Oregon Unicorn Law....Lowering Voter Age To 16


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Oregon already made it easier to vote than any other state. Now they want to make it legal for kids who don't have pubes yet decide who our next president will be. More states will quickly follow suit.
Brainwashing works best on children.....and Democrats want to let children (people who don't qualify as adults) decide which Democrat they want to vote for.


(CNN)Sixteen-year-olds can drive and pay taxes. Soon, they may also be able to vote in Oregon.

Legislators have proposed an amendment to the Oregon Constitution that would lower the voting age from 18 to 16. If the bill passes, voters would decide on the proposal in the 2020 election.
State Sen. Shemia Fagan (D-Portland), one of the bill's sponsors, announced the bill on Monday.
"It's time to lower the voting age in Oregon and give young people a chance to participate at the ballot about decisions that affect their homes, their clean air and clean water future, their schools, and as we've seen, their very lives," Fagan said at a press conference.
Bill sponsors say they want the amendment to extend to federal elections.
Fagan pointed to the political activism of Parkland, Florida, students, who challenged lawmakers to tighten gun control laws after a gunman killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School last February.
Samantha Gladu, executive director of the youth grassroots organization Bus Project, said 16- and 17-year-olds are engaged and smart enough to cast informed votes.
"They know that we have to take action urgently on issues like education funding, health care, climate justice and gun violence in particular," Gladu said. "I'm also hearing a lot from 16- and 17-year-olds about the need for criminal justice reform and the need to stop mass incarceration."
Natalie Khalil, a senior at Lake Oswego High School in Oregon who has been organizing for gun law reform, said high school students should be able to apply the knowledge they learn in their civics classes.
Allowing 16- and 17-year-olds to vote will "create lifelong voters," Khalil said.
Oregon Senate Republican leader Herman Baertschiger Jr. opposes the idea.
"16-year-olds are too young to enlist in the military, too young to own firearms, too young to own property, too young to enter into legal contracts, and too young to get married. But they are old enough to vote? People are not legally considered adults in this country until they are 18 years old, and I believe they shouldn't be able to vote until then either," he said in a statement Tuesday. "This is nothing more than an attempt to expand the voter rolls to sway elections."

Oregon may lower the voting age to 16 - CNNPolitics
To be consistent and treat 16 year olds as adults they need to include:
  • the ability to enter into legally binding contracts
  • the freedom to marry
  • being judged and sentenced as an adult for any crimes committed
  • ability to join the military if they so choose
  • the right to drink, smoke and gamble
If they have all those rights and responsibilities only then does it make sense that they also have the right to vote.

Oregon lawmakers seek to lower voting age in state to 16, so teens can ‘protect their future’

Our founders would not let 18-21 yr olds to vote even tho they had them to help fight the wars

Would not let anyone be president be under 35

And clearly experience makes all humans more wise

The crooks wants the opposite that then destroys the nation

The men have no choice but to stop the voting rights of women with their lower logic minds to get fooled by crooks

Liberalism is about to be stopped one way or the other

The easy way by trumps logic test for voters

Or the hard way that all empires and cycles end in destruction and misery

Democrats are toast !!!
my personal opinion, and all 3 of my grandchildren would be pissed, is that the legal age to vote, nationwide, should be raised to the age 25.
Oregon already made it easier to vote than any other state. Now they want to make it legal for kids who don't have pubes yet decide who our next president will be. More states will quickly follow suit.
Brainwashing works best on children.....and Democrats want to let children (people who don't qualify as adults) decide which Democrat they want to vote for.


(CNN)Sixteen-year-olds can drive and pay taxes. Soon, they may also be able to vote in Oregon.

Legislators have proposed an amendment to the Oregon Constitution that would lower the voting age from 18 to 16. If the bill passes, voters would decide on the proposal in the 2020 election.
State Sen. Shemia Fagan (D-Portland), one of the bill's sponsors, announced the bill on Monday.
"It's time to lower the voting age in Oregon and give young people a chance to participate at the ballot about decisions that affect their homes, their clean air and clean water future, their schools, and as we've seen, their very lives," Fagan said at a press conference.
Bill sponsors say they want the amendment to extend to federal elections.
Fagan pointed to the political activism of Parkland, Florida, students, who challenged lawmakers to tighten gun control laws after a gunman killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School last February.
Samantha Gladu, executive director of the youth grassroots organization Bus Project, said 16- and 17-year-olds are engaged and smart enough to cast informed votes.
"They know that we have to take action urgently on issues like education funding, health care, climate justice and gun violence in particular," Gladu said. "I'm also hearing a lot from 16- and 17-year-olds about the need for criminal justice reform and the need to stop mass incarceration."
Natalie Khalil, a senior at Lake Oswego High School in Oregon who has been organizing for gun law reform, said high school students should be able to apply the knowledge they learn in their civics classes.
Allowing 16- and 17-year-olds to vote will "create lifelong voters," Khalil said.
Oregon Senate Republican leader Herman Baertschiger Jr. opposes the idea.
"16-year-olds are too young to enlist in the military, too young to own firearms, too young to own property, too young to enter into legal contracts, and too young to get married. But they are old enough to vote? People are not legally considered adults in this country until they are 18 years old, and I believe they shouldn't be able to vote until then either," he said in a statement Tuesday. "This is nothing more than an attempt to expand the voter rolls to sway elections."

