Oregon Gunman: Conservative Republican

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Have the Americans accepted that gun crime is a price worth paying to be able to hold arms?
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It was a gun free zone. Only people there with guns were criminals. Maybe if some law abiding citizen had a gun there'd be fewer shot.

There was.

The college forgot to put up a sign saying:

Crazy Mass Shooter - Enter here because this is where the armed guard is.
(posted 21 mins ago)

Oregon gunman despised organized religion, idolized IRA and Nazi's

"Oregon gunman despised organized religion, idolized IRA and Nazi’s

Chris Harper-Mercer, the gunman who went on Thursday’s rampage at an Oregon college, idolized the Nazis and the IRA, despised organized religion — and talked of how killing could bring a person fame.

“I have noticed that so many people like [Vester Lee Flanagan] are alone and unknown, yet when they spill a little blood, the whole world knows who they are,” Harper-Mercer wrote in a blog post, referring to the man who in August murdered a reporter and a cameraman on live TV in Virginia, according to CBS News.

“A man who was known by no one is now known by everyone. His face splashed across every screen, his name across the lips of every person on the planet, all in the course of one day. Seems like the more people you kill, the more you’re in the limelight.”

He also showed interest in the Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook school shootings, having recently shared documentaries about the massacres with people online.

A profile on an online dating site, Spiritual Passions, shows Harper-Mercer “doesn’t like organized religion.”

On his MySpace page, he posted a number of pictures related to the Irish Republican Army."

more at link

Nothing indicating any Islamic affiliation as of this.

Does MySpace still exist?!?
And you don't post that the shooter was a right-winger when the shooter was actually a Christian hating Muslim sympathizer.
Why are they mutually exclusive? Islamists by definition are conservative.

And if I posted in some other regular thread about how all conservatives were wacko Christians you would be yelling that I'm stereotyping, and that not all conservatives are religious.
Muslim sympathizers tend to be leftists.
That's laughably false.

Muslims are conservative in every way. How do they treat women? They make them dress conservatively, they give them no rights, they don't allow them to drive. How do they feel about the modern world? They hate it, and do not allow alcohol, popular music, dancing, etc.

Not Liberal.
(posted 21 mins ago)

Oregon gunman despised organized religion, idolized IRA and Nazi's

"Oregon gunman despised organized religion, idolized IRA and Nazi’s

Chris Harper-Mercer, the gunman who went on Thursday’s rampage at an Oregon college, idolized the Nazis and the IRA, despised organized religion — and talked of how killing could bring a person fame.

“I have noticed that so many people like [Vester Lee Flanagan] are alone and unknown, yet when they spill a little blood, the whole world knows who they are,” Harper-Mercer wrote in a blog post, referring to the man who in August murdered a reporter and a cameraman on live TV in Virginia, according to CBS News.

“A man who was known by no one is now known by everyone. His face splashed across every screen, his name across the lips of every person on the planet, all in the course of one day. Seems like the more people you kill, the more you’re in the limelight.”

He also showed interest in the Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook school shootings, having recently shared documentaries about the massacres with people online.

A profile on an online dating site, Spiritual Passions, shows Harper-Mercer “doesn’t like organized religion.”

On his MySpace page, he posted a number of pictures related to the Irish Republican Army."

more at link

Nothing indicating any Islamic affiliation as of this.

Does MySpace still exist?!?
Yes....but he's a loner......so.....
If the shooter was black it would be "black lives matter" that made him do this, or Obama or Holder or Sharpton in no particular order and no particular logic. If it was a Muslim it would be because of Obama`s secret muslimicity. Whenever it is not a black or a muslim it`s the shooter`s fault no matter how many Hitler photos he had or dildos with rebel flag insignias. And who cares if he had 3 hand guns AND an assault weapon and was bearing body armor. He could just as easily killed them with a teaspoon. When are the liberals going to ban teaspoons?
"Today a man strangled 30 people to death in a crowded mall before turning his hands on himself"

^^^ Headline you'll never see.
When you take all of our guns....will you come for our knives, axes, box-cutters, and our pressure-cookers next?

Taking our guns isn't going to stop violence. Inflammatory rhetoric used by the PC crowd....end that and you might see some progress.

Law enforcement experts say that the best way to control law-abiding citizens is through gun confiscation. The best way to control gun violence is through stiffer punishment. Most criminals who use guns are repeat offenders. Get them off the streets and crime goes down. Nope...not gonna happen. That's racist. What they will do is politicize every mass shooting on a college campus. Not on military installations. Just the ones in schools.

