. But I don't need to make up dire consequences to follow silly rules, like being afraid of burning in hell for all eternity for eating meat during Lent. (which the Old School Nuns had us convinced we would! And you wonder why I hate the Catholic Church).

Exactly. You will do whatever you can get away with. That is kind of my point with regards to being aware of nuts like you in the event of a loss of police control. Being so pragmatic and all and without fear of retribution, you are likely to be the guy that would steal the food from starving infant. Most Democrats are pretty evil deep down, so you made the right choice in your supposed switch of parties. You likely never really fit it with any Republican ideology anyway.

Really? Lanza was an NRA member along with his crazy Prepper Mom. The Las Vegas shooter was a hard core gun nut. You are engaging in the No True Scotsman fallacy.

You are lost. You name 2 out of how many? Was Huu Can Tran from the shooting in CA on Saturday a gun nut? Was the last mass shooting(2+killed) TODAY in Chicago performed by a "gun nut"? What about the one yesterday in Robinson, MS? As usual, you have no clue what you are talking about.

Mass Shootings in 2023 | Gun Violence Archive

Third, the main reason I don't have a gun is I don't need one not that I am no longer in the military (where I handled weapons most of you only fantasize about). They are pretty much useless for self defense and they increase the probability of someone in the household being injured unncessarily.

Exactly why we aren't too concerned with kooks like yourself in the event of anarchy, which would almost certainly be started by spoiled, entitled Democrats burning and looting. You will undoubtedly be one of the guys trying to steal and murder since there will be no consequences in your mind, but some of us will have a way to protect ourselves from you and your heavily pierced, purple haired, "pragmatic" peers. Word of warning, like wild animals, your peers will kill you too if necessary.
Individually, yes, as a large group(militia), no. That is kind of the point of a militia, but I don't expect you to understand. Go lay down in a large bullet ant colony and start smashing until you kill them all. You will kill a lot of ants as you are obviously a lot more powerful than them individually, but you will be lucky to survive. Get it yet?

I was a member of an ACTUAL Militia (the Illinois National Guard). That's what the Founding Slave Rapists had in mind. What they didn't have in mind is mobs with guns threatening officials. Which is why incidents like Shay's Rebellion or the Whiskey Rebellion were put down with force.

Oh, bullet ant colonies are easy to kill. You just spray them with insecticide... Done

A community with an angry mob is easy to kill. You take your F-15's and bomb the shit out of them.

Exactly. You will do whatever you can get away with. That is kind of my point with regards to being aware of nuts like you in the event of a loss of police control. Being so pragmatic and all and without fear of retribution, you are likely to be the guy that would steal the food from starving infant. Most Democrats are pretty evil deep down, so you made the right choice in your supposed switch of parties. You likely never really fit it with any Republican ideology anyway.

Wait, first your party is the one that steals food from Starving Infants to give tax breaks to billionaires.
Second, I left the GOP because the religious crazies took over. Religion is not morality. Religion is people telling other people what to think. All sorts of truly evil behavior has been justified by religion over the centuries, from ancient societies that sacrificed virgins to appease angry gods, to the Nazis proudly killing the Jews to avenge Jesus.

I was fine with the ideology of the GOP of the 1980's. I voted for Reagan Twice. the only president I was every enthusiastic for. Most of the ones since have been the lesser evil. He was for Fiscal Responsibility, strong defense, sensible government.
Then the crazies took over. The Religious Zealots, the Gun Fetishists, and the Libertarian Children.
Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcome in today's GOP. He signed gun laws, he raised taxes on the rich (after he created the problem by cutting them), he gave Amnesty to undocumented immigrants... He expanded government.
Of course, you guys invent the Mythical Reagan, because he's the only icon you have. He's the only one who didn't get voted out of office (unlike Ford, Bush-1 and Trump), was impeached/resigned (Nixon, Trump), or left the economy in a recession (Nixon, Ford, Bush 1 and 2, Trump)

Now you clowns support a thrice married guy who pays prostitutes, ran up 8 Trillion in new debt, and you rail against the Military and Law Enforcement as part of the "Deep State".

You are lost. You name 2 out of how many? Was Huu Can Tran from the shooting in CA on Saturday a gun nut? Was the last mass shooting(2+killed) TODAY in Chicago performed by a "gun nut"? What about the one yesterday in Robinson, MS? As usual, you have no clue what you are talking about.

Those were the big ones.. It will be interesting to see how nuts Mr. Tran was.

