Oswald killed JFK, 9-11 was not an inside job and OJ did it

I made my post strictly on my experience trying to debate with the twoofers, including you.

Twoofers are too stupid to address facts, and too stupid to differentiate between a reputable source of information and a source that is propaganda.
You have a theory there was a conspiracy. So far, you have not been able to back up that claim with reliable evidence.
The twoofer movement is in it's waning stages and will soon fade into the dustbin of history.

Just link the post where I claimed a conspiracy. You can't because I haven't but that won't stop you from making false claims. You all run and hide like cowards when invited to a one on one debate. I'll prove it again: if anyone would like to debate flight 77 then please let me know. None of you will do it. You will use of the three, if not all, methods I've already stated. When I say I hate people like you because you fake sincerity, I am not joking. I hate people like you because you live an absolute lie while doing nothing but calling others stupid. Prove me right and use a petty excuse to try and hide the fact you do not know 9E well enough to discuss it.

The official 911 commission report is believed and supported by a majority of the american people as it was issued with the full faith and force of the us government. i stand in support of that. Until you come up with a credible challenge to that, don't expect to be taken seriously by anyone except the lunatic fringe.
If you take exception with the official story, as the outlier, the onus is on you to provide support for your crackpot theories. When they are not accepted, that doesn't mean your right, or you took anyone to school. It simply means you are in the extreme lunatic minority, and can't provide any evidence from a credible source to support your drug induced lunatic theories.

I look forward to reading your link that proves the "majority of Americans" believe the 9E CR. Where is it?
A Scripps-Howard poll of 1,010 adults last month found that 36% of Americans consider it "very likely" or "somewhat likely" that government officials either allowed the attacks to be carried out or carried out the attacks themselves.

Read more: Why the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Won't Go Away - TIME

there is one.

In case you have issues with percentages, 36% is not a majority.
What's Behind Internet Conspiracy Empires? - ABC News

from the article;

"According to MacDonald, most delusions begin with general, unexplained feelings of discontent that are caused by a problem with the brain. It's only when someone tries to search for an explanation for their feelings that a delusion forms.

"Then over time, the delusions become crystallized -- meaning they take on particular narratives, story lines and people's motives begin to be fleshed out," said MacDonald. "When one thing isn't explained, it's never abandoned. The plot just thickens ... and you credit your persecutor with a tremendous amount of power." "
Here is the proof in the pudding right here for you slackjaw that I am telling the truth and what a lair you are.Here is the proof that when you are confronted with evidence and facts,you wont address any points and just run off and throw insults when you cant think of anymore lies to counter it.after I made this post here on your thread.

oh please do some research for once in your life.Unlike you,I have done research into 9/11,oklahoma city and JFK to know that they were all inside jobs. WW II I will give you the benefit of the doubt on because that one I havent done any research into.with JFK and 9/11,we know both of those were inside jobs and not just mere incompetence because nobody got fired on either of those days or lost their jobs when there should have been multiple heads rolling in the secret service in 1963 and for the incompetence of NORAD on sept 11

The mob was involved alright but at a lower level,they didnt have the power to control the media to tell all major outlets the lie that oswald alone killed kennedy or to set him up like he was or to change the parade route to violate all secret service regulations.Also you really need to read the book THE LAST INVESTIGATION by gaston fonzi.He served on the house select committe on assassinations in the 70's and resigned in disgust from that commission because of how they ignored evidence of CIA involvement.He talks about in his book how two CIA men came forward and confessed they did it and aksed the committe where they wanted to go with the investigation and they ignored that lead since it pointed towards government involvement when the investigation was winding down.

I highly suggest for anybody who wants to learn the truth about JFK's murder,read through the posts of mine,BFGRN,RYAN AND AGAIN SHEILA on this thread.as we prove it was an inside job by the CIA.JFK and the Unspeakable

also,a very good video to watch and learn the truth about it as well is the obama deception which I have in my link.just click it on underneath my heading that says MUST SEE VIDEO.

How the hell can you say oklahoma wasnt an inside job when survivors of that tragedy said that the ATF workers said they were told not to go into work that day or bring their children to the nursery? those workers had NOTHING to gain by lying about something like that.this video here is also proof they lied about it and covered it up.Like the video says,our government wouldnt lie to us about 9/11 now would they,or would they? explain why they lied about the bombs the media reported here and covered up in this video please.

Like I said and that video said,our government wouldnt lie about 9/11 would they,or would they? lol.

That's quite a case of paranoia you have going on there sir.
Don't worry, we're right outside and won't let you hurt yourself.

That was my challege to you to debate,and HERE is your childish response when confronted with evidence and facts that prove those versions wrong.you didnt attempt to debunk them cause you could not think of any lies to post that could refute them so you dismissed them with this childish banter.


must see video.
Last edited:

Thats pretty much where I come down.

The memorandum is interesting but I read it as being something more concerned with the continuity of Government than a massive pre-planned coverup (hence --there was a fucking memo and scientists tell us that 98% of all stateside massive pre-planned coverups don't come with memos; least of which from high ranking government officials).

