Oswald killed JFK, 9-11 was not an inside job and OJ did it

Yes. That's what I'm saying. LBJ and J Edgar Hoover originally wanted to have the FBI issue a report and have that suffice, but they knew it was likely Congress would launch their own investigations so the Warren Commission was convened to prevent that. It would have paralyzed governing and opened the FBI up to questions and criticism.

I don't know your knowledge base of J Edgar Hoover who WAS the FBI until his death. Protecting his beloved bureau was always paramount to the director. The guy actually denied there was a such thing as the mafia, because his beloved bureau couldn't control organized crime. There is no way Hoover would ever let the case end any other way then ...'we got our man'

Let's go back to a key sentence in the memo from the DOJ to the WH:

1. The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that the evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial.

Here are some comments from Warren Commission members:

“John McCloy: … the time is almost overdue for us to have a better perspective of the FBI investigation than we now have … We are so dependent on them for our facts … .

Commission counsel J. Lee Rankin: Part of our difficulty in regard to it is that they have no problem. They have decided that no one else is involved … .

Senator Richard Russell: They have tried the case and reached a verdict on every aspect.

Senator Hale Boggs: You have put your finger on it. (Closed Warren Commission meeting.)”[130]

Okay. Thanks.

Here's a phone conversation between LBJ and Hoover on November 29, 1963

J_ EDGAR HOOVER PHONE CALL (NOVEMBER 29, 1963)(PART 1) | NowPublic Video Archives

Does Hoover say who shot JFK here? I asked for FACTS

Sorry, not good enough
Okay. Thanks.

Here's a phone conversation between LBJ and Hoover on November 29, 1963

J_ EDGAR HOOVER PHONE CALL (NOVEMBER 29, 1963)(PART 1) | NowPublic Video Archives

Does Hoover say who shot JFK here? I asked for FACTS

Sorry, not good enough

Let me ask you something...why are you being such an asshole? Anyone that has looked at the evidence in this case and understands government, the political climate and the personalities involved in 1963 can clearly see there are too many anomalies and unscientific conclusions for the Warren Report to be considered a clear and solid case that Oswald acted alone. The Warren Report is for all intents and purposes J Edgar Hoover's FBI version of what happened. That conclusion was determined the moment Oswald expired. The forensic evidence is based on a botched autopsy performed by 2 pencil pushers that hadn't performed an autopsy since college labs.

Try for one moment to image what would have happened if the government had come out with a report saying:

The President of the United States of America was murdered at high noon on an American city street. One probable gunman has been apprehended, but other suspected gunman are unknown and still at large.

Lyndon Johnson's nuts would have been flown on the FBI flagpole the very next day.
Here's a phone conversation between LBJ and Hoover on November 29, 1963

J_ EDGAR HOOVER PHONE CALL (NOVEMBER 29, 1963)(PART 1) | NowPublic Video Archives

Does Hoover say who shot JFK here? I asked for FACTS

Sorry, not good enough

Let me ask you something...why are you being such an asshole? Anyone that has looked at the evidence in this case and understands government, the political climate and the personalities involved in 1963 can clearly see there are too many anomalies and unscientific conclusions for the Warren Report to be considered a clear and solid case that Oswald acted alone. The Warren Report is for all intents and purposes J Edgar Hoover's FBI version of what happened. That conclusion was determined the moment Oswald expired. The forensic evidence is based on a botched autopsy performed by 2 pencil pushers that hadn't performed an autopsy since college labs.

Try for one moment to image what would have happened if the government had come out with a report saying:

The President of the United States of America was murdered at high noon on an American city street. One probable gunman has been apprehended, but other suspected gunman are unknown and still at large.

Lyndon Johnson's nuts would have been flown on the FBI flagpole the very next day.

Sorry Bfgrn....not good enough

Warren Commission provided FACTS - Who did it, How he did it, Why he did it, Where he did it, Murder weapon, bullet....

You have provided NO FACTS. You claim it was a conspiracy- Who was involved, Why did they do it, where was it done from, Where is the gun???

You have had 47 years to provide FACTS...you have FAILED

I stand by my original post....OSWALD KILLED JFK
Any other questions?

