Osama Bin Laden Tied To Iran - Glad Obama Made That Treaty W/Iran

Al-Qaeda.broke the agreement & Iran arrested their terrorist thugs. Bin Laden is dead, the Iranian president is gone & Bush is gone. Problem solved!

Al Qaeda broke WHAT agreement?

'Ineedajob' was not the leader of Iran The leader of Iran - the Shah - is still there. While Barry was negotiating his Un-Constitutional deal, the Shah was leading his people in chants of 'Death to America'!

Bin Laden was a 'mascot' reduced to hiding in Pakistan.

And yesterday's terrorist attack ... and Iran today threatening to strike the US with its missiles ... have proved no problem have been solved, snowflake.


Bush was right not to be that concerned...

Tell me snowflake, did UBL's death stop Al Qaeda taking over Libya with Barry's help, The Muslim Brotherhood from taking over Egypt with Barry's help, ISIS taking over much of Iraq that had been liberated at great cost by our military with Barry's help - or lack of opposition, Al Qaeda being allowed to murder 4 Americans in Benghazi with Hillary and Barry's help, prevent yesterday's terrorist attack...?

Let me help you - NO, it did not.
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Barry did more to hurt this country after UBL's death than UBL probably did while he was alive.

Barry gave terrorists their own countries, ignored NK while it became a nuclear threat, and helped Iran - Al Qaeda's partner - further its nuclear weapns program.
If only we would have had some warning that Iran was disingenuous and a threat, maybe like...

The Shah leading crowds calling for the US' destruction...

Iran's air force practicing attacks on a mock US aircraft carrier

Iran mocking Obama, saying he was desperate for the deal for his 'Legacy...

Every other nation walking away from the table (like everyone else pulled their people out of Benghazi)...


Pardon me, but who is this Shah you are talking about? The Shah of Iran was deposed in 1979.
Pardon me, but who is this Shah you are talking about? The Shah of Iran was deposed in 1979.

Ali Khamenei...

The Supreme Leader of Iran (Persian: رهبر معظم ایران‎, translit. rahbar-e mo'azzam-e irān‎), also called the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution[2] (رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی, rahbar-e mo'azzam-e enghelāb-e eslāmi), officially in Iran, called the Supreme Leadership Authority(مقام معظم رهبری, maqām mo'azzam rahbari), is the head of state and highest ranking political and religious authority in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The armed forces, judicial system,state television, and other key governmental organizations are under the control of the Supreme Leader of Iran. The current longtime Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, has been issuing decrees and making the final decisions on economy, environment, foreign policy, education, national planning, and everything else in Iran.

Supreme Leader of Iran - Wikipedia

It's NOT 'Ineedajob' (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) as suggested earlier...
Pardon me, but who is this Shah you are talking about? The Shah of Iran was deposed in 1979.

Ali Khamenei...

The Supreme Leader of Iran (Persian: رهبر معظم ایران‎, translit. rahbar-e mo'azzam-e irān‎), also called the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution[2] (رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی, rahbar-e mo'azzam-e enghelāb-e eslāmi), officially in Iran, called the Supreme Leadership Authority(مقام معظم رهبری, maqām mo'azzam rahbari), is the head of state and highest ranking political and religious authority in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The armed forces, judicial system,state television, and other key governmental organizations are under the control of the Supreme Leader of Iran. The current longtime Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, has been issuing decrees and making the final decisions on economy, environment, foreign policy, education, national planning, and everything else in Iran.

Supreme Leader of Iran - Wikipedia

It's NOT 'Ineedajob' (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) as suggested earlier...

So, why do you keep saying "Shah"? Thank you for clearing up the fact that you were incorrect.
Pardon me, but who is this Shah you are talking about? The Shah of Iran was deposed in 1979.

Ali Khamenei...

The Supreme Leader of Iran (Persian: رهبر معظم ایران‎, translit. rahbar-e mo'azzam-e irān‎), also called the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution[2] (رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی, rahbar-e mo'azzam-e enghelāb-e eslāmi), officially in Iran, called the Supreme Leadership Authority(مقام معظم رهبری, maqām mo'azzam rahbari), is the head of state and highest ranking political and religious authority in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The armed forces, judicial system,state television, and other key governmental organizations are under the control of the Supreme Leader of Iran. The current longtime Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, has been issuing decrees and making the final decisions on economy, environment, foreign policy, education, national planning, and everything else in Iran.

Supreme Leader of Iran - Wikipedia

It's NOT 'Ineedajob' (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) as suggested earlier...

So, why do you keep saying "Shah"? Thank you for clearing up the fact that you were incorrect.
No, REAR Admiral, I was right that Ahmadinejad is not the leader, that Khamenei is, that he led chants for this nation's destruction while Barry cut his own Un-Constitutional deal with Al Qaeda's partner.

You want to feel vindicated for worshipping Barry because I didn't use the appropriate title of our nation's enemy Obama cut a deal with? Really?

Bwuhahaha.... talk about petty and childish... lol
Pardon me, but who is this Shah you are talking about? The Shah of Iran was deposed in 1979.

Ali Khamenei...

The Supreme Leader of Iran (Persian: رهبر معظم ایران‎, translit. rahbar-e mo'azzam-e irān‎), also called the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution[2] (رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی, rahbar-e mo'azzam-e enghelāb-e eslāmi), officially in Iran, called the Supreme Leadership Authority(مقام معظم رهبری, maqām mo'azzam rahbari), is the head of state and highest ranking political and religious authority in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The armed forces, judicial system,state television, and other key governmental organizations are under the control of the Supreme Leader of Iran. The current longtime Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, has been issuing decrees and making the final decisions on economy, environment, foreign policy, education, national planning, and everything else in Iran.

