Oswald killed JFK, 9-11 was not an inside job and OJ did it

I have Oswald at the scene, I have Oswald's gun, I have Oswalds bullet, I have a motive... I have FACTS

Give me some FACTS that Oswald could not have done it. Who did it? Why? How did they do it? From where?

I need FACTS of a conspiracy...

otherwise its "Oswald shot JFK".... FACT
Sorry.... we are discussing that Oswald killed JFK. Oswalds gun, Oswalds bullet, Oswalds place of work You need FACTS
Show that someone else did it. FACTS are needed on this thread

Here's what you can do...you have the official state version...go with it...we really shouldn't question our government...they never lie to us...

I stated Oswald killed JFK

You dispute. Give me FACTS

- Who did it?
- Why?
- How did they do it?

I demand FACTS to take you seriously. You have had 47 years now....lets see some FACTS

that seems to be a common problem with people that believe in conspiracy theories. they think a fact consists of saying "it is impossible for (insert various facts here) to have happened".

it is impossible for a steel building to collapse. (but it did)
it is impossible for oswald to have fired that accurately. (but he did)

denying something that happened actually can happen is NOT a fact. its a delusion. :cuckoo:
I have Oswald at the scene, I have Oswald's gun, I have Oswalds bullet, I have a motive... I have FACTS

Give me some FACTS that Oswald could not have done it. Who did it? Why? How did they do it? From where?

I need FACTS of a conspiracy...

otherwise its "Oswald shot JFK".... FACT

by motive, you're saying Oswald was part of the "Hands off Cuba" movement? and a devout communist?
Yes; I actually do. Like the 9/11 Commission Report, it simply makes the most sense. Other scenarios do not hold water.

As with all conspiracies, if there is a better version; please let us hear it...that isn't directed at you but to all who dismiss the official investigations.

I'd be willing to discuss the JFK assassination with you as long as you are serious. First of all, the JFK assassination has no relation or correlation with the events on 9/11. They are separate events that should not be blanketed or lumped as 'conspiracy theories'...

I don't know who killed President Kennedy, but I DO know the physical, medical, forensic and eyewitness evidence does not add up to a lone gunman firing a bolt action rifle from the 6th floor of the TSBD building.

How familiar are you with the event?


The story goes that Oswald fired from the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository. He fired 3 shots; 2 hits if I recall.

Then he went home, got his revolver and shot officer Tippitt (sp?). During which he took something like three cabs or a bus and 2 cabs or something. Anyway he went into a theater and then was arrested by cops.

A few days later, he was being transferred somewhere and Jack Ruby killed him.

Meanwhile, on a gurney at Parkland hospital, a bullet is found--a pristine bullet--that was thought to account for all but what was thought to be the fatal blow.

What has always got me was, if I recall correctly, he yelled "I'm a patsy" during one of the transfers inside the Dallas PD. That always struck me as odd because it seems as though I would have yelled "I didn't do it" or something like that. The "I'm a patsy" proclamation always struck me as odd.

Now, about the Commission Report--the Warren Commission Report (I'll have to remember that we're not taking about Kean and Hamilton), to not believe it is to believe that there was a cover-up of massive proportions; one that has gone one to this day--47 years later if I recall. During that time, there were GOP administrations, DNC administrations, members of the Warren Commission have elevated to the highest office in the land (Gerald Ford) nobody brought up any deep dark secrets from his days on the Commission. Now he came to power in a crisis environment but he did run in 1976 and wasn't brought down by some sort of deep dark secret. Arlen Specter has been in the Senate forever; nobody is holding anything over his head. He even switched parties.

Thousands of books written on the subject; dozens of movies, the best minds in government, the private sector, party politics, etc... have all looked at it and nobody came up with a better scenario than the Warren Commission.

