Our Allies Consider Biden Adm The Most Disastrous Adm In United States Since 1956.

Surely they must take comfort in President Trump being out of their hair.......

Jeez. When ya get wot ya wants yo' don't want it no-moah!

When was Trump ever really IN their hair? In the video, the guy says that many in the British Parliament actually LIKE DJT.

His policies may not have always been the best for England but at least they understood them.
You Moon Bat shitheads forget (when you are off your TDS meds) that The Worthless Negro released hundreds of hardcore Taliban leaders from Gitmo included the asshole that is the leader of the Taliban now.

That was fucking stupid of him, wasn't it? You weren't one of these uneducated Moon Bats that voted for The Worthless Negro, were you? Because that would have been really dumb of you, wouldn't you?

Obama released 5 Taliban in exchange for the life of a young American soldier, you ignorant pig.
"Our allies"......I'm afraid to find out who YOUR allies are.
When their orange deity was in office, they didn't give two shits about our allies. They laughed at them.

Now they're all worried about them 'n stuff.

These are not serious people.
Each combat arms soldier took his or her weapon with them. Usually they leave ammo behind for the remaining troops.....but most of the equipment that was left behind was signed over to the Afghan troops....except when Biden abandoned Bagram Airbase. There was no official transfer. They simply left in the middle of the night and cut the power.
They didn't "cut the power" they took the generators.
Sinai idiot.
It was a disaster for everyone who thought they could push us around. The US was and still is the undisputed leader of all our alliances from that point on. Now Biden is risking that role, the result will be chaos as every crackpot tries to make a move.
It was a disaster for everyone who thought they could push us around. The US was and still is the undisputed leader of all our alliances from that point on. Now Biden is risking that role, the result will be chaos as every crackpot tries to make a move.

This claim means Biden is the worst since Eisenhower. Do you believe that crap?
You don’t eat bacon and you dress like an umbrella. Please don’t call others pigs.

You're an idiot.. I eat pork and drink wine. Its perfectly proper for an Episcopalian. Of course my ancestors were Dutch Reform in 16th century New Amsterdam.
This claim means Biden is the worst since Eisenhower. Do you believe that crap?
Eisenhower wasn't a disaster for the US, in fact he let the world know we will stand by our values, even if it means we have to end an alliance. It's only a valid statement if one is from the countries Ike bitchslapped.

Biden is weak, everyone knows it. Calamity will soon follow.
Eisenhower wasn't a disaster for the US, in fact he let the world know we will stand by our values, even if it means we have to end an alliance. It's only a valid statement if one is from the countries Ike bitchslapped.

Biden is weak, everyone knows it. Calamity will soon follow.

According to this article they think Eisenhower was a terrible president. Do you actually believe this crap?

Eisenhower bitchslapped Israel for Operation Susannah.
Whoever is running this administration for Biden thinks that bold faced lying will convince the American people that this whole afghanistan thing is a smashing success. The left little people might like to continue with that fantasy but your left wing media knows it is a lie. So do we.
Why are you bothered by bold faced lying? Isn’t what you supported the last Administration?
Why are you bothered by bold faced lying? Isn’t what you supported the last Administration?

you saddled this nation with what you falsely charged that President Trump was doing. President ApplesauceBrains is giving it to us. Don't y'all DARE run your mouths about President Trump after what y'all did to this nation November 2020.

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