Why has there never been a full investigation into 9E?

Good Question

There has been. The FACTS show that AlQaeda terrorist hijacked four planes and flew them into buildings. The buildings fell down. FACT

9-11 was not an inside job....FACT

I assume you are talking about the CR (Commission Report). If that is true your claim it has been fully investigated is false. IE it has nothing about WTC 7, NIST never investigated the Twins but only did a Performance Report, the FAA never did an investigation on Flight 77, the testimonies of Bush, Cheney, and Mineta are no where in the CR.

Another question. Can you explain why the Bush admin suppressed evidence as quickly as possible while also working as hard as possible to avoid an investigation?

Okay, one more question. How could the CR be an investigation while it was performed by those who had agendas that prevented even a semi-objective approach? The CR is like XE investigating past actions of Blackwater.

One more. Bush claimed bin laden was responsible within a couple of days but to this day, approaching the ten year anniversary, he has never been charged. How could Bush claim to know who did it while not being able to provide evidence to support that claim?
Does Hoover say who shot JFK here? I asked for FACTS

Sorry, not good enough

Let me ask you something...why are you being such an asshole? Anyone that has looked at the evidence in this case and understands government, the political climate and the personalities involved in 1963 can clearly see there are too many anomalies and unscientific conclusions for the Warren Report to be considered a clear and solid case that Oswald acted alone. The Warren Report is for all intents and purposes J Edgar Hoover's FBI version of what happened. That conclusion was determined the moment Oswald expired. The forensic evidence is based on a botched autopsy performed by 2 pencil pushers that hadn't performed an autopsy since college labs.

Try for one moment to image what would have happened if the government had come out with a report saying:

The President of the United States of America was murdered at high noon on an American city street. One probable gunman has been apprehended, but other suspected gunman are unknown and still at large.

Lyndon Johnson's nuts would have been flown on the FBI flagpole the very next day.

Sorry Bfgrn....not good enough

Warren Commission provided FACTS - Who did it, How he did it, Why he did it, Where he did it, Murder weapon, bullet....

You have provided NO FACTS. You claim it was a conspiracy- Who was involved, Why did they do it, where was it done from, Where is the gun???

You have had 47 years to provide FACTS...you have FAILED

I stand by my original post....OSWALD KILLED JFK

I can't prove Oswald did or didn't kill the president. I am not the government, I am a concerned citizen. What I was requesting from you was a simple affirmation that you are completely clear that the Warren Report hinges completely on the single bullet theory. Specter himself said if you disprove the SBT the Commission's findings FAIL.

You ask for facts...let's START here with some facts that don't wash with the Warren Report:

Governor Connolly and his wife Nellie were adamant until their dying day that the first bullet hit the President and that Connolly was hit by a second or different bullet. The extremely invasive and destructive nature of Connolly's wounds would discount the Warren Commission's contention that Connolly had a delayed reaction to his injuries. Connolly described the impact as being hit in the back with a doubled up fist. The bullet collapsed his lung and ripped out 3 ribs. Only a person in a highly medicated state could possibly have a delayed reaction to those wounds.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM-q2YOsbrc]YouTube - Gov. Connally's Press Conference[/ame]
Why has there never been a full investigation into 9E?

Good Question

There has been. The FACTS show that AlQaeda terrorist hijacked four planes and flew them into buildings. The buildings fell down. FACT

9-11 was not an inside job....FACT

I assume you are talking about the CR (Commission Report). If that is true your claim it has been fully investigated is false. IE it has nothing about WTC 7, NIST never investigated the Twins but only did a Performance Report, the FAA never did an investigation on Flight 77, the testimonies of Bush, Cheney, and Mineta are no where in the CR.

Another question. Can you explain why the Bush admin suppressed evidence as quickly as possible while also working as hard as possible to avoid an investigation?

Okay, one more question. How could the CR be an investigation while it was performed by those who had agendas that prevented even a semi-objective approach? The CR is like XE investigating past actions of Blackwater.

