Oswald killed JFK, 9-11 was not an inside job and OJ did it

It doesn't disprove that Oswald killed JFK. But...the factUAL evidence I am presenting SHOULD create doubt in any thinking person's mind that the official state version of the truth is flawed. If the evidence clearly shows that a single bullet did not hit the president and the governor, then we have a false conclusion and at least a potential conspiracy. The possibility would remain that two individuals that didn't know each other decided to shoot at the President on the same day at the same location, but from different snipers nests.
I don't tend to believe conspiracy theories. I don't have a conspiracy theory per se, on who killed President Kennedy. If the evidence clearly pointed to Oswald and Oswald alone, I would have no problem accepting that. But it doesn't. I am a skeptic; not a cynic. I don't believe 9/11 or Pearl Harbor was an inside job, that bigfoot exists or alien bodies are being kept in a hanger in the desert.

BTW, when are you going to prove OJ killed Nicole and Ron?

Two shooters meeting at the same time, who don't know each other?

I'm going to have to ask for FACTS

Who was the second shooter? Where is the gun? Where were the second set of bullets? Why would two shooters firing simultaneously only get off three shots?

In the absence of FACTS ..I can only conclude

Oswald killed JFK

I guess the word 'possibility' is beyond your cognitive abilities. We're done asshole...the only thing this tread achieved is drastically altering my opinion of you.

Aw poor little pussy is throwing a tantrum. Time for you to go stand in the corner, now.
Based upon the available credible evidence, Oswald killed kennedy.

The acronym for this shall hereafter be known as OKK.
It doesn't disprove that Oswald killed JFK. But...the factUAL evidence I am presenting SHOULD create doubt in any thinking person's mind that the official state version of the truth is flawed. If the evidence clearly shows that a single bullet did not hit the president and the governor, then we have a false conclusion and at least a potential conspiracy. The possibility would remain that two individuals that didn't know each other decided to shoot at the President on the same day at the same location, but from different snipers nests.
I don't tend to believe conspiracy theories. I don't have a conspiracy theory per se, on who killed President Kennedy. If the evidence clearly pointed to Oswald and Oswald alone, I would have no problem accepting that. But it doesn't. I am a skeptic; not a cynic. I don't believe 9/11 or Pearl Harbor was an inside job, that bigfoot exists or alien bodies are being kept in a hanger in the desert.

BTW, when are you going to prove OJ killed Nicole and Ron?

Two shooters meeting at the same time, who don't know each other?

I'm going to have to ask for FACTS

Who was the second shooter? Where is the gun? Where were the second set of bullets? Why would two shooters firing simultaneously only get off three shots?

In the absence of FACTS ..I can only conclude

Oswald killed JFK

I guess the word 'possibility' is beyond your cognitive abilities. We're done asshole...the only thing this tread achieved is drastically altering my opinion of you.

oh i could have told you that from the beginning that he is an asshole.whenever he cant refute evidence he has always called you names and insulted you in the past so dont know why you would think it would be any different THIS time.

on that note,im done with you slackjaw,your an asshole as well.you have proven your a freaking coward who runs away with your tail between your legs when challenged to refute evidence you cant.funny how im not the only one thats noticed that either.your such an idiot and liar your a joke around here nobody should ever waste their time with.your a freaking hypocrite as well.you go and whine all the time about people insulting you when you cant refute the evidence or facts and are proven wrong when YOU are the one that always goes around insulting people FIRST when you cant refute the facts.again your such a joke around here its laughable.
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Two shooters meeting at the same time, who don't know each other?

I'm going to have to ask for FACTS

Who was the second shooter? Where is the gun? Where were the second set of bullets? Why would two shooters firing simultaneously only get off three shots?

In the absence of FACTS ..I can only conclude

Oswald killed JFK

I guess the word 'possibility' is beyond your cognitive abilities. We're done asshole...the only thing this tread achieved is drastically altering my opinion of you.

oh i could have told you that from the beginning that he is an asshole.whenever he cant refute evidence he has always called you names and insulted you in the past so dont know why you would think it would be any different THIS time.

on that note,im done with you slackjaw,your an asshole as well.you have proven your a freaking coward who runs away with your tail between your legs when challenged to refute evidence you cant.funny how im not the only one thats noticed that either.your such an idiot and liar your a joke around here nobody should ever waste their time with.your a freaking hypocrite as well.you go and whine all the time about people insulting you when you cant refute the evidence or facts and are proven wrong when YOU are the one that always goes around insulting people FIRST when you canrt refute the facts.again your such a joke around here its laughable.