Allowance for too many WTFs also doom this theory in my book; Why not use Cubans and get full authority to snuff out Cuba 90 miles off the coast of Key West and bag some cigars? Why use someone that can scream out "I'm a Patsy" thus lending doubt to his guilt? I'd probably not have done that. Did you really want an ex-Marine (I think he was a marine) to be the gunman? Not exactly someone pulled from central casting.

Anyway, I'm not so bent out of shape about this as I am the truthers...probably because I'm 40+ years removed from it and those who are supposedly having their character assassinated are dead and buried and the current crew of faux twoofers are simply out to grab as much attention as possible (less profit motive from JFK conspiracy theorists I guess).

My problem with the assassination of President Kennedy and the official state version of the truth is that the evidence doesn't support the conclusion.

If you are going to play the 'why, why not' card, then why would the Warren Commission start with the single bullet theory. That should have evolved after exhaustive investigations into the most likely explanation...a second gunman. The overwhelming evidence points to different bullets hitting the president and the Governor. The Warren Commission reminds me of the Emperor's New Clothes.

I will provide some facts that should create a great deal of doubt in any thinking person.

The Warren Commission never examined autopsy photos of the president's wounds. They were provided artist renderings (CE385, 86) of his wounds produced by H.A. Rydberg under the direction of JFK autopsy physician Dr. James Humes, these drawings made by Rydberg represent the Commission's view of the paths of two bullets that struck Kennedy....

Here is the official version of the truth

Warren Commission Exhibits...the state's version of the President's wounds...




Here is the autopsy face sheet (note the location of the body wound (7x4) that is the SBT first wound)


Here is the President's jacket and shirt...



Here is an autopsy photo of the back wound...


Here is the Death Certificate signed by the President's personal physician Dr. Burkley. Note the description of the second wound 'in the posterior back at about the level of the thrird thoracic vertebra'



You don't need to be a doctor or a scientist to see the anomalies and contradictions...

Sorry Bfgrn......I asked for FACTS ...these are unacceptable

Where does any of this disprove that Oswald killed JFK ??
Where are your facts of a conspiracy?
Where is your second gun?
Where are your bullets from a second gun?
Where is your motive?

Until you provide actual FACTS......I can only conclude that the Warren Report is correct

Oswald killed JFK

It doesn't disprove that Oswald killed JFK. But...the factUAL evidence I am presenting SHOULD create doubt in any thinking person's mind that the official state version of the truth is flawed. If the evidence clearly shows that a single bullet did not hit the president and the governor, then we have a false conclusion and at least a potential conspiracy. The possibility would remain that two individuals that didn't know each other decided to shoot at the President on the same day at the same location, but from different snipers nests.

I don't tend to believe conspiracy theories. I don't have a conspiracy theory per se, on who killed President Kennedy. If the evidence clearly pointed to Oswald and Oswald alone, I would have no problem accepting that. But it doesn't. I am a skeptic; not a cynic. I don't believe 9/11 or Pearl Harbor was an inside job, that bigfoot exists or alien bodies are being kept in a hanger in the desert.

BTW, when are you going to prove OJ killed Nicole and Ron?
Here is the proof in the pudding right here for you slackjaw that I am telling the truth and what a lair you are.Here is the proof that when you are confronted with evidence and facts,you wont address any points and just run off and throw insults when you cant think of anymore lies to counter it.after I made this post here on your thread.

oh please do some research for once in your life.Unlike you,I have done research into 9/11,oklahoma city and JFK to know that they were all inside jobs. WW II I will give you the benefit of the doubt on because that one I havent done any research into.with JFK and 9/11,we know both of those were inside jobs and not just mere incompetence because nobody got fired on either of those days or lost their jobs when there should have been multiple heads rolling in the secret service in 1963 and for the incompetence of NORAD on sept 11

The mob was involved alright but at a lower level,they didnt have the power to control the media to tell all major outlets the lie that oswald alone killed kennedy or to set him up like he was or to change the parade route to violate all secret service regulations.Also you really need to read the book THE LAST INVESTIGATION by gaston fonzi.He served on the house select committe on assassinations in the 70's and resigned in disgust from that commission because of how they ignored evidence of CIA involvement.He talks about in his book how two CIA men came forward and confessed they did it and aksed the committe where they wanted to go with the investigation and they ignored that lead since it pointed towards government involvement when the investigation was winding down.

I highly suggest for anybody who wants to learn the truth about JFK's murder,read through the posts of mine,BFGRN,RYAN AND AGAIN SHEILA on this thread.as we prove it was an inside job by the CIA.JFK and the Unspeakable

also,a very good video to watch and learn the truth about it as well is the obama deception which I have in my link.just click it on underneath my heading that says MUST SEE VIDEO.