As usual, its the rabid right that uses "inflammatory rhetoric" and outright lies.

Its always the nutters who talk about banning.
And you don't post that the shooter was a right-winger when the shooter was actually a Christian hating Muslim sympathizer.
Why are they mutually exclusive? Islamists by definition are conservative.

And if I posted in some other regular thread about how all conservatives were wacko Christians you would be yelling that I'm stereotyping, and that not all conservatives are religious.
Muslim sympathizers tend to be leftists.
That's laughably false.

Muslims are conservative in every way. How do they treat women? They make them dress conservatively, they give them no rights, they don't allow them to drive. How do they feel about the modern world? They hate it, and do not allow alcohol, popular music, dancing, etc.

Not Liberal.
Thus the outright insanity of leftist rhetoric supporting Islam.
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Have the Americans accepted that gun crime is a price worth paying to be able to hold arms?
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LBC Radio - Leading Britain's Conversation | DAB Digital Radio And 97.3FM
It was a gun free zone. Only people there with guns were criminals. Maybe if some law abiding citizen had a gun there'd be fewer shot.
There were plenty of people there with concealed carry.

You should try turning on the news, or reading a news site.
I've yet to see a mass murderer who identified as a Liberal Democrat.


No, just willful ignorance or outright lying on your part.
OK, dope - produce a Liberal Democrat mass murderer.

Yet another one who needs other people to do his homework for him. Bet if you were a smoker, you'd not only be bumming a cigarette and a light, but you'd also want us to jump up and down on your chest to help you smoke it.

Harris and Klebold, the Columbine Shooters – families registered Democrats and progressive Leftists.

Nidal Hasan – Ft Hood Shooter: Registered Democrat and Muslim.

Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooter – black liberal/Obama voter

Seung-Hui Cho – Virginia Tech shooter: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff, registered Democrat.

James Holmes – the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occupy guy,progressive liberal, hated Christians.

Amy Bishop, the rabid leftist, killed her colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter.

Jared Loughner, the Tucson shooter – Leftist, Marxist.

Ohio bomb plot derps were occupy Wall St leftists.

Bryce Williams/Lester Flanagan, shot reporter, cameraman and interviewee in Virginia - liberal democrat whiner

and of course let's not forget some oldies, but goodies like Ted Kaczynski, Bill Ayers and Lee Harvey Oswald.
No links. Why am I not shocked?

Easily countered, also: Ron Reagan is a Liberal Democrat, although I think his parents were registered Republicans.

Jared Loughner shot a Liberal Democrat - he wasn't one himself. He got his inspiration from wingnut crazy Sarah Palin's target ad.

That's just two.
And you don't post that the shooter was a right-winger when the shooter was actually a Christian hating Muslim sympathizer.
Why are they mutually exclusive? Islamists by definition are conservative.

And if I posted in some other regular thread about how all conservatives were wacko Christians you would be yelling that I'm stereotyping, and that not all conservatives are religious.
Muslim sympathizers tend to be leftists.
That's laughably false.

Muslims are conservative in every way. How do they treat women? They make them dress conservatively, they give them no rights, they don't allow them to drive. How do they feel about the modern world? They hate it, and do not allow alcohol, popular music, dancing, etc.

Not Liberal.
really? Radical muslims are big government tyrants, who want to control peoples lives. They are anti liberty anti -constitutional conservative you pea brain. You're such a small, little man and one of the dumbest posters on the board.
I've yet to see a mass murderer who identified as a Liberal Democrat.


No, just willful ignorance or outright lying on your part.
OK, dope - produce a Liberal Democrat mass murderer.

Yet another one who needs other people to do his homework for him. Bet if you were a smoker, you'd not only be bumming a cigarette and a light, but you'd also want us to jump up and down on your chest to help you smoke it.

Harris and Klebold, the Columbine Shooters – families registered Democrats and progressive Leftists.

Nidal Hasan – Ft Hood Shooter: Registered Democrat and Muslim.

Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooter – black liberal/Obama voter

Seung-Hui Cho – Virginia Tech shooter: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff, registered Democrat.

James Holmes – the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occupy guy,progressive liberal, hated Christians.

Amy Bishop, the rabid leftist, killed her colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter.

Jared Loughner, the Tucson shooter – Leftist, Marxist.

Ohio bomb plot derps were occupy Wall St leftists.

