Orlando Gunman’s Father Says Son Was Upset By Gay Kiss, Not Motivated By Religion

Orlando Gunman’s Father Says Son Was Upset By Gay Kiss, Not Motivated By Religion
“We’re apologizing for the whole incident,” his father said.
Orlando Gunman's Father Says Son Was Upset By Gay Kiss, Not Motivated By Religion

The father of suspected Orlando gunman Omar Mateen says his son was not driven by religious ideology, but did grow upset after seeing two gay men kissing in Miami a few months ago.

In a statement to NBC News, Mir Seddique said his family was “in shock” after the shooting at a gay nightclub early Sunday morning. At least 50 people are dead and more than 50 are injured.

This guy couldn't stop his bigotry and hatred of people wanting the freedom to do and live as they please. So he killed them in a fit of rage...He could of been john the loserterian!. yet,somehow the democrats are going to get blamed for this as he was a muslim. The American taliban is shit and now has the same belief system as extremist islam. Congrats!

Right, the dude swore a commitment to ISIS, was on a watch list, but his religion had nothing to do with it. Damn matt you're getting more stupid by the day.
Islam + Gay = Dynamite + Spark. Anyone knows that.

A democrat Muslim who shot up a bunch of gays. How is the media going to spin spin spin this? My head is already reeling..

You could probably drown a heifer from how you wet are as a result of all those dead fags. It must be like your birthday, Christmas, and, winning The Showcase Showdown all rolled into one.
Islam + Gay = Dynamite + Spark. Anyone knows that.

A democrat Muslim who shot up a bunch of gays. How is the media going to spin spin spin this? My head is already reeling..

At this point, all they have to do is show Trump just shrugging his shoulders.
The liberal press tomorrow will be filled with so many apologies and exclusives that Los Angeles could fall into the sea and there'd be not a word printed.

Beware trees - countless of you are going to die to make the paper needed to deny that anything terroristic or in any connected to The Religion of Peace happened. Just a lone wolf who tried it and didn't like it.
The liberal press tomorrow will be filled with so many apologies and exclusives that Los Angeles could fall into the sea and there'd be not a word printed.

Beware trees - countless of you are going to die to make the paper needed to deny that anything terroristic or in any connected to The Religion of Peace happened. Just a lone wolf who tried it and didn't like it.

They're going to need to take the focus off terrorism and his political affiliation. They will change it to a gun issue and concentrate on that.
Wasn't he already on a terrorist watch list?

there is such an implication----based on some
internet muttering he did----sheesh----the rumor----(do not quote me----) he openly stated that he supports ISIS------most afghani muslims are sunni-----no one should be surprised--------My OPINION----is----most sunnis support ISIS. But keep in mind---MOST has little meaning since most sunnis IN THE WORLD------are very under educated people-----not their fault
It doesn't take the left wing jihad defenders long to mobilize. The bodies aren't even cold and the left is desperate to protect the radicals.

And you loserrterians are going to be blaming the left for this even through your side hates gay people just as much as islam does.

Some Christians, both Dems and Repubs, oppose gay marriage and men in women's bathrooms. They speak out. They do not kill people since that is also against their religion.

Muslims often kill infidels. I get tired of the left constantly calling out Christians for every little thing and yet refusing to call out Muslims for really evil stuff, like terrorist attacks.

When it's a nutjob firing a shot near a Planned Parenthood, the left paints all Christians the same. When it's the worst mass shooting in history, the left protects Islam and will blame either guns or rhetoric. They'll equate Christians protesting the bathroom law with cold-blooded murder and will likely claim one led to the other. Enough of the politically correct bullshit.

Muslims kill gays in Muslim countries. We now have more Muslims here. Expect the same treatment of gays here since they don't leave their archaic beliefs behind.
Orlando Gunman’s Father Says Son Was Upset By Gay Kiss, Not Motivated By Religion
“We’re apologizing for the whole incident,” his father said.
Orlando Gunman's Father Says Son Was Upset By Gay Kiss, Not Motivated By Religion

The father of suspected Orlando gunman Omar Mateen says his son was not driven by religious ideology, but did grow upset after seeing two gay men kissing in Miami a few months ago.

In a statement to NBC News, Mir Seddique said his family was “in shock” after the shooting at a gay nightclub early Sunday morning. At least 50 people are dead and more than 50 are injured.

This guy couldn't stop his bigotry and hatred of people wanting the freedom to do and live as they please. So he killed them in a fit of rage...He could of been john the loserterian!. yet,somehow the democrats are going to get blamed for this as he was a muslim. The American taliban is shit and now has the same belief system as extremist islam. Congrats!

Dude, they guy placed a 911 call and praised ISIS? Didn't say a word about a gay kiss. You need to grow up and quit spinning the stories that you are not comfortable with.
Orlando Gunman’s Father Says Son Was Upset By Gay Kiss, Not Motivated By Religion
“We’re apologizing for the whole incident,” his father said.
Orlando Gunman's Father Says Son Was Upset By Gay Kiss, Not Motivated By Religion

The father of suspected Orlando gunman Omar Mateen says his son was not driven by religious ideology, but did grow upset after seeing two gay men kissing in Miami a few months ago.

In a statement to NBC News, Mir Seddique said his family was “in shock” after the shooting at a gay nightclub early Sunday morning. At least 50 people are dead and more than 50 are injured.

