Oregon Gunman: Conservative Republican

Drive the price up and you dry the pool out.
Artificially driving up prices through government action with the intent to limit the exercise of a right infringes upon the right.
Every time.

Now you're having to prove intent....good luck with that.
The intent is to limit the monthly blood baths. It will do that over time.
how? How does a more expensive gun change violent behavior?
The hilarious irony is if the ludicrous 'Gun Tax' of say $1000 was imposed in some sort of ludicrous attempt to "dry up" gun sales the fucking negro thugs who steal 99.999% of the guns would be out there looking to see who could steal the most expensive guns.
Think about it!
"Ya well I murdered my cousin for his Nikes with my stolen gun which cost way more then the stolen gun you used to murder your cousin for a fucking bag of weed. This makes me more of a man then you are bro".
And this my friends is seriously the sort of mentality the 'bonobos' who commit these murders possess.
These Tree Dwellers NEVER steal an old Chevy station wagon. It's beneath their dignity!
They only steal vehicles like new Escalades. That gives them 'street cred. with their 'baby mammas'.
For the 10th time (at least); cite the part of the Constitution that says ANYTHING about pricing.
Artificially driving up the cost of exercising a right through government action with the intent to limit the exercise of a right infringes upon the right. Every time.
The right to arms, specifically, shall not infringed.
Thus, you lose.

Still waiting for the quote from the Constitution that supports your jibberish. Now get busy and provide the quote little man.
I still don't understand how this has anything to do with the OP.

I fail to see how your post relates as well
Drive the price up and you dry the pool out.
Artificially driving up prices through government action with the intent to limit the exercise of a right infringes upon the right.
Every time.

Now you're having to prove intent....good luck with that.
The intent is to limit the monthly blood baths. It will do that over time.
how? How does a more expensive gun change violent behavior?

It limits the availability of guns thus limiting the damage violent behavior can do
The 2nd Amendment is patently outdated but totally unassailable. So we have to live with it and any remedy to the violence is spawns will have to be attractive.

The second amendment is a principle. Principles are immutable .

No it's an amendment. The part about the Militia was ignored. Hopefully Hillary will appoint judges that will pay attention
Gun crime. Pack your bags.
What crime?
Selling a gun to a buyer without an insurance policy.

Chicken little has make an appearance.
A million gun "annuities" will cost Illinois $9 billion in 10 years. We can't afford it. No thanks.
Your assumption will be that they are held for the full length. Won't happen. Your assumption is that the investments made off of the policies purchased will be $0.00. We're talking billions of new capital for investments; paying off debts, etc...

Better to have a bleeding heart than none at all.
Yes, your good intentions are the important thing, even if your policy makes things worse. :2up:
The status quo is "good" in your book is it? Let's hear your plan.
wow still losing the battle. Retreat should be a word you're used to hearing. it's time. the insurance thingy is done.

Time will tell.
Not sure what you mean by that.

A poll tax is okay, because it doesn't infringe on anyone's right to vote.


If a tax on guns does not infringe, neither does a tax on voting.
If the manufacturers double the price of all guns, is that an infringement? Quadruples the price? Does what that pharmaceutical guy did, bumping the price from $13 to $750?
but I doubt the manufacture wants to put themselves out of business. I'm just saying.

Or be shut down...
The 2nd Amendment is patently outdated but totally unassailable. So we have to live with it and any remedy to the violence is spawns will have to be attractive.

The second amendment is a principle. Principles are immutable .

No it's an amendment. The part about the Militia was ignored. Hopefully Hillary will appoint judges that will pay attention

There's nothing being ignored... The Second Amendment, resting in the principle that 'security is essential to the state of freedom, forbids any law which usurps the individual from exercising their God-given right to own and use state of the art, military grade firearms, in their effort to preserve the state of freedom.

That an impotent, irrational pop-culture 'feels' otherwise, is the basis of the principle, which is the basis of the amendment, second only in priority, to the forbiddance of government to prevent Americans from speaking out against that irrational popular culture, in hopes that some of them will respond to reason..., as unlikely as it might be.
Hopefully Hillary will appoint judges that will pay attention


I guess you haven't heard... Americans no longer care what the SCOTUS does, says or how it votes. As with the Federal Licensing of Degeneracy, Americans have withdrawn our consent to be governed by Leftists.

But hey... that's as good a way to kick off the civil war, as any, I guess.
The 2nd Amendment is patently outdated but totally unassailable. So we have to live with it and any remedy to the violence is spawns will have to be attractive.

The second amendment is a principle. Principles are immutable .

No it's an amendment. The part about the Militia was ignored. Hopefully Hillary will appoint judges that will pay attention

There's nothing being ignored... The Second Amendment, resting in the principle that 'security is essential to the state of freedom, forbids any law which usurps the individual from exercising their God-given right to own and use state of the art, military grade firearms, in their effort to preserve the state of freedom.

That an impotent, irrational pop-culture 'feels' otherwise, is the basis of the principle, which is the basis of the amendment, second only in priority, to the forbiddance of government to prevent Americans from speaking out against that irrational popular culture, in hopes that some of them will respond to reason..., as unlikely as it might be.