How the hell can you say oklahoma wasnt an inside job when survivors of that tragedy said that the ATF workers said they were told not to go into work that day or bring their children to the nursery? those workers had NOTHING to gain by lying about something like that.this video here is also proof they lied about it and covered it up.Like the video says,our government wouldnt lie to us about 9/11 now would they,or would they? explain why they lied about the bombs the media reported here and covered up in this video please.

You Tube
You Tube

Like I said and that video said,our government wouldnt lie about 9/11 would they,or would they? lol.
must see video.

Sorry....Your proof is unacceptable

To prove an inside job you must provide information on who was involved, what was their motivation, how they successfully wired two hundred story buildings and a sixty story building to explode without anyone discovering it, when all this was done,.....

Until you provide valid FACTS supporting an inside job, I can only logically accept the 9-11 comission report

9-11 was NOT and inside job
Here is the proof in the pudding right here for you slackjaw that I am telling the truth and what a lair you are.Here is the proof that when you are confronted with evidence and facts,you wont address any points and just run off and throw insults when you cant think of anymore lies to counter it.after I made this post here on your thread.

oh please do some research for once in your life.Unlike you,I have done research into 9/11,oklahoma city and JFK to know that they were all inside jobs. WW II I will give you the benefit of the doubt on because that one I havent done any research into.with JFK and 9/11,we know both of those were inside jobs and not just mere incompetence because nobody got fired on either of those days or lost their jobs when there should have been multiple heads rolling in the secret service in 1963 and for the incompetence of NORAD on sept 11

The mob was involved alright but at a lower level,they didnt have the power to control the media to tell all major outlets the lie that oswald alone killed kennedy or to set him up like he was or to change the parade route to violate all secret service regulations.Also you really need to read the book THE LAST INVESTIGATION by gaston fonzi.He served on the house select committe on assassinations in the 70's and resigned in disgust from that commission because of how they ignored evidence of CIA involvement.He talks about in his book how two CIA men came forward and confessed they did it and aksed the committe where they wanted to go with the investigation and they ignored that lead since it pointed towards government involvement when the investigation was winding down.

I highly suggest for anybody who wants to learn the truth about JFK's murder,read through the posts of mine,BFGRN,RYAN AND AGAIN SHEILA on this thread.as we prove it was an inside job by the CIA.JFK and the Unspeakable

also,a very good video to watch and learn the truth about it as well is the obama deception which I have in my link.just click it on underneath my heading that says MUST SEE VIDEO.

How the hell can you say oklahoma wasnt an inside job when survivors of that tragedy said that the ATF workers said they were told not to go into work that day or bring their children to the nursery? those workers had NOTHING to gain by lying about something like that.this video here is also proof they lied about it and covered it up.Like the video says,our government wouldnt lie to us about 9/11 now would they,or would they? explain why they lied about the bombs the media reported here and covered up in this video please.

You Tube
You Tube

Like I said and that video said,our government wouldnt lie about 9/11 would they,or would they? lol.
must see video.

You are the delusional one. Your posts, or anyone elese's on USMB are not PROOF of anything.
Take a geometry class, it will teach you a lot about what it takes to prove something.
Youtube videos are nice, fun to watch sometimes, but are not a reliable source of information.

And yours only came through as the words "youtubevideo"

You know one of my ex-nieghbors, bill cooper, was killed right after 911 right here? He also met with Tim McViegh here in town, and rejected him because he saw him as dangerous. Bill always claimed he reported McViegh to the feds. Of course, he also claimed to have worked for the feds under black ops. I mention this because you can do a internet search for bill cooper and find a lot of conspiracy theories about who he was and how he died. I was here, i knew him for years. i know the deputy that shot him. I know why they left him to bleed out in his front yard.
Yet, do the search, find the conspiracy nuts have made him out to be much more than the fat mean cranky old nutty man that he was.

I am willing to bet, that despite my personal experience with bill cooper, including being parked on his property right now with my RV, you will find a conspiracy in it and claim i am just a govt. dupe. Despite being able to get the man who shot him on the phone with you and tell you how it went down, I am willing to bet you will prefer the conspiracy story.

Do the search, tell me what you believe.
It doesn't disprove that Oswald killed JFK. But...the factUAL evidence I am presenting SHOULD create doubt in any thinking person's mind that the official state version of the truth is flawed. If the evidence clearly shows that a single bullet did not hit the president and the governor, then we have a false conclusion and at least a potential conspiracy. The possibility would remain that two individuals that didn't know each other decided to shoot at the President on the same day at the same location, but from different snipers nests.
I don't tend to believe conspiracy theories. I don't have a conspiracy theory per se, on who killed President Kennedy. If the evidence clearly pointed to Oswald and Oswald alone, I would have no problem accepting that. But it doesn't. I am a skeptic; not a cynic. I don't believe 9/11 or Pearl Harbor was an inside job, that bigfoot exists or alien bodies are being kept in a hanger in the desert.

BTW, when are you going to prove OJ killed Nicole and Ron?

Two shooters meeting at the same time, who don't know each other?

I'm going to have to ask for FACTS

Who was the second shooter? Where is the gun? Where were the second set of bullets? Why would two shooters firing simultaneously only get off three shots?

