Oregon's state senate republicans cannot run for reelection.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018

Oregon high court says GOP lawmakers who staged walkout can’t run for re-election

The Oregon Supreme Court said Thursday that 10 Republican state senators who staged a record-long walkout last year to stall bills on abortion, transgender health care and gun rights cannot run for re-election.

The decision upholds the secretary of state’s decision to disqualify the senators from the ballot under a voter-approved measure aimed at stopping such boycotts. Measure 113, passed by voters in 2022, amended the state constitution to bar lawmakers from re-election if they have more than 10 unexcused absences.

Oregon is sick of republican obstructionism.

When will the rest of the country wake up?
For obstruction.
So you'd advocate AOC be disqualified from office. Do tell.

“The Oregon Supreme Court said Thursday that 10 Republican state senators who staged a record-long walkout last year to stall bills on abortion, transgender health care and gun rights cannot run for re-election.” ibid

And they have only themselves to blame.

Engaging in a childish temper-tantrum because they’re not getting their way is one of countless reasons why Republicans are unfit to govern.

Defying the will of the people with meritless obstructionism is yet another example of the right’s contempt for democracy.
Rebulicans have to understand the law applies to them. They are not Above the law. At any rate, if someone wants to serve as an elected representative, I have a word of advice: Do your friggin job and show up for work.
Once again we see where the Left is seeking to employ double standards, and double speak.

Boycotting Oregon senators believe loophole will allow them to win another term​

Conservative lawmakers have hired a prominent attorney to argue that the wording of Ballot Measure 113 does not do what voters thought it did.

The question now is when. That’s something that Republicans have recruited a prominent Portland lawyer to help answer.

On Tuesday, John DiLorenzo, an attorney with Davis Wright Tremaine, sent acting Secretary of State Cheryl Myers a letter asking for a formal determination on a question Republicans have posed for weeks: whether Measure 113 actually grants lawmakers an entire extra term before penalties kick in.

“Senators Knopp and Boquist intend to appear on the May 2024 Primary and November 2024 General election ballots,” DiLorenzo said in the letter. “You must therefore determine whether they will be disqualified from serving by virtue of his having accumulated 10 or more unexcused absences as a result of Measure 113.”

Republicans and DiLorenzo argue that Measure 113 contained a key drafting error and does not do what voters expected when they overwhelmingly approved the law.

While a ballot summary written by the Oregon Department of Justice told voters that a “yes” vote would ensure truant lawmakers can’t hold their seat for “the term following the end of the legislator’s current term,” Republicans say that’s wrong.

The actual text that Measure 113 inserted into the Oregon Constitution says that lawmakers with 10 absences can’t hold office “for the term following the election after the member’s current term is completed.”

But elections in Oregon are held before a lawmaker’s term expires — not after.

Measure 113 was pushed by public-sector labor unions, Democratic allies who were looking to end the walkouts that minority Republicans have put to use more and more since 2019. (Both parties have used the tactic over the decades.)
“This ballot title never had any [Oregon] Supreme Court review whatsoever,” he said in an interview. “I attribute this to a giant emperor-has-no-clothes circumstance. Somebody at the [attorney general’s] office misread it and thought it meant an earlier election. Nobody cared and nobody commented.”

Margaret Olney, an attorney who wrote the measure and represented the unions who put it forward, said last week that judges considering the matter would look to what voters intended.
DiLorenzo said Tuesday he was not necessarily representing conservative lawmakers in a lawsuit, but he said in his letter to the secretary of state’s office that a challenge would likely be made on First Amendment grounds. By penalizing them for walking away in protest, conservative senators believe Measure 113 punishes “protected political speech.”

As the text points out, those "walkouts" can still run for election in the next election because the measure doesn't go into effect UNTIL the end of their current terms, which are after the next election.

Oregon Supreme Court Bungles Quorum Ruling​

For hundreds of years, governments in every self governing country on earth created quorum rules. You have to have a minimum number of members present for any decision.

That means when enough representatives walk out the door, they can block outrageous votes, even when they’re in the minority.

America’s founders believed in that. Modern Democrats don’t.

Vice President Kamala Harris meets with Democratic Texas lawmakers who fled the state to avoid voting on voting rights legislation​


Yep -double standards.
Democrat elected can obstruct legislation, fail to do their job, and harm the public, with no repercussions.
Republicans can't behave in the same way as Democrats.
Sounds like one-party tyranny to me.

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