Oregon Gov Commutes Sentences of Death Row Inmates

View attachment 738468

I am staunchly against the death penalty. I don't think it is a deterrent. That being said, if we executed people 90 days after their sentence, I think the deterrent factor would skyrocket. If I've said it once, I've said it a dozen times...we need to completely overhaul our criminal justice system.

As for this ruling, I have mixed emotions. At the end of the day, I think it's a good thing to do. However, I do not like that the jury was empaneled, listened to testimony, rendered a verdict, then (likely) rendered a sentence. Then...later on a governor, overturns it? Don't get me wrong, stop all executions going forward but I don't like it when the jury system is usurped by the chief executive.
Another loss for the good guys. 😢
View attachment 738468

I am staunchly against the death penalty. I don't think it is a deterrent. That being said, if we executed people 90 days after their sentence, I think the deterrent factor would skyrocket. If I've said it once, I've said it a dozen times...we need to completely overhaul our criminal justice system.

As for this ruling, I have mixed emotions. At the end of the day, I think it's a good thing to do. However, I do not like that the jury was empaneled, listened to testimony, rendered a verdict, then (likely) rendered a sentence. Then...later on a governor, overturns it? Don't get me wrong, stop all executions going forward but I don't like it when the jury system is usurped by the chief executive.
Ah, youre defending the abolute worst of the worst. These are people who committed the most heinous crimes imaginable. No one is surprised by your support. :cuckoo:
Wow, not letting the junk food companies sell fatty food in schools. What an evil bitch Michelle was.

The offerings from any major fast/junk food company would have been a major improvement over what was imposed on many schoolchildren under Michelle Obama's scam,

And again, it gets rights down to the point of Democraps falsely accusing Republicans of wanting to make schoolchildren go hungry, when it is only Democraps that have ever put forth policies that actually produced that result.

I guess I should not be surprised to see this line of argument from you, given how solid a history you have of trying to blame Republicans for the results of policies which Democraps put into place, and which Republicans opposed. It's kind of become a silly, but well-founded cliché about Democraps in general, but you seem to take it to levels well beyond where normal Democraps ever try to take it.
except that Conservatism built your home, car, food, job you worked in,,,,,Can you list the accomplishments of filthy grease ball leftists or democrats ???? Nothing except re-distributing conservative wealth to low IQ sheep for votes

Another person who thinks that the Investor class is a vital organ instead of a parasite.

Maybe you and your ilk should donate to the local food bank. I know my church does, ergo, I do. We also have a box out front that we, the members, keep stocked with non-perishable food items for anyone to take as needed. Like most Democrats, you talk a big game, but ultimately you want someone else(the rich) to pay for these things.
Americans shouldn't have to grovel in front of an imaginary sky fairy to get fed.
I'm happy to pay for the poor to be fed, before paying for a corporate welfare and the prison industrial complex.
It will be a great day when the schools have all the money they need and the Air Force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber.

First of all, it's justice, that's what matters, as for the deterrent, I lived in Colorado and this was a story there:
sentenced to death by lethal injection on May 17, 1996
Dunlap's death sentence was commuted to life in prison without parole in 2020 after Colorado abolished the death penalty

Yep, many people who knew about the story were dead by then, that is 24 years. Are you fucking kidding me, why does it take so long? This is the problem, for it to be a detterent it needs to be given (it rarely is) and it needs to be executed (it rarely is) so stop with the bs about it's not a deterrent.

If you want to know if it's a detternet, just ask prisoners do you want jail or death, if they choose death execute them on the spot. How many will choose it?
Actually, 700 people kill themselves in prison every year, compared to the 22 we execute.

Swifter executions just increase the chance for mistakes... the fact is we've let 190 people off death row because they didn't do the crimes they were convicted of.
Oh, Mormon Bob... It's funny to watch you squirm.

The offerings from any major fast/junk food company would have been a major improvement over what was imposed on many schoolchildren under Michelle Obama's scam,

Yes, that evil woman, having more offering of vegetables and fruits! How dare she! And less sugars and Fats! Why, you'd think we'd want these kids to be healthier!

And again, it gets rights down to the point of Democraps falsely accusing Republicans of wanting to make schoolchildren go hungry, when it is only Democraps that have ever put forth policies that actually produced that result.

Uh, guy, did you just gloss over the parts where REpublicans cut programs for poor people... again.

I guess I should not be surprised to see this line of argument from you, given how solid a history you have of trying to blame Republicans for the results of policies which Democraps put into place, and which Republicans opposed. It's kind of become a silly, but well-founded cliché about Democraps in general, but you seem to take it to levels well beyond where normal Democraps ever try to take it.

Uh, yeah.

Let's see.

Michelle wanted healthier foods served. That witch.
Republicans wanted those programs cut and give the money to rich people.
Another person who thinks that the Investor class is a vital organ instead of a parasite.

Those investors start businesses and hire people. Those investors own property which they rent to business.

You are biting the hand that feeds you and don’t even know it. If you are so envious(yes, you are indeed envious) then get off your duff, stop wasting all your time pontificating on message boards about how the “rich” are so evil, and make some money big money of your own. Crazy though huh?

Americans shouldn't have to grovel in front of an imaginary sky fairy to get fed.
I'm happy to pay for the poor to be fed, before paying for a corporate welfare and the prison industrial complex.
It will be a great day when the schools have all the money they need and the Air Force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber.

In other words, I want the collective, which hopefully won’t directly affect me much, to pay for these things. You are just like every other atheist Democrat out there.
Those investors start businesses and hire people. Those investors own property which they rent to business.

