O'Reilly vindicated.

"Corn and Engberg Claims About O’Reilly Both Politically, Personally Motivated"

Corn and Engberg Claims About O Reilly Both Politically Personally Motivated Mediaite
Did you notice on the video CBS released that O' Reilly showed on his show last night part of it was narrated by Engberg the same guy who is saying O'Reilly lied and was downplaying the situation in Buenos Aires at that time on facebook and CNN?
Except he was describing two different days. The riots on the video occurred on the night of the 15th, clearly marked on the video. The events O'Lielly made up about his cameraman he said occurred on the night of the surrender, which would have made it the night before, the 14th, when there were no riots. The next day, the 15th, CBS sent O'Lielly home, the riots were THAT night with O'Lielly long gone.

Bill O Reilly claims was injured in Argentina riots REFUSES to speak Daily Mail Online
All you have to do is get the video from CBS about what happened the night that they surrendered. The Argentinians, in Buenos Aires - it certainly was a war zone where bullets were being shot, people were going down.

Bill O Reilly claims was injured in Argentina riots REFUSES to speak Daily Mail Online
This confrontation led the next day to O'Reilly being ordered out of Argentina by the CBS bosses. Doyle had told them O'Reilly was a 'disruptive force' who threatened his bureau's morale and cohesion.
Your just using a different source to repeat the same stuff that has already been debunked but hey live the lie if it makes you happy.
Good piece here that explains how O'Reilly will *always* be vindicated - no matter what he says or does.

It's Magic!

Bill O Reilly and the Truthiness Defense - TIME

"It’s no accident that O’Reilly was a chief inspiration for Stephen Colbert’s character on The Colbert Report, for whom he invented the concept of “truthiness”: that what your gut tells you is more important than what the literal facts say, that how the news feels is more important than what the news is.

Once you’re inside that No-Spin Zone, all arguments become political arguments. And any argument can be considered, and attacked, with the tactics of political ones: ad hominems, consider-the-source rebuttals, somebody-else-did-something-bad-once-too rebuttals, appeals to loyalty and the sense of persecution.

Like so: the original claim against O’Reilly came from Mother Jones. Mother Jones is a liberal magazine; therefore its argument is invalid and we don’t even need to consider it further. If anyone follows up on the report–CNN, the New York Times–they’re also liberal, because all the media outside Fox is liberal, therefore we can disregard them too. If anyone else joins in, they are by definition also liberal because they’re attacking Bill-O, QED.

The fact that charges exist becomes the best defense against the charges. Not only that, they only reinforce that O’Reilly is right: he has the right enemies, he must be on the right side. The liberal media claims Bill lied about being in a war zone? Well, what is a “war zone” anyway? Look at the footage he showed of demonstrators in the streets! That’s combat enough for me! Case closed.

It’s almost magic."

Read the full piece.

No kidding, the narrative always exists. O'reilly said it was a "war zone" when it clearly wasn't. He lied but he is a conservative hero, he is infallible.
Obuthole lies and libtards fall all over themselves worshipping the pos.
I'm going to make my final post on this topic in what I believe will highlight the utter idiocy of it. Unlike with Brian Williams there is not at least that I have seen any major news outlets covering this or to be more accurate wasting their time on it. One CNN host spent some time on it Sunday morning but I believe even they have moved on here though is what I consider the most telling thing about the nothingness of this story I have not even seen MSNBC talking about it and this is the type of thing they would have normally gone on about for weeks.
O'Reilly vindicated.

--- So it's OK to eat falafel again?

It's ALWAYS okay to eat Falafel - huffer.

It doesn't matter how much evidence or how many people come forward to support O'Reilly, the left will dig in with their hare. That is what they do.
Nor does it matter how much evidence against O'reilly comes out. O'Reilly's supporters will not believe it. He has already been forgiven for being a pervert....lying - meh - no big deal.

My opinion - O'Reilly padded his resume and got caught. Not that big of a deal. Nowhere near the lack of integrity displayed by Brian Williams.