I think what also secures the argument for the side of the Commission making sense is Oswald himself. Why not use Cubans--a team of them? It seems to me that using real life patsies would be the order of the day. Oswald as the trigger man; 2 Cubans whose families are taken care of for life as patsies who spend the rest of their lives getting 3 hots and a cot which is probably better than they got in Cuba.... I don't know how having an ex Marine (I think Oswald was in the Corps) as your patsy helps the war effort. I don't know how having one guy kill another guy to keep him from talking and having that guy remain in jail for a long time (13 years I remember) was particularly useful....

If you're going to have patsies...use patsies...willing patsies. Undereducated non-English speaking Cubans; who is going to believe them when they scream about being patsies? Whose going to look up their records in good old Cuba? Fidel will deny it...I'm sure we all will believe the local dictator....how did Saddam's denials about WMDs--ones that were true--serve him?

You also kill 2 birds with one stone; you take out Cuba which Kennedy wanted to do anyway and you get a war with Commies at the same time. If you believe he was killed to propagate warfare...why not do something that would give you 2 wars instead of one...as a risk to the troops? LOL

Anyway; lets see what you got. I'm not sure I'm going to be much of a sparring partner on this one. I don't feel too strongly about the subject.

Actually there was a conspiracy by the White House, the Justice Department and the FBI. It is not a deep or a dark secret. It is crystal clear and very straight forward.

Here is a memo sent three days after the President's death and one day after Oswald was deceased. It was sent by Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach to Bill Moyers (PBS guy) who was special assistant to the President (Johnson).

Memo from Nicholas deB. Katzenbach, Deputy Attorney General

November 25, 1963


It is important that all of the facts surrounding President Kennedy's Assassination be made public in a way which will satisfy people in the United States and abroad that all the facts have been told and that a statement to this effect be made now.

1. The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that the evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial.

2. Speculation about Oswald's motivation ought to be cut off, and we should have some basis for rebutting thought that this was a Communist conspiracy or (as the Iron Curtain press is saying) a right-wing conspiracy to blame it on the Communists. Unfortunately the facts on Oswald seem about too pat-- too obvious (Marxist, Cuba, Russian wife, etc.). The Dallas police have put out statements on the Communist conspiracy theory, and it was they who were in charge when he was shot and thus silenced.

3. The matter has been handled thus far with neither dignity nor conviction. Facts have been mixed with rumour and speculation. We can scarcely let the world see us totally in the image of the Dallas police when our President is murdered.

I think this objective may be satisfied by making public as soon as possible a complete and thorough FBI report on Oswald and the assassination. This may run into the difficulty of pointing to in- consistencies between this report and statements by Dallas police officials. But the reputation of the Bureau is such that it may do the whole job. The only other step would be the appointment of a Presidential Commission of unimpeachable personnel to review and examine the evidence and announce its conclusions. This has both advantages and disadvantages. It think it can await publication of the FBI report and public reaction to it here and abroad.

I think, however, that a statement that all the facts will be made public property in an orderly and responsible way should be made now. We need something to head off public speculation or Congressional hearings of the wrong sort.

Nicholas deB. Katzenbach

Deputy Attorney General

Katzenbach Memo
I'd be willing to discuss the JFK assassination with you as long as you are serious. First of all, the JFK assassination has no relation or correlation with the events on 9/11. They are separate events that should not be blanketed or lumped as 'conspiracy theories'...

I don't know who killed President Kennedy, but I DO know the physical, medical, forensic and eyewitness evidence does not add up to a lone gunman firing a bolt action rifle from the 6th floor of the TSBD building.

How familiar are you with the event?


The story goes that Oswald fired from the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository. He fired 3 shots; 2 hits if I recall.

Then he went home, got his revolver and shot officer Tippitt (sp?). During which he took something like three cabs or a bus and 2 cabs or something. Anyway he went into a theater and then was arrested by cops.

A few days later, he was being transferred somewhere and Jack Ruby killed him.

Meanwhile, on a gurney at Parkland hospital, a bullet is found--a pristine bullet--that was thought to account for all but what was thought to be the fatal blow.