I offer yet another instance that i have not run away, and am right here.

Be done with me then, I think your entertainment value is about spent anyway.....

FYI- I am STILL waiting for you to post ONE FACT, any fact, just one.
So far you have only proven that your are a loon in need of serious treatment, nothing more.

Yet another victim of terral syndrome, sad to watch really.

Now go away little guy, like you said you were going to.......
thinks again for proving what a fucking idiot you,how hard is it to understand the phrase Im done with you asshole? have fun talking to yourself dumbfuck frady cat Bush dupe.
The following youtube video is just as credible as anything that any of the twoofers have posted.

Indisputable facts in this one guys......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gF70L4f9m0c]YouTube - SpongeBob SquarePants-- Prophet of Doom 9-11 Conspiracy[/ame]
and another youtube video that presents indisputable facts;

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lt0-y3GjPs0&NR=1]YouTube - The shockin truth: POKEMON PREDICTED 9/11[/ame]
What better source of facts than the bible?

The bible predicted , er prophesized 911, an indisputable fact!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcJEfIjJfGw&NR=1&feature=fvwp]YouTube - bible predicted 9/11[/ame]
Now I made three posts with indisputable facts, somebody debate them.......

twoofers are treasonous morons.
This is my favorite indisputable facts video from youtube that defends the 911 commission report.

It is worth posting again.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_OIXfkXEj0]YouTube - '9/11 Conspiracy Theories Ridiculous' - Al Qaeda[/ame]
thinks again for proving what a fucking idiot you,how hard is it to understand the phrase Im done with you asshole? have fun talking to yourself dumbfuck frady cat Bush dupe.

That isn't insulting OR name-calling.

be done, run along little guy. 911insidenutjob is just another in a long line of twoofer losers. E pluribus unum, is the phrase i think.

Run away like you accused me so many times of doing. I am still here, you are gone, yet I ran away?

I know, the bong must be ready again right?

Too funny!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoDqDvbgeXM]YouTube - Noam Chomsky on 911 conspiracy part 2[/ame]

yeah everyone who doesn't believe in the 9/11 conspiracy is a bush dupe.
Elvis, it is simply amazing how much power boooooosh has retained since he left office isn't it?

My understanding is the 911 truthers started as an anti-booooosh group. Nothing has changed.

Sad so many people still want to fight yesterday's battles though.
Elvis, it is simply amazing how much power boooooosh has retained since he left office isn't it?

My understanding is the 911 truthers started as an anti-booooosh group. Nothing has changed.

Sad so many people still want to fight yesterday's battles though.

yeah. the 9/11 conspiracy industry will continue to be wildly successful just like the Kennedy conspiracy industry has been.
What better source of facts than the bible?

The bible predicted , er prophesized 911, an indisputable fact!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcJEfIjJfGw]YouTube - bible predicted 9/11[/ame]

Are you implying that SAMSON was behind 9/11?

Elvis, it is simply amazing how much power boooooosh has retained since he left office isn't it?

My understanding is the 911 truthers started as an anti-booooosh group. Nothing has changed.

Sad so many people still want to fight yesterday's battles though.

yeah. the 9/11 conspiracy industry will continue to be wildly successful just like the Kennedy conspiracy industry has been.

A few years back I took the kids to the national air force museum at patterson AFB. There were people outside selling t-shirts that had a picture of an alien, and said 'the truth is in there' outside the gates.

Even the roswell ufo conspiracy has been a real money maker.

the town of roswell even has a coffee shop called the flying saucer thats shaped like, you guessed it, a flying saucer.

One of the locals in my area is Travis Walton.(the guy from the movie 'fire in the sky') He is a HS dropout, unskilled, and drunk most of the time. Yet he makes tons of money going around and giving talks on his abduction.

I am spending the winter on the property that bill cooper was shot on. The family rents me a space. Several people have shown up to look at the place, and the family takes 5 bucks apiece from them to tell the story and show them where he died.

all conspiracys seem to make money for some reason.......
I think this one is 911insidenutjob's mains source of information.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69H2dq-LOm8]YouTube - KING 4 NEWS - Was 9/11 An Inside Job Cartoon[/ame]
Here is the proof in the pudding right here for you slackjaw that I am telling the truth and what a lair you are.Here is the proof that when you are confronted with evidence and facts,you wont address any points and just run off and throw insults when you cant think of anymore lies to counter it.after I made this post here on your thread.

