Othello: Melania's Decameron


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-elegy about First Lady Melania Trump, and it's inspired by The Contender and The Celebrity Apprentice.

Signing off,



"U.S. First Lady Melania Trump (wife of U.S. President Donald Trump) admired her extremely successful husband's achievements in capitalism and American society. Donald was a prosperous capitalism-baron and even hosted his the enterprise-imaginative TV show The Celebrity Apprentice (about aspiring businesspeople trying to land a lucrative position at a company owned by a prominent/celebrity businessman) and now he was the American President. Melania considered how supporting her husband's achievements required a serious appreciation of 'capitalism aesthetics'."


"Melania invited two esteemed Chinese Othello board-game players to the White House to play with strategies (in front of the camera!) relevant to capitalism strategy and thinking. Melania hyped the media event as a 'capitalism celebration.' The two Othello players were Han Lee and Charlie Yang. Since Othello is a complex game involving opposing black-and-white pieces on a matrix-board attempting to use alignment advantages to create barricading movements, Yang and Lee wanted to create a gaming scenario in which their pieces would be arrayed so that they would create a '4-corner pattern' (since capitalism is basically an 'arrangement system'). Melania appreciated how Yang and Lee were playing a game representative of modern capitalism industriousness!"


"After the successful White House media event involving Yang and Lee's exciting (and symbolic!) Othello game, Melania was approached by a comic book writer/artist named John Joo who wanted to create a series of stories and drawings depicting the First Lady as the Marvel Comics anti-heroine Black Cat (real name: Felicia Hardy). Felicia became a vigilante/anti-heroine and fashioned herself a cat-like costume and called herself 'Black Cat' and represented modern fears of urban terrorism. Joo wanted to make stories/drawings of Melania as Black Cat, prowling around Washington compelling citizens to re-evaluate the significance of law and order in the age of raw capitalism ambition (i.e., Wall Street). Melania loved the idea and approved Joo's idea. Joo's capitalism-magnification Melania/Black Cat storyboards for Marvel became very popular!"


"As expected, Melania's husband, President Trump, took note of all the newfound spotlight afforded to the First Lady, so he began tweeting statements such as, 'The First Lady has a right to embrace capitalism aesthetics and then in turn be hyped as a diplomat of capitalism ornamentation, which is why I'd like consumerism marketing specialists to talk about my wife's ethics-oriented stance on the sale of ambition/ruthlessness themed toys such as water-guns and military video-games.' President Trump considered Melania's capitalism-diplomacy spotlight a symbol/manifestation of 'media magic'."


"As all this was going on, sports-writers were saying that the modern age sociocultural investment in the broadcasting of college (NCAA) sports represented a new age civilization focus on teamwork consciousness and academic valuation. How would competitive (and profitable!) sports and education be balanced in this new age of commerce-oriented culture (e.g., Amazon.com)? President Trump tweeted, 'I love seeing African-American college basketball players shine and reveal our love of social cohesion'!" Trump had always been concerned about athletes taking illegal performance-enhancing drugs/steroids to meet the requirements of a success-based media society. Would Melania Trump be enthusiastic about commercial patriotism?"


"Acid-rain was the biggest anathema standing in the way of capitalism patriotism. Industrialization related eco-pollution created levels of undesirable acidic coatings in Earth's atmospheric moisture (leading to acid-rain). If President Trump or the First Lady talked about the 'general glories' of capitalism, naysayers would talk about the anathema of acid-rain and why eco-consciousness stood firmly against the modernism problem of mismanaged factories. Would Melania nevertheless be considered a diplomat of 'capitalism spirituality'?"


GOD: It seems capitalism is an 'advertisement system.'
SATAN: It requires much hype.
GOD: Is Wall Street frail?
SATAN: It's certainly corruptible.
GOD: That's why terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center.
SATAN: Maybe President Trump will bring back 'capitalism-flowery.'
GOD: Well, he's the first celebrity-prez since Ronald Reagan.
SATAN: Yeah, but Reagan gave America Reaganomics...
GOD: Maybe 'Trumponomics' will be more 'civil.'
SATAN: Maybe Melania Trump will be respected as a capitalism cheerleader.
GOD: Critics want to say things like, "We don't want token-capitalists to be diplomats!"
SATAN: That's why Yang and Lee's symbolic Othello-game at the White House was nifty.
GOD: Yes, Melania had the good idea to use the media to celebrate capitalism-patriotism.
SATAN: Are you a fan of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (TV)?
GOD: Yes, I like that show...I'd wager that Melania and Donald Trump like it too...
SATAN: We can use the media to promote/market capitalism aesthetics.
GOD: It's interesting that the real-estate board-game Monopoly is a popular iPhone app.
SATAN: Monopoly (Parker Brothers) represents capitalism-daydreams.
GOD: Are daydreams alright in this age of commerce-based intellectualism?
SATAN: Sure! Toys 'R Us doesn't damage 'American academics.'
GOD: But are kids playing too many video-games?
SATAN: I suppose we have to balance consumerism with supervision.
GOD: Melania Trump will certainly be remembered as a 'culture-diplomat.'
SATAN: Let's go watch Brewster's Millions on Netflix!




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