One more. Bush claimed bin laden was responsible within a couple of days but to this day, approaching the ten year anniversary, he has never been charged. How could Bush claim to know who did it while not being able to provide evidence to support that claim?

Sorry.....The CR provides FACTS...Who did it, How they did it, Why they did it..

For you to prove 9-11 was an "inside job" you need to provide FACTS
Who did it, how they planted explosives, why they did it,

You have had eight years to gather FACTS

Provide information proving 9-11 was an inside job

Until then...I stand by my origingal post

9-11 was NOT and inside job
Let me ask you something...why are you being such an asshole? Anyone that has looked at the evidence in this case and understands government, the political climate and the personalities involved in 1963 can clearly see there are too many anomalies and unscientific conclusions for the Warren Report to be considered a clear and solid case that Oswald acted alone. The Warren Report is for all intents and purposes J Edgar Hoover's FBI version of what happened. That conclusion was determined the moment Oswald expired. The forensic evidence is based on a botched autopsy performed by 2 pencil pushers that hadn't performed an autopsy since college labs.

Try for one moment to image what would have happened if the government had come out with a report saying:

The President of the United States of America was murdered at high noon on an American city street. One probable gunman has been apprehended, but other suspected gunman are unknown and still at large.

Lyndon Johnson's nuts would have been flown on the FBI flagpole the very next day.

Sorry Bfgrn....not good enough

Warren Commission provided FACTS - Who did it, How he did it, Why he did it, Where he did it, Murder weapon, bullet....

You have provided NO FACTS. You claim it was a conspiracy- Who was involved, Why did they do it, where was it done from, Where is the gun???

You have had 47 years to provide FACTS...you have FAILED

I stand by my original post....OSWALD KILLED JFK

I can't prove Oswald did or didn't kill the president. I am not the government, I am a concerned citizen. What I was requesting from you was a simple affirmation that you are completely clear that the Warren Report hinges completely on the single bullet theory. Specter himself said if you disprove the SBT the Commission's findings FAIL.

You ask for facts...let's START here with some facts that don't wash with the Warren Report:

Governor Connolly and his wife Nellie were adamant until their dying day that the first bullet hit the President and that Connolly was hit by a second or different bullet. The extremely invasive and destructive nature of Connolly's wounds would discount the Warren Commission's contention that Connolly had a delayed reaction to his injuries. Connolly described the impact as being hit in the back with a doubled up fist. The bullet collapsed his lung and ripped out 3 ribs. Only a person in a highly medicated state could possibly have a delayed reaction to those wounds.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM-q2YOsbrc]YouTube - Gov. Connally's Press Conference[/ame]

Sorry....NOT good enough...I asked for FACTS and you provide OPINION

Prove that Oswald could not have done it, show other peoples fingerprints on the murder weapon, show a second weapon, show bullets from another weapon......You know....FACTS

Until then.....Oswald killed JFK
Sorry Bfgrn....not good enough

Warren Commission provided FACTS - Who did it, How he did it, Why he did it, Where he did it, Murder weapon, bullet....

You have provided NO FACTS. You claim it was a conspiracy- Who was involved, Why did they do it, where was it done from, Where is the gun???

You have had 47 years to provide FACTS...you have FAILED

I stand by my original post....OSWALD KILLED JFK

I can't prove Oswald did or didn't kill the president. I am not the government, I am a concerned citizen. What I was requesting from you was a simple affirmation that you are completely clear that the Warren Report hinges completely on the single bullet theory. Specter himself said if you disprove the SBT the Commission's findings FAIL.

You ask for facts...let's START here with some facts that don't wash with the Warren Report:

Governor Connolly and his wife Nellie were adamant until their dying day that the first bullet hit the President and that Connolly was hit by a second or different bullet. The extremely invasive and destructive nature of Connolly's wounds would discount the Warren Commission's contention that Connolly had a delayed reaction to his injuries. Connolly described the impact as being hit in the back with a doubled up fist. The bullet collapsed his lung and ripped out 3 ribs. Only a person in a highly medicated state could possibly have a delayed reaction to those wounds.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM-q2YOsbrc]YouTube - Gov. Connally's Press Conference[/ame]

Sorry....NOT good enough...I asked for FACTS and you provide OPINION

Prove that Oswald could not have done it, show other peoples fingerprints on the murder weapon, show a second weapon, show bullets from another weapon......You know....FACTS

Until then.....Oswald killed JFK

OK...You obviously attach some type of stigma to conspiracy theories...let's hear it?