In the absence of FACTS ..I can only conclude

Oswald killed JFK
Here is the proof in the pudding right here for you slackjaw that I am telling the truth and what a lair you are.Here is the proof that when you are confronted with evidence and facts,you wont address any points and just run off and throw insults when you cant think of anymore lies to counter it.after I made this post here on your thread.

oh please do some research for once in your life.Unlike you,I have done research into 9/11,oklahoma city and JFK to know that they were all inside jobs. WW II I will give you the benefit of the doubt on because that one I havent done any research into.with JFK and 9/11,we know both of those were inside jobs and not just mere incompetence because nobody got fired on either of those days or lost their jobs when there should have been multiple heads rolling in the secret service in 1963 and for the incompetence of NORAD on sept 11

The mob was involved alright but at a lower level,they didnt have the power to control the media to tell all major outlets the lie that oswald alone killed kennedy or to set him up like he was or to change the parade route to violate all secret service regulations.Also you really need to read the book THE LAST INVESTIGATION by gaston fonzi.He served on the house select committe on assassinations in the 70's and resigned in disgust from that commission because of how they ignored evidence of CIA involvement.He talks about in his book how two CIA men came forward and confessed they did it and aksed the committe where they wanted to go with the investigation and they ignored that lead since it pointed towards government involvement when the investigation was winding down.

I highly suggest for anybody who wants to learn the truth about JFK's murder,read through the posts of mine,BFGRN,RYAN AND AGAIN SHEILA on this thread.as we prove it was an inside job by the CIA.JFK and the Unspeakable

also,a very good video to watch and learn the truth about it as well is the obama deception which I have in my link.just click it on underneath my heading that says MUST SEE VIDEO.

How the hell can you say oklahoma wasnt an inside job when survivors of that tragedy said that the ATF workers said they were told not to go into work that day or bring their children to the nursery? those workers had NOTHING to gain by lying about something like that.this video here is also proof they lied about it and covered it up.Like the video says,our government wouldnt lie to us about 9/11 now would they,or would they? explain why they lied about the bombs the media reported here and covered up in this video please.

Like I said and that video said,our government wouldnt lie about 9/11 would they,or would they? lol.

That's quite a case of paranoia you have going on there sir.
Don't worry, we're right outside and won't let you hurt yourself.

That was my challege to you to debate,and HERE is your childish response when confronted with evidence and facts that prove those versions wrong.you didnt attempt to debunk them cause you could not think of any lies to post that could refute them so you dismissed them with this childish banter.


must see video.

Perhaps the best reason of all to doubt any conspiracy theory is to count the certifiable whackos who believe the theories. 9/11 Nutjob is simply an idiot. I don't have a link to it but we were 'conversing' one time about a memorial service held in a small town in the west--California I believe about a 9/11 widower. The local nickel-per-copy newspaper had a small story about the memorial service that included a mention of personal effects. I bring it up because he said the remains were faked. So I asked him about the report in the newspaper. He said the CIA had planted an editor in the paper. I mean it just never ends.

His latest thing is that the CIA funded the Mossad to pull off 9/11. The CIA has the talent to do it yet they pay an organization to come here and take care of it for them forever--and I MEAN FOREVER--allowing the Mossad to blackmail the CIA into oblivion. On any level does that make sense?

Anyway, 9/11 also believes that OKC was an inside job as well as JFK. No word yet on what he thinks about the moon landings. I bet he thinks the landings were real but the launches were faked. LOL.

I'm not saying that you agree with 9/11 Nutjob but wow...you should really purge the morons out of your "movement" if you want anybody like me who is willing to listen to a certain point to buy into the idea if not buy the idea outright. I'll let you handle him BFGRN; he's more of a problem for conspiracy theorists than he is for those who don't believe in conspiracies because he poisons the pool.
A Scripps-Howard poll of 1,010 adults last month found that 36% of Americans consider it "very likely" or "somewhat likely" that government officials either allowed the attacks to be carried out or carried out the attacks themselves.

Read more: Why the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Won't Go Away - TIME

there is one.

In case you have issues with percentages, 36% is not a majority.

Ummmm......you. Are. Clueless. That poll is from August 2006 and it asked five conspiracy questions against the government. That 36% you cited is the percentage who believe it was an inside job.
Third of Americans suspect 9-11 government conspiracy | ScrippsNews

Once again, where is the link showing the majority of Americans believe the CR?
A Scripps-Howard poll of 1,010 adults last month found that 36% of Americans consider it "very likely" or "somewhat likely" that government officials either allowed the attacks to be carried out or carried out the attacks themselves.

Read more: Why the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Won't Go Away - TIME

there is one.

In case you have issues with percentages, 36% is not a majority.

Ummmm......you. Are. Clueless. That poll is from August 2006 and it asked five conspiracy questions against the government. That 36% you cited is the percentage who believe it was an inside job.
Third of Americans suspect 9-11 government conspiracy | ScrippsNews

Once again, where is the link showing the majority of Americans believe the CR?

