Oswald killed JFK, 9-11 was not an inside job and OJ did it

jesus, you are the biggest crybaby on the internet.

get the sand out of your pussy and blame the person that got caught instead of whining about who said what to who.

fucking useless sack of shit.

ROTFL!!!!!!!! When useless crybabies come to the aid of [the magnificent Liability] it's always more pathetic than if you just stayed quiet.

Eots scared [the magnificent Liability] so he went crying to staff for help because he's still a child unable to stand his own ground. It's amazing how lock-step and hypocritical you OCTAs are on a regular basis. Bunch of fucking cowards that do their best to avoid discussing the actual issue.

Just to correct the always totally and intentionally dishonest bent tight yet again:

his boyfriend, id-eots, made a poor choice. Id-eots is thus made to deal with the consequence of his own behavior. Id-eots chose to violate a commitment he had made.

It's all a personal responsibility thang. No wonder the pussy-boi bent tight can't grasp it. :cool:

So, to put this in perspective;
Now clownlite stands back and says "but moooommmmmmmm, he made eots do it!"

in a cartman voice of course......
Continuing to prove you are a useless Snitch Bitch.
jesus, you are the biggest crybaby on the internet.

get the sand out of your pussy and blame the person that got caught instead of whining about who said what to who.

fucking useless sack of shit.

ROTFL!!!!!!!! When useless crybabies come to the aid of Snitch Bitches it's always more pathetic than if you just stayed quiet.

Eots scared the little Snitch Bitch so he went crying to staff for help because he's still a child unable to stand his own ground. It's amazing how lock-step and hypocritical you OCTAs are on a regular basis. Bunch of fucking cowards that do their best to avoid discussing the actual issue.

Nobody is scared of eots.
jesus, you are the biggest crybaby on the internet.

get the sand out of your pussy and blame the person that got caught instead of whining about who said what to who.

fucking useless sack of shit.

ROTFL!!!!!!!! When useless crybabies come to the aid of [the magnificent Liability] it's always more pathetic than if you just stayed quiet.

Eots scared [the magnificent Liability] so he went crying to staff for help because he's still a child unable to stand his own ground. It's amazing how lock-step and hypocritical you OCTAs are on a regular basis. Bunch of fucking cowards that do their best to avoid discussing the actual issue.

Just to correct the always totally and intentionally dishonest bent tight yet again:

his boyfriend, id-eots, made a poor choice. Id-eots is thus made to deal with the consequence of his own behavior. Id-eots chose to violate a commitment he had made.

It's all a personal responsibility thang. No wonder the pussy-boi bent tight can't grasp it. :cool:

And unless I missed something, I don't recall curvelight getting banned for dragging family members onto the boards.
jesus, you are the biggest crybaby on the internet.

get the sand out of your pussy and blame the person that got caught instead of whining about who said what to who.

fucking useless sack of shit.

ROTFL!!!!!!!! When useless crybabies come to the aid of Snitch Bitches it's always more pathetic than if you just stayed quiet.

Eots scared the little Snitch Bitch so he went crying to staff for help because he's still a child unable to stand his own ground. It's amazing how lock-step and hypocritical you OCTAs are on a regular basis. Bunch of fucking cowards that do their best to avoid discussing the actual issue.

Nobody is scared of eots.

who is scared of a character on a message board?

In person, the entire second grade at st cathrines boy's school might be scared of XXXX (namewithheldbecauseitstoomean).
But on a message board?
ROTFL!!!!!!!! When useless crybabies come to the aid of [the magnificent Liability] it's always more pathetic than if you just stayed quiet.

Eots scared [the magnificent Liability] so he went crying to staff for help because he's still a child unable to stand his own ground. It's amazing how lock-step and hypocritical you OCTAs are on a regular basis. Bunch of fucking cowards that do their best to avoid discussing the actual issue.

Just to correct the always totally and intentionally dishonest bent tight yet again:

his boyfriend, id-eots, made a poor choice. Id-eots is thus made to deal with the consequence of his own behavior. Id-eots chose to violate a commitment he had made.

It's all a personal responsibility thang. No wonder the pussy-boi bent tight can't grasp it. :cool:

And unless I missed something, I don't recall curvelight getting banned for dragging family members onto the boards.