BTW, your thread is blatantly flawed...if we follow your dogmatic thinking, the title SHOULD be:

Oswald killed JFK, 9-11 was not an inside job and OJ did NOT do it
I can't prove Oswald did or didn't kill the president. I am not the government, I am a concerned citizen. What I was requesting from you was a simple affirmation that you are completely clear that the Warren Report hinges completely on the single bullet theory. Specter himself said if you disprove the SBT the Commission's findings FAIL.

You ask for facts...let's START here with some facts that don't wash with the Warren Report:

Governor Connolly and his wife Nellie were adamant until their dying day that the first bullet hit the President and that Connolly was hit by a second or different bullet. The extremely invasive and destructive nature of Connolly's wounds would discount the Warren Commission's contention that Connolly had a delayed reaction to his injuries. Connolly described the impact as being hit in the back with a doubled up fist. The bullet collapsed his lung and ripped out 3 ribs. Only a person in a highly medicated state could possibly have a delayed reaction to those wounds.

YouTube - Gov. Connally's Press Conference

Sorry....NOT good enough...I asked for FACTS and you provide OPINION

Prove that Oswald could not have done it, show other peoples fingerprints on the murder weapon, show a second weapon, show bullets from another weapon......You know....FACTS

Until then.....Oswald killed JFK

OK...You obviously attach some type of stigma to conspiracy theories...let's hear it?

BTW, your thread is blatantly flawed...if we follow your dogmatic thinking, the title SHOULD be:

Oswald killed JFK, 9-11 was not an inside job and OJ did NOT do it

Sorry OJ Did it

Its simple Bfgrn.......You have a conspiracy.....provide FACTS of a conspiracy

Opinions are not FACTS.

Simply provide a name of who did kill JFK, an aliby that shows Oswald did not do it, a second rifle, a bullet fired from another rifle, a picture of a second shooter....you know FACTS

Until then.....Oswald killed JFK
Sorry....NOT good enough...I asked for FACTS and you provide OPINION

Prove that Oswald could not have done it, show other peoples fingerprints on the murder weapon, show a second weapon, show bullets from another weapon......You know....FACTS

Until then.....Oswald killed JFK

OK...You obviously attach some type of stigma to conspiracy theories...let's hear it?

BTW, your thread is blatantly flawed...if we follow your dogmatic thinking, the title SHOULD be:

Oswald killed JFK, 9-11 was not an inside job and OJ did NOT do it

Sorry OJ Did it

Its simple Bfgrn.......You have a conspiracy.....provide FACTS of a conspiracy

Opinions are not FACTS.

Simply provide a name of who did kill JFK, an aliby that shows Oswald did not do it, a second rifle, a bullet fired from another rifle, a picture of a second shooter....you know FACTS

Until then.....Oswald killed JFK

OK, we'll go with the state on the JFK assassination. But you don't get to pick & choose...OJ was found innocent by a court of law. PROVE he did it or retract your OPINION...
Sorry....NOT good enough...I asked for FACTS and you provide OPINION

Prove that Oswald could not have done it, show other peoples fingerprints on the murder weapon, show a second weapon, show bullets from another weapon......You know....FACTS

Until then.....Oswald killed JFK

OK...You obviously attach some type of stigma to conspiracy theories...let's hear it?

BTW, your thread is blatantly flawed...if we follow your dogmatic thinking, the title SHOULD be:

Oswald killed JFK, 9-11 was not an inside job and OJ did NOT do it

Sorry OJ Did it

Its simple Bfgrn.......You have a conspiracy.....provide FACTS of a conspiracy

Opinions are not FACTS.

Simply provide a name of who did kill JFK, an aliby that shows Oswald did not do it, a second rifle, a bullet fired from another rifle, a picture of a second shooter....you know FACTS

Until then.....Oswald killed JFK

Thats pretty much where I come down.

