Other Peoples’ Behaviors That Make You See Red...


Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2017
We’re bound to see a lot of repeated comments, but that’s okay because it’ll give us an idea of how many people find certain of these behaviors irritating.

Here are a couple that have irritated the hell out of me:

1) A guy driving a full-sized pickup nearly crashed into my car in a mall parking lot because he was so engrossed in his cell phone call. Yes, I was more than a little hot about it...

2) Fat-assed people who decide to have long conversations in the center of narrow supermarket lane intersections, as if no one else were in the store.

3) People who feel they have to take their damned dogs into the supermarket with them even though these markets are often crowded and usually have cramped aisles. Then there's the question of hygiene...

Okay, so what things do other people do that bug the hell out of you?
People who, when they see me 50 yards away from the door walking toward it with a walking cain, hold the door open for me making me feel like I have to walk faster.

People who hear something and then repeat it like it's a fact.

People who get mad when you tell them the truth. Example:

Customer: I want you to adjust the bands on my transmission."
Me: "Your transmission doesn't have any band adjustments."
Customer: "Oh I see, you just want to sell an overhaul I don't need!"
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People who have a basket full of groceries in the 15 or less line at the supermarket. Simply step around them.

People on the phone in the check out line as the cashier is ringing up items.*

My wife is the wing person in our car. She has a cell camera ready and the PD's 911 ready to go when she spots someone texting on the highway or in the city.

* At my favorite market, the cashier will move the basket aside, and tells the shopper, "that must be important, so we will do your basket when you are finished," and waves the next customer in line up for service. The store manager handled one customer who complained about it to be "aware of your surroundings and others." I was impressed.
dog owners letting their animals shit on anybody's lawn.

waving another car in & not getting a nod of thanx.

People who have a basket full of groceries in the 15 or less line at the supermarket. Simply step around them.

I point them out in a stentorian, Richard Burton-style voice. Everyone looks. They apologize and go away.
Well, it's a tie, and they both have to do with driving.

1. Those who think that a fucking yellow light means you're supposed to fucking slam on your fucking brakes instead of just fucking going through the fucking intersection.

2. Those who are too fucking meek to go out into the fucking intersection when they're trying to fucking make a left fucking turn, giving up on the fucking attempt when the fucking light turns yellow, sitting there like they're fucking constipated.
dog owners letting their animals shit on anybody's lawn.
Ooooooh, I forgot about that one. That's HUGE.

I live in a neighborhood with loads of dogs (way too many, imo). And loads of irresponsible dog owners.

They feed their damned dogs, then rush them out of their yards for the dog's 'daily' walk. Thus, always leaving the shit in someone else's yard along the way.

People talking or texting while driving

People who make a huge order at a drive-thru and hold up a line of cars because they are too selfish to just go inside and order.
2) Fat-assed people who decide to have long conversations in the center of narrow supermarket lane intersections, as if no one else were in the store.

3) People who feel they have to take their damned dogs into the supermarket with them even though these markets are often crowded and usually have cramped aisles. Then there's the question of hygiene...

Yes, and YES! Everybody thinks they're Paris Hilton now and has to take their stupid pooch everywhere!

While we're on the supermarket scene, somebody leaves their shopping cart in a parking space, especially when a cart corral is so nearby. And don't get me started on the pigs who just leave their fast food trash where they were parked instead of getting their lazy asses to a nearby garbage can.
2) Fat-assed people who decide to have long conversations in the center of narrow supermarket lane intersections, as if no one else were in the store.

3) People who feel they have to take their damned dogs into the supermarket with them even though these markets are often crowded and usually have cramped aisles. Then there's the question of hygiene...

Yes, and YES! Everybody thinks they're Paris Hilton now and has to take their stupid pooch everywhere!

While we're on the supermarket scene, somebody leaves their shopping cart in a parking space, especially when a cart corral is so nearby. And don't get me started on the pigs who just leave their fast food trash where they were parked instead of getting their lazy asses to a nearby garbage can.
Well put. Those are two of the biggest irritations of all, as far as I'm concerned.

Saw a woman at Albertson's two weeks ago, from the rear it looked like she was pushing her babies around. When I was next to her I saw that the woman had a wide baby carriage with three fucking mutts in it. Am I the only one who thinks these people are nuts?
Well, it's a tie, and they both have to do with driving.

1. Those who think that a fucking yellow light means you're supposed to fucking slam on your fucking brakes instead of just fucking going through the fucking intersection.

2. Those who are too fucking meek to go out into the fucking intersection when they're trying to fucking make a left fucking turn, giving up on the fucking attempt when the fucking light turns yellow, sitting there like they're fucking constipated.
You have turning issues. Fucking bad ones I'd say.
Left lane huggers that barely do the limit, forcing traffic around their slow ass because they believe they have to control others speed.
Idiots that don't understand how to accelerate on a freeway entrance ramp.
Asshole neighbors that let their dogs run loose. Some of the most inconsiderate people are dog owners.
Well, it's a tie, and they both have to do with driving. 1. Those who think that a fucking yellow light means you're supposed to fucking slam on your fucking brakes instead of just fucking going through the fucking intersection. 2. Those who are too fucking meek to go out into the fucking intersection when they're trying to fucking make a left fucking turn, giving up on the fucking attempt when the fucking light turns yellow, sitting there like they're fucking constipated..
You have turning issues. Fucking bad ones I'd say.

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