Our Allies Consider Biden Adm The Most Disastrous Adm In United States Since 1956.

LOL, so Biden is still dealing with Trump's bullshit deal if that is the case.
How so? He tossed that the day he took office. He's still dealing with the war he voted for though. He just didn't follow a exit plan that was working.
How many Americans have died in Afghanistan since 2016? Simple question and there is a number.
far less then died the four years before 2016. Trump did a great job of cleaning up the mess he inherited....Xiden just made it worse.

Just like the border, Covid, the economy, everything
How so? He tossed that the day he took office. He's still dealing with the war he voted for though. He just didn't follow a exit plan that was working.
The blame game has begun over who lost Afghanistan.

The fact is, President Joe Biden and his predecessor, Donald Trump, were both eager to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan and end what Biden referred to in his Aug. 16 speech as “America’s longest war.”

The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal.

And the Trump administration kept to the pact, reducing U.S. troop levels from about 13,000 to 2,500, even though the Taliban continued to attack Afghan government forces and welcomed al-Qaeda terrorists into the Taliban leadership.

Biden delayed the May 1 withdrawal date that he inherited. But ultimately his administration pushed ahead with a plan to withdraw by Aug. 31, despite obvious signs that the Taliban wasn’t complying with the agreement and had a stated goal to create an “Islamic government” in Afghanistan after the U.S. left, even if it meant it had to “continue our war to achieve our goal.”

Biden assured Americans last month that a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan was “not inevitable,” and denied that U.S. intelligence assessed that the Afghan government would likely collapse. But it did — and quickly.
How many died Slies?
I have no idea off hand...all I know is the number went down, and now Xiden just gave us the most deadly day for Americans in nearly decade.

That's what matters. If it makes you feel better then some died five years ago, so be it, but it's not changing the cold hard fact of Xiden's disaster.
The blame game has begun over who lost Afghanistan.

The fact is, President Joe Biden and his predecessor, Donald Trump, were both eager to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan and end what Biden referred to in his Aug. 16 speech as “America’s longest war.”

The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excludedthe Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal.

And the Trump administration kept to the pact, reducing U.S. troop levels from about 13,000 to 2,500, even though the Taliban continued to attack Afghan government forces and welcomed al-Qaeda terrorists into the Taliban leadership.

Biden delayed the May 1 withdrawal date that he inherited. But ultimately his administration pushed ahead with a plan to withdraw by Aug. 31, despite obvious signs that the Taliban wasn’t complying with the agreement and had a stated goal to create an “Islamic government” in Afghanistan after the U.S. left, even if it meant it had to “continue our war to achieve our goal.”

Biden assured Americans last month that a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan was “not inevitable,” and denied that U.S. intelligence assessed that the Afghan government would likely collapse. But it did — and quickly.
nah, there is no game...it's all Xiden
You are the one who is fixed on 2016 not me

i have only commented on the present situation
I don't have no problem pointing out Biden's muck up. In fact I stated it for all to see, unlike you and Slies who have your heads so far up Trump's ass you can tell us what he had for lunch.
Unlike Liberals, I’m going to be consistent. When Bush and Trump were President, it was the cock sucking Left WORRYING what the rest of the world thought of US. The rest of the World owes US. God forbid we have another President that apologizes for US.
Since 1956? What happened in 1956? Maybe they were thinking of timid Harry Truman's handling of the Korean conflict 1951-1953.

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