The memorandum is interesting but I read it as being something more concerned with the continuity of Government than a massive pre-planned coverup (hence --there was a fucking memo and scientists tell us that 98% of all stateside massive pre-planned coverups don't come with memos; least of which from high ranking government officials).

Allowance for too many WTFs also doom this theory in my book; Why not use Cubans and get full authority to snuff out Cuba 90 miles off the coast of Key West and bag some cigars? Why use someone that can scream out "I'm a Patsy" thus lending doubt to his guilt? I'd probably not have done that. Did you really want an ex-Marine (I think he was a marine) to be the gunman? Not exactly someone pulled from central casting.

Anyway, I'm not so bent out of shape about this as I am the truthers...probably because I'm 40+ years removed from it and those who are supposedly having their character assassinated are dead and buried and the current crew of faux twoofers are simply out to grab as much attention as possible (less profit motive from JFK conspiracy theorists I guess).
The current crop of conspiracy theorists never provide facts. They are only able to provide opinions and conjecture from their heroes and compadre's in lunacy.

The argument usually goes like this;

'normal person'- "I saw two planes fly into two towers on tv shortly before they caught fire and collapsed"

'twoofer'- "You are a governemnt disinformation agent, look at these YOUTUBE videos from alex jones and you will see indisputable proof that boooooosh orchestrated a military attack on the american people>"

'normal person-"your youtube videos from a skewed source provides proof of nothing. Do you have any evidence from a reliable source, such as the the US government or maybe a reliable news organization?"

'twoofer' - "Stop your *&^%#$ disinformation on my thread you (*&^&**@ piece of *&$% disinformation agent. Your a booooooosh dupe and a $#&*! ^&*(**# idiot! You are so stupid you can't ssee the truth!"

'normal person'- Where is your indisputable truth and why do you resort to insults and name calling. Do you want to discuss this or not?"

'twoofer'- "Go away, you won't address any of my indisputable facts and therefore are only here to disparage my stellar reputation. Everyone else knows what you refuse to acknowledge so that makes you a *@**^& *&*((@@ ******* !!!!!"

'normal person'- ":So.....do you actually have any evidence besides those YouTube videos? Is there any reputable news source investigating this or maybe a government agency?"

'twoofer'- ">posts link to russian news source saying boooooosh killled 3000 american citizens< "There is indisputable proof. The russian government is the only government on earth to print the truth because they care so much about the american public they are doing it as a public service. In your #@** face you &*(% of $%*** idiot Disinformation agent! Booooooosh orchestrated the attacks on 911 to justify an illegal war on the moslem world to take their oil. Everybody except you knows this and you are just too stupid to see it."

'normal person'- "Wait, the russian Government? You believe the Russian government over the US government? That's your proof a sitting president attacked and killed american people? Millions of people saw two planes hit two towers on Tv and you are on the side of the terrorists? That sounds like treason to me, light treason maybe, but treason. Why are you siding with terrorists?"

'twoofer'- "boooooosh attacked american people and you call me treasonous? *#@% ***& ($%^^ &&%%$## ^%$#@#$ *&%^$$. There, I win the argument and your a government dupe, so go away and let the adults talk, you *%$#@@ idiot!"

'normal person'- "I just asked for some kind of proof from a reputable source........."

'twoofer'- "You wont address any of the indisputable points I made, your only here to hijack the information I am trying to put out to save the american people. Go $%&* yourself $#@^&** idiot!"

'normal person'- "Ahhh, you really have not made any points as you simply posted opinion pieces from anti-government nutjobs and propaganda from anti-american government sources."

'twoofer'- "F**$ you You Piece of ***$ disinformation agent!"

And on and on it goes. We really should fix our schools.
Good Question

There has been. The FACTS show that AlQaeda terrorist hijacked four planes and flew them into buildings. The buildings fell down. FACT

9-11 was not an inside job....FACT

I assume you are talking about the CR (Commission Report). If that is true your claim it has been fully investigated is false. IE it has nothing about WTC 7, NIST never investigated the Twins but only did a Performance Report, the FAA never did an investigation on Flight 77, the testimonies of Bush, Cheney, and Mineta are no where in the CR.

