Other Monuments to Slave Owners We Must Also Tear Down

So what do we do with the Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial and Mount Rushmore?
And you are truly the dumbest fuck on the planet if you believe this ISN'T where we will eventually head.

We won't head there, because we'll keep exposing and humiliating you. If you go out in public again, you better put the sheets back on.

That's why you're crying. Your free pass to behave badly has expired, and you don't know any other way to behave.

"We", who's we? You mean you and your brethren who have been out rioting in places like Berkeley and Portland?

And I've got news for you, whether you personally "head there" or not, you are a knuckle-dragging imbecile if you don't realize they're are many in your ranks that would love to see founders like Washington and Jefferson completely illegitmized in the future.
They were after all, slave owners, so it's simply a matter of time before your alt-left brethren focus on their names around the country.
Right now for instance, there are places around the country where there are calls to remove 'Woodrow Wilson's' name from schools, and other government buildings.
Your side will eventually come for the big fish such as Washington and Jefferson.
I find it very humorous that 100 of 1000's of blacks cross the Woodrow Wilson bridge everyday , when WW condoned the KKK and watched a movie about them in the White House.

Articles: The KKK, Hollywood and President Wilson
It's good to see the fascists here crying on each other's shoulders. This little fascist SafeSpace is one of the few places they can do it.

So, fascists, how's your propaganda doing in the real world?

What? You mean even FOX News won't touch it?

Dang. No wonder you're crying.

Did you see the white people pulling down the Confederate monument in Durham? Good times. Go on, call them race traitors. You know you want to. Good thing they were white, of course. If they'd have been black, the police would have opened fire.
It's good to see the fascists here crying on each other's shoulders. This little fascist SafeSpace is one of the few places they can do it.

So, fascists, how's your propaganda doing in the real world?

What? You mean even FOX News won't touch it?

Dang. No wonder you're crying.

Did you see the white people pulling down the Confederate monument in Durham? Good times. Go on, call them race traitors. You know you want to. Good thing they were white, of course. If they'd have been black, the police would have opened fire.

And it was good to see you and your fascists get your asses handed to you on election day.
It's also good to see that you fascists no longer own the street protest. I call on everyday Trump supporters to stay off the streets, and let the alt-left and alt-right duke it out, we don't need any of these people.
By the way, here's how this works folks.

For the entire history of this nation, founders like Washington and Jefferson were viewed as great men, visionairies, that stood above others in their greatness. Washington could even had declared himself 'king' and a line of royalty would have begun. Many in the country would have gone along with it.

But let us move on.

What you will see happen is this. Just like in decades past, there will continue to be those that will teach the founders greatness, although there have been many years now where this is no longer taught.

Alt-left studenrs more and more will complain that those like Washington and Jefferson should not be viewed as anything other than evil slave owners. They will say how offensive it is to them that they are viewed as anything else.
Just like today, politicians are afraid to publicly say they are against gay marriage for instance, teachers will become afraid to be associated with anything about Washington and Jefferson other than their evil side that being slave owners.

This will become the stansard curriculum.
Next you will see ordinary Dimocrats disassociate themselves with anything positive about these founders.
These leaders will then proclaim how offensive it is to see public funds being spent to preserve monuments like the Washington Monument or Jefferson Memorial, Mt Rushmore, etc.

Eventually it will be a constant drumbeat throughout the media. In time these monuments will be renamed, re-sculptured, or simply dismantled.

Do not think for a minute this cannot happen.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Told ya:

Pastor Wants Presidents’ Names Removed From Washington, Jackson Parks Over Ties To Slavery

CHICAGO (CBS) — A Chicago pastor has asked the Emanuel administration to remove the names of two presidents who owned slaves from parks on the South Side, saying the city should not honor slave owners in black communities.

A bronze statue of George Washington on horseback stands at the corner of 51st and King Drive, at the northwest entrance to Washington Park.

Pastor Wants Presidents' Names Removed From Washington, Jackson Parks Over Ties To Slavery

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