Oregon Gov Commutes Sentences of Death Row Inmates

No, I am saying you get rid of unrevokeable punishments until you eliminate all mistakes and bad actors.

Impossible, and again, the only reason most of these people's cases are looked into is due to the death penalty.

time isn't revokable either, it may be compensable, but it isn't revokable.

If we had caught Hitler and Himmler and Heydrich they should have gotten 3 hots and a cot?
We only have the murder levels we have because we have an armed society.

The Europeans and Japanese have figured this out. People without guns don't act on their primal instincts.

Most gun deaths are suicides, not homicides.

And all those stabbing deaths prove otherwise. and the hammer deaths. and the other weapons.
Impossible, and again, the only reason most of these people's cases are looked into is due to the death penalty.

time isn't revokable either, it may be compensable, but it isn't revokable.

Guy, you are dancing, but at the end of the day, you are arguing for the government to execute innocent people so you can satisfy your murder boner.

If we had caught Hitler and Himmler and Heydrich they should have gotten 3 hots and a cot?
Works for me. Frankly, why stop at just them? The whole German nation (and several of their allies) went along with Hitler and fought for him to the last old man and little boy.

Why not execute the whole German Nation, by your logic, or anyone who picked up a gun for Hitler, at least.
Most gun deaths are suicides, not homicides.

And all those stabbing deaths prove otherwise. and the hammer deaths. and the other weapons.

4/5th of homicides are done with guns... and most homicides are people who know each other.

No guns... less murder.
Guy, you are dancing, but at the end of the day, you are arguing for the government to execute innocent people so you can satisfy your murder boner.

Works for me. Frankly, why stop at just them? The whole German nation (and several of their allies) went along with Hitler and fought for him to the last old man and little boy.

Why not execute the whole German Nation, by your logic, or anyone who picked up a gun for Hitler, at least.

I am saying some crimes deserve something more than life in prison.

An again you dodge because you can't answer anything that doesn't fit your skewed worldview.
I am saying some crimes deserve something more than life in prison.

You can say that, but at the end of the day, that's not who our system sends to death row.

The truly heinous murderers often get lawyers smart enough to plea bargain, while the guy who gets to Death Row is often some poor schlub like Cruz who trusts the system.

An again you dodge because you can't answer anything that doesn't fit your skewed worldview.
Again, if you execute the top Nazis and Japs, then you should also execute the top war leaders on the Allied side.

The difference between War Heroes and War Criminals is the difference between winners and losers.
Innocent people got sent to death row.

You don't give a shit about innocent people. Nobody her is fooled by your crocodile tears on the behalf of such.

If you cared about innocent people, then perhaps once in a while, you would take their side instead of always taking the side of subhuman criminal shit.
And people would have forgotten about their crimes in a few decades. With the trials the crimes were there for all to see. And documented. Using mostly the German's own documents.
My grandfather said every German and Austrian should have been killed by 1946. Every man, woman, and child should have been wiped out. I'm not sure I disagree.
You don't give a shit about innocent people. Nobody her is fooled by your crocodile tears on the behalf of such.

If you cared about innocent people, then perhaps once in a while, you would take their side instead of always taking the side of subhuman criminal shit.

I am all for protecting the innocent. But that's done by addressing the root causes of crime. Punishing people after a crime has been committed is like shutting the barn door after the horse has gotten out.
Well certainly, like in all cases, the court (this is all of my envisioning) could grant stays as needed. But lets make it 180 days. Or hell, even 365 days. Not any more like this:

Brent Brewer in Texas...
View attachment 738472

Committed murder on 4/26/1990. Sentenced in 1991. Been on death row for 31 years.

I wouldn't think a different path of an appeals court would be unconstitutional. Not having an appeal would be but having a court set up to hear capital case appeals, if anything, satisfies the constitutional requirement to a speedy trial--so it seems to me anyway.

I'd prefer we just get rid of the death penalty all together myself. But if we're going to have the death penalty, make it quick, violent and a true deterrent.
Sorry bout that,

1. Waiting on Brent Brewer to die naturally, in Texas.
2. He is on death row for a reason, why so long?

My grandfather said every German and Austrian should have been killed by 1946. Every man, woman, and child should have been wiped out. I'm not sure I disagree.

That's called genocide.

Which is what we prosecuted those bastards for.
4/5th of homicides are done with guns... and most homicides are people who know each other.

No guns... less murder.
No guns, less murder? Tell that to the Holocaust Survivers...... what planet do you live on?

Why do you only want criminals and the state to have weapons?

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