Supreme Leader of Iran - Wikipedia

It's NOT 'Ineedajob' (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) as suggested earlier...

So, why do you keep saying "Shah"? Thank you for clearing up the fact that you were incorrect.
No, REAR Admiral, I was right that Ahmadinejad is not the leader, that Khamenei is, that he led chants for this nation's destruction while Barry cut his own Un-Constitutional deal with Al Qaeda's partner.

You want to feel vindicated for worshipping Barry because I didn't use the appropriate title of our nation's enemy Obama cut a deal with? Really?

Bwuhahaha.... talk about petty and childish... lol

No, to use a title that means "king" in Persian incorrectly indicates how little you really know about the topic.

Did you you know the term "check mate" in chess actually comes from "shah mat" which means "the King is dead".
Pardon me, but who is this Shah you are talking about? The Shah of Iran was deposed in 1979.

Ali Khamenei...

The Supreme Leader of Iran (Persian: رهبر معظم ایران‎, translit. rahbar-e mo'azzam-e irān‎), also called the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution[2] (رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی, rahbar-e mo'azzam-e enghelāb-e eslāmi), officially in Iran, called the Supreme Leadership Authority(مقام معظم رهبری, maqām mo'azzam rahbari), is the head of state and highest ranking political and religious authority in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The armed forces, judicial system,state television, and other key governmental organizations are under the control of the Supreme Leader of Iran. The current longtime Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, has been issuing decrees and making the final decisions on economy, environment, foreign policy, education, national planning, and everything else in Iran.

Supreme Leader of Iran - Wikipedia

It's NOT 'Ineedajob' (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) as suggested earlier...

So, why do you keep saying "Shah"? Thank you for clearing up the fact that you were incorrect.
No, REAR Admiral, I was right that Ahmadinejad is not the leader, that Khamenei is, that he led chants for this nation's destruction while Barry cut his own Un-Constitutional deal with Al Qaeda's partner.

You want to feel vindicated for worshipping Barry because I didn't use the appropriate title of our nation's enemy Obama cut a deal with? Really?

Bwuhahaha.... talk about petty and childish... lol

Khamenei did not led chants of death to America. That was Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and he is gone. Trump has been starting sh!t with Iran & violating agreements, provoking Iran's new threats.
Pardon me, but who is this Shah you are talking about? The Shah of Iran was deposed in 1979.

Ali Khamenei...

The Supreme Leader of Iran (Persian: رهبر معظم ایران‎, translit. rahbar-e mo'azzam-e irān‎), also called the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution[2] (رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی, rahbar-e mo'azzam-e enghelāb-e eslāmi), officially in Iran, called the Supreme Leadership Authority(مقام معظم رهبری, maqām mo'azzam rahbari), is the head of state and highest ranking political and religious authority in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The armed forces, judicial system,state television, and other key governmental organizations are under the control of the Supreme Leader of Iran. The current longtime Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, has been issuing decrees and making the final decisions on economy, environment, foreign policy, education, national planning, and everything else in Iran.

Supreme Leader of Iran - Wikipedia

It's NOT 'Ineedajob' (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) as suggested earlier...

So, why do you keep saying "Shah"? Thank you for clearing up the fact that you were incorrect.
No, REAR Admiral, I was right that Ahmadinejad is not the leader, that Khamenei is, that he led chants for this nation's destruction while Barry cut his own Un-Constitutional deal with Al Qaeda's partner.

You want to feel vindicated for worshipping Barry because I didn't use the appropriate title of our nation's enemy Obama cut a deal with? Really?

Bwuhahaha.... talk about petty and childish... lol

Khamenei did not led chants of death to America. That was Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and he is gone. Trump has been starting sh!t with Iran & violating agreements, provoking Iran's new threats.

Such as?
Khamenei issued a fatwa saying the production, stockpiling, and use of nuclear weapons was forbidden under Islam.

The fatwa was cited in an official statement by the Iranian government at an August 2005 meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. It's been widely discussed by international officials and specifically recognized by the US administration.

The Iranian official website for information regarding its nuclear program has provided numerous instances of public statements by Khamenei wherein he voices his opposition to pursuit and development of nuclear weapons in moral, religious and Islamic juridical terms. Khamenei's official website specifically cites a 2010 version of these statements in the fatwa section of the website in Farsi as a fatwa on "Prohibition of Weapons of Mass Destruction"
No, to use a title that means "king" in Persian incorrectly indicates how little you really know about the topic.
Actually mis-using a title is an error, not ignorance, especially if one corrects it as I have done, providing more information about his title than I am sure you even knew.

Have a nice day.
I'm glad Obama had him killed, instead of giving him a pass like Baby Bush did.
Yeah it only took Obama about six months to decide to have his fellow Muslim brother killed.

Took Bush 43 seven years and he couldn't get it done
He even allowed bin Laden to escape so he could justify his invasion of Iraq
No, to use a title that means "king" in Persian incorrectly indicates how little you really know about the topic.
Actually mis-using a title is an error, not ignorance, especially if one corrects it as I have done, providing more information about his title than I am sure you even knew.

Have a nice day.

No, misusing a title that has not been used since I was 18 years old is not an error, it is ignorance, because you didn't bother to check your information. How long did it take for you to correct your information after you were told it was wrong?

I doubt that you know more on the topic if you do not know the history of Iran.

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