oh please do some research for once in your life.Unlike you,I have done research into 9/11,oklahoma city and JFK to know that they were all inside jobs. WW II I will give you the benefit of the doubt on because that one I havent done any research into.with JFK and 9/11,we know both of those were inside jobs and not just mere incompetence because nobody got fired on either of those days or lost their jobs when there should have been multiple heads rolling in the secret service in 1963 and for the incompetence of NORAD on sept 11

The mob was involved alright but at a lower level,they didnt have the power to control the media to tell all major outlets the lie that oswald alone killed kennedy or to set him up like he was or to change the parade route to violate all secret service regulations.Also you really need to read the book THE LAST INVESTIGATION by gaston fonzi.He served on the house select committe on assassinations in the 70's and resigned in disgust from that commission because of how they ignored evidence of CIA involvement.He talks about in his book how two CIA men came forward and confessed they did it and aksed the committe where they wanted to go with the investigation and they ignored that lead since it pointed towards government involvement when the investigation was winding down.

I highly suggest for anybody who wants to learn the truth about JFK's murder,read through the posts of mine,BFGRN,RYAN AND AGAIN SHEILA on this thread.as we prove it was an inside job by the CIA.JFK and the Unspeakable

also,a very good video to watch and learn the truth about it as well is the obama deception which I have in my link.just click it on underneath my heading that says MUST SEE VIDEO.

How the hell can you say oklahoma wasnt an inside job when survivors of that tragedy said that the ATF workers said they were told not to go into work that day or bring their children to the nursery? those workers had NOTHING to gain by lying about something like that.this video here is also proof they lied about it and covered it up.Like the video says,our government wouldnt lie to us about 9/11 now would they,or would they? explain why they lied about the bombs the media reported here and covered up in this video please.

You Tube
You Tube

Like I said and that video said,our government wouldnt lie about 9/11 would they,or would they? lol.
must see video.

You are the delusional one. Your posts, or anyone elese's on USMB are not PROOF of anything.
Take a geometry class, it will teach you a lot about what it takes to prove something.
Youtube videos are nice, fun to watch sometimes, but are not a reliable source of information.

And yours only came through as the words "youtubevideo"

You know one of my ex-nieghbors, bill cooper, was killed right after 911 right here? He also met with Tim McViegh here in town, and rejected him because he saw him as dangerous. Bill always claimed he reported McViegh to the feds. Of course, he also claimed to have worked for the feds under black ops. I mention this because you can do a internet search for bill cooper and find a lot of conspiracy theories about who he was and how he died. I was here, i knew him for years. i know the deputy that shot him. I know why they left him to bleed out in his front yard.
Yet, do the search, find the conspiracy nuts have made him out to be much more than the fat mean cranky old nutty man that he was.

I am willing to bet, that despite my personal experience with bill cooper, including being parked on his property right now with my RV, you will find a conspiracy in it and claim i am just a govt. dupe. Despite being able to get the man who shot him on the phone with you and tell you how it went down, I am willing to bet you will prefer the conspiracy story.

Do the search, tell me what you believe.

hahahahaha thanks again for proving when confronted with evidence, you run away with your tail between your legs and wont tackle it cause you cant counter it.that oklahoma video proved that they covered up the facts that there were multiple bombs in there and you AGAIN ignored what witnesses said.and again you did not even bother to mention the facts that proved the government has no interest in the kennedy assassination.your the conspiracy nut,you fall for the conspiracy THEORY of the governments on the oklahoma city bombing and 9/11 hook, line, and sinker and ignore evidence and facts that prove you wrong by never addressing them coward.:lol::lol:

seeing as you have lied about everything you have said since you been on here and run away like the stupid coward you are when challenged to refute evidence about 9/11 and you did the same thing with oklahoma and just come back with childish insults,theres no reason in the world any rational person should believe you here.all you post is bullshit and lies so theres no reason whatsoever why anybody should listen to your lies your obviously making up now.:lol:

oh and for the HUNDRETH time,slack jaw troll,NO "YOUR" not a disinformation agent like Liar ability here is.YOU are just an idiot moron who only sees what you WANT to see about government conspiracys and keeps your head buriend in the sand on government conspiracys cause the truth scares you so much that if you had to acknowledge thwe truth about these events,you would shit your pants,so being the loyal Bush/obama dupe you are,you keep your head buried in the sand and dont want to hear facts or evidence about government conspiracys they were behind such as 9/11,oklahoma and the kennedy assassination.your too much of an idiot who cant think for yourself that you have allowed the agents to come on here and brainwash you with their lies and propaganda along with the mainstream corporate controlled media.

Sorry....this is not acceptable

Once again, I expect FACT not speculation

It is evidently clear that the Warren Comission was correct

Oswald killed Kennedy

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