Former colleague: O'Reilly DID lie

Bill shit all over Enberg on fox this morning. Dared him to come on the Factor with proof. Bill will punch him out.
I thought Bill just had a cable show on fox? No a news program like Williams. If liberals are so worried about liars, they should start with Obama. He hasn't told the truth yet.
Don't forget to check your closet for any hiding Fox News reporters before bedtime

Reductio ad absurdum.

I see an interesting trend. I notice that when Brian Williams got caught, most of the left-leaning people condemned him. Now that "one of their own" is in the limelight for lack of journalistic ethics, the right jumps in to defend him. Interesting.
I haven't said one word about the validity of this accusation.
Fact is so many accusations are made on a DAILY BASIS that I no longer pay any attention to them.
When something actually sticks & makes the rounds I may comment on it.

Until then I'm just gonna sit here, mock & point at all the dumbass libs who believe everything they are fed.
Don't forget to check your closet for any hiding Fox News reporters before bedtime

Reductio ad absurdum.

I see an interesting trend. I notice that when Brian Williams got caught, most of the left-leaning people condemned him. Now that "one of their own" is in the limelight for lack of journalistic ethics, the right jumps in to defend him. Interesting.
O'Reilly is defending himself, Gertrude...he needs no help.
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Don't forget to check your closet for any hiding Fox News reporters before bedtime

Reductio ad absurdum.

I see an interesting trend. I notice that when Brian Williams got caught, most of the left-leaning people condemned him. Now that "one of their own" is in the limelight for lack of journalistic ethics, the right jumps in to defend him. Interesting.
I haven't said one word about the validity of this accusation.
Fact is so many accusations are made on a DAILY BASIS that I no longer pay any attention to them.
When something actually sticks & makes the rounds I may comment on it.

Until then I'm just gonna sit here, mock & point at all the dumbass libs who believe everything they are fed.

As opposed for shit for brain RePugs and TeaHadists who love being lied to.
The left is trying desperately for this non story to gain won't

Brian Williams LIED and got suspended.

Bill O. Lies and you do nothing....ConJobs love to be lied to.

I don't even like O'Reilly and rarely watch him. The only work he's done I enjoyed was the books Killing Patton and Killing Kennedy. Better luck next time libnit
Don't forget to check your closet for any hiding Fox News reporters before bedtime

Reductio ad absurdum.

I see an interesting trend. I notice that when Brian Williams got caught, most of the left-leaning people condemned him. Now that "one of their own" is in the limelight for lack of journalistic ethics, the right jumps in to defend him. Interesting.

Brian Williams did not get 'Caught'. He publicly confessed against the advice of his executive producers. They had been telling him for years to shut up about it. He was not jettisoned for lying, he was jettisoned for admitting it in public.

Try that again sparky.
Of course you know there was bad blood between O'Reilly and Engberg when they worked at CBS and the two did not like each other right? Here is some more from the article but I'm guessing someone didn't read this far.

O’Reilly addressed the charges on Fox News' "Media Buzz" on Sunday. Host Howard Kurtz asked O’Reilly whether he had misspoken by saying he had reported from an active war zone in the Falklands.

“All the CBS correspondents that were there were sent to cover the Falklands War … that was the description of what our job was,” O’Reilly responded. “When you have soldiers and military police firing into the crowd as The New York Times reports and you have people injured and hurt and you’re in the middle of that -- that’s the definition [of combat].”

O'Reilly was referencing a New York Times report from 1982 that describes chaos in Argentina's capital as demonstrators took to the streets. The report mentioned the sound of sirens and one instance of a policeman firing his weapon, though not into the crowd. “One policeman pulled a pistol, firing five shots over the heads of fleeing demonstrators,” the report reads.
Don't forget to check your closet for any hiding Fox News reporters before bedtime

Reductio ad absurdum.

I see an interesting trend. I notice that when Brian Williams got caught, most of the left-leaning people condemned him. Now that "one of their own" is in the limelight for lack of journalistic ethics, the right jumps in to defend him. Interesting.

That's always the way. The left throws out the trash. The right embraces it. That's even more true in politics as in the media.

RWs have very low standards and its not an accident that they have been shown to be less intelligent than jprogressive liberals.

I would remind people again that Fox is not a news network. That was decreed by a court of law. And, we know that Fox lies in all but about 18% of their stories. That means O'Reilly can lie his damn fool head off and the RWs will defend him.

RWs will also continue to lie to themselves.
The left is trying desperately for this non story to gain won't

Brian Williams LIED and got suspended.

Bill O. Lies and you do nothing....ConJobs love to be lied to.

I don't even like O'Reilly and rarely watch him. The only work he's done I enjoyed was the books Killing Patton and Killing Kennedy. Better luck next time libnit

His other books are lies as well.

His Killing Lincoln is not carried by the Ford Theater Museum because its so dishonest.

We saw the same blind allegiance to Rush Limbaugh over his lying "history" books. That sack of slime lied about Paul Revere and even stole his name, proving the radical RWs don't give a crap about REAL American history and REAL American heroes.
Bill shit all over Enberg on fox this morning. Dared him to come on the Factor with proof. Bill will punch him out.
Slick Willie O'Lielly is a pathological liar and would never let anyone who was with him in Buenos Aires on his show to expose his lies. His "dare" is just another of his lies.