Hmm. Best be careful. Poor ol' bent tight might try to really rail against you now for daring to say that out loud, you, you, you snitch bitch you! :lol:

"Snitch bitch." :lol::lol: There is reason to doubt that bent tight ever graduated from third grade.
Just to correct the always totally and intentionally dishonest bent tight yet again:

his boyfriend, id-eots, made a poor choice. Id-eots is thus made to deal with the consequence of his own behavior. Id-eots chose to violate a commitment he had made.

It's all a personal responsibility thang. No wonder the pussy-boi bent tight can't grasp it. :cool:

And unless I missed something, I don't recall curvelight getting banned for dragging family members onto the boards.

Hmm. Best be careful. Poor ol' bent tight might try to really rail against you now for daring to say that out loud, you, you, you snitch bitch you! :lol:

"Snitch bitch." :lol::lol: There is reason to doubt that bent tight ever graduated from third grade.

Third grade in what state? It makes a difference. I have been told, for example, that if you graduate high school in Ohio, you are qualified to teach college in Alabama........
Good Question

There has been. The FACTS show that AlQaeda terrorist hijacked four planes and flew them into buildings. The buildings fell down. FACT

9-11 was not an inside job....FACT

I assume you are talking about the CR (Commission Report). If that is true your claim it has been fully investigated is false. IE it has nothing about WTC 7, NIST never investigated the Twins but only did a Performance Report, the FAA never did an investigation on Flight 77, the testimonies of Bush, Cheney, and Mineta are no where in the CR.

Another question. Can you explain why the Bush admin suppressed evidence as quickly as possible while also working as hard as possible to avoid an investigation?

Okay, one more question. How could the CR be an investigation while it was performed by those who had agendas that prevented even a semi-objective approach? The CR is like XE investigating past actions of Blackwater.

One more. Bush claimed bin laden was responsible within a couple of days but to this day, approaching the ten year anniversary, he has never been charged. How could Bush claim to know who did it while not being able to provide evidence to support that claim?

Hey Rightwinger, you ever going to address these questions? Stop running and stand by your OP without strawmen.

Once again your response is unacceptable.

None of this has to do with 9-11 being an inside job. I asked for PROOF you give me nonsense

You must have FACTS to support your case

- Who was involved?
- How could explosives be planted in three skyscrapers with nobody knowing?
- What was the motive?

The 9-11 Commission provided FACTS, you provide OPINION

Based on the FACTS available, I can only conclude..

9-11 WAS NOT an inside job
I assume you are talking about the CR (Commission Report). If that is true your claim it has been fully investigated is false. IE it has nothing about WTC 7, NIST never investigated the Twins but only did a Performance Report, the FAA never did an investigation on Flight 77, the testimonies of Bush, Cheney, and Mineta are no where in the CR.

Another question. Can you explain why the Bush admin suppressed evidence as quickly as possible while also working as hard as possible to avoid an investigation?

Okay, one more question. How could the CR be an investigation while it was performed by those who had agendas that prevented even a semi-objective approach? The CR is like XE investigating past actions of Blackwater.

One more. Bush claimed bin laden was responsible within a couple of days but to this day, approaching the ten year anniversary, he has never been charged. How could Bush claim to know who did it while not being able to provide evidence to support that claim?

Hey Rightwinger, you ever going to address these questions? Stop running and stand by your OP without strawmen.

Once again your response is unacceptable.

None of this has to do with 9-11 being an inside job. I asked for PROOF you give me nonsense

You must have FACTS to support your case

- Who was involved?
- How could explosives be planted in three skyscrapers with nobody knowing?
- What was the motive?

The 9-11 Commission provided FACTS, you provide OPINION

Based on the FACTS available, I can only conclude..

9-11 WAS NOT an inside job

Bush's brother was two blocks away from the twins when they collapsed. and his company did the security for both WTC and American and United Airlines.
Just giving you a heads up of troofer posts to come. :lol::lol:
Continuing to prove you are a useless Snitch Bitch.
jesus, you are the biggest crybaby on the internet.

get the sand out of your pussy and blame the person that got caught instead of whining about who said what to who.

fucking useless sack of shit.

ROTFL!!!!!!!! When useless crybabies come to the aid of Snitch Bitches it's always more pathetic than if you just stayed quiet.