Bryce Williams/Lester Flanagan, shot reporter, cameraman and interviewee in Virginia - liberal democrat whiner

and of course let's not forget some oldies, but goodies like Ted Kaczynski, Bill Ayers and Lee Harvey Oswald.
No links. Why am I not shocked?

Easily countered, also: Ron Reagan is a Liberal Democrat, although I think his parents were registered Republicans.

Jared Loughner shot a Liberal Democrat - he wasn't one himself. He got his inspiration from wingnut crazy Sarah Palin's target ad.

That's just two.

Using your logic...no links and just two? Oops, hoisted by your own petard.

Do your own homework you willfully ignorant wussie...typical liberal, has to have everyone else do everything for him. The smoker analogy fits your lazy dumb ass perfectly.
And you don't post that the shooter was a right-winger when the shooter was actually a Christian hating Muslim sympathizer.
Why are they mutually exclusive? Islamists by definition are conservative.

And if I posted in some other regular thread about how all conservatives were wacko Christians you would be yelling that I'm stereotyping, and that not all conservatives are religious.
Muslim sympathizers tend to be leftists.
That's laughably false.

Muslims are conservative in every way. How do they treat women? They make them dress conservatively, they give them no rights, they don't allow them to drive. How do they feel about the modern world? They hate it, and do not allow alcohol, popular music, dancing, etc.

Not Liberal.

Now i see your problem...just like most ignorant hics your knowledge is limited to wacky stereotypes. hey, all blacks are liberals too, right. dipsht?
And you don't post that the shooter was a right-winger when the shooter was actually a Christian hating Muslim sympathizer.
Why are they mutually exclusive? Islamists by definition are conservative.

And if I posted in some other regular thread about how all conservatives were wacko Christians you would be yelling that I'm stereotyping, and that not all conservatives are religious.
Muslim sympathizers tend to be leftists.
That's laughably false.

Muslims are conservative in every way. How do they treat women? They make them dress conservatively, they give them no rights, they don't allow them to drive. How do they feel about the modern world? They hate it, and do not allow alcohol, popular music, dancing, etc.

Not Liberal.

Now i see your problem...just like most ignorant hics your knowledge is limited to wacky stereotypes. hey, all blacks are liberals too, right. dipsht?

He's just stupid. He gets his liberals taking points from move on and media matters then runs with it. You're asking too much of this guy if you expect him to actually think for himself
Oregon Gunman described himself as a "Conservative Republican" in an online dating profile.


Spiritual Passions: ironcross45 - Doesn't Like Organized Religion, Left-hand Path, Magick and Occult, Meditation, Not Religious, But Spiritual

I'm sure Conservatives targeting Christians for execution yeah that's a new the guys probably related to you

He was a recent convert to islam. See his picture and more here..
Islamic Dickhead Kills Ten, See His Pics | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

He was not a Muslim. He wasn't even middle eastern. I believe he was Hispanic. There has been some changes made about his profile I see. His preference was horror movies. His first choice of music was Gothic, his friends had pictures of watcher sign, satanism occult signs, the young man was into satanism and once again as with Adam Lanza (who was also a satanist and had a webpage dedicated to Satan / Satanism) and was the shooter at Sandy Hook and the Columbine killers (also Satanists who were part of a coven) who went by their coven name - Trenchcoat Mafia - the truth about the Columbine killers being Satanists was covered up for 10 years. How long will it take this time to hear the truth that this young man was into Satanism? Everything about this story is pointing in that direction.
A discussion on LBC Radio in London, right now!

Have the Americans accepted that gun crime is a price worth paying to be able to hold arms?
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LBC Radio - Leading Britain's Conversation | DAB Digital Radio And 97.3FM
It was a gun free zone. Only people there with guns were criminals. Maybe if some law abiding citizen had a gun there'd be fewer shot.

That's incorrect.

UPDATE OCT 1, 2015 8:09 PM

The conservative site Breitbart and others assert that guns were banned at UCC. This is not true. The student code of conduct bans guns "without written authorization." Under Oregon law, the university could not ban people with a valid concealed carry license from bringing their weapons on campus. (They could ban gun from various buildings and facilities.) Conservative writer Dana Loesch, who initially claimed the campus was a "gun free zone," updated her article to clarify that individuals with concealed carry permits were allowed to bring guns on campus.

There was, in fact, someone on campus with a concealed carry weapon at the time of the massacre. A local reporter explained to CNN that it was legal for him to have such a weapon on campus.

UCC Was Not A ‘Gun Free Zone’ Because Public Colleges In Oregon Can’t Ban Guns
So the real problem is that 300 million guns are floating around the country, which it makes it extremely easy for nuts and criminals to get them.