What has always got me was, if I recall correctly, he yelled "I'm a patsy" during one of the transfers inside the Dallas PD. That always struck me as odd because it seems as though I would have yelled "I didn't do it" or something like that. The "I'm a patsy" proclamation always struck me as odd.

Now, about the Commission Report--the Warren Commission Report (I'll have to remember that we're not taking about Kean and Hamilton), to not believe it is to believe that there was a cover-up of massive proportions; one that has gone one to this day--47 years later if I recall. During that time, there were GOP administrations, DNC administrations, members of the Warren Commission have elevated to the highest office in the land (Gerald Ford) nobody brought up any deep dark secrets from his days on the Commission. Now he came to power in a crisis environment but he did run in 1976 and wasn't brought down by some sort of deep dark secret. Arlen Specter has been in the Senate forever; nobody is holding anything over his head. He even switched parties.

Thousands of books written on the subject; dozens of movies, the best minds in government, the private sector, party politics, etc... have all looked at it and nobody came up with a better scenario than the Warren Commission.

I think what also secures the argument for the side of the Commission making sense is Oswald himself. Why not use Cubans--a team of them? It seems to me that using real life patsies would be the order of the day. Oswald as the trigger man; 2 Cubans whose families are taken care of for life as patsies who spend the rest of their lives getting 3 hots and a cot which is probably better than they got in Cuba.... I don't know how having an ex Marine (I think Oswald was in the Corps) as your patsy helps the war effort. I don't know how having one guy kill another guy to keep him from talking and having that guy remain in jail for a long time (13 years I remember) was particularly useful....

If you're going to have patsies...use patsies...willing patsies. Undereducated non-English speaking Cubans; who is going to believe them when they scream about being patsies? Whose going to look up their records in good old Cuba? Fidel will deny it...I'm sure we all will believe the local dictator....how did Saddam's denials about WMDs--ones that were true--serve him?

You also kill 2 birds with one stone; you take out Cuba which Kennedy wanted to do anyway and you get a war with Commies at the same time. If you believe he was killed to propagate warfare...why not do something that would give you 2 wars instead of one...as a risk to the troops? LOL

Anyway; lets see what you got. I'm not sure I'm going to be much of a sparring partner on this one. I don't feel too strongly about the subject.

Actually there was a conspiracy by the White House, the Justice Department and the FBI. It is not a deep or a dark secret. It is crystal clear and very straight forward.

Here is a memo sent three days after the President's death and one day after Oswald was deceased. It was sent by Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach to Bill Moyers (PBS guy) who was special assistant to the President (Johnson).

Memo from Nicholas deB. Katzenbach, Deputy Attorney General

November 25, 1963


It is important that all of the facts surrounding President Kennedy's Assassination be made public in a way which will satisfy people in the United States and abroad that all the facts have been told and that a statement to this effect be made now.

1. The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that the evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial.

2. Speculation about Oswald's motivation ought to be cut off, and we should have some basis for rebutting thought that this was a Communist conspiracy or (as the Iron Curtain press is saying) a right-wing conspiracy to blame it on the Communists. Unfortunately the facts on Oswald seem about too pat-- too obvious (Marxist, Cuba, Russian wife, etc.). The Dallas police have put out statements on the Communist conspiracy theory, and it was they who were in charge when he was shot and thus silenced.

3. The matter has been handled thus far with neither dignity nor conviction. Facts have been mixed with rumour and speculation. We can scarcely let the world see us totally in the image of the Dallas police when our President is murdered.

I think this objective may be satisfied by making public as soon as possible a complete and thorough FBI report on Oswald and the assassination. This may run into the difficulty of pointing to in- consistencies between this report and statements by Dallas police officials. But the reputation of the Bureau is such that it may do the whole job. The only other step would be the appointment of a Presidential Commission of unimpeachable personnel to review and examine the evidence and announce its conclusions. This has both advantages and disadvantages. It think it can await publication of the FBI report and public reaction to it here and abroad.