Exactly why we aren't too concerned with kooks like yourself in the event of anarchy, which would almost certainly be started by spoiled, entitled Democrats burning and looting. You will undoubtedly be one of the guys trying to steal and murder since there will be no consequences in your mind, but some of us will have a way to protect ourselves from you and your heavily pierced, purple haired, "pragmatic" peers. Word of warning, like wild animals, your peers will kill you too if necessary.

Yeah, this is really scary.


That angry mob would be terrified of these two, you betcha.
Hey, are you from Missouri? IS that why you won't tell us what state you are from?
Wait, first your party is the one that steals food from Starving Infants to give tax breaks to billionaires.

It's hilarious, now, to see someone on the left wrong still clinging to that worn-out lie. I remember when it was one of the more popular false accusations of your side, to hurl against Republicans, that we wanted to make children go hungry. Most on your side abandoned it, when it actually happened that policies were put in place, that genuinely resulted in children going hungry, and it was your side that was responsible for them—that was Michelle Obama's scam that resulted in school lunches consisting of inadequate amounts of seriously substandard food that children found inedible.

I guess you must have been hoping that we'd forgotten about that, so that you could drag this old lie out and recycle it.

It's hilarious, now, to see someone on the left wrong still clinging to that worn-out lie. I remember when it was one of the more popular false accusations of your side, to hurl against Republicans, that we wanted to make children go hungry. Most on your side abandoned it, when it actually happened that policies were put in place, that genuinely resulted in children going hungry, and it was your side that was responsible for them—that was Michelle Obama's scam that resulted in school lunches consisting of inadequate amounts of seriously substandard food that children found inedible.

I guess you must have been hoping that we'd forgotten about that, so that you could drag this old lie out and recycle it.

Wow, not letting the junk food companies sell fatty food in schools. What an evil bitch Michelle was.

Unlike this shit. Cutting SNAP, WIC and School Lunch programs.

Just remember, Republicans only care about children when they are in fetus form. Once they are born... fuck 'em.
And this is conservatism in a nutshell – contributing nothing; exhibiting only ignorance and stupidity.
except that Conservatism built your home, car, food, job you worked in,,,,,Can you list the accomplishments of filthy grease ball leftists or democrats ???? Nothing except re-distributing conservative wealth to low IQ sheep for votes
Then you actually have life without parole without parole hearings.

That's a simple solution.

But if it was a deterrent, then non-DP states would have higher murder rates than DP states... when in fact the opposite is true.

Really? Lanza was an NRA member along with his crazy Prepper Mom. The Las Vegas shooter was a hard core gun nut. You are engaging in the No True Scotsman fallacy.

View attachment 750199

Ah, so much to unpack here.

First and foremost, if the government wants to kill you, they WILL FUCKING KILL YOU. They have bombs. They have Tanks.. you have your little peashooter that doesn't make up for your...er... shortcomings.

Secondly- and follow closely - a fear of consequences is not a morality. If you are not doing something because of a fear of the police or of an unprovable afterlife, that's not morality, that's fear. I being more pragmatic, make a real world calculation that certain activities aren't worth the consequences. But I don't need to make up dire consequences to follow silly rules, like being afraid of burning in hell for all eternity for eating meat during Lent. (which the Old School Nuns had us convinced we would! And you wonder why I hate the Catholic Church).

Morality is doing the right thing even if no one is looking.

Third, the main reason I don't have a gun is I don't need one not that I am no longer in the military (where I handled weapons most of you only fantasize about). They are pretty much useless for self defense and they increase the probability of someone in the household being injured unncessarily.
First of all, it's justice, that's what matters, as for the deterrent, I lived in Colorado and this was a story there:
sentenced to death by lethal injection on May 17, 1996
Dunlap's death sentence was commuted to life in prison without parole in 2020 after Colorado abolished the death penalty

Yep, many people who knew about the story were dead by then, that is 24 years. Are you fucking kidding me, why does it take so long? This is the problem, for it to be a detterent it needs to be given (it rarely is) and it needs to be executed (it rarely is) so stop with the bs about it's not a deterrent.

If you want to know if it's a detternet, just ask prisoners do you want jail or death, if they choose death execute them on the spot. How many will choose it?
Wow, not letting the junk food companies sell fatty food in schools. What an evil bitch Michelle was.

Unlike this shit. Cutting SNAP, WIC and School Lunch programs.

Just remember, Republicans only care about children when they are in fetus form. Once they are born... fuck 'em.

Maybe you and your ilk should donate to the local food bank. I know my church does, ergo, I do. We also have a box out front that we, the members, keep stocked with non-perishable food items for anyone to take as needed. Like most Democrats, you talk a big game, but ultimately you want someone else(the rich) to pay for these things.

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