Oregon Gov Commutes Sentences of Death Row Inmates

enuine vaccines are based on solid science. Not this dangerous experimental mRNA shit. There has not, at this point, been nearly enough time for it to be established as safe and effective, in accordance with the standards that are normally required of all new drugs, before they can be put into general use. All those who have received these drugs are being used as test subjects, in a stage of testing that, by normal standards, would be limited to a few hundred test subjects who have freely consented to be used as such.

Yes, we could have waited two more years for more complete testing. But if we did, we'd have seen 3000 people a day die from it, which would be a million people a year. That's simply unacceptable levels of losses.

The growing body of empirical data coming out of the use so far seems to cast serious doubts as to whether these drugs ever could meet the normally-required standards for safety or efficacy.

From what, the anti-Vax nutters?

You're stupid enough to have fallen completely for the #CoronaHoax2020, so it's no surprise that you're stupid enough to believe this lie as part of that hoax.

To those of us who dare to open our eyes and see for ourselves, rather than just mindlessly believing the lies that Big Brother is telling us, the observable realty is rather different.

My niece's husband got Covid, and my girlfriend got it. It's pretty serious shit, not just a "flu" like you are trying to pass it off as.

How many murderers have gone on to commit other crimes, after having been put to death?

Wow, wasn't the question asked. But here's the thing, Bob, the reason why Death Row is so small is because you can't contain hundreds of thousands of prisoners with zero fucks to give. The main reason why our prison system works is because you can have the potential of exoneration or time off for good behavior.

Oh that smokescreen again, huh? Scumbag kills one of my loved ones? I'd want him to face the most severe punishment.
I'm sure you would, but we don't have a justice system based on personal revenge.
Yes, we could have waited two more years for more complete testing. But if we did, we'd have seen 3000 people a day die from it, which would be a million people a year. That's simply unacceptable levels of losses.

So, now, on top of the greatly-exaggerated numbers of people claimed to be dying from this disease, we now have people dying from the adverse effects of these dangerous drugs as well.

It takes an Incel Joe level of stupidity to see this as an improvement.

There's a very good reason why we don't release drugs for general use without a very rigorous protocol of testing; which was largely skipped in the case of these dangerous mRNA drugs. These drugs are killing people.

My niece's husband got Covid, and my girlfriend got it. It's pretty serious shit, not just a "flu" like you are trying to pass it off as.

My wife and I both got it, a few months ago. She's “fully vaccinated”, while I refuse to let them inject this dangerous shit into me.

Neither of us got very much sicker than the other, and neither of us experiences anything out of the scale of a routine cold/flu. It's rather obvious that submitting to these dangerous drugs did not benefit my wife in the least.
I know a bunch of people who had Covid, including me. Its...a cold. Fairly miserable while sick, like any bad cold, but not that big a deal. My father called it a cold that "kicked his ass for 3 days." Best friend got it early (1/20), he thought he had bronchitis. Three co-workers and my wife had it, with NO symptoms.
Did you think the Nuremberg executions were unjust?

The Nuremburg Trials were a farce. Simply lining them all up and shooting them would have been more honest.

The death penalty would be a deterrent if the piece of shit criminals didn't get to lounge around on the tax payer dime for decades and were publicly executed in a horrific manner.

How many innocent people are you willing to kill to sate your bloodlust?

Fewer I think than you will kill by not executing killers

Not even a fair deflection. Try harder.
The Nuremburg Trials were a farce. Simply lining them all up and shooting them would have been more honest.

How many innocent people are you willing to kill to sate your bloodlust?

Not even a fair deflection. Try harder.
No deflection

There is a cost to innocent people when known killers are not executed
How many innocent people are you willing to kill to sate your bloodlust?
No deflection

There is a cost to innocent people when known killers are not executed

As with Incel Joe, it gets down to the question of what side one is on—The side of criminals, or the side of human beings.

Those who are on the side of criminals are enemies to human beings.
There are, exactly, two possibilities: you consider the courts infallible, of you consider executing an innocent person acceptable. There are no other possibilities.
I dont think the courts are infallible

But the greater need of society for protection has priority
So, you consider execution of innocent people acceptable?
Not if we know they are innocent

But we only execute people who have been convicted of a capital crime

If an innocent person falls through the cracks occasionally thats too bad

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