I think, however, that a statement that all the facts will be made public property in an orderly and responsible way should be made now. We need something to head off public speculation or Congressional hearings of the wrong sort.

Nicholas deB. Katzenbach

Deputy Attorney General

Katzenbach Memo

It sounds like Katzenbach wanted to stuff the investigation. I'm not sure how that implicates the White House, FBI and Justice Departments. At any rate, you need to name conspirators IMHO.
Sorry.... we are discussing that Oswald killed JFK. Oswalds gun, Oswalds bullet, Oswalds place of work You need FACTS
Show that someone else did it. FACTS are needed on this thread

Here's what you can do...you have the official state version...go with it...we really shouldn't question our government...they never lie to us...

I stated Oswald killed JFK

You dispute. Give me FACTS

- Who did it?
- Why?
- How did they do it?

I demand FACTS to take you seriously. You have had 47 years now....lets see some FACTS

I gave you a FACT...the Warren Commission's conclusion that Oswald was the lone assassin hinges COMPLETELY on the single bullet theory. Without one bullet striking the President and Governor Connolly there HAS to be at least one more gunman. That would make it a conspiracy: an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.

If you can't comprehend this FACT, or if you are unacquainted with this case and the evidence then we don't have a starting point...just your bluster and obstinate posturing.

I don't know if Oswald was one of the gunman, but the evidence points to more than one gunman and that the single bullet theory is a fabrication.
Here's what you can do...you have the official state version...go with it...we really shouldn't question our government...they never lie to us...

I stated Oswald killed JFK

You dispute. Give me FACTS

- Who did it?
- Why?
- How did they do it?

I demand FACTS to take you seriously. You have had 47 years now....lets see some FACTS

I gave you a FACT...the Warren Commission's conclusion that Oswald was the lone assassin hinges COMPLETELY on the single bullet theory. Without one bullet striking the President and Governor Connolly there HAS to be at least one more gunman. That would make it a conspiracy: an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.

If you can't comprehend this FACT, or if you are unacquainted with this case and the evidence then we don't have a starting point...just your bluster and obstinate posturing.

I don't know if Oswald was one of the gunman, but the evidence points to more than one gunman and that the single bullet theory is a fabrication.

So, where are the other bullet(s) from the 2nd gunman?
I stated Oswald killed JFK

You dispute. Give me FACTS

- Who did it?
- Why?
- How did they do it?

I demand FACTS to take you seriously. You have had 47 years now....lets see some FACTS

I gave you a FACT...the Warren Commission's conclusion that Oswald was the lone assassin hinges COMPLETELY on the single bullet theory. Without one bullet striking the President and Governor Connolly there HAS to be at least one more gunman. That would make it a conspiracy: an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.

If you can't comprehend this FACT, or if you are unacquainted with this case and the evidence then we don't have a starting point...just your bluster and obstinate posturing.

I don't know if Oswald was one of the gunman, but the evidence points to more than one gunman and that the single bullet theory is a fabrication.

So, where are the other bullet(s) from the 2nd gunman?

Unfortunately the murder of our President, the crime of the century, was a badly handled investigation. There aren't even enough bullets to match the number of wounds.

I don't have access to all the evidence. Some of it is still not even available. It was locked away. Obviously I can't provide absolute proof there was another gunman. But if you are a reasonable person that has even a yeoman's understanding of evidence, the case falls apart rather quickly when you look at the physical evidence relating to the President's wounds and the single bullet theory...

BTW, here is a FACT...

A Congressional Investigation from 1976-1979 found a "probable conspiracy" in the assassination of John F. Kennedy and recommended the Justice Department investigate further. As of 1991, the Justice Department has done nothing. The files of the House Select Committee on Assassinations are locked away until the year 2029.
Do you believe the state's version of the JFK assassination, the Warren Report?


There's an acid test for you!

If one "believes" the Warren Commission Report, then one is a "statist!"


You are a punk.

The sad news is, JFK WAS murdered. There MAY be SOME reason to doubt some parts of the Warren Commission conclusion to the effect that it was all done by that one gunman, Oswald.

