Oregon Gunman: Conservative Republican

I've yet to see a mass murderer who identified as a Liberal Democrat.


Thats because you refuse to admit,that crazy isn't connected to political views what so ever,the clown that shot Giffords identified himself as liberal,Dem,but for rational people,that is irrelevant.
Oregon Gunman described himself as a "Conservative Republican" in an online dating profile.


Spiritual Passions: ironcross45 - Doesn't Like Organized Religion, Left-hand Path, Magick and Occult, Meditation, Not Religious, But Spiritual
Quelled surprise!!! .....NOT!!!

Seriously, most every clinger on this forum is a loud 'n proud rw'er.

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I've yet to see a mass murderer who identified as a Liberal Democrat.


Thats because you refuse to admit,that crazy isn't connected to political views what so ever,the clown that shot Giffords identified himself as liberal,Dem,but for rational people,that is irrelevant.


He was a "Liberal Democrat" that shot a Liberal Democrat.

Makes lots of sense.
I've yet to see a mass murderer who identified as a Liberal Democrat.


Thats because you refuse to admit,that crazy isn't connected to political views what so ever,the clown that shot Giffords identified himself as liberal,Dem,but for rational people,that is irrelevant.


He was a "Liberal Democrat" that shot a Liberal Democrat.

Makes lots of sense.

He claimed Giffords was ignoring him. He was a nut, so is this guy. Pretty simple stuff.
It says killing zombies was a hobby. He registered as an independent. Hated religion.

Bottom line, he walked into a college asked his victims a question and then killed them when answered.

I don't think his political persuasion played squat in his actions. The guy is a nut job who had obvious mental issues and that is the issue that needs addressed. Not his religion, not his politics, not his obsession with zombies. It is his mental issues that pushed him over the edge.

The pictures the girl on his site posted were clearly satanic occult symbols. Mercer says he was a follower of Lefthand Path. That is Satanism, folks. The darkest of the dark. What he did was to sacrifice 10 people to Satan and then himself. And the media still acts as if they do not know what is going on. Despicable.

SpiritualSatanist.com - The Left Hand Path
I've yet to see a mass murderer who identified as a Liberal Democrat.


Thats because you refuse to admit,that crazy isn't connected to political views what so ever,the clown that shot Giffords identified himself as liberal,Dem,but for rational people,that is irrelevant.


He was a "Liberal Democrat" that shot a Liberal Democrat.

Makes lots of sense.

He claimed Giffords was ignoring him. He was a nut, so is this guy. Pretty simple stuff.

The guy that shot Gifford was also a Satanist. So was Adam Lanza. So were the Columbine killers - Trenchcoat Mafia was the name of their satanic coven and this kid Mercer? He said he was into lefthand Path. That is Satanism. Once again - this is left out of the news reports. One must wonder why that is.

SpiritualSatanist.com - The Left Hand Path

Left and right were common associations with evil and good. So this association with the Left, and unfortunate events, endings or evil has been known for a very long time.

The Left, as weak, sinister, strange or odd has had a long history. Those who associate with the left-hand path find it to be a path of personal empowerment. For some comparisons consider how most right-hand path religions or practices often work for the benefit of a god, while the self is denied for the benefit or healing of others. Within the Left Hand Path, the self is god, or the center of consciousness. It can be said that the left hand path is self serving. In right hand path practices the self is often denied in exchange for association with a higher power.
This is why he said he was his own god. The kid was into Satanism. He sacrificed 10 people to Satan and was looking to specifically sacrifice Christians to Satan - and the media is acting as if they do not know this. How could they not know it?
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Thirty to forty years ago you could buy an M-1 Garand (military surplus) for less than $30.00. JC Penny, Montgomery Ward and Sears and Roebuck all sold guns via their catalogs. All you had to do was mail in your money order to a warehouse somewhere and they would send you the weapon. No background check, nothing. You could also buy as much 30 caliber ammunition as you wanted and they would ship it to you. You could order it under the name of Mickey Mouse and no one cared. Yet, no one killed children in school. No one walked into a church and shot people who were there for bible study. Children could actually play in their front yard or even (gasp) walk by themselves down to the park where they would play all day, not having to worry about the drug deals or the crazies living in the park. Not an armed adult in sight.

So what has changed? Why now do we go through this?

This, ladies and gentlemen; this disease comes to lay directly at the feet of the 'progressives' among us. Those who stand in an intersection downtown and yell at passing cars that they are going to 'kill' you are no longer able to be committed for their own and societies good. You can't make them take their medicine. Medicine which, if they just took it, would take the edge off of their manic depressive episodes. I have a nephew who is schizophrenic and he is dangerous. He has threatened to kill his parents and his sister. His mother and father have begged, pleaded with everyone, anyone to do something and they will not. They have had him committed and they have tried to force him to take his medication. He takes it, feels a little better, only to walk out the door a week later. Then he stops taking his medicine and it starts again. There is no where to put him the doctors tell them. He has the 'right' not to take his medicine, even if he is a clear danger to those around him, the doctors say. So the parents did the only thing they could. They threw this kid out of the house and told him that if he came back, they would have to have him arrested, or worse, they would use force against him. His father bought a gun. An 870 Remington that I helped him get and showed him how to use. They moved to a different town and didn't tell him where they are. So now, this kid lives on the street and he is a ticking time bomb. God help us... God help those who meet him on the street.

Progressives have created a society where the individual and the list of their 'rights' that they should demand continues to grow day by day. No longer do children learn of morals, values, to be kind to their neighbors and of the 'Golden Rule.' Now, there are no consequences of 'sinful' actions, only the fifteen minutes of fame that these situations provide. Since man has become the ultimate pinnacle of a progressive world, there is no God to fear, no Jesus to emulate. No longer do school age children hear of their eternal souls and of how they should do right by their neighbors. No, you owe me... is now the battle cry of this progressive society. Likewise, Barry lectures the nation about guns, but once again, has failed to state the obvious... that Christians have been singled out for extermination. Imagine if the dead had been Muslim or transgender students. Imagine the righteous indignation of him and the progressives.

I am convinced that this nation has passed a critical point in its timeline. I am almost convinced that we can not be brought back from the brink this time.
That profile was changed 9x yesterday.- after he was dead!!!!

Massive thread fail.

Internet Archive Wayback Machine
From your link:

This calendar view maps the number of times Spiritual Passions: ironcross45 - Doesn't Like Organized Religion, Left-hand Path, Magick and Occult, Meditation, Not Religious, But Spiritual was crawled by the Wayback Machine, not how many times the site was actually updated

Learn to read.

I'm judging you based on your ignorance. No surprise you can't admit to being wrong.
Progressives are programmed to go with the narrative. They want to believe this killer was a conservative, even though all the facts, witness accounts, and his own actions say otherwise.

He was a deranged anti-Christian who targeted and murdered Christians.

In every way he appears to be a typical deranged liberal, or even a Muslim, so now liberals are quickly trying to pass him off as a conservative.

There really are no true conservatives in Oregon. Trust me. Even in eastern Oregon where some residents SAY they are, they are RINOs.

In 2013 Oregon was the third most liberal state out of all 57. [thanks for that one, obama ] I used to think it was 50.
This thread is wrong on so many levels.

I have no respect for anyone that believes that this jackass represents conservatives.

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