Eots scared the little Snitch Bitch so he went crying to staff for help because he's still a child unable to stand his own ground. It's amazing how lock-step and hypocritical you OCTAs are on a regular basis. Bunch of fucking cowards that do their best to avoid discussing the actual issue.

i called you a crybaby and the best response you can come up with is to..... call me a crybaby? :lol: fucking brilliant. now go rip open another box of tissues and ask mom to bring you another hot pocket after she makes your bed. mommy will make it all feel better....
Continuing to prove you are a useless Snitch Bitch.
jesus, you are the biggest crybaby on the internet.

get the sand out of your pussy and blame the person that got caught instead of whining about who said what to who.

fucking useless sack of shit.

Looks like once he accused all of us of running away, he.......ran away!

I wish to nominate clownlite for the eric the midget award for excellence in education.

I'm not "accusing" you of running away. I have proven it. I told you many of the same people responsible for getting the 9E CR are calling for a new investigation so you asked for a link and when I proved that true you went Spam Crazy with bullshit posts to try and hide the fact you completely ignored it. That is why you are a coward.
I assume you are talking about the CR (Commission Report). If that is true your claim it has been fully investigated is false. IE it has nothing about WTC 7, NIST never investigated the Twins but only did a Performance Report, the FAA never did an investigation on Flight 77, the testimonies of Bush, Cheney, and Mineta are no where in the CR.

Another question. Can you explain why the Bush admin suppressed evidence as quickly as possible while also working as hard as possible to avoid an investigation?

Okay, one more question. How could the CR be an investigation while it was performed by those who had agendas that prevented even a semi-objective approach? The CR is like XE investigating past actions of Blackwater.

One more. Bush claimed bin laden was responsible within a couple of days but to this day, approaching the ten year anniversary, he has never been charged. How could Bush claim to know who did it while not being able to provide evidence to support that claim?

Hey Rightwinger, you ever going to address these questions? Stop running and stand by your OP without strawmen.

Once again your response is unacceptable.

None of this has to do with 9-11 being an inside job. I asked for PROOF you give me nonsense

You must have FACTS to support your case

- Who was involved?
- How could explosives be planted in three skyscrapers with nobody knowing?
- What was the motive?

The 9-11 Commission provided FACTS, you provide OPINION

Based on the FACTS available, I can only conclude..

9-11 WAS NOT an inside job

You asked if there were any questions so I responded with questions and you have completely ignored them. So why start an OP only to dodge like a coward when you can't handle the questions?

Then you continue with your strawmen. I never said it was an inside job. You have ignored that. Then you bring up explosives again? You dumb bitch. I've already pointed out I have said there is no convincing evidence explosives were used. You are the typical fucking OCTA coward. You start an OP and refuse to stand by it. You bastards are a fucking embarrassment to all Americans.
jesus, you are the biggest crybaby on the internet.

get the sand out of your pussy and blame the person that got caught instead of whining about who said what to who.

fucking useless sack of shit.

Looks like once he accused all of us of running away, he.......ran away!

I wish to nominate clownlite for the eric the midget award for excellence in education.

I'm not "accusing" you of running away. I have proven it. I told you many of the same people responsible for getting the 9E CR are calling for a new investigation so you asked for a link and when I proved that true you went Spam Crazy with bullshit posts to try and hide the fact you completely ignored it. That is why you are a coward.

calling for a new investigation doesnt mean that 9/11 was an inside job. it doesnt mean explosives were planted in the buildings. it doesnt mean flight 77 didnt crash into the pentagon or any other of the stupid, moronic hoaxes that twoofers come up with.

showing people that want a new investigation doesnt mean they are moronic twoofers like you.

i'd like to see a new investigation too if they can prove anything majaor was wrong with the one that already happened.
jesus, you are the biggest crybaby on the internet.

get the sand out of your pussy and blame the person that got caught instead of whining about who said what to who.

fucking useless sack of shit.

ROTFL!!!!!!!! When useless crybabies come to the aid of Snitch Bitches it's always more pathetic than if you just stayed quiet.

Eots scared the little Snitch Bitch so he went crying to staff for help because he's still a child unable to stand his own ground. It's amazing how lock-step and hypocritical you OCTAs are on a regular basis. Bunch of fucking cowards that do their best to avoid discussing the actual issue.

Nobody is scared of eots.

Snitch Bitch (aka Lieability) is scared of him. That's why he went running to staff like a little crybaby Snitch Bitch.
Looks like once he accused all of us of running away, he.......ran away!

I wish to nominate clownlite for the eric the midget award for excellence in education.

