Osteen mega church shooter ID’d

Except she wasn't transgender or an illegal immigrant. But do keep lying, it's what your side is best at.

In a press conference later on Monday, police officials noted that, although the shooter appeared to utilize both male and female names, they found no indication that she ever identified as anything but a cisgender woman.
Except she wasn't transgender or an illegal immigrant. But do keep lying, it's what your side is best at.

In a press conference later on Monday, police officials noted that, although the shooter appeared to utilize both male and female names, they found no indication that she ever identified as anything but a cisgender woman.


Nope, the problem is that you haven't convinced me that gender dysphoria is a mental illness.
If you believe that you're the sex that you aren't that is, by definition, a delusion.

50 years ago, they called homosexuality a mental illness.
And they were right.

100 years ago, they called women having opinions a mental illness called "Hysteria". (Their wombs were making them crazy!!!)
No they didn't.
If you believe that you're the sex that you aren't that is, by definition, a delusion.

Nope, Gender is a spectrum. Not everyone fits neatly into two boxes.

And they were right.
Why, because you don't like it?

You know they've done studies that homophobic men are often latently gay, right?

No they didn't.

Hysteria is a term used colloquially to mean ungovernable emotional excess and can refer to a temporary state of mind or emotion.[1] In the nineteenth century, female hysteria was considered a diagnosable physical illness in women. It is assumed that the basis for diagnosis operated under the belief that women are predisposed to mental and behavioral conditions; an interpretation of sex-related differences in stress responses.[2] In the twentieth century, it shifted to being considered a mental illness.[3] Many influential people such as Sigmund Freud and Jean-Martin Charcot dedicated research to hysteria patients.[4]

Currently, most physicians do not accept hysteria as a medical diagnosis.[5] The blanket diagnosis of hysteria has been fragmented into myriad medical categories such as epilepsy, histrionic personality disorder, conversion disorders, dissociative disorders, or other medical conditions.[5][6] Furthermore, lifestyle choices, such as choosing not to wed, are no longer considered symptoms of psychological disorders such as hysteria.[5]
Nope, Gender is a spectrum. Not everyone fits neatly into two boxes.

Why, because you don't like it?

You know they've done studies that homophobic men are often latently gay, right?

Hysteria is a term used colloquially to mean ungovernable emotional excess and can refer to a temporary state of mind or emotion.[1] In the nineteenth century, female hysteria was considered a diagnosable physical illness in women. It is assumed that the basis for diagnosis operated under the belief that women are predisposed to mental and behavioral conditions; an interpretation of sex-related differences in stress responses.[2] In the twentieth century, it shifted to being considered a mental illness.[3] Many influential people such as Sigmund Freud and Jean-Martin Charcot dedicated research to hysteria patients.[4]

Currently, most physicians do not accept hysteria as a medical diagnosis.[5] The blanket diagnosis of hysteria has been fragmented into myriad medical categories such as epilepsy, histrionic personality disorder, conversion disorders, dissociative disorders, or other medical conditions.[5][6] Furthermore, lifestyle choices, such as choosing not to wed, are no longer considered symptoms of psychological disorders such as hysteria.[5]
No. Gender is not a spectrum.

It is binary. Either or. Male or female.

Are there some mutations? Like hermaphodites? Sure. But that’s not a part of any spectrum. Those are merely outliers.
Nope, Gender is a spectrum. Not everyone fits neatly into two boxes.
Nope. Gender is a noun class system. It has nothing to do with human biology or psychology.
Why, because you don't like it?
No, because it's a mental illness often caused by sexual trauma at a young age.

You know they've done studies that homophobic men are often latently gay, right?

I don't fear homosexuals. They are mentally ill people who need help, not social reinforcement of their mental illness.

Hysteria is a term used colloquially to mean ungovernable emotional excess and can refer to a temporary state of mind or emotion.[1] In the nineteenth century, female hysteria was considered a diagnosable physical illness in women. It is assumed that the basis for diagnosis operated under the belief that women are predisposed to mental and behavioral conditions; an interpretation of sex-related differences in stress responses.[2] In the twentieth century, it shifted to being considered a mental illness.[3] Many influential people such as Sigmund Freud and Jean-Martin Charcot dedicated research to hysteria patients.[4]

Currently, most physicians do not accept hysteria as a medical diagnosis.[5] The blanket diagnosis of hysteria has been fragmented into myriad medical categories such as epilepsy, histrionic personality disorder, conversion disorders, dissociative disorders, or other medical conditions.[5][6] Furthermore, lifestyle choices, such as choosing not to wed, are no longer considered symptoms of psychological disorders such as hysteria.[5]
None of that has anything to do with your claim that hysteria is when a woman has an opinion.
Matthew 5:17

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

lol yes, you have nothing as usual. You have no idea what that means, either, so why cite it? You've never read the book, much less the chapter with that verse in it.
No. Gender is not a spectrum.

It is binary. Either or. Male or female.

Are there some mutations? Like hermaphodites? Sure. But that’s not a part of any spectrum. Those are merely outliers.

And there are also transgenders..people with the genitals of one gender but the mind of another.

No, because it's a mental illness often caused by sexual trauma at a young age.
Wow, are you reading out of a 1950s textbook?
I don't fear homosexuals. They are mentally ill people who need help, not social reinforcement of their mental illness.
Sure you do.
None of that has anything to do with your claim that hysteria is when a woman has an opinion.
Well, thankfully, we don't think their pussies are making them crazy anymore, but that was a widely held belief at one time.
Look, everyone, it's the "No True Scotsman Fallacy"

If I call myself a Vegan.....then eat a steak, I am not a Vegan.

If I call myself a Christian, then commit murder...I am not a Christian...

You are stupid, true....but you really need to start paying more attention.
I pray for Genesse Ivonne Moreno. We are all God's children.

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