Of course it is.

And it's bullshit.
A discussion on LBC Radio in London, right now!

Have the Americans accepted that gun crime is a price worth paying to be able to hold arms?
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LBC Radio - Leading Britain's Conversation | DAB Digital Radio And 97.3FM
It was a gun free zone. Only people there with guns were criminals. Maybe if some law abiding citizen had a gun there'd be fewer shot.
There were plenty of people there with concealed carry.

You should try turning on the news, or reading a news site.

RWs want more guns. They tell us that more guns will keep us safe but they never think it through:

I'm sure Conservatives targeting Christians for execution yeah that's a new the guys probably related to you

He was a recent convert to islam. See his picture and more here..
Islamic Dickhead Kills Ten, See His Pics | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

He was not a Muslim. He wasn't even middle eastern. I believe he was Hispanic. There has been some changes made about his profile I see. His preference was horror movies. His first choice of music was Gothic, his friends had pictures of watcher sign, satanism occult signs, the young man was into satanism and once again as with Adam Lanza (who was also a satanist and had a webpage dedicated to Satan / Satanism) and was the shooter at Sandy Hook and the Columbine killers (also Satanists who were part of a coven) who went by their coven name - Trenchcoat Mafia - the truth about the Columbine killers being Satanists was covered up for 10 years. How long will it take this time to hear the truth that this young man was into Satanism? Everything about this story is pointing in that direction.

Satanism can be thought of as a sect of Christianity.
A discussion on LBC Radio in London, right now!

Have the Americans accepted that gun crime is a price worth paying to be able to hold arms?
Join the conversation:
Call: 0345 60 60 973 | Text: 84850

Tweet: @lbc | Email the studio

LBC Radio - Leading Britain's Conversation | DAB Digital Radio And 97.3FM
It was a gun free zone. Only people there with guns were criminals. Maybe if some law abiding citizen had a gun there'd be fewer shot.
There were plenty of people there with concealed carry.

You should try turning on the news, or reading a news site.

RWs want more guns. They tell us that more guns will keep us safe but they never think it through:

We have more guns in the public now, than we do people.

I'm sure Conservatives targeting Christians for execution yeah that's a new the guys probably related to you

He was a recent convert to islam. See his picture and more here..
Islamic Dickhead Kills Ten, See His Pics | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

He was not a Muslim. He wasn't even middle eastern. I believe he was Hispanic. There has been some changes made about his profile I see. His preference was horror movies. His first choice of music was Gothic, his friends had pictures of watcher sign, satanism occult signs, the young man was into satanism and once again as with Adam Lanza (who was also a satanist and had a webpage dedicated to Satan / Satanism) and was the shooter at Sandy Hook and the Columbine killers (also Satanists who were part of a coven) who went by their coven name - Trenchcoat Mafia - the truth about the Columbine killers being Satanists was covered up for 10 years. How long will it take this time to hear the truth that this young man was into Satanism? Everything about this story is pointing in that direction.

You see the devil behind every bush. If you believe he was into satan, post proof. Post a link.

I'm sure Conservatives targeting Christians for execution yeah that's a new the guys probably related to you

He was a recent convert to islam. See his picture and more here..
Islamic Dickhead Kills Ten, See His Pics | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

He was not a Muslim. He wasn't even middle eastern. I believe he was Hispanic. There has been some changes made about his profile I see. His preference was horror movies. His first choice of music was Gothic, his friends had pictures of watcher sign, satanism occult signs, the young man was into satanism and once again as with Adam Lanza (who was also a satanist and had a webpage dedicated to Satan / Satanism) and was the shooter at Sandy Hook and the Columbine killers (also Satanists who were part of a coven) who went by their coven name - Trenchcoat Mafia - the truth about the Columbine killers being Satanists was covered up for 10 years. How long will it take this time to hear the truth that this young man was into Satanism? Everything about this story is pointing in that direction.

Satanism can be thought of as a sect of Christianity.

I think when you used to work out you dropped a weight on your head......Which is why you're a skinny little bitch now:slap:
It says killing zombies was a hobby. He registered as an independent. Hated religion.

Bottom line, he walked into a college asked his victims a question and then killed them when answered.

I don't think his political persuasion played squat in his actions. The guy is a nut job who had obvious mental issues and that is the issue that needs addressed. Not his religion, not his politics, not his obsession with zombies. It is his mental issues that pushed him over the edge.

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