Oregon Gov Commutes Sentences of Death Row Inmates

So, now, on top of the greatly-exaggerated numbers of people claimed to be dying from this disease, we now have people dying from the adverse effects of these dangerous drugs as well.

It takes an Joe level of stupidity to see this as an improvement.

There's a very good reason why we don't release drugs for general use without a very rigorous protocol of testing; which was largely skipped in the case of these dangerous mRNA drugs. These drugs are killing people.
It takes a Mormon Bob level of stupidity to believe what the anti-vaxer site tell you.

Here's what the CDC has to say on the subject

  • Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. More than 660 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through December 14, 2022. During this time, VAERS received 18,007 preliminary reports of death (0.0027%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA clinicians review reports of death to VAERS including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records. Continued monitoring has identified nine deaths causally associated with J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccination. CDC and FDA continue to review reports of death following COVID-19 vaccination and update information as it becomes available.
These vaccines are not killing people. But even if they were, it's a small number compared to the people who were dying of Covid.

Let's say that all 18K deaths attributed to vaccines are due to the vaccines and not other health problems.

That's a lot better than the 2 million people who WOULD have died had these vaccines not been available.

My wife and I both got it, a few months ago. She's “fully vaccinated”, while I refuse to let them inject this dangerous shit into me.

Neither of us got very much sicker than the other, and neither of us experiences anything out of the scale of a routine cold/flu. It's rather obvious that submitting to these dangerous drugs did not benefit my wife in the least.

You are asking me to speculate on people I haven't met. Did either of you have pre-existing conditions or other co-morbidities.

So let me get this straight. You think that Magic Underwear protects you from evil, but you don't believe in vaccines with proven benefits.
I do very much believe in vaccines with proven benefits.

But this dangerous experimental mRNA shit is no such thing.

Covid cases and deaths sharply declined after the vaccine was introduced.

The problem is you guys made this a cultural/political issue when it should never have been, and only was because of Trump's criminal incompetence in dealing with the crisis.
Covid cases and deaths sharply declined after the vaccine was introduced.

An easy result to achieve, when you get to play, the sort of games that were very obviously being played with claimed counts of deaths falsely attributed to the disease.

The problem is you guys made this a cultural/political issue when it should never have been, and only was because of Trump's criminal incompetence in dealing with the crisis.

The hoax was created entirely for political purposes. And the criminal incompetence was in how it was exploited to empower and enrich corrupt politicians, nearly all Democraps, to the serious detriment of we who these politicians were sup[posed to be serving.
An easy result to achieve, when you get to play, the sort of games that were very obviously being played with claimed counts of deaths falsely attributed to the disease.

Um, okay, except other countries had very high death counts as well, and they often were the ones who didn't do the things the WHO and CDC recommended.

The hoax was created entirely for political purposes. And the criminal incompetence was in how it was exploited to empower and enrich corrupt politicians, nearly all Democraps, to the serious detriment of we who these politicians were sup[posed to be serving.

Fight, so the entire world pretended there was this international health crisis to get Trump.. Is this what you are saying?
Nope, I didn't. I ignored it because I don't care.

You can let someone out before 20 or 50 years after you find out that you screwed up.

I live in a state where we had more exonerations than executions, that's how flawed the system was before the Republican governor commuted all the death sentences because he couldn't make heads or tails of which ones were valid or not. Coerced confessions, forged evidence, it was a complete mess.

You ignored it because you don't want to answer it.

The system is flawed because it worked?
The Nuremburg Trials were a farce. Simply lining them all up and shooting them would have been more honest.

How many innocent people are you willing to kill to sate your bloodlust?

Not even a fair deflection. Try harder.

Nuremberg was the first time the winners didn't just shoot people out of hand. Considering some of them got off or only got prison sentences it was not a farce at all.
Nuremberg was the first time the winners didn't just shoot people out of hand. Considering some of them got off or only got prison sentences it was not a farce at all.
It was enforcing ex post facto laws, thus it was a farce.

The only actual war crime is losing.
It was enforcing ex post facto laws, thus it was a farce.

The only actual war crime is losing.

Ex Post Facto is only Unconstitutional with regards to American law, and any local law of certain countries that forbid it. Since we got unconditional surrender from the Germans they had no governmental system that we did not impose on them. If we didn't forbid ex post facto then, then it wasn't a problem.
The system is flawed because it worked?

Except it didn't work.
Innocent people got sent to death row.

The absolute worst case was that of Rolando Cruz.