On the other hand, even putting Arlen Shithead Sphincter's "magic bullet" theory aside, if one actually takes an honest and informed look at the bone fragments from the late President's skull, it is clear that he WAS shot from behind. The "kill shot" did strike him from behind, not from in front.

I have my reservations about some of the other things "determined" by the Warren Commission. But unlike you, I do not conclude from those doubts that it "must have been" a conspiracy engaged in by elements within the gubmint.

WOW...you really are an ignorant asshole... how do you you come to THAT conclusion of what I believe?

Because you are such a tool, it seems like the kind of loopey-ass shit you'd buy.

Simple answer, asswipe. Either the Warren Commission Report is pure coverup or they got some things right.

Which is it in your view?
Any other questions?

Explain the wounds in the president that do not line up with the SBT and the Warren Report.

Did you ever question or consider WHY the Warren Commission relocated the back wound that the autopsy, the President's personal physician and the President's clothing place at the 3rd thoracic vertebrae. But the Warren Commission relocated it upward and to the right and renamed it as a neck wound?

Did you ever reconcile the consistent observations of all the Dallas doctors recollection of a massive exit wound in the rear of the President's skull with the Warren Commission's tiny entrance wound near the colic area?

Did you ever consider that a bullet from above right entering the skull in the colic area would exit the President's face?

Sorry...insufficient evidence of a conspiracy.

You need to provide proof

Wow. Yet again rightwinger said something that qualifies as flat-out intelligent and rational.
I gave you a FACT...the Warren Commission's conclusion that Oswald was the lone assassin hinges COMPLETELY on the single bullet theory. Without one bullet striking the President and Governor Connolly there HAS to be at least one more gunman. That would make it a conspiracy: an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.

If you can't comprehend this FACT, or if you are unacquainted with this case and the evidence then we don't have a starting point...just your bluster and obstinate posturing.

I don't know if Oswald was one of the gunman, but the evidence points to more than one gunman and that the single bullet theory is a fabrication.

So, where are the other bullet(s) from the 2nd gunman?

Unfortunately the murder of our President, the crime of the century, was a badly handled investigation. There aren't even enough bullets to match the number of wounds.

I don't have access to all the evidence. Some of it is still not even available. It was locked away. Obviously I can't provide absolute proof there was another gunman. But if you are a reasonable person that has even a yeoman's understanding of evidence, the case falls apart rather quickly when you look at the physical evidence relating to the President's wounds and the single bullet theory...

BTW, here is a FACT...

A Congressional Investigation from 1976-1979 found a "probable conspiracy" in the assassination of John F. Kennedy and recommended the Justice Department investigate further. As of 1991, the Justice Department has done nothing. The files of the House Select Committee on Assassinations are locked away until the year 2029.

Interesting theories but very hard for me to believe that someone found a bullet at Dealey (sp?) plaza or in the limo or in their bodies, and kept it quiet for all these years. I do recall hearing a lot of speculation about a tall wooden fence on top of the grassy knoll where a 2nd gunman may have been but it was all speculation.

One thing I believe that everybody can agree on is that Oswald was involved in some way shape or form. If he was framed, someone went through an enormous amount of time and trouble to do it; it would have been easier to hire two Cubans.

There's an acid test for you!

If one "believes" the Warren Commission Report, then one is a "statist!"


You are a punk.

The sad news is, JFK WAS murdered. There MAY be SOME reason to doubt some parts of the Warren Commission conclusion to the effect that it was all done by that one gunman, Oswald.

On the other hand, even putting Arlen Shithead Sphincter's "magic bullet" theory aside, if one actually takes an honest and informed look at the bone fragments from the late President's skull, it is clear that he WAS shot from behind. The "kill shot" did strike him from behind, not from in front.

I have my reservations about some of the other things "determined" by the Warren Commission. But unlike you, I do not conclude from those doubts that it "must have been" a conspiracy engaged in by elements within the gubmint.