I'm not "accusing" you of running away. I have proven it. I told you many of the same people responsible for getting the 9E CR are calling for a new investigation so you asked for a link and when I proved that true you went Spam Crazy with bullshit posts to try and hide the fact you completely ignored it. That is why you are a coward.

calling for a new investigation doesnt mean that 9/11 was an inside job. it doesnt mean explosives were planted in the buildings. it doesnt mean flight 77 didnt crash into the pentagon or any other of the stupid, moronic hoaxes that twoofers come up with.

showing people that want a new investigation doesnt mean they are moronic twoofers like you.

i'd like to see a new investigation too if they can prove anything majaor was wrong with the one that already happened.

Why are you still whining?
I'm not "accusing" you of running away. I have proven it. I told you many of the same people responsible for getting the 9E CR are calling for a new investigation so you asked for a link and when I proved that true you went Spam Crazy with bullshit posts to try and hide the fact you completely ignored it. That is why you are a coward.

calling for a new investigation doesnt mean that 9/11 was an inside job. it doesnt mean explosives were planted in the buildings. it doesnt mean flight 77 didnt crash into the pentagon or any other of the stupid, moronic hoaxes that twoofers come up with.

showing people that want a new investigation doesnt mean they are moronic twoofers like you.

i'd like to see a new investigation too if they can prove anything majaor was wrong with the one that already happened.

Why are you still whining?

you really have mental problems. where do you see any whining at all in that post?

meanwhile, you keep crying that you have one less dick to suck now that your butt-buddy eots is gone for breaking the rules. go cry to your mommy and stop projecting your mental shortcomings onto someone else.
calling for a new investigation doesnt mean that 9/11 was an inside job. it doesnt mean explosives were planted in the buildings. it doesnt mean flight 77 didnt crash into the pentagon or any other of the stupid, moronic hoaxes that twoofers come up with.

showing people that want a new investigation doesnt mean they are moronic twoofers like you.

i'd like to see a new investigation too if they can prove anything majaor was wrong with the one that already happened.

Why are you still whining?

you really have mental problems. where do you see any whining at all in that post?

meanwhile, you keep crying that you have one less dick to suck now that your butt-buddy eots is gone for breaking the rules. go cry to your mommy and stop projecting your mental shortcomings onto someone else.

You are whining because your post makes absolutely no sense and you stay quiet when another OCTA runs away from facts he does not like. Mental problems? How about admitting I did not say demanding a new investigation meant any of the bullshit you said in your post? Naw.....no way you will be honest. Like RW and the rest of your little pathetic group you constantly ignore the facts and put words in other peoples' mouths.

That is why you are whining.
And unless I missed something, I don't recall curvelight getting banned for dragging family members onto the boards.

Hmm. Best be careful. Poor ol' bent tight might try to really rail against you now for daring to say that out loud, you, you, you snitch bitch you! :lol:

"Snitch bitch." :lol::lol: There is reason to doubt that bent tight ever graduated from third grade.

Third grade in what state? It makes a difference. I have been told, for example, that if you graduate high school in Ohio, you are qualified to teach college in Alabama........

Aren't you the dumbass living in cousin Eddie's RV in the desert?

When are you going to respond to this post? Will you keep running like a little bitch?
You are whining because your post makes absolutely no sense and you stay quiet when another OCTA runs away from facts he does not like.


even if that were true (and it isnt) how does "making no sense" make it "whining"?

fucking moronic jerkoff!! :lol:
jesus, you are the biggest crybaby on the internet.

get the sand out of your pussy and blame the person that got caught instead of whining about who said what to who.

fucking useless sack of shit.

ROTFL!!!!!!!! When useless crybabies come to the aid of Snitch Bitches it's always more pathetic than if you just stayed quiet.

Eots scared the little Snitch Bitch so he went crying to staff for help because he's still a child unable to stand his own ground. It's amazing how lock-step and hypocritical you OCTAs are on a regular basis. Bunch of fucking cowards that do their best to avoid discussing the actual issue.

Nobody is scared of eots.
except maybe eots ;)
ROTFL!!!!!!!! When useless crybabies come to the aid of Snitch Bitches it's always more pathetic than if you just stayed quiet.

Eots scared the little Snitch Bitch so he went crying to staff for help because he's still a child unable to stand his own ground. It's amazing how lock-step and hypocritical you OCTAs are on a regular basis. Bunch of fucking cowards that do their best to avoid discussing the actual issue.

Nobody is scared of eots.

Snitch Bitch (aka Lieability) is scared of him. That's why he went running to staff like a little crybaby Snitch Bitch.
prove Liability did any such thing

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