100 percent of the american people minus 36 percent think it was an inside job leaves 64 percent who think it wasn't, and therefore believe the basic tenents of the report.
It doesn't disprove that Oswald killed JFK. But...the factUAL evidence I am presenting SHOULD create doubt in any thinking person's mind that the official state version of the truth is flawed. If the evidence clearly shows that a single bullet did not hit the president and the governor, then we have a false conclusion and at least a potential conspiracy. The possibility would remain that two individuals that didn't know each other decided to shoot at the President on the same day at the same location, but from different snipers nests.
I don't tend to believe conspiracy theories. I don't have a conspiracy theory per se, on who killed President Kennedy. If the evidence clearly pointed to Oswald and Oswald alone, I would have no problem accepting that. But it doesn't. I am a skeptic; not a cynic. I don't believe 9/11 or Pearl Harbor was an inside job, that bigfoot exists or alien bodies are being kept in a hanger in the desert.

BTW, when are you going to prove OJ killed Nicole and Ron?

Two shooters meeting at the same time, who don't know each other?

I'm going to have to ask for FACTS

Who was the second shooter? Where is the gun? Where were the second set of bullets? Why would two shooters firing simultaneously only get off three shots?

In the absence of FACTS ..I can only conclude

Oswald killed JFK

I guess the word 'possibility' is beyond your cognitive abilities. We're done asshole...the only thing this tread achieved is drastically altering my opinion of you.
My problem with the assassination of President Kennedy and the official state version of the truth is that the evidence doesn't support the conclusion.

If you are going to play the 'why, why not' card, then why would the Warren Commission start with the single bullet theory. That should have evolved after exhaustive investigations into the most likely explanation...a second gunman. The overwhelming evidence points to different bullets hitting the president and the Governor. The Warren Commission reminds me of the Emperor's New Clothes.

I will provide some facts that should create a great deal of doubt in any thinking person.

The Warren Commission never examined autopsy photos of the president's wounds. They were provided artist renderings (CE385, 86) of his wounds produced by H.A. Rydberg under the direction of JFK autopsy physician Dr. James Humes, these drawings made by Rydberg represent the Commission's view of the paths of two bullets that struck Kennedy....

Here is the official version of the truth

Warren Commission Exhibits...the state's version of the President's wounds...




Here is the autopsy face sheet (note the location of the body wound (7x4) that is the SBT first wound)


Here is the President's jacket and shirt...



Here is an autopsy photo of the back wound...


Here is the Death Certificate signed by the President's personal physician Dr. Burkley. Note the description of the second wound 'in the posterior back at about the level of the thrird thoracic vertebra'



You don't need to be a doctor or a scientist to see the anomalies and contradictions...

Sorry Bfgrn......I asked for FACTS ...these are unacceptable

Where does any of this disprove that Oswald killed JFK ??
Where are your facts of a conspiracy?
Where is your second gun?
Where are your bullets from a second gun?
Where is your motive?

Until you provide actual FACTS......I can only conclude that the Warren Report is correct

Oswald killed JFK

It doesn't disprove that Oswald killed JFK. But...the factUAL evidence I am presenting SHOULD create doubt in any thinking person's mind that the official state version of the truth is flawed. If the evidence clearly shows that a single bullet did not hit the president and the governor, then we have a false conclusion and at least a potential conspiracy. The possibility would remain that two individuals that didn't know each other decided to shoot at the President on the same day at the same location, but from different snipers nests.

I don't tend to believe conspiracy theories. I don't have a conspiracy theory per se, on who killed President Kennedy. If the evidence clearly pointed to Oswald and Oswald alone, I would have no problem accepting that. But it doesn't. I am a skeptic; not a cynic. I don't believe 9/11 or Pearl Harbor was an inside job, that bigfoot exists or alien bodies are being kept in a hanger in the desert.

BTW, when are you going to prove OJ killed Nicole and Ron?

Like I said,its already been proven that the CIA killed kennedy.when the house select committe on assassinations was winding its investigation down in the 70's two CIA men came forward and and told the commission-WE DID IT,WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO WITH THIS INVESTIGATION? and of course since it pointed towards government involvement,the commission had no interest in pursuing that lead and made up the lie that it was the mob and the mob alone that did it and that there was a probable conspiracy but they could not locate the shooters. even the HSCA said they thought it was a conspiracy.:lol: yet this guy still defends the official lie.:lol:

Like i said,a senator on that commission,resigned in disgust because of how the Commission ignored evidence of government involvement and had no interest in pursuing the truth in that matter.His name was Gaston Fonzi.He wrote a book about their lies called THE LAST INVESTIGATION.He proves it in his book the CIA killed him.

I dont know much about Pearl Harbour so I never say anything about that one and I also dont believe that big foot exists or alien bodies in area 51,but your dead wrong though about 9/11.You need to read David Ray Griffins book Debunking the 9/11 Debunking,an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory.