Another question. Can you explain why the Bush admin suppressed evidence as quickly as possible while also working as hard as possible to avoid an investigation?

Okay, one more question. How could the CR be an investigation while it was performed by those who had agendas that prevented even a semi-objective approach? The CR is like XE investigating past actions of Blackwater.

One more. Bush claimed bin laden was responsible within a couple of days but to this day, approaching the ten year anniversary, he has never been charged. How could Bush claim to know who did it while not being able to provide evidence to support that claim?

Sorry.....The CR provides FACTS...Who did it, How they did it, Why they did it..

For you to prove 9-11 was an "inside job" you need to provide FACTS
Who did it, how they planted explosives, why they did it,

You have had eight years to gather FACTS

Provide information proving 9-11 was an inside job

Until then...I stand by my origingal post

9-11 was NOT and inside job

The Strawman shows up already? You asked if there were any questions so I responded by asking why there has never been a full investigation into 9E?
You respond by claiming there has been a full investigation but you did not support that claim and you ignored the other questions.

You are trying to dodge supporting your claims and at the same time falsely accuse me of a claim I did not make.

Why start a thread asking if there are any questions only to ignore them?
OK...You obviously attach some type of stigma to conspiracy theories...let's hear it?

BTW, your thread is blatantly flawed...if we follow your dogmatic thinking, the title SHOULD be:

Oswald killed JFK, 9-11 was not an inside job and OJ did NOT do it

Sorry OJ Did it

Its simple Bfgrn.......You have a conspiracy.....provide FACTS of a conspiracy

Opinions are not FACTS.

Simply provide a name of who did kill JFK, an aliby that shows Oswald did not do it, a second rifle, a bullet fired from another rifle, a picture of a second shooter....you know FACTS

Until then.....Oswald killed JFK

Thats pretty much where I come down.

The memorandum is interesting but I read it as being something more concerned with the continuity of Government than a massive pre-planned coverup (hence --there was a fucking memo and scientists tell us that 98% of all stateside massive pre-planned coverups don't come with memos; least of which from high ranking government officials).

Allowance for too many WTFs also doom this theory in my book; Why not use Cubans and get full authority to snuff out Cuba 90 miles off the coast of Key West and bag some cigars? Why use someone that can scream out "I'm a Patsy" thus lending doubt to his guilt? I'd probably not have done that. Did you really want an ex-Marine (I think he was a marine) to be the gunman? Not exactly someone pulled from central casting.

Anyway, I'm not so bent out of shape about this as I am the truthers...probably because I'm 40+ years removed from it and those who are supposedly having their character assassinated are dead and buried and the current crew of faux twoofers are simply out to grab as much attention as possible (less profit motive from JFK conspiracy theorists I guess).

My problem with the assassination of President Kennedy and the official state version of the truth is that the evidence doesn't support the conclusion.

If you are going to play the 'why, why not' card, then why would the Warren Commission start with the single bullet theory. That should have evolved after exhaustive investigations into the most likely explanation...a second gunman. The overwhelming evidence points to different bullets hitting the president and the Governor. The Warren Commission reminds me of the Emperor's New Clothes.

I will provide some facts that should create a great deal of doubt in any thinking person.

The Warren Commission never examined autopsy photos of the president's wounds. They were provided artist renderings (CE385, 86) of his wounds produced by H.A. Rydberg under the direction of JFK autopsy physician Dr. James Humes, these drawings made by Rydberg represent the Commission's view of the paths of two bullets that struck Kennedy....

Here is the official version of the truth

Warren Commission Exhibits...the state's version of the President's wounds...




Here is the autopsy face sheet (note the location of the body wound (7x4) that is the SBT first wound)


Here is the President's jacket and shirt...



Here is an autopsy photo of the back wound...


Here is the Death Certificate signed by the President's personal physician Dr. Burkley. Note the description of the second wound 'in the posterior back at about the level of the thrird thoracic vertebra'



You don't need to be a doctor or a scientist to see the anomalies and contradictions...

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