It is nice to see who believes what though...I find the hypocrisy on both sides to be quite amusing. I don't think either side would be able to tell the difference between fact and opinion if their life depended on it.

I have no idea whether O'Reilly is telling the truth or not, nor do I think that it is any worse than Williams. I watched Williams and I very rarely, maybe once every couple of years watched O'Reilly. I always take the news with a grain of salt and more so with O'Reilly as I knew he was commentary.
"Don Browne was the NBC News Miami bureau chief at the time, and he oversaw the network’s Falklands coverage. And Browne told O’Reilly his account was accurate. As opposed to some of the other accounts, which have to some extent downplayed the danger, Browne said the situation “got progressively more intense” and there were demonstrations in Buenos Aires every day."

Ex-NBC Bureau Chief Backs Up O Reilly s Account of Falklands War Riot Mediaite

That wasn't the problem. Everybody knows he was in Argentina. But he portrayed himself as also being in The Falklands, 1000 miles away. Got it yet? Better watch the clip that got him into this mess in the first place. I doubt you've seen it.

He never said he was in the Falklands, stop lying, bitch
"Corn and Engberg Claims About O’Reilly Both Politically, Personally Motivated"

Corn and Engberg Claims About O Reilly Both Politically Personally Motivated Mediaite
Did you notice on the video CBS released that O' Reilly showed on his show last night part of it was narrated by Engberg the same guy who is saying O'Reilly lied and was downplaying the situation in Buenos Aires at that time on facebook and CNN?
Except he was describing two different days. The riots on the video occurred on the night of the 15th, clearly marked on the video. The events O'Lielly made up about his cameraman he said occurred on the night of the surrender, which would have made it the night before, the 14th, when there were no riots. The next day, the 15th, CBS sent O'Lielly home, the riots were THAT night with O'Lielly long gone.

Bill O Reilly claims was injured in Argentina riots REFUSES to speak Daily Mail Online
All you have to do is get the video from CBS about what happened the night that they surrendered. The Argentinians, in Buenos Aires - it certainly was a war zone where bullets were being shot, people were going down.

Bill O Reilly claims was injured in Argentina riots REFUSES to speak Daily Mail Online
This confrontation led the next day to O'Reilly being ordered out of Argentina by the CBS bosses. Doyle had told them O'Reilly was a 'disruptive force' who threatened his bureau's morale and cohesion.
Your just using a different source to repeat the same stuff that has already been debunked but hey live the lie if it makes you happy.
It was O'Lielly himself who said the event with his cameraman happened on the night of the surrender and the surrender was 2 PM the 14th. If that has been "rebutted" then that in itself makes O'Lielly a liar.

He was shit canned the very next DAY, the 15th, by CBS and the riots didn't happen until the night of the 15th with O'Lielly long gone.
Notice the difference here between liberals and cons. Williams lies, liberals say he deserves whatever he gets (not that Williams is a card carrying liberal); O'Reilly lies, cobs circle the wagons. Pathetic.
Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ, but this Copy-Cat rock-throwing at O'Reilly has reached a level of high-comedy, watching the Liberals swarm like a school of piranhas...

Brian Williams engaged in egregious episode(s) of Stolen Valor, involving false claims associated with American military operations...

Bill O'Reilly may (or may not) have misrepresented himself as present during crowd-rioting in Argentina and/or combat-zone presence during the Falklands War, none of which involves our own people, and none of which comes anywhere close to Williams' shot-down helicopter / pinned-down ground ops bullshit, even if O'Reilly was bullshitting...

Rather like comparing a traffic ticket (O'Reilly) to a homicide (Williams) indictment... as most any US Veteran will tell you, in connection with cases of Stolen Valor - one of the most despicable forms of lying that is likely to excite a visceral response from most men and women who have worn our country's uniform...

Rather like comparing a mountain to a molehill...

Even IF the O'Reilly claims are proven true...

Copy-catting at its best (worst)...

The product of small minds and even smaller imagination...

Get a grip, people...
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