Oregon Will Become Second State to Offer Free Community College

How's that free medical thing going in Oregon, btw?
Not to bad, why?

Liar, lol.

"Oregon, under then-Gov. John Kitzhaber, aspired to create a shining model for other ObamaCare exchanges, but instead, it became its poster child of dysfunction. After spending more than $300 million in federal taxpayer dollars, Oregon pulled the plug last year and decided to default to the federal exchange.
"The state is now embroiled in lawsuits with its primary vendor, Oracle, and current and former Oregon officials are the subject of congressional and other federal investigations."

Oregon s Failed ObamaCare Exchange Is A Warning For Other States

John Kitzhaber Resigns Oregon Governor Quits Over Conflict-of-Interest Scandal - ABC News
How's that free medical thing going in Oregon, btw?
Not to bad, why?

Liar, lol.

"Oregon, under then-Gov. John Kitzhaber, aspired to create a shining model for other ObamaCare exchanges, but instead, it became its poster child of dysfunction. After spending more than $300 million in federal taxpayer dollars, Oregon pulled the plug last year and decided to default to the federal exchange.
"The state is now embroiled in lawsuits with its primary vendor, Oracle, and current and former Oregon officials are the subject of congressional and other federal investigations."

Oregon s Failed ObamaCare Exchange Is A Warning For Other States

John Kitzhaber Resigns Oregon Governor Quits Over Conflict-of-Interest Scandal - ABC News
Sounds as fubar as Toyota...
Where the hell does it all end? Free phones, free college, free health insurance, free birth control? ENOUGH!!!!!! You're living off the backs of the workers
NOTE TO SASSY: Providing low income people with a way to get a free education and advance is beneficial to everyone, of course nothing is "free" when you think taxes are literally slavery, but then again, your idiocy means nothing to the shrinking right wing in america and the growing left wing.

I paid for my college, my husband paid for his. I have no intentions of paying for anyone other than our children's.
Sucks for you, I, as a decent person, believe that we all have a duty to care for each other, taxes will always exist, and I'll happily pay to help low income people get a education.

There are avenues for them to get an education, it's they want it FREE!!!!!! Fuck them. Take out the loans, get a degree employers want.

This is Oregon's solution to a dying timber industry. They are merely moving away from dying natural resources and replacing it with technology. It is Oregon's choice and it seems that Obama's call for national free junior colleges is being taken seriously as well.
Where the hell does it all end? Free phones, free college, free health insurance, free birth control? ENOUGH!!!!!! You're living off the backs of the workers
Free college benefits everyone, I thought you want to see people advance and not have to rely on welfare to survive? Free phones? You mean the program started under bush? Free health insurance? Yes, we need UHC, it's cheaper and helps everyone, almost every country has it, we're lacking, time to grow up. Free birth control reduces abortion rates, teenage pregnancy.. You should be supporting that ;)
Where the hell does it all end? Free phones, free college, free health insurance, free birth control? ENOUGH!!!!!! You're living off the backs of the workers
Oh, that reminds me. The new Oregon governor just signed a bill into law which enables women to get birth control without a prescription.

She's a woman, which is probably not a coincidence.

And she is bisexual, although she has been married (to a man) since 1997.
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The state is quietly shredding all the applications they received 1-2 years back that haven't been processed yet.
Where the hell does it all end? Free phones, free college, free health insurance, free birth control? ENOUGH!!!!!! You're living off the backs of the workers
I know, I felt guilty when I was in the Army..I couldn't believe all the free stuff....!!
Where the hell does it all end? Free phones, free college, free health insurance, free birth control? ENOUGH!!!!!! You're living off the backs of the workers
Bernie Sanders plans to tax the 1% at 90% that should pay for it nicely along with six weeks vacation and paternity leave.
Where the hell does it all end? Free phones, free college, free health insurance, free birth control? ENOUGH!!!!!! You're living off the backs of the workers
Free college benefits everyone, I thought you want to see people advance and not have to rely on welfare to survive? Free phones? You mean the program started under bush? Free health insurance? Yes, we need UHC, it's cheaper and helps everyone, almost every country has it, we're lacking, time to grow up. Free birth control reduces abortion rates, teenage pregnancy.. You should be supporting that ;)

Save it, the phone program was designed for low income rural people, your boy blew it up into a scam. Newsflash: Look at Greece, that's your future. Do yourdelf a favor and actually study economics. This is all going to come to a head, it's inevitable.
As for "living off the backs of workers", a person with a college education makes more income than a high school graduate. That means they are more productive and generate more revenues. They are the future taxpaying workers, and the more money they make, the more taxes they pay.

So...you see...their education is an investment which brings returns.
Where the hell does it all end? Free phones, free college, free health insurance, free birth control? ENOUGH!!!!!! You're living off the backs of the workers
Free college benefits everyone, I thought you want to see people advance and not have to rely on welfare to survive? Free phones? You mean the program started under bush? Free health insurance? Yes, we need UHC, it's cheaper and helps everyone, almost every country has it, we're lacking, time to grow up. Free birth control reduces abortion rates, teenage pregnancy.. You should be supporting that ;)

Save it, the phone program was designed for low income rural people, your boy blew it up into a scam. Newsflash: Look at Greece, that's your future. Do yourdelf a favor and actually study economics. This is all going to come to a head, it's inevitable.
Blew it up into a scam? Oh please, how much do you think is spent on that program? LOL. Why do you keep bringing up greece? It's fucking pathetic. I have to keep reposting this..
"Why does everyone discussing Greece have literally no idea what the situation is what so ever. The current leftist coalition in power, Syriza, got put into power due to the crisis caused by people not paying taxes, the need for a strong left for the people (Yes, democracy exists In Greece and the people are making decisions, surprise surprise.) The main problem with Greece is the rampant tax evasion, and the corrupt history of finances that weren't even touched by the current government. Austerity NEVER works and is a disaster, so good for Greece. Oh, and I think it's hilarious how right wing idiots literally have no idea what socialism is, democratic ownership of production, that is socialism, and I think it's funny how you fucking nuts are cherrypicking Greece's crisis to somehow Blame socialism when you fail to understand the crisis and the vast majority of countries that have generous Social programs and do amazingly well. I didn't see you right wing nutters calling the 2008 crisis a failure of capitalism, so grow up."
Where the hell does it all end? Free phones, free college, free health insurance, free birth control? ENOUGH!!!!!! You're living off the backs of the workers
Free college benefits everyone, I thought you want to see people advance and not have to rely on welfare to survive? Free phones? You mean the program started under bush? Free health insurance? Yes, we need UHC, it's cheaper and helps everyone, almost every country has it, we're lacking, time to grow up. Free birth control reduces abortion rates, teenage pregnancy.. You should be supporting that ;)

Save it, the phone program was designed for low income rural people, your boy blew it up into a scam. Newsflash: Look at Greece, that's your future. Do yourdelf a favor and actually study economics. This is all going to come to a head, it's inevitable.
The phone was introduced before Bush was a president.....and it was available to those on welfare, now the system is but a smaller entity of it's former self...
As for living off the backs of workers, a person with a college education makes more income than a high school graduate. That means they are more productive and generate more revenues.

So...you see...their education is an investment which brings returns.
The right wingers on here can care less about helping people.
Where the hell does it all end? Free phones, free college, free health insurance, free birth control? ENOUGH!!!!!! You're living off the backs of the workers
Bernie Sanders plans to tax the 1% at 90% that should pay for it nicely along with six weeks vacation and paternity leave.
He never said he plans to tax the rich at 90%, and even if he did, he's talking about the marginal rate.

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