Unlike the 9/11 coverup commission,he actually did research and went by facts and evidence and did not ignore witness testimonys or omit evidence like the commission did or lie about events either.thats the thing thats funny about the 9/11 commission just like the kennedy assassination,all they have to go on is THEORYS.Their findings that 19 muslins were behind 9/11 only has THEORYS they are based on,they have no evidence or facts whatsoever to prove their case.:lol::lol::lol: Where the evidence is overwhelming with FACTS that it was an inside job and there was never a serious investigation into it.
Here is the proof in the pudding right here for you slackjaw that I am telling the truth and what a lair you are.Here is the proof that when you are confronted with evidence and facts,you wont address any points and just run off and throw insults when you cant think of anymore lies to counter it.after I made this post here on your thread.

oh please do some research for once in your life.Unlike you,I have done research into 9/11,oklahoma city and JFK to know that they were all inside jobs. WW II I will give you the benefit of the doubt on because that one I havent done any research into.with JFK and 9/11,we know both of those were inside jobs and not just mere incompetence because nobody got fired on either of those days or lost their jobs when there should have been multiple heads rolling in the secret service in 1963 and for the incompetence of NORAD on sept 11

The mob was involved alright but at a lower level,they didnt have the power to control the media to tell all major outlets the lie that oswald alone killed kennedy or to set him up like he was or to change the parade route to violate all secret service regulations.Also you really need to read the book THE LAST INVESTIGATION by gaston fonzi.He served on the house select committe on assassinations in the 70's and resigned in disgust from that commission because of how they ignored evidence of CIA involvement.He talks about in his book how two CIA men came forward and confessed they did it and aksed the committe where they wanted to go with the investigation and they ignored that lead since it pointed towards government involvement when the investigation was winding down.

I highly suggest for anybody who wants to learn the truth about JFK's murder,read through the posts of mine,BFGRN,RYAN AND AGAIN SHEILA on this thread.as we prove it was an inside job by the CIA.JFK and the Unspeakable

also,a very good video to watch and learn the truth about it as well is the obama deception which I have in my link.just click it on underneath my heading that says MUST SEE VIDEO.

How the hell can you say oklahoma wasnt an inside job when survivors of that tragedy said that the ATF workers said they were told not to go into work that day or bring their children to the nursery? those workers had NOTHING to gain by lying about something like that.this video here is also proof they lied about it and covered it up.Like the video says,our government wouldnt lie to us about 9/11 now would they,or would they? explain why they lied about the bombs the media reported here and covered up in this video please.

You Tube
You Tube

Like I said and that video said,our government wouldnt lie about 9/11 would they,or would they? lol.
must see video.

You are the delusional one. Your posts, or anyone elese's on USMB are not PROOF of anything.
Take a geometry class, it will teach you a lot about what it takes to prove something.
Youtube videos are nice, fun to watch sometimes, but are not a reliable source of information.

And yours only came through as the words "youtubevideo"

You know one of my ex-nieghbors, bill cooper, was killed right after 911 right here? He also met with Tim McViegh here in town, and rejected him because he saw him as dangerous. Bill always claimed he reported McViegh to the feds. Of course, he also claimed to have worked for the feds under black ops. I mention this because you can do a internet search for bill cooper and find a lot of conspiracy theories about who he was and how he died. I was here, i knew him for years. i know the deputy that shot him. I know why they left him to bleed out in his front yard.
Yet, do the search, find the conspiracy nuts have made him out to be much more than the fat mean cranky old nutty man that he was.

I am willing to bet, that despite my personal experience with bill cooper, including being parked on his property right now with my RV, you will find a conspiracy in it and claim i am just a govt. dupe. Despite being able to get the man who shot him on the phone with you and tell you how it went down, I am willing to bet you will prefer the conspiracy story.

Do the search, tell me what you believe.

hahahahaha thanks again for proving when confronted with evidence, you run away with your tail between your legs and wont tackle it cause you cant counter it.that oklahoma video proved that they covered up the facts that there were multiple bombs in there and you AGAIN ignored what witnesses said.and again you did not even bother to mention the facts that proved the government has no interest in the kennedy assassination.your the conspiracy nut,you fall for the conspiracy THEORY of the governments on the oklahoma city bombing and 9/11 hook, line, and sinker and ignore evidence and facts that prove you wrong by never addressing them coward.:lol::lol:

seeing as you have lied about everything you have said since you been on here and run away like the stupid coward you are when challenged to refute evidence about 9/11 and you did the same thing with oklahoma and just come back with childish insults,theres no reason in the world any rational person should believe you here.all you post is bullshit and lies so theres no reason whatsoever why anybody should listen to your lies your obviously making up now.:lol:

oh and for the HUNDRETH time,slack jaw troll,NO "YOUR" not a disinformation agent like Liar ability here is.YOU are just an idiot moron who only sees what you WANT to see about government conspiracys and keeps your head buriend in the sand on government conspiracys cause the truth scares you so much that if you had to acknowledge thwe truth about these events,you would shit your pants,so being the loyal Bush/obama dupe you are,you keep your head buried in the sand and dont want to hear facts or evidence about government conspiracys they were behind such as 9/11,oklahoma and the kennedy assassination.your too much of an idiot who cant think for yourself that you have allowed the agents to come on here and brainwash you with their lies and propaganda along with the mainstream corporate controlled media.
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Like I said,its already been proven that the CIA killed kennedy.when the house select committe on assassinations was winding its investigation down in the 70's two CIA men came forward and and told the commission-WE DID IT,WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO WITH THIS INVESTIGATION? * * * *

Sure they did.

