Oregon Gunman: Conservative Republican

Actually gun sales would plumment. When the price goes up, sales go down.
If I could buy a bond yielding 26% and all I had to do was buy a gun to go with it, I'd borrow as much money as I could and buy as many guns as I could. I even know how I could do it without buying a single gun.
Borrow=loan=interest. You'll be paying back interest on the loans long before the 10 year period even gets close. But borrow away; sooner or later math teaches you a lesson.

Well, there is no "loan" and as soon as you get your $10,000, you probably would get a 1099 right after it.
My home equity loan isn't a loan? What is it?
Not sure. We were talking about insurance and guns. You have apparently started a conversation with yourself.

Not sure where you got that it was tax free.
My home equity loan is tax deductible.
Good for you. But back on the subject...the payment you take for the "maturation" of the insurance policy is not. But thanks for the idea of making them tax free by allowing them to roll-over into a retirement vehicle.

The plan gets better every day.

Well, it is designed to be a win-win-win. For society, victims of the NRA mayhem, and gun owners themselves who largely decry the NRA's stance on gun violence.
What is the NRA's stance on gun violence? Link?
To publicly condemn it but privately encourage it. That is my assessment.

But then again, $10,000 to someone like you is probably a $1M to someone like me.

Yeah, based upon your ignorance of taxes, compound interest, basic math...you're a rich mogul. LOL!

Meh, far from it.

You never told us; where are all the bills to repeal Obama care? The GOP seems to be scared little bitches---you guys were so brave a few months ago. What happened?

Obama needs more to whine about? Isn't he busy losing the Middle East to Putin?
It's not ours to win or lose.

You show the small-mindedness of the modern wingnut.

What happens the first time a Russian jet gets shot down and the pilot is beheaded?
Actually gun sales would plumment. When the price goes up, sales go down.
If I could buy a bond yielding 26% and all I had to do was buy a gun to go with it, I'd borrow as much money as I could and buy as many guns as I could. I even know how I could do it without buying a single gun.
Borrow=loan=interest. You'll be paying back interest on the loans long before the 10 year period even gets close. But borrow away; sooner or later math teaches you a lesson.

Well, there is no "loan" and as soon as you get your $10,000, you probably would get a 1099 right after it.
My home equity loan isn't a loan? What is it?
Not sure. We were talking about insurance and guns. You have apparently started a conversation with yourself.

Not sure where you got that it was tax free.
My home equity loan is tax deductible.
Good for you. But back on the subject...the payment you take for the "maturation" of the insurance policy is not. But thanks for the idea of making them tax free by allowing them to roll-over into a retirement vehicle.

The plan gets better every day.

Well, it is designed to be a win-win-win. For society, victims of the NRA mayhem, and gun owners themselves who largely decry the NRA's stance on gun violence.
What is the NRA's stance on gun violence? Link?
To publicly condemn it but privately encourage it. That is my assessment.

But then again, $10,000 to someone like you is probably a $1M to someone like me.

Yeah, based upon your ignorance of taxes, compound interest, basic math...you're a rich mogul. LOL!

Meh, far from it.

Borrow=loan=interest. You'll be paying back interest on the loans long before the 10 year period even gets close. But borrow away; sooner or later math teaches you a lesson.

Yes, I'd pay a bit over 4%, deduct the interest I pay, and earn 26% a year.

Not sure. We were talking about insurance and guns.

And then I explained how I could use leverage to increase my profit.
Then you showed you either couldn't read or didn't know what a home equity loan was.

But back on the subject...the payment you take for the "maturation" of the insurance policy is not.

Why would my earnings be tax deductible? You're showing your ignorance again.

To publicly condemn it but privately encourage it. That is my assessment.

LOL! We've seen what your assessments are worth.

You never told us; where are all the bills to repeal Obama care? The GOP seems to be scared little bitches---you guys were so brave a few months ago. What happened?

Obama needs more to whine about? Isn't he busy losing the Middle East to Putin?
It's not ours to win or lose.

You show the small-mindedness of the modern wingnut.

What happens the first time a Russian jet gets shot down and the pilot is beheaded?

It's not ours to win or lose.

That will make Obama's failure more palatable.

What happens the first time a Russian jet gets shot down and the pilot is beheaded?

Russia will probably level the area. Kill a bunch of bad guys.
A thousand dollar hike means the negro thug who stole the fucking gun will use a $1500 gun to murder his cousin for the pair of used Nikes.
Not enough time to go back and look at it. I'll take your word for it.
I apologize. Outside of total confiscation, nothing will get rid of guns.
Short of getting rid of all guns, nothing will prevent mass shootings.

