'Osama is dead and GM is alive'...Sounds nice but.....

Well__ first off Osama was killed off of Bush's intel (from waterboarding). And we have learned that Obama's involvement was minimal at best.

And as far as GM goes__ well we just paid a bunch of money to pay a bunch of fat and stupid union workers bloated pensions while Volts lose $49 for everyone produced.

Insight: GM's Volt: The ugly math of low sales, high costs | Reuters

Unreal isn't it? This is what happens when a Milli Vanilli is elected instead of a true leader.

Great article at NRO. Rest of article at Link and a very appropriate title to the article.

September 10, 2012 4:00 A.M.
The Democrats’ GM Fiction

From the article.

The Democrats cling to the ridiculous claim that the bailout of GM and its now-Italian competitor, Chrysler, saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs.

This preposterous figure is based on the assumption that if GM and Chrysler had gone into normal bankruptcy proceedings, the entire enterprise of automobile manufacturing in the United States would have collapsed — not only at GM and Chrysler but at Ford and foreign transplants such as Toyota and Honda.

Not only that, the Democrats’ argument goes, but practically every parts maker, supplier, warehousing agency, and services firm dedicated to the car industry would have collapsed, too. In fact, it is unlikely that even GM or Chrysler would have stopped production during bankruptcy: The assembly lines would have continued rolling, interest and debt payments would have been cut, and — here’s the problem — union contracts would have been renegotiated. Far from having saved 1.5 million jobs, it is not clear that the GM bailout saved any — only that it preserved the UAW’s unsustainable arrangement.

Bill Clinton bizarrely tried to claim that the bailout has been responsible for the addition of 250,000 jobs to the automobile industry since the nadir of the financial crisis.

Auto manufacturers and dealerships have indeed added about 236,000 jobs since then, but almost none are at GM, which has added only about 4,500 workers, a number not even close to offsetting the 63,000 workers that its dealerships had to let go when the terms of the bailout unilaterally shut them down.

The Democrats
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The Chinese are happy with Barry's Government Motors. Lots of new factories, employees helping to juice their economy.
The Chinese are happy with Barry's Government Motors. Lots of new factories, employees helping to juice their economy.

And GM is going to make a lot of money in China. Damn shame that an American company will be making money in China, don't you think?
How can anyone cheer the Volt when GM is losing $49,000 for every car built?

Nearly two years after the introduction of the path-breaking plug-in hybrid, GM is still losing as much as $49,000 on each Volt it builds, according to estimates provided to Reuters by industry analysts and manufacturing experts.

Cheap Volt lease offers meant to drive more customers to Chevy showrooms this summer may have pushed that loss even higher. There are some Americans paying just $5,050 to drive around for two years in a vehicle that cost as much as $89,000 to produce.

Read more: Blog: GM loses $49,000 on each Chevy Volt it sells
Osama is dead, but the man responsible for getting him is in a Pakistani prison because obama saw to it that he got there.

GM isn't alive, it's a government zombie, a vampire, dependent upon continuing infusions of blood money to keep it alive.
Well__ first off Osama was killed off of Bush's intel (from waterboarding). And we have learned that Obama's involvement was minimal at best.

And as far as GM goes__ well we just paid a bunch of money to pay a bunch of fat and stupid union workers bloated pensions while Volts lose $49 for everyone produced.

Insight: GM's Volt: The ugly math of low sales, high costs | Reuters

Another great GOP lie. The intel that sealed Osama's fate was gathered by traditional methods, not torture.
Romney was right. Let GM file bankruptcy.
President Obama wasted billions of the tax payer's money shoring up GM. It went bankrupt in the end.
Well__ first off Osama was killed off of Bush's intel (from waterboarding). And we have learned that Obama's involvement was minimal at best.

And as far as GM goes__ well we just paid a bunch of money to pay a bunch of fat and stupid union workers bloated pensions while Volts lose $49 for everyone produced.

Insight: GM's Volt: The ugly math of low sales, high costs | Reuters

Another great GOP lie. The intel that sealed Osama's fate was gathered by traditional methods, not torture.

You can fuck off too.
Romney was right. Let GM file bankruptcy.
President Obama wasted billions of the tax payer's money shoring up GM. It went bankrupt in the end.

yes....GM filed for bankruptcy just as Romney recommended.....but BarryO ignored that and just focussed on throwing money at it.....trying to prove that more government is the only answer....

June 1, 2009

President Obama marked the lowest point in General Motors’ 100-year history — its bankruptcy filing on Monday — by barely mentioning it, instead focusing his remarks on the second chance G.M. will have to become a viable company with more government aid.

It must have been the threats of indictment that got those poor, peaceful, innocent, just in the wrong place at the wrong time, jihadist gitmo detainees to talk...................
Osama was not found from intel garnered from waterboarding.

Nice try.


Actually, he was. From waterboarding Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and Mohammad al-Qahtan we got the name of Bin Laden's courier. By following him, we learned where Bin Laden was hiding. The work done by Shakil Afridi pin pointed Bin Laden at that house. obama did nothing to help and everything to hinder. He stopped waterboarding, betrayed Dr. Afridi and openly supports the Haqquini Network by giving Pakistan billions of dollars.

Osama bin Laden killed: CIA admits waterboarding yielded vital information - Telegraph

EXCLUSIVE: Jailed doc who helped nail Bin Laden warns Pakistan sees U.S. as 'worst enemy' | Fox News
Romney was right. Let GM file bankruptcy.
President Obama wasted billions of the tax payer's money shoring up GM. It went bankrupt in the end.

yes....GM filed for bankruptcy just as Romney recommended.....but BarryO ignored that and just focussed on throwing money at it.....trying to prove that more government is the only answer....

June 1, 2009

President Obama marked the lowest point in General Motors’ 100-year history — its bankruptcy filing on Monday — by barely mentioning it, instead focusing his remarks on the second chance G.M. will have to become a viable company with more government aid.


There are accounts of the Obama minions focusing on all types of silly questions that had nothing to do with business. I wish I recalled them. But it was clear that the dude had zeor business sense. He knew even then that he was just throwing money to his benefactors and he was unconcerned with real solutions.
Osama was not found from intel garnered from waterboarding.

Nice try.


Actually, he was. From waterboarding Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and Mohammad al-Qahtan we got the name of Bin Laden's courier. By following him, we learned where Bin Laden was hiding. The work done by Shakil Afridi pin pointed Bin Laden at that house. obama did nothing to help and everything to hinder. He stopped waterboarding, betrayed Dr. Afridi and openly supports the Haqquini Network by giving Pakistan billions of dollars.

Osama bin Laden killed: CIA admits waterboarding yielded vital information - Telegraph

EXCLUSIVE: Jailed doc who helped nail Bin Laden warns Pakistan sees U.S. as 'worst enemy' | Fox News

Yea and I could have went to the time to look that up; but I'm not going to feed the psycopath losers any more. My fuck off was more than sufficient for him.
If a democrat says anything, there is a 70% chance it's not true.

There's been more than enough time for facts to come out. Anyone saying shit, like Bush's intel didn't lead to Osama; is just f'ing talking out of their asses on purpose. And two libtards came here and not only did they defy it, but they did their patented accusations. I'm not going to play their Saul Alinsky bull shit any longer and neither should any of us. A hearty fuck off is all they get. They can go to the kiddies table where they belong.

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