It was Al and Gary, from the CIA Parking Garage and Laundromat.

There just HAS to be a solid, concrete and unassailable YouTube of this Congressional testimony SOMEWHERE!
A Scripps-Howard poll of 1,010 adults last month found that 36% of Americans consider it "very likely" or "somewhat likely" that government officials either allowed the attacks to be carried out or carried out the attacks themselves.

Read more: Why the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Won't Go Away - TIME

there is one.

In case you have issues with percentages, 36% is not a majority.

Ummmm......you. Are. Clueless. That poll is from August 2006 and it asked five conspiracy questions against the government. That 36% you cited is the percentage who believe it was an inside job.
Third of Americans suspect 9-11 government conspiracy | ScrippsNews

Once again, where is the link showing the majority of Americans believe the CR?

100 percent of the american people minus 36 percent think it was an inside job leaves 64 percent who think it wasn't, and therefore believe the basic tenents of the report.

The world is not bipolar. One can not believe the CR and at the same time not claim it was an inside job. That poll didn't ask anything about the CR.

For the third time: Where is the link proving the majority of Americans believe the CR?
Sorry Bfgrn......I asked for FACTS ...these are unacceptable

Where does any of this disprove that Oswald killed JFK ??
Where are your facts of a conspiracy?
Where is your second gun?
Where are your bullets from a second gun?
Where is your motive?

Until you provide actual FACTS......I can only conclude that the Warren Report is correct

Oswald killed JFK

It doesn't disprove that Oswald killed JFK. But...the factUAL evidence I am presenting SHOULD create doubt in any thinking person's mind that the official state version of the truth is flawed. If the evidence clearly shows that a single bullet did not hit the president and the governor, then we have a false conclusion and at least a potential conspiracy. The possibility would remain that two individuals that didn't know each other decided to shoot at the President on the same day at the same location, but from different snipers nests.

I don't tend to believe conspiracy theories. I don't have a conspiracy theory per se, on who killed President Kennedy. If the evidence clearly pointed to Oswald and Oswald alone, I would have no problem accepting that. But it doesn't. I am a skeptic; not a cynic. I don't believe 9/11 or Pearl Harbor was an inside job, that bigfoot exists or alien bodies are being kept in a hanger in the desert.

BTW, when are you going to prove OJ killed Nicole and Ron?

Like I said,its already been proven that the CIA killed kennedy.when the house select committe on assassinations was winding its investigation down in the 70's two CIA men came forward and and told the commission-WE DID IT,WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO WITH THIS INVESTIGATION? and of course since it pointed towards government involvement,the commission had no interest in pursuing that lead and made up the lie that it was the mob and the mob alone that did it and that there was a probable conspiracy but they could not locate the shooters. even the HSCA said they thought it was a conspiracy.:lol: yet this guy still defends the official lie.:lol:

Like i said,a senator on that commission,resigned in disgust because of how the Commission ignored evidence of government involvement and had no interest in pursuing the truth in that matter.His name was Gaston Fonzi.He wrote a book about their lies called THE LAST INVESTIGATION.He proves it in his book the CIA killed him.

I dont know much about Pearl Harbour so I never say anything about that one and I also dont believe that big foot exists or alien bodies in area 51,but your dead wrong though about 9/11.You need to read David Ray Griffins book Debunking the 9/11 Debunking,an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory.

Unlike the 9/11 coverup commission,he actually did research and went by facts and evidence and did not ignore witness testimonys or omit evidence like the commission did or lie about events either.thats the thing thats funny about the 9/11 commission just like the kennedy assassination,all they have to go on is THEORYS.Their findings that 19 muslins were behind 9/11 only has THEORYS they are based on,they have no evidence or facts whatsoever to prove their case.:lol::lol::lol: Where the evidence is overwhelming with FACTS that it was an inside job and there was never a serious investigation into it.