The word Militia is in there for a reason. It's high time the court cited it and ruled based on the actual writing in the Constitution. We don't want people legislating from the bench, do we? he he he
Hopefully Hillary will appoint judges that will pay attention


I guess you haven't heard... Americans no longer care what the SCOTUS does, says or how it votes. As with the Federal Licensing of Degeneracy, Americans have withdrawn our consent to be governed by Leftists.

But hey... that's as good a way to kick off the civil war, as any, I guess.

Civil war....don't make me laugh.
Hopefully Hillary will appoint judges that will pay attention


I guess you haven't heard... Americans no longer care what the SCOTUS does, says or how it votes. As with the Federal Licensing of Degeneracy, Americans have withdrawn our consent to be governed by Leftists.

But hey... that's as good a way to kick off the civil war, as any, I guess.

Civil war....don't make me laugh.

Yes... there's nothing you people can do that will get your ass kicked. You're immune from such because we, the Americans, possess endless tolerance and have never given any indication that our patience for idiocy, duplicity and subversion of respect for our principles has a bottom.

And there's no evidence in history when, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation ... after a long train of abuses and usurpations, evinces a design to reduce a people under absolute despotism, pursuing invariably the same object, to exercise their right, to rise to meet their duty to throw off a degenerative government, and to provide new guards for their future security against such.

And it's not like the whole dam' world is not presently at war, or spiraling directly at it... .



The word Militia is in there for a reason.

Yes... it is. And that reason is that the sum of well equipped able bodied males, is necessary to the state of freedom.

Agreed. And if you're not a member of the "well-regulated" Militia...well...there is Constitutional protection for you to keep and bear arms.

Amazing what happens when you read the instructions.

The word Militia is in there for a reason.

Yes... it is. And that reason is that the sum of well equipped able bodied males, is necessary to the state of freedom.

Agreed. And if you're not a member of the "well-regulated" Militia.

Once again, for benefit of:
The Intellectually Less Fortunate

Able bodied males


"The Militia".

Therefore, where one is an able bodied male...

One is > IN < the militia.

To be regulated, one must be equipped, to be well regulated, one must be WELL EQUIPPED.

TO be well regulated for the Militia, one must be armed with state of the art, military grade firearms.
This in order to defeat military grade, militaries.​

The word Militia is in there for a reason.

Yes... it is. And that reason is that the sum of well equipped able bodied males, is necessary to the state of freedom.

Agreed. And if you're not a member of the "well-regulated" Militia.

Once again, for benefit of:
The Intellectually Less Fortunate

Able bodied males


"The Militia".
I'll play along. So you're saying the infirmed and female have no constitutional standing to own firearms?

Therefore, where one is an able bodied male...

One is > IN < the militia.

To be regulated, one must be equipped, to be well regulated, one must be WELL EQUIPPED.

TO be well regulated for the Militia, one must be armed with state of the art, military grade firearms.
This in order to defeat military grade, militaries.

Also to be regulated, you must have regulations. Also to actually be a Militia, you'd have to train regularly, go on maneuvers, train with other forces, etc... None of which happens

Thanks for playing. Check please.

You never told us; where are all the bills to repeal Obama care? The GOP seems to be scared little bitches---you guys were so brave a few months ago. What happened?

Obama needs more to whine about? Isn't he busy losing the Middle East to Putin?
It's not ours to win or lose.

You show the small-mindedness of the modern wingnut.

What happens the first time a Russian jet gets shot down and the pilot is beheaded?

It's not ours to win or lose.

That will make Obama's failure more palatable.

What happens the first time a Russian jet gets shot down and the pilot is beheaded?

Russia will probably level the area. Kill a bunch of bad guys.
Why do you wingnuts love Putin so much?

He's an authoritarian, yet you complain that Obama is a dictator.

He does what he wants, not what his people want - you accuse Obama of that.

He tightly controls the media - you complain that Obama does that.

I could go on, but all the things you bitch and moan concerning your Obama fantasies, Putin actually does the same things in reality, yet you all love him.

You never told us; where are all the bills to repeal Obama care? The GOP seems to be scared little bitches---you guys were so brave a few months ago. What happened?

Obama needs more to whine about? Isn't he busy losing the Middle East to Putin?
It's not ours to win or lose.

You show the small-mindedness of the modern wingnut.

What happens the first time a Russian jet gets shot down and the pilot is beheaded?

It's not ours to win or lose.

That will make Obama's failure more palatable.

What happens the first time a Russian jet gets shot down and the pilot is beheaded?

Russia will probably level the area. Kill a bunch of bad guys.
Why do you wingnuts love Putin so much?

He's an authoritarian, yet you complain that Obama is a dictator.

He does what he wants, not what his people want - you accuse Obama of that.

He tightly controls the media - you complain that Obama does that.

I could go on, but all the things you bitch and moan concerning your Obama fantasies, Putin actually does the same things in reality, yet you all love him.
I cant stand Putin you clown..Why are you such an idiot? You must work really hard at it, because you're very good at it..Clown
Conservative Americans can't do anything about the rise of the Black Lion.
Oh ya. The "black Lion" is REALLY rising. The "Black Lion" has to go begging for fucking food stamps and free everything every fucking month from the 'White Lion'.
The "Black Lion" AKA 'Bonobo' isn't fucking sentient enough to tie its own shoelaces pal.

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