1 gun out of every 36500 is involved in a murder; how does the misuse of that one gun justify the draconian infringements you propose for the 36500 others?
most likely like 13 % of americans didn't have health insurance and the entire health program was changed. It is how liberals think. They have no logical thinking skills. Instead of fixing the 13% that didn't have insurance, Which technically isn't correct, but that is way too long of discussion to take on, but they revamped everything. WOW! I tell you, the libs certainly are nothing if not all about them and their point of view. F off to everyone who doesn't believe as them. I do have a finger for them and available for any discussion on it in person.
If a tax on guns does not infringe, neither does a tax on voting.

Tax? Never said I wanted to tax guns.

Your idea was?


You didn't want to charge additional anything for guns? Why'd you change your mind?

The gun will be the same price it always was. The insurance policy will be extra; granted.
what insurance policy? Oh, you meant the tax. That thingy you didn't actually said but did!!!!! funny stuff dude.
The Oregon gunman is so black.....

How black is he?

He is so black, CNN photoshopped him white.

You never told us; where are all the bills to repeal Obama care? The GOP seems to be scared little bitches---you guys were so brave a few months ago. What happened?

Obama needs more to whine about? Isn't he busy losing the Middle East to Putin?
It's not ours to win or lose.

You show the small-mindedness of the modern wingnut.

What happens the first time a Russian jet gets shot down and the pilot is beheaded?
Putin's 150K army headed into Syria will once and for all deal with the rag head terrorists.
Too bad the Dear Leader likes to "lead from his ass" (behind). VJ keeps coming to mind for some reason.
Nothing I suggested infringes on anyone's right to own as many weapons as they can afford.

So a $1000 poll tax is okay then.

Not sure what you mean by that.

A poll tax is okay, because it doesn't infringe on anyone's right to vote.


If a tax on guns does not infringe, neither does a tax on voting.
If the manufacturers double the price of all guns, is that an infringement? Quadruples the price? Does what that pharmaceutical guy did, bumping the price from $13 to $750?
but I doubt the manufacture wants to put themselves out of business. I'm just saying.
If so then explain why you are whining about the militia in regards the 2nd Amendment? The Court was clear one is NOT required to belong to the militia to have a protected right under the 2nd.

The Court was clear when it had those 9 justices. The resulting bloodbath every month may compel some to change the ruling. This is why it is important to elect HRC. You get rid of Scalia and a few other dinosaurs....boom; you get legislation that will stem the red tide.

Again, it is humorous how you guys bitch and moan about judicial activsm but cling to it to in this case.
KItten.....We're discussing a Constitutional amendment. Which requires 38 state legislatures to ratify an amendment which repeals an existing amendment. in any event, there is no court, no legislature that can stop people from killing. And you will never disarm the law abiding citizens who choose to exercise their rights. Never. Get it?
And of you think Clinton is going to get the opportunity to pack the court with hyper liberals, you're living in a parallel universe.
BTW, Clinton's polling numbers are terrible. Short of some kind of unbelievable turn around, Clinton is not going to win the WH...And don't go spewing that crap about electoral votes.
But.....You are a feminazi who arrogantly believes the election is over. That it is "her turn".....
There is a bunch of you. But not enough.
BTW, until "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" is stricken from the Bill of Rights, you will never have your way.

Time will tell.

Clinton will win the nomination easily. General elections are always a toss up but the GOP is doing it's best to lose it.
A Hillary 'cloud' server has just been uncovered. Let's wait and see what the FBI finds on it before we 'anoint' Hillary shall we?

There was a line in the movie, The Right Stuff. It was a favorite in my house growing up and I remember my cousins coming over and watching it all the time in our old Sears VHS. Anyway, the scene is in this bar and the Chuck Yeager had just broken the sound barrier. Then another guy broke his record by a few mph. Then Yeager broke his record. Then the other guy re-gained the title of "fastest man alive".... When Yeager broke the record, the press was fanatical. Now the air force base was empty and nobody was covering them.

The "Liaison Man" pointed out to the pilots that the reason the press coverage had waned wasn't that their feats were not great but that for something to capture the public imagination; it needed to be a simple message; he cited the four minute mile, sixty homers; in short, a nice round number. This is the issue with Hillary's e-mails and the obsession the GOP has with it. The public isn't going to care unless she is frog-marched into a court-house. She should be ashamed for going the route of convenience and the ham-handed way she sees enemies behind every bush and looks to defend against foes who have zero real ammo. But the public isn't going to care unless there is a skin on the wall. The GOP didn't get there with Whitewater, "file gate", Ben-Gotcha, and it looks like the e-mail server is going to be a dud also.
funny, you forgot to post your favorite line!!! dude too funny. 'This one day at band camp!!!!!'
If a tax on guns does not infringe, neither does a tax on voting.
If the manufacturers double the price of all guns, is that an infringement? Quadruples the price? Does what that pharmaceutical guy did, bumping the price from $13 to $750?

If the manufacturers double the price of all guns, is that an infringement?