Sorry....I asked for ACTUAL FACTS

Your rants are unacceptable

I need FACTS that another gunman was involved, FACTS of a second bullet, FACTS of a conspiracy

You have provide none. Therefore the only acceptable conclusion is

Oswald killed JFK
Here is the proof in the pudding right here for you slackjaw that I am telling the truth and what a lair you are.Here is the proof that when you are confronted with evidence and facts,you wont address any points and just run off and throw insults when you cant think of anymore lies to counter it.after I made this post here on your thread.

oh please do some research for once in your life.Unlike you,I have done research into 9/11,oklahoma city and JFK to know that they were all inside jobs. WW II I will give you the benefit of the doubt on because that one I havent done any research into.with JFK and 9/11,we know both of those were inside jobs and not just mere incompetence because nobody got fired on either of those days or lost their jobs when there should have been multiple heads rolling in the secret service in 1963 and for the incompetence of NORAD on sept 11

The mob was involved alright but at a lower level,they didnt have the power to control the media to tell all major outlets the lie that oswald alone killed kennedy or to set him up like he was or to change the parade route to violate all secret service regulations.Also you really need to read the book THE LAST INVESTIGATION by gaston fonzi.He served on the house select committe on assassinations in the 70's and resigned in disgust from that commission because of how they ignored evidence of CIA involvement.He talks about in his book how two CIA men came forward and confessed they did it and aksed the committe where they wanted to go with the investigation and they ignored that lead since it pointed towards government involvement when the investigation was winding down.

I highly suggest for anybody who wants to learn the truth about JFK's murder,read through the posts of mine,BFGRN,RYAN AND AGAIN SHEILA on this thread.as we prove it was an inside job by the CIA.JFK and the Unspeakable

also,a very good video to watch and learn the truth about it as well is the obama deception which I have in my link.just click it on underneath my heading that says MUST SEE VIDEO.

How the hell can you say oklahoma wasnt an inside job when survivors of that tragedy said that the ATF workers said they were told not to go into work that day or bring their children to the nursery? those workers had NOTHING to gain by lying about something like that.this video here is also proof they lied about it and covered it up.Like the video says,our government wouldnt lie to us about 9/11 now would they,or would they? explain why they lied about the bombs the media reported here and covered up in this video please.

You Tube
You Tube

Like I said and that video said,our government wouldnt lie about 9/11 would they,or would they? lol.
must see video.

You are the delusional one. Your posts, or anyone elese's on USMB are not PROOF of anything.
Take a geometry class, it will teach you a lot about what it takes to prove something.
Youtube videos are nice, fun to watch sometimes, but are not a reliable source of information.

And yours only came through as the words "youtubevideo"

You know one of my ex-nieghbors, bill cooper, was killed right after 911 right here? He also met with Tim McViegh here in town, and rejected him because he saw him as dangerous. Bill always claimed he reported McViegh to the feds. Of course, he also claimed to have worked for the feds under black ops. I mention this because you can do a internet search for bill cooper and find a lot of conspiracy theories about who he was and how he died. I was here, i knew him for years. i know the deputy that shot him. I know why they left him to bleed out in his front yard.
Yet, do the search, find the conspiracy nuts have made him out to be much more than the fat mean cranky old nutty man that he was.

I am willing to bet, that despite my personal experience with bill cooper, including being parked on his property right now with my RV, you will find a conspiracy in it and claim i am just a govt. dupe. Despite being able to get the man who shot him on the phone with you and tell you how it went down, I am willing to bet you will prefer the conspiracy story.

Do the search, tell me what you believe.

hahahahaha thanks again for proving when confronted with evidence, you run away with your tail between your legs and wont tackle it cause you cant counter it.that oklahoma video proved that they covered up the facts that there were multiple bombs in there and you AGAIN ignored what witnesses said.and again you did not even bother to mention the facts that proved the government has no interest in the kennedy assassination.your the conspiracy nut,you fall for the conspiracy THEORY of the governments oklahoma city bombing and 9/11 hook line and sinker and ignore evidence and facts that prove you wrong by never addressing them coward.:lol::lol:

seeing as you have lied about everything you have said since you been on here and run away like coward when challenged to refute evidence about 9/11 and you did the same thing with oklahoma and just come back with childish insults,theres no reason in the world any rational person should believe you here.all you post is bullshit and lies so theres no reason whatsoever why anybody should listen to your lies your obviously making up now.:lol:

I am still here- indistputable evidence I didn't run away. I couldn't see your videos, they only came out on your post as youtube videos.
You have no evidence and facts.
I contend that no argument will suffice to you as no reasonable man can dispute the conjecture of the insane. The insane simply do not think in ways that respond to logic.

Face it, your sources are suspect when put up against the source of the US Government, the government of the greatest country in the world.

Your "facts" are only facts in your mind, addled by who knows what chemical abuse and paranoia. A reasonable man knows that one simply can't argue logic with a diseased mind. So, while it might be morally wrong, I am simply engaging in conversation with you and the other twoofers for my own amusement.

Do you think I mentioned bill cooper to duck your questions? Nope, I mentioned him because i was there, I know exactly who did what and what happened. I then see a completely different story AND money being made from the conspiracy story. I mentioned it to provide a basis as to why I believe that you and the other nutjobs are nutjobs. I didn't provide a link, because I wanted you to find it from your own sources, not from a source i gave you that you would dispute.

Like I said, I was there. I know what happened to Bill Cooper, I know who did it and why. This is a valid example for why I KNOW you twoofers have no facts, or even the ability to discern facts from fiction.

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