Cruz was accused of the murder of Jeanine Nicarrico (sp) a 10 year old girl. He tried to scam the Naperville PD out of reward money by claiming he knew something about the case, and the cops figured he was good for it. After falsely claiming he confessed, they put him on trial. But in the middle of his first trial, another man, Brian Dugan, admitted to the murder, and was willing to make a full confession as long as they took the DP off the table. (He had already been convicted of two other murders and was serving life).

Cruz and his co-defendent appealed because Dugan's confession was withheld from evidence. They put him on trial again claiming they helped Dugan commit the murder. (Even though the three men didn't know each other. ) A second conviction that was appealed and overturned. In the middle of the third trial, one of the cops admitted they framed him, and the trial was dismissed. Also, DNA Proved dugan acted alone.

Oh, but it gets better. They put 7 cops and prosecutors on trial for trying to frame this poor man. A white DuPage county jury acquitted them and then went out and had drinks with them. Yikes!

But this by you is the system working, a man being sent to death row twice for a crime someone else confessed to.

You ignored it because you don't want to answer it.
Well, if you are going to keep whining about it... it really wasn't germane to this topic.

Nuremberg was the first time the winners didn't just shoot people out of hand. Considering some of them got off or only got prison sentences it was not a farce at all.

Nuremberg was the winners executing the losers. (As were the Tokyo Trials, which were even a bigger farce).
Except it didn't work.
Innocent people got sent to death row.

The absolute worst case was that of Rolando Cruz.

Cruz was accused of the murder of Jeanine Nicarrico (sp) a 10 year old girl. He tried to scam the Naperville PD out of reward money by claiming he knew something about the case, and the cops figured he was good for it. After falsely claiming he confessed, they put him on trial. But in the middle of his first trial, another man, Brian Dugan, admitted to the murder, and was willing to make a full confession as long as they took the DP off the table. (He had already been convicted of two other murders and was serving life).

Cruz and his co-defendent appealed because Dugan's confession was withheld from evidence. They put him on trial again claiming they helped Dugan commit the murder. (Even though the three men didn't know each other. ) A second conviction that was appealed and overturned. In the middle of the third trial, one of the cops admitted they framed him, and the trial was dismissed. Also, DNA Proved dugan acted alone.

Oh, but it gets better. They put 7 cops and prosecutors on trial for trying to frame this poor man. A white DuPage county jury acquitted them and then went out and had drinks with them. Yikes!

But this by you is the system working, a man being sent to death row twice for a crime someone else confessed to.

Well, if you are going to keep whining about it... it really wasn't germane to this topic.

Nuremberg was the winners executing the losers. (As were the Tokyo Trials, which were even a bigger farce).

Thats the system working. If he was only sentenced to life, no one would have cared and he would still be in prison.

Executing those who deserved it, imprisoning others.

The Tokyo trials were the same thing.
Ex Post Facto is only Unconstitutional with regards to American law, and any local law of certain countries that forbid it. Since we got unconditional surrender from the Germans they had no governmental system that we did not impose on them. If we didn't forbid ex post facto then, then it wasn't a problem.

It was enforcing ex post facto laws, thus it was a farce. Keep rereading that until you understand.
The governor is acting within her capacity as chief executive, she has the lawful authority to commute sentences – nothing is being usurped.

And executing people 90 days after being sentenced would be un-Constitutional, the condemned not being afforded comprehensive due process.

There are aspects of our judicial system in need of reform, but this isn’t it.
Yeah, just let them out of jail, they are misunderstood and are in there because of racism.......
Thats the system working. If he was only sentenced to life, no one would have cared and he would still be in prison.

That's the stupidest thing I have read in months.

Executing those who deserved it, imprisoning others.

The Tokyo trials were the same thing.
They all deserved it. Every one of them should have been lined up and shot.
It was enforcing ex post facto laws, thus it was a farce. Keep rereading that until you understand.

Again, since Germany had no laws after they unconditionally surrendered they were at the mercy of the allies.

They based some of treaties such as the Kellog-Briand pact, outlawing war as an instrument of diplomacy, and on the basic sense that you can't just murder 6 million people because they are jews. Add in violations of the Geneva Convention, plus Germany's own laws in some cases and that's the backing for it.
That's the stupidest thing I have read in months.

They all deserved it. Every one of them should have been lined up and shot.

And people would have forgotten about their crimes in a few decades. With the trials the crimes were there for all to see. And documented. Using mostly the German's own documents.
Sometimes you come off like a high-grade retard.
The only reason why he was on death row was because of major league misconduct by the officials in DuPage.
The system did NOT work. It very nearly made a horrible mistake.

And he got off eventually due to appeals and due process. The system worked.

I guess we have to scrap our entire justice system if there is even a chance for a single mistake or bad actor, right?

Considering you want a disarmed populace, you dick sucking for criminals is nihilist.

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