Is the manufacturer the government?

Neither is the seller of the insurance I proposed.

You want a private firm to sell insurance for $1000 and buy it back in 10 years for $10,000?

Several mechanisms could be employed. I'm for using market forces to dry up the gun supply and reduce the violence. It will be, for lack of a better term, a convertible annuity. I called it "insurance" because first and foremost, we have to do something to compensate the victims of gun crimes. At the same time, to make it appetizing to the owners, you allow them to invest in the lucrative State Pension funds which have billions of dollars in assets.
so how does getting rid of guns solve violence? explain that to me.
Do you in your right mind believe increasing the price of a handgun would somehow have an effect on the people who are committing the most gun murders?].

I removed the racist bullshit to respond to your idiocy without the cloud of your ignorance.

Okay...your argument is increasing the price of an object will have no affect on it's availability.
Look out the window; Do you know why there are no Porsches or Ferarri's in sight? Is it because there is no demand? No, the price is too high to be afforded.

Drive the price up and you dry the pool out.
so what happens when those cars are stolen off the street? dude, you're not making any sense here. you've been ranting quite a long time on here and it is all falling on deaf ears. you're losing terribly, you should find another line of work. The libs lost their money on you.
If a tax on guns does not infringe, neither does a tax on voting.
If the manufacturers double the price of all guns, is that an infringement? Quadruples the price? Does what that pharmaceutical guy did, bumping the price from $13 to $750?

If the manufacturers double the price of all guns, is that an infringement?

Is the manufacturer the government?

Neither is the seller of the insurance I proposed.

You want a private firm to sell insurance for $1000 and buy it back in 10 years for $10,000?

Several mechanisms could be employed. I'm for using market forces to dry up the gun supply and reduce the violence. It will be, for lack of a better term, a convertible annuity. I called it "insurance" because first and foremost, we have to do something to compensate the victims of gun crimes. At the same time, to make it appetizing to the owners, you allow them to invest in the lucrative State Pension funds which have billions of dollars in assets.

See: Amendment 2
Gun crime. Pack your bags.
What crime?
Selling a gun to a buyer without an insurance policy.

Chicken little has make an appearance.
A million gun "annuities" will cost Illinois $9 billion in 10 years. We can't afford it. No thanks.
Your assumption will be that they are held for the full length. Won't happen. Your assumption is that the investments made off of the policies purchased will be $0.00. We're talking billions of new capital for investments; paying off debts, etc...

Better to have a bleeding heart than none at all.
Yes, your good intentions are the important thing, even if your policy makes things worse. :2up:
The status quo is "good" in your book is it? Let's hear your plan.
wow still losing the battle. Retreat should be a word you're used to hearing. it's time. the insurance thingy is done.
The 2nd Amendment is patently outdated but totally unassailable. So we have to live with it and any remedy to the violence is spawns will have to be attractive.

The second amendment is a principle. Principles are immutable .
Gun crime. Pack your bags.
What crime?
Selling a gun to a buyer without an insurance policy.

Chicken little has make an appearance.
A million gun "annuities" will cost Illinois $9 billion in 10 years. We can't afford it. No thanks.
Your assumption will be that they are held for the full length. Won't happen. Your assumption is that the investments made off of the policies purchased will be $0.00. We're talking billions of new capital for investments; paying off debts, etc...

Better to have a bleeding heart than none at all.
Yes, your good intentions are the important thing, even if your policy makes things worse. :2up:
The status quo is "good" in your book is it? Let's hear your plan.

Selling a gun to a buyer without an insurance policy.

Nobody knows I have a gun, how will they know I sold it?

Your assumption will be that they are held for the full length. Won't happen.

Doesn't matter, Illinois can't afford to pay 26% a year on an "annuity".
They can't even pay their current bills.

Your assumption is that the investments made off of the policies purchased will be $0.00.

Your assumption was the state can magically "match" the cost. LOL!

We're talking billions of new capital for investments; paying off debts, etc...

Oh, they'll use the $1000 to build a road or a hospital and when I come back for the $10,000?
Or they'll pay off an 8% debt to incur a 26% debt? LOL!
Your math is weak.

The status quo is "good" in your book is it?

The status quo is better than your "annuity" idea.

Selling a gun to a buyer without an insurance policy.

Nobody knows I have a gun, how will they know I sold it?

The dude has magic fairy dust and will sprinkle it and find out everyone's gun.
For the 10th time (at least); cite the part of the Constitution that says ANYTHING about pricing.
Artificially driving up the cost of exercising a right through government action with the intent to limit the exercise of a right infringes upon the right. Every time.
The right to arms, specifically, shall not infringed.
Thus, you lose.

Still waiting for the quote from the Constitution that supports your jibberish. Now get busy and provide the quote little man.
I still don't understand how this has anything to do with the OP.

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