Bill O Reilly twisted truth on war zone account says former CBS colleague - The Guardian World News

Six other CBS journalists challenge Argentina claims as Fox News host calls allegations ‘garbage’ and says he will show footage to support his reporting

Bill O Reilly twisted truth on war zone account says former CBS colleague - The Guardian World News

Bill O'Reilly's account of a 1982 riot in Argentina is being sharply contradicted by seven other journalists who were his colleagues and were also there at the time.
The people all challenge O'Reilly's depiction of Buenos Aires as a "war zone" and a "combat situation." They also doubt his description of a CBS cameraman being injured in the chaos.

"Nobody remembers this happening," said Manny Alvarez, who was a cameraman for CBS News in Buenos Aires.

Jim Forrest, who was a sound engineer for CBS there, said that when he heard O'Reilly retell the Argentina riot story to interviewer Marvin Kalb several years ago, he contacted Kalb and said "I was on that crew, and I don't recall his version of events."

The contradictions come several days after Mother Jones, a left-leaning magazine, first reported about the discrepancies in O'Reilly's claims about his coverage of the Falklands War. O'Reilly was a young correspondent for CBS News at the time, assigned to cover the war from Buenos Aires, which was more than 1,000 miles from the offshore conflict zone.

In the years since, O'Reilly -- now the biggest star on Fox News -- has repeatedly referred to his experience in the "war zone."

In his 2001 book, "The No Spin Zone," O'Reilly wrote, "I've reported on the ground in active war zones from El Salvador to the Falklands."

On his show "The O'Reilly Factor" in 2013, O'Reilly told a guest, "I was in a situation one time, in a war zone in Argentina, in the Falklands, where my photographer got run down and then hit his head and was bleeding from the ear on the concrete. And the army was chasing us. I had to make a decision. And I dragged him off, you know, but at the same time, I'm looking around and trying to do my job, but I figure I had to get this guy out of there because that was more important."

Mother Jones challenged some of these claims. O'Reilly responded by accusing the magazine of trying to smear him to hurt Fox News, and said the report's co-author, David Corn, is a liar and an "irresponsible guttersnipe."

Eric Engberg, a CBS correspondent who was also in Buenos Aires at the time, defended Corn in a Facebook post on Friday and said, "It was not a war zone or even close. It was an 'expense account zone.'"

Longtime NBC News correspondent George Lewis, who was also there at the time, agreed with Engberg, writing on Facebook, "Cushiest war I ever covered."

Did O'Reilly's photographer get "run down" and bloodied?

CNN has interviewed seven people who were there for CBS, and none of them recall anyone from the network being injured.

"If somebody got hurt, we all would have known," Alvarez said.

In a Friday interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt, O'Reilly said the photographer's last name was Moreno. Roberto Moreno was there for CBS. He now lives in Venezuela, and he declined to comment to CNN.

But Mia Fabius, who was the office manager for the CBS Miami bureau at the time, has stayed in touch with Moreno for decades, and she said Moreno has never spoken about any injury in Argentina.

Further, Fabius said no injury report was ever filed.
Anyone watch O'Reilly last night? Yeah, another leftwing fantasy debunked.

All the left can do is lie
Why didn't the pathological liar show the video he claims he saved????

Bill O Reilly claims was injured in Argentina riots REFUSES to speak Daily Mail Online

O'Reilly told a Hamptons TV station in 2009 about nearly being shot at in the streets.
In the interview, O'Reilly said he and a cameraman got caught up in a stampede when a camera 'went flying'.
'I saved the tape because it was unbelievable tape. But I dragged him off the street because he was bleeding from the ear and had hit his head on the concrete…The sound man is trying to save the camera… And then the army comes running down and the guy points the M-16. And I'm going, 'Periodista, no dispare,' which means, 'Journalist, don't shoot.' And I said, 'Por favor.' Please don't shoot…Then the guy lowered his gun and went away.'
Mother Jones points out that the footage O'Reilly's cameraman captured paints a less dramatic scene, with the most drama focused on a group of protesters banging up the car of a Canadian news crew.
Bill O Reilly s Former Colleague Calls Him Out For Fabrication Of Falklands War Story

Former CBS Reporter Eric Engberg has called Fox News talking head and well known Liar Bill O'Reilly out his latest lies regarding O'Reilly's "Reporting From Live Combat Zones".

"It was not a Combat Situation by any sense of the word I know," Engberg, a reporter with CBS for 26-Years. "[O'Reilly] is trying to build it up into a more frightening and deadly situation that it was."

Bill O had called out former NBC Anchor Brian Williams for lying about reports Williams had made while in New Orleans and in Afghanistan.

Williams has been suspended for his lying statements, Bill O remains at Fox, which believes that lying is part and parcel of their daily broadcasts.

Bill O had similar problems at an NBC Affiliate in San Francisco. Billy the Liar took credit for other reporters stories and was known to lie on the air.

Williams has been suspended and O'Lielly remains on the air.

Fox News, We Lie To You, and Your Dumb Enough To Believe It.
How long should lying VA head Robert McDonald keep his job?

U.S. Veterans secretary apologizes for misstating military service ABC News

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