Oregon may lower the voting age to 16 - CNNPolitics
Mud, the Democrat Politicians know that the least informed people vote for them
Oregon lawmakers seek to lower voting age in state to 16, so teens can ‘protect their future’

Our founders would not let 18-21 yr olds to vote even tho they had them to help fight the wars

Would not let anyone be president be under 35

And clearly experience makes all humans more wise

The crooks wants the opposite that then destroys the nation

The men have no choice but to stop the voting rights of women with their lower logic minds to get fooled by crooks

Liberalism is about to be stopped one way or the other

The easy way by trumps logic test for voters

Or the hard way that all empires and cycles end in destruction and misery

Democrats are toast !!!

It should be raised to 25. Only those who contribute should come anywhere near voting booths.

"To protect their future"... 16 year olds don't even think about their future. This is obvious leftist nonsense. Leftists only think about their future... and even that seems to limit itself to the next 15 minutes.
Any man who has been married, has daughters, or grew up with a sister(s).

Knows first hand that most females are illogical creatures that make decisions based on emotion, not facts. ... :cool:
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Oregon lawmakers seek to lower voting age in state to 16, so teens can ‘protect their future’

Our founders would not let 18-21 yr olds to vote even tho they had them to help fight the wars

Would not let anyone be president be under 35

And clearly experience makes all humans more wise

The crooks wants the opposite that then destroys the nation

The men have no choice but to stop the voting rights of women with their lower logic minds to get fooled by crooks

Liberalism is about to be stopped one way or the other

The easy way by trumps logic test for voters

Or the hard way that all empires and cycles end in destruction and misery

Democrats are toast !!!

Old enough to have zits......old enough to vote
Oregon lawmakers seek to lower voting age in state to 16, so teens can ‘protect their future’

Our founders would not let 18-21 yr olds to vote even tho they had them to help fight the wars

Would not let anyone be president be under 35

And clearly experience makes all humans more wise

The crooks wants the opposite that then destroys the nation

The men have no choice but to stop the voting rights of women with their lower logic minds to get fooled by crooks

Liberalism is about to be stopped one way or the other

The easy way by trumps logic test for voters

Or the hard way that all empires and cycles end in destruction and misery

Democrats are toast !!!
Sure, INCEL boy, sure....:itsok:
Oregon lawmakers seek to lower voting age in state to 16, so teens can ‘protect their future’

Our founders would not let 18-21 yr olds to vote even tho they had them to help fight the wars

Would not let anyone be president be under 35

And clearly experience makes all humans more wise

The crooks wants the opposite that then destroys the nation

The men have no choice but to stop the voting rights of women with their lower logic minds to get fooled by crooks

Liberalism is about to be stopped one way or the other

The easy way by trumps logic test for voters

Or the hard way that all empires and cycles end in destruction and misery

Democrats are toast !!!
Sure, INCEL boy, sure....:itsok:

Damn...this was under “breaking news”?
Oregon lawmakers seek to lower voting age in state to 16, so teens can ‘protect their future’

Our founders would not let 18-21 yr olds to vote even tho they had them to help fight the wars

Would not let anyone be president be under 35

And clearly experience makes all humans more wise

The crooks wants the opposite that then destroys the nation

The men have no choice but to stop the voting rights of women with their lower logic minds to get fooled by crooks

Liberalism is about to be stopped one way or the other

The easy way by trumps logic test for voters

Or the hard way that all empires and cycles end in destruction and misery

Democrats are toast !!!

Old enough to have zits......old enough to vote

No. I would prefer one age for majority. To vote, to be drafted, to drink, to smoke, to be emancipated.
Oregon lawmakers seek to lower voting age in state to 16, so teens can ‘protect their future’

Our founders would not let 18-21 yr olds to vote even tho they had them to help fight the wars

Would not let anyone be president be under 35

And clearly experience makes all humans more wise

The crooks wants the opposite that then destroys the nation

The men have no choice but to stop the voting rights of women with their lower logic minds to get fooled by crooks

Liberalism is about to be stopped one way or the other

The easy way by trumps logic test for voters

Or the hard way that all empires and cycles end in destruction and misery

Democrats are toast !!!

Old enough to have zits......old enough to vote

No. I would prefer one age for majority. To vote, to be drafted, to drink, to smoke, to be emancipated.
Makes sense.

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