In short, parasites..

You are biting the hand that feeds you and don’t even know it. If you are so envious(yes, you are indeed envious) then get off your duff, stop wasting all your time pontificating on message boards about how the “rich” are so evil, and make some money big money of your own. Crazy though huh?

Uh, yeah.

That's like saying to rape victims, "Hey, instead of bitching about being raped, get your self a big strap on Dildo and go out and rape some people yourself!"

Capitalism is evil, and I have no desire to participate in it any more than I am required to.

In other words, I want the collective, which hopefully won’t directly affect me much, to pay for these things. You are just like every other atheist Democrat out there.

Yup. People shouldn't have to grovel in front of your sky fairy to get what should be theirs BY RIGHT>

No one in this country should go to bed hungry at night. We throw away more food than they need to eat.
No one in this country should be shivering on a heating grate because we have plenty of places to house them.

The problem is, eventually, the 60% of the population for which Capitalism is a shit sandwich and have less than 5% of the wealth are going to eventually figure this out.
The governor is acting within her capacity as chief executive, she has the lawful authority to commute sentences – nothing is being usurped.

And executing people 90 days after being sentenced would be un-Constitutional, the condemned not being afforded comprehensive due process.

There are aspects of our judicial system in need of reform, but this isn’t it.
When the Constitution was written due process was a trial by your peers, then a short drop with an abrupt stop. They didn't keep criminals sentenced to the death penalty alive for years while lawyers got rich making groundless appeal after groundless appeal.
The power of commutation is not only to protect the innocent, it is to protect the guilty who are being punished too harshly.

Among the many problems with the DP is how it is unevenly applied. An affluent white person with a good lawyer can plea-bargain down to 25 to life (Getting out in 15) while the poor black kid with the public defender who is drunk gets the death penalty.

So good for her fixing the problem.
A public defender is far more likely to plea bargain a case than a private attorney. The public defender is overloaded and cares only about clearing cases and gets paid the same for a plea bargain or a trial. A private attorney (in theory at least) cares about his client's best interests AND gets paid more for a trial than a quickly negotiated plea bargain.
Um, which asshole was that?
The exception should not make the rule.
193 Innocent people were either sent to death Row or actually executed.
That's simply too high of a failure rate to continue to have the option.
193 out of how many sitting on death row over the century or more? Probably at least ten thousand, maybe a hundred thousand. That's a tiny percentage of failures. Are you willing to ground all airliners because .001 percent crash?
The film might not show everything. The film might show the other guy presented a threat.

Heck, Kyle Rittenhouse was caught gunning down three people on video, and he got to walk.
Because ALL the videos clearly showed that every action he took was self-defense. But you have always been willing to railroad him. Kind of makes me suspicious about your stance on the death penalty.
By technical bullshit, you mean "The Constitution"? You know, like the part about "Cruel and Unusual Punishment", as the DP is definitely both cruel and unusual. The point is that we no know that lethal injection is not painless, and they are routinely botched.
The founders didn't find the DP "cruel and unusual punishment." Torture, execution by torture and things like that were considered "cruel and unusual punishment". The death penalty was very common in England for an endless list of mostly minor crimes. In the Colonies many crimes ranging from major to minor were punished by the DP
"Under the Capital Laws of New-England that went into effect between 1636-1647 the death penalty was meted out for pre-meditated murder, sodomy, witchcraft, adultery, idolatry, blasphemy, assault in anger, rape, statutory rape, manstealing, perjury in a capital trial, rebellion, manslaughter, poisoning and bestiality.
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In short, parasites..

Parasites for giving people jobs and providing them a place to live. Weird.

Uh, yeah.

That's like saying to rape victims, "Hey, instead of bitching about being raped, get your self a big strap on Dildo and go out and rape some people yourself!"

Capitalism is evil, and I have no desire to participate in it any more than I am required to.

Finally we get to the root of your problem. You are not a Capitalist. We all knew it, but at least you have come to the point where you can admit it. Baby steps. Next step is for you to move to a country where they will allow you to do nothing and and loaf all day on other people's dime..

The problem is, eventually, the 60% of the population for which Capitalism is a shit sandwich and have less than 5% of the wealth are going to eventually figure this out.

It is only a problem for those that think they are owed something just for being born, of which you clearly are one.
The article that lists any European living here as a migrant.

Right now, I am renting my old Condo to a young man from Denmark. He is here on business for his company, he has no plan to move here permanently. Most of your so-called migrants fall into that category.

How about something about "immigrants"?
That's not an immigrant, that's a business visitor. His visa doesn't allow him to stay for long. He is on either a B-1or B Visa which is only valid for a specific period of time, not to exceed 180 days or with extension 360 days on one trip.
That's 50 years they can use clearing their name.

Executing people never makes anyone feel better.
Society doesn't say this on a consistent basis.
If I were wrongly convicted of a crime calling for the DP, I'd rather be immediately executed than spend fifty years in a prison cell being tortured by an endless stream of hardened criminals.
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If I were wrongly convicted of a crime calling for the DP, I'd rather be immediately executed than spend fifty years in prison cell being tortured by an endless stream of hardened criminals.

Those on death row are not kept in with the general population.
You can say that, but at the end of the day, that's not who our system sends to death row.

The truly heinous murderers often get lawyers smart enough to plea bargain, while the guy who gets to Death Row is often some poor schlub like Cruz who trusts the system.

Again, if you execute the top Nazis and Japs, then you should also execute the top war leaders on the Allied side.

The difference between War Heroes and War Criminals is the difference between winners and losers.
He didn't "trust the system" he tried to scam it.

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