This guy couldn't stop his bigotry and hatred of people wanting the freedom to do and live as they please. So he killed them in a fit of rage...He could of been john the loserterian!. yet,somehow the democrats are going to get blamed for this as he was a muslim. The American taliban is shit and now has the same belief system as extremist islam. Congrats!

Right, the dude swore a commitment to ISIS, was on a watch list, but his religion had nothing to do with it. Damn matt you're getting more stupid by the day.

Is that even possible?
Orlando Gunman’s Father Says Son Was Upset By Gay Kiss, Not Motivated By Religion
“We’re apologizing for the whole incident,” his father said.
Orlando Gunman's Father Says Son Was Upset By Gay Kiss, Not Motivated By Religion

The father of suspected Orlando gunman Omar Mateen says his son was not driven by religious ideology, but did grow upset after seeing two gay men kissing in Miami a few months ago.

In a statement to NBC News, Mir Seddique said his family was “in shock” after the shooting at a gay nightclub early Sunday morning. At least 50 people are dead and more than 50 are injured.

This guy couldn't stop his bigotry and hatred of people wanting the freedom to do and live as they please. So he killed them in a fit of rage...He could of been john the loserterian!. yet,somehow the democrats are going to get blamed for this as he was a muslim. The American taliban is shit and now has the same belief system as extremist islam. Congrats!

Right, the dude swore a commitment to ISIS, was on a watch list, but his religion had nothing to do with it. Damn matt you're getting more stupid by the day.

Is that even possible?

It appears so, I mean the dude called 911 and swore allegiance to ISIS and Bagdady (spelling?), he was a radical islamist plain and simple, the kiss he witnessed might have influenced the soft target he chose, nothing else. The arrested a guy on his way to the LA gay pride parade with weapons, ammo and explosives, so it appears ISIS is targeting gays.
It doesn't take the left wing jihad defenders long to mobilize. The bodies aren't even cold and the left is desperate to protect the radicals.

And you loserrterians are going to be blaming the left for this even through your side hates gay people just as much as islam does.

Bullshit, you drooling, brain-addled idiot of another kind. Read my e-lips: Islam is the most gay-public-executing, gay torturing, gay slaughtering HATE IDEOLOGY ON THIS PLANET!!! You slimy, treasonous piece of filth. In muslim countries gays are PUBLICLY EXECUTED (usually hanging or defenestration) to giant crowds of cheering muslim filth. For you to defend Islam after a massacre like this, you are the subhuman, evil SLIME of the human race, you liberal pigs. You don't even have the decency to realize that your Pisslam fellatio is a ghoulish insult to all victims of muslim violence. You liberal below-Springer-guests human sludge deserve to die of cancer.....with a muslim dick in your mouth as you gasp your last breath. Filth. Traitor. You nightcrawling imitation of a real lifeform.
Orlando Gunman’s Father Says Son Was Upset By Gay Kiss, Not Motivated By Religion
“We’re apologizing for the whole incident,” his father said.
Orlando Gunman's Father Says Son Was Upset By Gay Kiss, Not Motivated By Religion

The father of suspected Orlando gunman Omar Mateen says his son was not driven by religious ideology, but did grow upset after seeing two gay men kissing in Miami a few months ago.

In a statement to NBC News, Mir Seddique said his family was “in shock” after the shooting at a gay nightclub early Sunday morning. At least 50 people are dead and more than 50 are injured.

This guy couldn't stop his bigotry and hatred of people wanting the freedom to do and live as they please. So he killed them in a fit of rage...He could of been john the loserterian!. yet,somehow the democrats are going to get blamed for this as he was a muslim. The American taliban is shit and now has the same belief system as extremist islam. Congrats!

This was an ISIS attack, now the 2nd one in this country. Both home grown born HERE. So if you're going to blame an administration or party for this, go back to the date when this guy was born, and blame whomever was sitting in the Oval office for it.

That's about how much sense this makes to blame it on after the fact administrations.

What we're going to have to do, is get a lot more aggressive with ISIS, & do raids like Germany & the UK has done.
Orlando Gunman’s Father Says Son Was Upset By Gay Kiss, Not Motivated By Religion
“We’re apologizing for the whole incident,” his father said.
Orlando Gunman's Father Says Son Was Upset By Gay Kiss, Not Motivated By Religion

The father of suspected Orlando gunman Omar Mateen says his son was not driven by religious ideology, but did grow upset after seeing two gay men kissing in Miami a few months ago.

In a statement to NBC News, Mir Seddique said his family was “in shock” after the shooting at a gay nightclub early Sunday morning. At least 50 people are dead and more than 50 are injured.

This guy couldn't stop his bigotry and hatred of people wanting the freedom to do and live as they please. So he killed them in a fit of rage...He could of been john the loserterian!. yet,somehow the democrats are going to get blamed for this as he was a muslim. The American taliban is shit and now has the same belief system as extremist islam. Congrats!

Complete BS... Guy who pledges the ISIS is clearly motivated by religion.

"In the past, the FBI investigated Mateen for possibly having ties or being a sympathizer to Islamic extremism, according to a law enforcement officials and a U.S. official." Too bad they didn't catch him back then. Perhaps he called them racist...

Extremist muslim/liberal... clearly.

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