Original Star Trek Episode season 1 episode 2 Charlie X.

"this kid has no feelings for life"

But he had pretty strong feelings for Yeoman Rand ...

How about the pilot episode where nurse chapel was number 1 only after Captain Christopher pike, then she gets demoted to nurse Chapel later on in the series.

Oh yeah, she was married to Gene Roddenberry.

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In fact ... "Star Trek" had TWO pilots.

The first pilot, called "The Cage" (later re-cut into the TOS episodes "The Menagerie Parts 1 and 2) starred Jeffrey Hunter as Captain Christopher Pike.

The second pilot, "Where No Man Has Gone Before"... S01E01 TOS ... featured the redesigned Enterprise. Pike lost his command in favor of the hairpiece wearing Kirk. They promoted Spock to Executive Officer and demoted Roddenberry's wife to from Number One to a Nurse. It also featured Paul Fix (from "The Rifleman") as the ship's doctor ... Doc Piper.

The second pilot retained the more plain (no black collars and no short skirts) from the original pilot as well as a "Laser Rifle" created for the first pilot but never used.

The original pilot was "too cerebral" -- a common complaint about "Star Trek" from network executives -- and the second was more action packed ... including a roll on the ground fight scene for Shatner.
Hate to break it to you but that shooter left a manifesto that left nothing to the imagination that he is a White supremist. He specifically went there to shoot black people. And he accomplished his mission. He was one of YOU.

You're both wrong. Reports from investigators find almost NO political alignment in all of his rants and screeds. He's an apolitical looney. Which is possible. Conservatives have no special alignment with RADICALIZED mental midget white supremacists.

I can show you endorsements from neo-nazi leaders for Obama for instance. Who simply admired Obama's honesty about separate white/black Americas.
This is the most weirdly split thread I've seen here, and that's saying something. Equal parts first season Star Trek talk, and white supremacy mass shooter debates.

It's like that one episode where the two guys, each painted half inky black and half bone white, chase each other through eternity. Far out.
How about the pilot episode where nurse chapel was number 1 only after Captain Christopher pike, then she gets demoted to nurse Chapel later on in the series. Oh yeah, she was married to Gene Roddenberry.

Well, understand that back then, the networks were very down on Spock and didn't want the character in the series because they were afraid he would shock the audience looking like Satan and were even airbrushing his ears out of ads, while obsessed with hiding belly buttons because they connoted a female orifice, so took a dim view of a woman as 2nd in command, I mean, who would believe a woman in charge?!

Majel was actually a pretty good actor so they shifted #1's emotionless and computer-like mind over to Spock, and despite all protests by the network, worked Majel back in at episode #10 as head nurse when they came looking for an old boyfriend of hers (Roger Corby), and the rest of history. She ended up, in some fashion, from the earliest pilot to her death as the computer voice or as Luxuanna Troi, was really the one actor more involved in the series the longest than any other actor.
You know you are getting old when 1966 is history.

I remember watching Laugh-In around that time when they would do faux news events for the future citing future events in 1968, 1970, etc., and remember thinking how that sounded so far in the future there would be flying cars, and instead, here we are 55 years later choosing between gas for our cars or buying the medicine we need and hoping the store will have groceries when we get there.
That's weird...in my set it is also episode 2... I just watched it the other day.

People often make that mistake because these sets are designed around the AIRING ORDER which was chosen by the networks back then so they can space better episodes among ones they like less to keep viewing interest more constant, but if you dig deeper, you'll find that Charlie X was actually production #8, in other words, the sixth TV episode shot after the series was purchased by NBC.

It came after #7, The Naked Time where Scotty had to restart the engines cold to save the ship and they went back in time, and before #9, Balance of Terror, where they met the Romulans (and Mark Lenard's first appearance).

Here is the production order of season one:

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People often make that mistake because these sets are designed around the AIRING ORDER which was chosen by the networks back then so they can space better episodes among ones they like less to keep viewing interest more constant, but if you dig deeper, you'll find that Charlie X was actually production #8, in other words, the sixth TV episode shot after the series was purchased by NBC.

It came after #7, The Naked Time where Scotty had to restart the engines cold to save the ship and they went back in time, and before #9, Balance of Terror, where they met the Romulans (and Mark Lenard's first appearance).

Here is the production order of season one:

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I have ALL of the DVD episodes in a single pack and this list is accurate.
I have ALL of the DVD episodes in a single pack and this list is accurate.

Well, I guarantee you it is. Charlie X was the 8th episode, but apparently the 2nd one aired. They put Man Trap first on the air because it didn't have much Spock in it and they were trying to ease into Spock.

The one technical flaw in the production list is that while the NUMBERS are right, the 23rd episode shot was actually Space Seed while Taste of Armageddon was actually shot 24th, but for technical reasons, retained opposite production numbers.

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