WOW...you really are an ignorant asshole... how do you you come to THAT conclusion of what I believe?

Because you are such a tool, it seems like the kind of loopey-ass shit you'd buy.

Simple answer, asswipe. Either the Warren Commission Report is pure coverup or they got some things right.

Which is it in your view?

Simple minded people with an obvious personality disorder always think in polarized terms. That would be you...

The Warren Commission was flawed. They didn't do their own independent investigation. Instead they relied on the FBI for evidence. They never even viewed the autopsy pictures, instead, they relied on artist renderings that moved wounds to match the SBT, but they don't match the physical holes in the President or the garments he was wearing.

So YOU can draw your own conclusions Einstein...
WOW...you really are an ignorant asshole... how do you you come to THAT conclusion of what I believe?

Because you are such a tool, it seems like the kind of loopey-ass shit you'd buy.

Simple answer, asswipe. Either the Warren Commission Report is pure coverup or they got some things right.

Which is it in your view?

Simple minded people with an obvious personality disorder always think in polarized terms. That would be you...

The Warren Commission was flawed. They didn't do their own independent investigation. Instead they relied on the FBI for evidence. They never even viewed the autopsy pictures, instead, they relied on artist renderings that moved wounds to match the SBT, but they don't match the physical holes in the President or the garments he was wearing.

So YOU can draw your own conclusions Einstein...

So they shouldn't have trusted the FBI...is THAT what you're saying?
Because you are such a tool, it seems like the kind of loopey-ass shit you'd buy.

Simple answer, asswipe. Either the Warren Commission Report is pure coverup or they got some things right.

Which is it in your view?

Simple minded people with an obvious personality disorder always think in polarized terms. That would be you...

The Warren Commission was flawed. They didn't do their own independent investigation. Instead they relied on the FBI for evidence. They never even viewed the autopsy pictures, instead, they relied on artist renderings that moved wounds to match the SBT, but they don't match the physical holes in the President or the garments he was wearing.

So YOU can draw your own conclusions Einstein...

So they shouldn't have trusted the FBI...is THAT what you're saying?

Yes. That's what I'm saying. LBJ and J Edgar Hoover originally wanted to have the FBI issue a report and have that suffice, but they knew it was likely Congress would launch their own investigations so the Warren Commission was convened to prevent that. It would have paralyzed governing and opened the FBI up to questions and criticism.

I don't know your knowledge base of J Edgar Hoover who WAS the FBI until his death. Protecting his beloved bureau was always paramount to the director. The guy actually denied there was a such thing as the mafia, because his beloved bureau couldn't control organized crime. There is no way Hoover would ever let the case end any other way then ...'we got our man'

Let's go back to a key sentence in the memo from the DOJ to the WH:

1. The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that the evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial.

Here are some comments from Warren Commission members:

“John McCloy: … the time is almost overdue for us to have a better perspective of the FBI investigation than we now have … We are so dependent on them for our facts … .

Commission counsel J. Lee Rankin: Part of our difficulty in regard to it is that they have no problem. They have decided that no one else is involved … .

Senator Richard Russell: They have tried the case and reached a verdict on every aspect.

Senator Hale Boggs: You have put your finger on it. (Closed Warren Commission meeting.)”[130]
Simple minded people with an obvious personality disorder always think in polarized terms. That would be you...

The Warren Commission was flawed. They didn't do their own independent investigation. Instead they relied on the FBI for evidence. They never even viewed the autopsy pictures, instead, they relied on artist renderings that moved wounds to match the SBT, but they don't match the physical holes in the President or the garments he was wearing.

So YOU can draw your own conclusions Einstein...

So they shouldn't have trusted the FBI...is THAT what you're saying?

Yes. That's what I'm saying. LBJ and J Edgar Hoover originally wanted to have the FBI issue a report and have that suffice, but they knew it was likely Congress would launch their own investigations so the Warren Commission was convened to prevent that. It would have paralyzed governing and opened the FBI up to questions and criticism.

