Ouch! Private Payrolls Growth Tumbles

The Democrats did pass some Trade Debacle relief for Farmers last Spring, which kicked in as checks in the mail last month: Pumping The Nunes Family bank accounts, and exploding the Family Deficits nationwide that have to pay for it. Mostly, in Trump/US Senate GOP: People can't spend what they clearly don't have.

ADP Employment Reports Home

Corruption is visible even showing up in the rich overspending over the recent holiday, now ended.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Hymns of Praise for Matthew 24: 14-30, to be able to be recorded of the Clergy, and by whatever Republicans calls Moslems, Chinamen, and their Good Friends North Koreans! What Moses started was subjugation, All the Arts of Pharaoh!)

This is great news....does this mean that 40 million wetbacks will head home to Mehico?
There aren't that many illegals here. Not even close.

That's like Trump's bullshit claim that real unemployment was 42 percent under Obama.
Yale shocker: 29.5 million illegal immigrants, 3X higher than Census number
Yale study finds U.S. illegal immigrant population ‘substantially larger’ than previous estimates
Thanks for showing your 40 million figure is a lie. Appreciate it.

No...what I showed you is that an ESTIMATE is not accurate and the feds have been lying to us for years and we have no fucking idea of how many of those human cockroaches are here...Here's what I know; they were telling us we had 3 million cockroaches here in south Mexifornia two decades ago when one would still see white folks all over the place...Now, we have entire cities where you'd be hard-pressed to find a single white person or anyone speaking the english language and they tell us we now have 3.5 million cockroaches.
Pull your head from your ass and think once.
Yeah, and five million illegal Mexicans voted in 2016 without a single one of them geniuses getting caught.
Here's Napoleon's army of 680,000 which invaded Russia:


Here's Trump's imaginary army of 5,000,000 illegal voters he can't seem to find:


"I couldn't get to the polls what with all the damned Mexicans in the way!"

The Democrats did pass some Trade Debacle relief for Farmers last Spring, which kicked in as checks in the mail last month: Pumping The Nunes Family bank accounts, and exploding the Family Deficits nationwide that have to pay for it. Mostly, in Trump/US Senate GOP: People can't spend what they clearly don't have.

ADP Employment Reports Home

Corruption is visible even showing up in the rich overspending over the recent holiday, now ended.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Hymns of Praise for Matthew 24: 14-30, to be able to be recorded of the Clergy, and by whatever Republicans calls Moslems, Chinamen, and their Good Friends North Koreans! What Moses started was subjugation, All the Arts of Pharaoh!)

This is great news....does this mean that 40 million wetbacks will head home to Mehico?
There aren't that many illegals here. Not even close.

That's like Trump's bullshit claim that real unemployment was 42 percent under Obama.
Yale shocker: 29.5 million illegal immigrants, 3X higher than Census number
Yale study finds U.S. illegal immigrant population ‘substantially larger’ than previous estimates
Thanks for showing your 40 million figure is a lie. Appreciate it.

That is freaking hysterical, Dewey is so fucking dumb he doesn't even realize the title of his own article proves him wrong. His own link, seriously you just can't make this shit up!
The left rooting for recession and economic suffering thread #213
No one is rooting for a recession, dipshit.

Trump is doing his best to destroy the robust economy he inherited. His fucking stupid far left tariff war is dragging everyone down, and not even his trillion dollar deficits can save it.

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