Our Allies Consider Biden Adm The Most Disastrous Adm In United States Since 1956.

What is the reference to 1956? The British and the French were completely taken in and Eisenhower was furious.
We sided with the Russians and Egytians against our allies in Britan, France, and Israel over the Suez Canal. We were at a low point when it came to foreign relations with the UK. We're quickly reaching that point again by siding with China, Iran, and Russia against our traditional allies. The Communists/Socialists in the Dem Party are destroying foreign relations.
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You mean like this.
y'all didn't have the damn sense to know when you had it good. The left media all over the world and left leaders..they wanted a weak america they could cheat, who'd provide them money and security with no charge. They helped get this MO Ron into the white house and now they're gonna suffer for it too. So will I but maybe i'll take YOUR thinking and as long as it hurts them, i'll be happy with whatever catastrophe befalls me. This man caused the loss of life in our military, american citizens,, christians and our afghani allies. I know that means shit to you because you're a lefty. What you enabled is gonna affect you and i'll wager at some point..you are NOT gonna like it one bit.
Our allies are spelling out we have known since Jan.
This is the worst president and worst administration that they can remember and that he is doing immense damage on the world's stage:

Biden knows what he is doing. he is purposely creating instability so they can get rich.

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We sided with the Russians and Egytians against our allies in Britan, France, and Israel over the Suez Canal. We were at a low point when it came to foreign relations with the UK. We're quickly reaching that point again by siding with China, Iran, and Russia against our traditional allies. The Communists/Socialists in the Dem Party are destroying foreign relations.

The Suez Crisis was caused by Israel's Operation Susannah, a false flag to kill Americans in Cairo.. The Suez Crisis hurt the US consumer .. and caused oil prices to go up.
When their orange deity was in office, they didn't give two shits about our allies. They laughed at them.

Now they're all worried about them 'n stuff.

These are not serious people.
actually folks cared quite a bit…asking that they do their part with NATO funding, and make better fairer trade deals

Trump was getting them to do just that

Xiden on the other hand took a knife and threw it i their back and now they refuse to work with us
When their orange deity was in office, they didn't give two shits about our allies. They laughed at them.

Now they're all worried about them 'n stuff.

These are not serious people.
And being an enlightened anti trumpster you did care about our allies

but that was then

now we have the senile old man that you voted for and its YOUR turn to NOT CARE about our allies?

Ok, we’ve got it
Joe appears to be checking his watch as our fallen are returned to dover.

Oh, noes, he checked his watch?


Man, you guys go out of your way to find things to be offended about.

Let's not forget, Trump called soldiers killed in battle suckers and called POW's "losers".
Trump isn't President you idiot because the Democrats stole the election from the American people.

We have no idea how he would have managed the withdrawal. However, we do know how Potatohead fucked it up. The only thing we know is that Trump was much more competent President than Potatohead.

We know how he handled Covid- Badly.
We know how he handled the economy- Badly
We know how he handled the nationwide riots- Badly.

I doubt he'd have handled this any better.

The most likely scenario... he'd have completed the withdrawal in May like planned, without ordering the Contractors or NGO workers to leave, and we'd have had even more Americans in there when the Taliban toppled the Afghan government with no way to secure the airport.
And being an enlightened anti trumpster you did care about our allies

but that was then

now we have the senile old man that you voted for and its YOUR turn to NOT CARE about our allies?

Ok, we’ve got it

Our allies is not some British nutter screaming about how we refused to keep fighting a war they lost interest in years ago.

If the Europeans are so dedicated to Afghanistan, they should send troops... but they pulled theirs out long before we pulled out ours.
Our allies are spelling out we have known since Jan.
This is the worst president and worst administration that they can remember and that he is doing immense damage on the world's stage:

Remember those days when the Europeans laughed at Trump, made fun of Trump and snickered behind his back..........?

They got what they wanted...now Russia, China and IRan will be setting the foreign policy agendas of those quisling European countries....
We know how he handled Covid- Badly.
We know how he handled the economy- Badly
We know how he handled the nationwide riots- Badly.

I doubt he'd have handled this any better.

The most likely scenario... he'd have completed the withdrawal in May like planned, without ordering the Contractors or NGO workers to leave, and we'd have had even more Americans in there when the Taliban toppled the Afghan government with no way to secure the airport.


Oh.......you're serious?

Trump handled the chinese flu perfectly, it was the democrat governors who killed senior citizens and wrecked their economies to damage his chances at re-election....they did that, not Trump....

The economy was booming before the democrat party ally China released that chinese flu....which was then used by democrat governors to destroy their state economies to damage Trump.

The riots were allowed to run out of control....the blm and antifa democrat party terrorists, because the democrat party governors in charge of those states and the local and state police, supported the violence........as a threat to the U.S. if we re-elected Trump.

Sell your bullshit to biden voters....as we have seen, they are stupid enough to buy it.....
no he actually called him one…it wasn’t just a headline from a propagandist

and nobody is laughing at xiden, harris and the dems admin

Folks are in shock and horror and the disaster and death they have caused…nobody is laughing
Most folks in the know knew this would happen when we left Afghanistan, but many thought an Afghan Army we had trained and equipped would show up to defend their country. What happened?
Our allies are spelling out we have known since Jan.
This is the worst president and worst administration that they can remember and that he is doing immense damage on the world's stage:

I hate to mention it again, but Biden used to be a Statesman. Now he's the puppet of the Communist Party who are recklessly endangering investments in order to claim every damn cent to their manic prosperity that requires a huge slave population loyalty to the state that has no requirements of itself to report to free people. He now knows he screwed up. His fellow liar Adam Schiff has more power than he does, and seems to be in charge of cowardizing the American military by party climbers who goalong with the slaughter of both troops and American citizens. Pelosi is funding the end of America by ignoring everything except how she is going to enrich people who help her obliterate the Constitution, American History, freedom of speech and lawlessness for Party and harsh sanctions against political opponents by controlling everything to the last detail.

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