I don't know your knowledge base of J Edgar Hoover who WAS the FBI until his death. Protecting his beloved bureau was always paramount to the director. The guy actually denied there was a such thing as the mafia, because his beloved bureau couldn't control organized crime. There is no way Hoover would ever let the case end any other way then ...'we got our man'

Let's go back to a key sentence in the memo from the DOJ to the WH:

1. The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that the evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial.

Here are some comments from Warren Commission members:

“John McCloy: … the time is almost overdue for us to have a better perspective of the FBI investigation than we now have … We are so dependent on them for our facts … .

Commission counsel J. Lee Rankin: Part of our difficulty in regard to it is that they have no problem. They have decided that no one else is involved … .

Senator Richard Russell: They have tried the case and reached a verdict on every aspect.

Senator Hale Boggs: You have put your finger on it. (Closed Warren Commission meeting.)”[130]

Okay. Thanks.
So they shouldn't have trusted the FBI...is THAT what you're saying?

Yes. That's what I'm saying. LBJ and J Edgar Hoover originally wanted to have the FBI issue a report and have that suffice, but they knew it was likely Congress would launch their own investigations so the Warren Commission was convened to prevent that. It would have paralyzed governing and opened the FBI up to questions and criticism.

I don't know your knowledge base of J Edgar Hoover who WAS the FBI until his death. Protecting his beloved bureau was always paramount to the director. The guy actually denied there was a such thing as the mafia, because his beloved bureau couldn't control organized crime. There is no way Hoover would ever let the case end any other way then ...'we got our man'

Let's go back to a key sentence in the memo from the DOJ to the WH:

1. The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that the evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial.

Here are some comments from Warren Commission members:

“John McCloy: … the time is almost overdue for us to have a better perspective of the FBI investigation than we now have … We are so dependent on them for our facts … .

Commission counsel J. Lee Rankin: Part of our difficulty in regard to it is that they have no problem. They have decided that no one else is involved … .

Senator Richard Russell: They have tried the case and reached a verdict on every aspect.

Senator Hale Boggs: You have put your finger on it. (Closed Warren Commission meeting.)”[130]

Okay. Thanks.

Here's a phone conversation between LBJ and Hoover on November 29, 1963

J_ EDGAR HOOVER PHONE CALL (NOVEMBER 29, 1963)(PART 1) | NowPublic Video Archives
oh and what about Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, and Jimi Hendrix?
Any other questions?

You want to hear something really strange?

"rightwinger" was right on the money in that OP. There. I said it.

Now for something almost impossible to imagine. I kid you not:

Even the ever imbecilic, vile, loathsome and repulsive scumbag piece of total shit, Yukon, noted almost the exact same thing today.


You are the biggest scum bag on the board.
ah, projection
it's not just for troofers
Here's what you can do...you have the official state version...go with it...we really shouldn't question our government...they never lie to us...

I stated Oswald killed JFK

You dispute. Give me FACTS

- Who did it?
- Why?
- How did they do it?

I demand FACTS to take you seriously. You have had 47 years now....lets see some FACTS

I gave you a FACT...the Warren Commission's conclusion that Oswald was the lone assassin hinges COMPLETELY on the single bullet theory. Without one bullet striking the President and Governor Connolly there HAS to be at least one more gunman. That would make it a conspiracy: an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.

If you can't comprehend this FACT, or if you are unacquainted with this case and the evidence then we don't have a starting point...just your bluster and obstinate posturing.

I don't know if Oswald was one of the gunman, but the evidence points to more than one gunman and that the single bullet theory is a fabrication.

Sorry...Not good enough, provide the information requested

The title on the thread is "Oswald killed JFK" if you provide me another name and provide FACTS not opinion I will change the title

Show me WHO did it?
Why they did it?
How they did it?
Where they did it from?

Warren Commission did all this, you have had 47 years to find FACTS, until you do...

The thread remains "Oswald killed JFK"

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